You posted roll, and that's the first step to success.
Treat your roll post as a solemn promise to everyone in your quit group, and everyone who posts support. The promise is that you will use no nicotine of any kind for the rest of the day. Then, do the same thing tomorrow and every single day afterward. If you are a man of your word, caving is not an option. Grab some digits from your fellow quitters, and reach out in emergency.
It's no secret that the first several days suck. We don't sugar coat that. We just promise that the days will get better, and that your addiction will become manageable at some point. But, you will never be cured. Why? Because you are an addict, just like I am, and just like everyone else here. We will always be addicts - clean addicts, but just one dip away from slavery to a little can of cat shit. Let me tell you as a former slave - freedom is sweet. KTC, and my daily promise acts as a wall between me and slavery, and I add another brick to that wall every day.