Hello everyone.
My username on here is cessna172, but my name is Mike. I'm 19 years old and I'm from Philadelphia, PA but go to flight school in florida. In 2 years I dont know where I will be because im torn between music and flying but either way both will be apart of my life, it is just a matter of which one I will get paid to do and which one i will keep as a hobby. I have been flying since i was 13 and I'm currently at 160 hours in the Cessna 172 g1000 and im working on my commercial pilot's license. I have been playing piano and producing rap/hip hop music for 6 years. Before i started dipping in the summer of 2016, I was already addicted to nicotine for about a year. I vaped a lot (.8 and .6). Last summer, my friends and I were celebrating at my friends apartment (who's from texas and had been dipping since he was 13) and I was peer pressured into putting a dip in, and it all went south from there. Although I used to absolutely love the buzz and feeling, i knew it was wrong. This past December, I had been developing mild acid reflux, and i knew i had to do something. I tried tapering off and it seemed to work well at first until i had a huge project due and said screw it and just put another lip in even though I already had been done for the day. Last night changed my life forever. I went to the gas station to get some Cope Mint, and I came back to my apartment. For WHATEVER reason, I decided to google "how to quit dip". I found this website and started reading it, and immediatly took my unopened can of mint and threw it in the trash can, took the trash bag out and threw it into the dumpster. Nobody said this would be easy, but I am ready. (Day 2)
cowboy (COPENHAGEN) 'Finger'
If anyone would like to know more about me or either one of my passions or even just need a friend to help you get through the fog feel free to comment as well as private message/email or whatever.