Author Topic: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night  (Read 906 times)

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Offline AppleJack

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2015, 01:14:00 AM »
Quote from: bryan_b13
Quote from: bryan_b13
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: bryan_b13
Quote from: Rawls
Hey Bryan,
Saw you came by at 4:12 yesterday.
How is your quit going?
Are you still clean?

The price to ride this crazy train is Posting roll every morning. It's not hard expecially for someone your age to just do on your phone. I'm 51 and I post everything from my phone.

The way this sight works is by using accountability with the men and women that are also addicts and fighting the same war you are. We do that by making personal promises not to touch nicotine for 24 hours every day, one day at a time.

Learn to post roll today, go here:
There are directions on the main page. It's a select all, cut paste above, add your name kind of thing.
Every body in your group has quit within a date period, and yall will all reach 100 days in July of 2015.

Get in there ASAP, introduce yourself, and post roll.

If you have any questions, just ask.
And or you can send me personal message through the inbox. (top right corner)
I quit with you today.
Hey Rawls,

yeah I was just browsing the site the other day, I need to do the roll call its my mission to do it by tonight. I actually have not had really any cravings I did the first couple days but the horror stories and pictures really aided in my reasoning for quitting. But thanks for wondering how I was doing man there truly are some great people on here. I am being really strong and not touching any form of tobacco or nicotine. I even went drinking last night and I always love dipping while I drink, but I stayed strong and kept it off my mind. Gonna keep fighting!

Thanks again Man!
All talk and no action make you make you the type of guy we're skeptical of.

What's it gonna be?
You can be skeptical all you want. Just because you're posting roll call does not mean you still aren't sneaking around and feeding the addiction. I can post roll everyday and still sneak a pinch every now and then. I do love the roll call idea and I stated that I want to do it because it would be nice to have an obligation to a group of people that are also staying clean from the shit. I am staying clean and visiting the site whenever I have time, and every time I visit it strengthens my decision on why I quit in the first place. You can choose to believe me or not, but your trust in me is not my concern here, my concern here is quitting and staying quit!!!
Roll call has been established AppleJack, thanks for finally making me do it. Easier than I thought.

Piece 'o' cake. It may not seem like much but it's an accountability that you won't get doing it alone. It's about giving your word... It's about keeping your word. And... It's about having someone have your back when/if it gets tough. It's one thing to come here and read... It's a whole different level when you get involved. It's real people here. Real struggles. Real inspiration and motivation. You'll see...

Nice work, man.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline bryan_b13

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2015, 01:09:00 AM »
Quote from: bryan_b13
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: bryan_b13
Quote from: Rawls
Hey Bryan,
Saw you came by at 4:12 yesterday.
How is your quit going?
Are you still clean?

The price to ride this crazy train is Posting roll every morning. It's not hard expecially for someone your age to just do on your phone. I'm 51 and I post everything from my phone.

The way this sight works is by using accountability with the men and women that are also addicts and fighting the same war you are. We do that by making personal promises not to touch nicotine for 24 hours every day, one day at a time.

Learn to post roll today, go here:
There are directions on the main page. It's a select all, cut paste above, add your name kind of thing.
Every body in your group has quit within a date period, and yall will all reach 100 days in July of 2015.

Get in there ASAP, introduce yourself, and post roll.

If you have any questions, just ask.
And or you can send me personal message through the inbox. (top right corner)
I quit with you today.
Hey Rawls,

yeah I was just browsing the site the other day, I need to do the roll call its my mission to do it by tonight. I actually have not had really any cravings I did the first couple days but the horror stories and pictures really aided in my reasoning for quitting. But thanks for wondering how I was doing man there truly are some great people on here. I am being really strong and not touching any form of tobacco or nicotine. I even went drinking last night and I always love dipping while I drink, but I stayed strong and kept it off my mind. Gonna keep fighting!

Thanks again Man!
All talk and no action make you make you the type of guy we're skeptical of.

What's it gonna be?
You can be skeptical all you want. Just because you're posting roll call does not mean you still aren't sneaking around and feeding the addiction. I can post roll everyday and still sneak a pinch every now and then. I do love the roll call idea and I stated that I want to do it because it would be nice to have an obligation to a group of people that are also staying clean from the shit. I am staying clean and visiting the site whenever I have time, and every time I visit it strengthens my decision on why I quit in the first place. You can choose to believe me or not, but your trust in me is not my concern here, my concern here is quitting and staying quit!!!
Roll call has been established AppleJack, thanks for finally making me do it. Easier than I thought.

Offline bryan_b13

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2015, 12:34:00 AM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: bryan_b13
Quote from: Rawls
Hey Bryan,
Saw you came by at 4:12 yesterday.
How is your quit going?
Are you still clean?

