Blues! You got this. I'm also a college student, started in high school and worked my way up to over a tin day. Until just under a month ago. I said screw you nicotine. Forget all your lies and false sense of security. This relationship is over no matter how difficult you make it. And you know what? I stuck to it and haven't looked back. I post roll first thing in the morning, I don't let the quit get me too high or too low and when it does get me real low I head on over to KTC and let it out. I keep a tin of Smokey Mountain with me at all times, and I'd recommend you do the same. At first the taste was awful compared to the real deal but now I love the flavor.
Right now you have to start seeing nicotine for what it is, a subtraction. It never made your life better it convinced you it did, but I promise it never did. It didn't make you smarter, or more attractive and it didn't make driving or studying more enjoyable. Make caving a non option and take it 24 hours at a time.
Feel free to PM me if you want to talk or need some advice.