Hey guys, just woke up this morning after a late night Call of Duty: Black Ops session with the roommates and most of a can of Cope straight, and when I got up I decided today was the day to actually click this site I'd bookmarked a while back. I bookmarked it about the same time I made the New Years Resolution to quit dipping... Whoops.
I'm two months away from turning 22 and been dipping since I was 16 so roughly 6 years I guess. I'm also 3 months from graduating college (go Vols) and now is the time, if I'm ever gonna do it. I know it's tough and it'll be even tougher since two of my roommates dip as much as I do, but this isn't just for me.
This is for my grandpa who died 3 years ago from some combination of liver failure and cancer. He drank, smoked, and chewed for over 50 years and never gave any of it up, even when he couldn't get out of bed his last year. So, this is for you Pap. Just gave my roommate my last unopened can of Cope, gonna finish up some homework and go to class, and live my life from today forward. That's it, I'm done.
Day 1.