The price to ride this crazy train is Posting roll every morning. It's not hard expecially for someone your age to just do on your phone. I'm 51 and I post everything from my phone.

The way this sight works is by using accountability with the men and women that are also addicts and fighting the same war you are. We do that by making personal promises not to touch nicotine for 24 hours every day, one day at a time.

Learn to post roll today, go here:
There are directions on the main page. It's a select all, cut paste above, add your name kind of thing.
Every body in your group has quit within a date period, and yall will all reach 100 days in July of 2015.

Get in there ASAP, introduce yourself, and post roll.

If you have any questions, just ask.
And or you can send me personal message through the inbox. (top right corner)
I quit with you today.
Hey Rawls,

yeah I was just browsing the site the other day, I need to do the roll call its my mission to do it by tonight. I actually have not had really any cravings I did the first couple days but the horror stories and pictures really aided in my reasoning for quitting. But thanks for wondering how I was doing man there truly are some great people on here. I am being really strong and not touching any form of tobacco or nicotine. I even went drinking last night and I always love dipping while I drink, but I stayed strong and kept it off my mind. Gonna keep fighting!

Thanks again Man!
All talk and no action make you make you the type of guy we're skeptical of.

What's it gonna be?
You can be skeptical all you want. Just because you're posting roll call does not mean you still aren't sneaking around and feeding the addiction. I can post roll everyday and still sneak a pinch every now and then. I do love the roll call idea and I stated that I want to do it because it would be nice to have an obligation to a group of people that are also staying clean from the shit. I am staying clean and visiting the site whenever I have time, and every time I visit it strengthens my decision on why I quit in the first place. You can choose to believe me or not, but your trust in me is not my concern here, my concern here is quitting and staying quit!!!

Offline katiebfinn

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2015, 08:48:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: katiebfinn
Once you get your teeth cleaned, it really does help with wanting to kick the nasty habit.

Not. A. Habit.

You're not fighting the right fight until you understand that. Change your mindset or lose the battle.
You're right; it's an addiction, not a habit. Bad word choice on my part.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2015, 08:40:00 PM »
Quote from: katiebfinn
Once you get your teeth cleaned, it really does help with wanting to kick the nasty habit.

Not. A. Habit.

You're not fighting the right fight until you understand that. Change your mindset or lose the battle.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline katiebfinn

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2015, 08:29:00 PM »
I love the fact that you took your dentist's words to heart! I, too, have always been very into keeping my teeth clean. Now, my gums haven't resided too bad, but they have slightly pulled away from my bottom teeth. I hate it! Once you get your teeth cleaned, it really does help with wanting to kick the nasty habit. Why have your teeth cleaned and then pop a dip in? It almost doesn't even make sense. We are all here with you! I'm on Day 3 and I'm loving the freedom!

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2015, 06:54:00 PM »
Quote from: bryan_b13
Quote from: Rawls
Hey Bryan,
Saw you came by at 4:12 yesterday.
How is your quit going?
Are you still clean?

The price to ride this crazy train is Posting roll every morning. It's not hard expecially for someone your age to just do on your phone. I'm 51 and I post everything from my phone.

The way this sight works is by using accountability with the men and women that are also addicts and fighting the same war you are. We do that by making personal promises not to touch nicotine for 24 hours every day, one day at a time.

Learn to post roll today, go here:
There are directions on the main page. It's a select all, cut paste above, add your name kind of thing.
Every body in your group has quit within a date period, and yall will all reach 100 days in July of 2015.

Get in there ASAP, introduce yourself, and post roll.

If you have any questions, just ask.
And or you can send me personal message through the inbox. (top right corner)
I quit with you today.
Hey Rawls,

yeah I was just browsing the site the other day, I need to do the roll call its my mission to do it by tonight. I actually have not had really any cravings I did the first couple days but the horror stories and pictures really aided in my reasoning for quitting. But thanks for wondering how I was doing man there truly are some great people on here. I am being really strong and not touching any form of tobacco or nicotine. I even went drinking last night and I always love dipping while I drink, but I stayed strong and kept it off my mind. Gonna keep fighting!

Thanks again Man!
All talk and no action make you make you the type of guy we're skeptical of.

What's it gonna be?
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline bryan_b13

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2015, 04:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawls
Hey Bryan,
Saw you came by at 4:12 yesterday.
How is your quit going?
Are you still clean?

The price to ride this crazy train is Posting roll every morning. It's not hard expecially for someone your age to just do on your phone. I'm 51 and I post everything from my phone.

The way this sight works is by using accountability with the men and women that are also addicts and fighting the same war you are. We do that by making personal promises not to touch nicotine for 24 hours every day, one day at a time.

