hey scottie1,
Good to see someone else wanting to take back their life!
You can do this! It's gonna take a lot of honesty on your part. You say you've tried to quit before, well now you have found the site with the TOOLS. It is up to you to use them, daily, you will need them daily to be quit. There is no doubt in my mind or any other quitter here that you will "need" the support.
please read the following link:
ImportantWe quit ONE day at a time. We don't worry about the past as it isn't real. We don't worry about the future cause it isn't here yet. We focus on TODAY, the present, the gift we have each a.m. to POST ROLL, keep our word, get to bed, wake and REPEAT!
It works, cause we are addicted to nictotine and can beat it ONE day at a time. At first it seems like one moment at a time...It does get Waaaaayyyyyyy Better, This I promise YOU!
Welcome aboard to the fight of your life. You will WIN!!! ONE day at a time! 'bang head'