Author Topic: Day 11  (Read 3064 times)

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Offline Gunner75

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2013, 03:40:00 PM »
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Re: Day 11
« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2012, 01:35:00 PM »
Quote from: DiplessinJax
Quote from: Gunner75
88 days

The lying addict

That's me. Besides my wife and kids, I waited until a few days ago to even say anything about what I call my "recovery" to anyone.

My mother has for the life of her trying to get her boys to quit chewing for God knows how long. Every-time I "tried" to quit in the past, I would always tell my mother I was quitting. Basically lying to her face. Something about the joy that would come over her face hearing that would make me feel like I was a good son.
Then I would fail and show up to her home on Thanksgiving or Christmas with a face full of shit.

I really don't know how many times I did that to her and the rest of my family, but it was enough that I knew damn well no one believed me. Why the hell should they, I was a lying addict.

So I was really reluctant about telling my Mom this time. When I did, I did not tell her I quit. I told her that I had not chewed for X amount of days. Each time I see her I add to that number, but I do not tell her I quit.

I know when I'm in a hurry to post roll in the mornings, I will just post "quit", and I wish I would not do that.
Still makes me feel like a liar to say that word.

I consider a better term for what I am doing as "recovering".

When they throw that last shovel full of dirt on my casket, and I have been true to my word and have not put any chew in my mouth, then they I will consider myself quit.

Sorry to ramble, but that's how it is in Gunner75's Ville.

On a side note and really a much more important note, Please say a prayer for the Children and Staff that lost their lives and their families in Newtown Ct.
What a tragedy.

Still struggling with that, as I am sure many others are as well.
Great post, Gunner. I'll recover with you today. I like the way you put it. I too am a liar and have lied to everyone about trying to quit in the past. I feel quit about where I am in my quit. However, that is only because of guys like you that I have talked to and so many others on this site that keep my focus on not killing myself with that poisen.

I'm sure your mom is very proud to here your number every time you see her.

QLF....or RLF in your case.
Hi Gunner75,

I'm 30isEnuff and I'm an addict of nicotine.
I'll QUIT with you and your recovery TODAY...ONE day at a time!! 'bang head'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #41 on: December 17, 2012, 12:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Gunner75
88 days

The lying addict

That's me. Besides my wife and kids, I waited until a few days ago to even say anything about what I call my "recovery" to anyone.

My mother has for the life of her trying to get her boys to quit chewing for God knows how long. Every-time I "tried" to quit in the past, I would always tell my mother I was quitting. Basically lying to her face. Something about the joy that would come over her face hearing that would make me feel like I was a good son.
Then I would fail and show up to her home on Thanksgiving or Christmas with a face full of shit.

I really don't know how many times I did that to her and the rest of my family, but it was enough that I knew damn well no one believed me. Why the hell should they, I was a lying addict.

So I was really reluctant about telling my Mom this time. When I did, I did not tell her I quit. I told her that I had not chewed for X amount of days. Each time I see her I add to that number, but I do not tell her I quit.

I know when I'm in a hurry to post roll in the mornings, I will just post "quit", and I wish I would not do that.
Still makes me feel like a liar to say that word.

I consider a better term for what I am doing as "recovering".

When they throw that last shovel full of dirt on my casket, and I have been true to my word and have not put any chew in my mouth, then they I will consider myself quit.

Sorry to ramble, but that's how it is in Gunner75's Ville.

On a side note and really a much more important note, Please say a prayer for the Children and Staff that lost their lives and their families in Newtown Ct.
What a tragedy.

Still struggling with that, as I am sure many others are as well.
Great post, Gunner. I'll recover with you today. I like the way you put it. I too am a liar and have lied to everyone about trying to quit in the past. I feel quit about where I am in my quit. However, that is only because of guys like you that I have talked to and so many others on this site that keep my focus on not killing myself with that poisen.

I'm sure your mom is very proud to here your number every time you see her.

QLF....or RLF in your case.
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"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken" - Ricky Bobby
"Time passes. Will you?" - written on the wall of a class room
Stay quit, Bitches!!! - DiplessinJax

Offline Gunner75

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2012, 12:12:00 PM »
88 days

The lying addict

That's me. Besides my wife and kids, I waited until a few days ago to even say anything about what I call my "recovery" to anyone.

My mother has for the life of her trying to get her boys to quit chewing for God knows how long. Every-time I "tried" to quit in the past, I would always tell my mother I was quitting. Basically lying to her face. Something about the joy that would come over her face hearing that would make me feel like I was a good son.
Then I would fail and show up to her home on Thanksgiving or Christmas with a face full of shit.

