My name is Tom and today I finally decided that it was time to quit my nasty habit. I value my health and am doing this not only for myself, but for my wife. We were married less than 6 weeks ago. We are trying to save money, and I'm wasting it away on that shit that makes my breath stink, and overall isn't healthy at all.
Really looking forward to getting some support from you all and providing tips on how to get through this. My first step was buying a pack of gum. Gonna chew two pieces as much as possible to rid the shitty skoal mint.
hey TCASS8,
Just go away and come back when you grow a pair or when you realize that you could have CANCER GROWING in your body because nicotine cannot touch you! 'finger point' 'crackup'
YOu're a very special butterfly, like no other, your breath doesn't stink like cat shit, you can quit anytime cause "you got this". NOT! 'finger point'
Lies, Lies, you're telling yourself.
Get real Mr. TCASS8!!! Wake up before it is too late! Do you really want to be the guy on his death bed wishing you had another few days to live??
Don't QUIT for the dog, the wife, the kids, mommy or daddy, you have to make this a very selfish QUIT, just like your ADDICTION is SELFISH.
Let's go mr. Get quit, use the tools, YOU can KILL the CAN....we're here to help but you have to DECIDE and do this ONE DAY at a time. 'zombie'
Be a man and be QUIT already!!! 'bang head'