Diary of a Quitman
I was brought up to believe that you only, “Fail when you Quit.” Ironically, in this case, the paradigm shifts 180 degrees because you only, “Succeed when you Quit.” This is the interesting paradox I have been contemplating since 1:17am this morning. Sleep eludes me as I steady myself for what I am sure to be the most terrifying challenge of my lifetime. Like each and every member of this board I have looked at my reflection in the mirror and didn’t like the person staring back at me. All my life, at least as long as I can remember, I have looked at the person in the mirror and lied to myself thinking everything is o.k. while saying things like, “I’m nice enough”, or, “Look at how successful I am”, or, “Look at how pretty my wife is I must be doing all right.” All the while, deep down in that dark place I knew something was wrong. Something was hiding in the shadows that if I could just ignore wasn’t too difficult to handle. If I could just suppress it enough everything else was good enough to make it justifiable. It didn’t matter to me, at least not enough, the shame and guilt associated with being a dipper. Well it matters now and I have made the commitment to myself to quit the running and hiding and man-up and face the demons. Today is my day! Today is the day I start to write the story of the rest of my life. If my story can help one person or make me 1% a better husband I will consider it a wild success. If my story can lift the veil of fear and anxiety facing anyone ready to change their lives I will be forever grateful.
As I sit here writing the introduction to the story of the rest of my life I am overwhelmed with the fear and anxiety of what I am about to go through. How painful will it be? Can I really make it? What if I donÂ’t like the person I find on the other side? Truth be told IÂ’m not sure I can make it but I am sure I am willing to try. IÂ’m going to try and document my journey as best I can so other people may have the benefit of knowing what they can reasonably expect when they commit to changing their lives forever. IÂ’m sure the first 72 to 120 hours will be the toughest so I may post often. After that, God willing, I hope to consistently increase the duration between posts to a point when it may only be daily or weekly. Who knows, one day I may even have the opportunity and be in position to help other people like MikeA or klark did for me last night. Thank you to both of you! I will always remember you two as the first people on this site to reach out to me in my darkest hour.
Finally (I know I’m long winded) I want to briefly introduce myself so other people have a baseline in fighting their own demons. I’m 46 years old. I’ve been dipping for the past twenty nine years. Kodiak is my poison of choice at 2+ tins per day. Along with that charming habit I have bone on bone arthritis in my knees so I take between 4-8 Hydro 10/325’s / 3-4 Benzos drink a bonus 6+ Mountain Dews per day. It’s a miracle I have made it this far and know I need to change for myself, my wife my kids. For the past week I have been tapering the best I can and have selected today as my Quit Date. I’ve made the choice to lay down everything listed above instead of going through this madness again at some later date. My highest calling is that of a Christian. I have an amazing wife whom I adore. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Today, my love, I give myself up freely for you so you may flourish. I want you to know I am honored to call myself your husband.
ItÂ’s 7:45am and IÂ’m about to tear the nicotine patch of my arm and dive into my adventure. I hope this post from my heart doesnÂ’t offend anyone but rather inspires someone to step out over the edge and go for it with me. I read somewhere that everyman dies but few men really ever live. ItÂ’s my choice today to live.
7:57am: Roll Call here I come