I'm a fairly new newbie so I'll let the veterans guide you into all of this...what we do etc.....just those first responses can be rough until you go post roll. Then you get to experience them disect every word of your first posts - that can be brutal too but if you make it thru that gets better too! :D
I'm 34, dipped for 20 years, married, have a 16, 14, and 3 year old and have been quit for 21 days. Your whole feeling awful is only going to get worse - i assure you but it will get better slowly. The only thing that saved my ass besides this internet connection is the fake stuff - I use smokey mountain because it's at walmart and i don't have to pre-order if i run out and am crashing. I feel like its cheating at times but they swear i'm good as long as its no nic.
Try to laugh and let them help take some of the suck out of this. Read, read, read - you will be surprised at everything you can find on here hidden in the bowels of some of the posts. I don't know much but i guess i can say i know about 17 days more than you so let me know if you need anything.