Hello all!
I am new here. My journey started back in 2003, I was anti-chew and smoking my entire life, and I joined a fraternity in fall of 02 to expand my college horzinons. In 2003, I was having a great time at a party with friends and someone I knew offered me a dip of skoal vanilla before it had even been released. At the time, I was in a grand mood because I had just walked the girl of my dreams home and people I had respected had just offered me a welcome into a world I didn't belong. Anyways, I loved it. Skoal Vanilla was the best thing that happened to me that month and I was in love...wiith the girl of course. I didn't chew again. Several months later, all of my friends had moved into a house together and none of us really chewed, but the good ol friend who had introduced us to the vanilla flavor months back continued to bring us sample cans of flavors that had not been released yet(since a fraternity brother workerd for us smokeless) like apple pie and lime. at the time I felt special, but now that I think about it I Wonder how he even lives with himself this day. Although he realizes that his friends have the freedom of choice, they negate this freedom once they taste the awesome power of US smokeless tobacco. It is a power that trumphs the freedoms of any individual in this nation. It is a shame that a country that commits so much money to vaguely protecting those who demand freedom yet blindely turns its back to the corporation that poisons its users in the name of a profit. Yet, when asked, they say, those users have a choice to use our product. Its a shame that such comapnies are allowed to operate. Sorry a little inebriated while writing this I just feel that in a country that demands so much, its consumers are promised so little, when it comes to its general goods including....fast food, meat products, soft drinks, and friendships.
What I don't understand is that how someone who says they are eteranally committed to your friendship and health can underlyingly committ to someone else that they will provie you with a product that will lead to your death. Life....is a bitch, and so are most of your friends.