Welcome Matt-- best decision you could ever make is to stop putting that poison in your mouth. For the longest time I thought it enhanced my life, and now I know it just dulled it. Numbed it. I thought it helped me golf better, drive better, work better, etc. -- I must've, because I always did it with those things, right? Let me ask you this- How can a neurotoxin used to keep bugs off the tobacco plant help me do anything better? Did we ever really enjoy dipping or did we like it because we didn't feel the withdrawals of not having it? Ask yourself this. Here at KTC are addicted to the active drug in tobacco, nicotine. We abstain from it every day. We post roll early in the morning before our day starts as a promise to our brothers that we won't use it. Arm yourself with Red Hots or cinnamon candy, seeds, fake stuff like Smokey Mountain (they sell it at most Walmarts) and get strapped in for a wild ride. Cranberry juice works well early on to flush that crap out of your system. We don't try. We don't hope. We quit. Every dang day. (EDD)