3. I usually drink about 32 - 48oz of water /day. Do you think I need to step that up?
Dear God yes. I drink at least 120 oz. of water a day. I'm pretty active, so do one or two workouts per day, but still, you should be at least doubling your water consumption not just for quitting's sake, but also for general health sake. At least 64 oz. a day and shoot for closer to 90. It'll be easier the more you get into an exercise routine as well.
Nice Quit you have building here, Kyle. I'm a Bears fan, but I can look past the fact that you like the Pack. We have a common enemy now: NIC.
Your wife will look at you in a new way if you can Honor your Word.. trust me. Find new hobbies to fill all the free time you sat around and chewed- turns out you can play sports just fine without poison dangling out of your lip. Along with read, work, shower, cook, mow, shovel, etc. Your car will smell much better. You don't have to worry about spitting every 5 seconds. I thought I'd never be able to golf without one. I played Friday and it wasn't even a passing thought. But it takes time.
Log everything you feel in here. Unlike Facebook, it is okay and even recommended that you log on this Intro your day to day struggles, victories, symptoms, emotions, etc. Take your rage out on us, and please not on your family or co-workers.. we can take it. You can look back at this Intro someday with fondness at how far you came. PM me if you want extra support/accountability