Learn to post roll today, go here:
There are directions on the main page. It's a select all, cut paste above, add your name kind of thing.
Every body in your group has quit within a date period, and yall will all reach 100 days in July of 2015.

Get in there ASAP, introduce yourself, and post roll.

If you have any questions, just ask.
And or you can send me personal message through the inbox. (top right corner)
I quit with you today.
Hey Rawls,

yeah I was just browsing the site the other day, I need to do the roll call its my mission to do it by tonight. I actually have not had really any cravings I did the first couple days but the horror stories and pictures really aided in my reasoning for quitting. But thanks for wondering how I was doing man there truly are some great people on here. I am being really strong and not touching any form of tobacco or nicotine. I even went drinking last night and I always love dipping while I drink, but I stayed strong and kept it off my mind. Gonna keep fighting!

Thanks again Man!

Offline Rawls

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2015, 10:34:00 AM »
Hey Bryan,
Saw you came by at 4:12 yesterday.
How is your quit going?
Are you still clean?

The price to ride this crazy train is Posting roll every morning. It's not hard expecially for someone your age to just do on your phone. I'm 51 and I post everything from my phone.

The way this sight works is by using accountability with the men and women that are also addicts and fighting the same war you are. We do that by making personal promises not to touch nicotine for 24 hours every day, one day at a time.

Learn to post roll today, go here:
There are directions on the main page. It's a select all, cut paste above, add your name kind of thing.
Every body in your group has quit within a date period, and yall will all reach 100 days in July of 2015.

Get in there ASAP, introduce yourself, and post roll.

If you have any questions, just ask.
And or you can send me personal message through the inbox. (top right corner)
I quit with you today.
I believe.....

Offline Bean

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2015, 11:16:00 AM »
One Day At A TIME. Post roll, read everything you can and repeat.

Offline bryan_b13

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2015, 03:05:00 PM »
Thanks for the positive words guys, I know I can do this. I actually visited this site during my last quit, but never registered. This time I am way more serious and want to get rid of this ADDICTION. I am looking forward to getting into a quit group when I find the time to learn how this thing works. Been busy with school, work and been hitting the gym hard to keep myself occupied. Thanks again for the kind words guys.

Offline pab1964

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2015, 11:41:00 AM »
Dipped 38 years, 50 years old now, I too wish I could have found this site at 21! Come on we're waiting on you! Got some badass quitters waiting to help! Next moves your's. Anyone can dip but very few can defeat the nic bitch! Can you?
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline jimthins

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2015, 09:06:00 AM »
I too made the effort to quit around 21-22 years old. I am now 27 years old and wasn't a successful quitter until I joined KTC in August 2014. It is tough.... it's not an easy task. But if you commit to this site every single day you will be a quitter like us. You quit for 2+ months already, so you know you can do this. Don't wait to quit. Do it now, and do it one day at a time.

Just like Thumblewort said, there are plenty of members here who wish they made the same decision you are making a long time ago. Don't let that happen. Own your quit. A habit is easy to quit, but you have an addiction. You are addicted to nicotine. The sooner you can accept that, the easier it will be to stay quit.

You got this Bryan. Use this site to fuel you. Don't be afraid to reach out when in need.

JimThins - 249 days. I quit with you

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Re: Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2015, 08:14:00 AM »
Successful quitter learn quickly that this isn't a habit, but an addiction. Once you come to terms with that you can start. Do this the right way at 21 year old, because there are thousands of us in our 40's and 50's that weren't smart enough to quit at 21.

Find the Welcome Center link, read up, and post roll call. Then you'll get the support you need.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline bryan_b13

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Day 4 of my quit - Headaches at night
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:17:00 AM »
So a quick intro, I am now 21 years old, been dipping since I was 15. In high school the habit was off and on and I basically did it when ever it was available. At 18 I was a regular user, not a can a day kind of guy but about 2 cans a week. The addiction kept increasing, and as soon as I knew it I was going through a can every other day. I felt like the only reason I was going through it so quit was because I packed huge lips leaving me with only about 3 pinches a can. In september of 2014 I had quit for 2 and half months, but after a depressing breakup I picked up the habit again. I have very nice teeth and always kept up on them, but after seeing my gums rescind so low that I had open wounds below almost every tooth and the dentist telling me that my bottom teeth were a different shade and were stained, I knew it was time to kick the habit. Now, I am not experiencing cravings yet, but my head is killing me every night since day 2. Feeling fine throughout the day but as soon as I get home from school or work, my head starts hurting. I am pretty sure they will go away soon, but just wanted to share an experience that I am having while making the best decision of my life by quitting this DISGUSTING habit!!!!!! Looking forward to meeting other successful quitters.