I'm 22 days into my quit. I've found several articles on this website that have significantly helped me thus and now I want to dive in completely.
My story, in short, is that I have a 10 year on/off relationship with dip....mostly on. Mostly 1/2 - 1 can per day of Copenhagen. I also for the last several years have a history of hiding it from my family. I'm not proud of that part of my story at all.
My quit started when my grandmother started sending me articles on facebook about mouth cancer. Needless to say, I began reading these articles, looking at pictures, and scaring the shit out of myself. I thought about having not only to tell my family that I was hiding an addiction from them, but also that I had a life altering sickness as a result. I became a basket case almost over night and my quit immediately began at that point.
I've been quit for 22 days as of today! I've been to the dentist multiple times, as every little thing in my mouth that felt "off" scared me to death. The dentist has assured me that everything in my mouth looks fine, but that he's always glad to see someone quit a habit like this before something serious does develop. I'm fighting through the anxiety and sleepless nights right now, and had to go get put on some light meds due to the fact that my brain just couldn't believe/accept that I didn't have mouth cancer and that I wasn't going to die.
This has been a very hard, but very worth while journey. I owe my wife and two kids my health and longevity. Glad to be sharing in this journey alongside all of you!