I really don't know how many times I did that to her and the rest of my family, but it was enough that I knew damn well no one believed me. Why the hell should they, I was a lying addict.

So I was really reluctant about telling my Mom this time. When I did, I did not tell her I quit. I told her that I had not chewed for X amount of days. Each time I see her I add to that number, but I do not tell her I quit.

I know when I'm in a hurry to post roll in the mornings, I will just post "quit", and I wish I would not do that.
Still makes me feel like a liar to say that word.

I consider a better term for what I am doing as "recovering".

When they throw that last shovel full of dirt on my casket, and I have been true to my word and have not put any chew in my mouth, then they I will consider myself quit.

Sorry to ramble, but that's how it is in Gunner75's Ville.

On a side note and really a much more important note, Please say a prayer for the Children and Staff that lost their lives and their families in Newtown Ct.
What a tragedy.

Still struggling with that, as I am sure many others are as well.
Quit: 9-21-12
HOF: 12-29-12
2nd Floor 4-8-13
December Chew Wrecking Crew

"I'm dreamin bout beavers, hey give me 15 more minutes"

-Si Robertson

Offline Gunner75

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2012, 02:06:00 PM »
Day 70 brothas!

Man, I'm FINALLY starting to have some pretty decent days.
Thanks to all of you guys for the support. Diesel, man, appreciate you sharing your similarities with me.

I still deal with some fog daily, I think a lot has to do with the fact I stare at a damn computer screen more than I care to.

Mouth is definitely getting better. Was pretty freaked out there for a while.

Am I out of the woods? Hell no, probably never will be, and I accept that and will continue to do this day by day. Prepping myself for the "doldrums" as it has been described by the veterans, and I'm actually looking forward to another challenge.

My Dad used to chew a can of Copenhagen a day for a LONG time. Was chatting with him the other day about quitting. He hasn't chewed for probably 10 years and still says he still has cravings and could pop one in after a meal real easy.
Whats that tell you about this addiction. She's a MEAN BITCH!!!

Very proud of the fact that my group is about to start sending members to the Hall!!!
Ill be one of the last to make it, but am excited to start seeing some of my December brothers cross that goal.

100 days is a hell of a milestone, and whoever designed this website and laid out the guidelines is a genius. I honestly feel like I am in complete control of my addiction now, and it is because of this site and to all of the awesome vets that keep their foot up the newbies asses.

Its never going to be over ladies, we just have to continue to do as is laid out for us.
It really does suck this easy!

Wake up
Post roll
Keep your promise
Quit: 9-21-12
HOF: 12-29-12
2nd Floor 4-8-13
December Chew Wrecking Crew

"I'm dreamin bout beavers, hey give me 15 more minutes"

-Si Robertson

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2012, 02:40:00 PM »
It will get much better I PROMISE YOU!

Make your quit your lifestyle. Share with others as this will help strenthen and remind you of your quit. If you drink, quit that shit too. Trust me, if you drink and use tobacco you will DIE before your time! I know cause I lost all of my moms side to it. They combine to make accerlerated heart and cancer problems. So, quit that shit and make it your way of life. Celebrate it.

Post roll.
keep your word all day.
Get to sleep.
Wake up and REPEAT!

If i can do it after 30 yrs, 1-2 cans per day, then you can TOO....YOU must DECIDE each a.m. The earlier the better....and YES it does get better. It gets easier to kick the nic bitch in the head and her voice does get much quieter.

It is a victory to be quit through hard work...there is nothing magical or mystical about it....just hard work!

Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Gunner75

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #37 on: November 15, 2012, 11:24:00 AM »
56 days.

Getting stronger everyday. Still think about it daily, but gone through too much shit to go back now.
Long way to go, and I am prepared for the journey. One day at a time.
Still have lots of side effects, but learning to just deal with them and be patient.
This is the first year I can remember trapping and hunting without my daily inventory of supplies including at least 3 full cans of Husky Natural.

I appreciate this site, it is a huge part of my day to day.
Quit: 9-21-12
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"I'm dreamin bout beavers, hey give me 15 more minutes"

-Si Robertson

Offline ShawnB

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2012, 09:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Gunner75
Thanks for the feedback guys. Truly appreciated.

I realize I brought this upon myself by poisoning myself for all these years.
Every so often I think how bad it would suck to have quit and find out its too late, already have cancer.
I'm sure its a little paranoia, and I will make an appointment to put my mind at ease.
Not an expert here but I feel the same way sometimes. Maybe it's the guilt of putting that poison in our mouth for so long.
Why choose to fail when success is an option

Offline Gunner75

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2012, 09:21:00 AM »
Thanks for the feedback guys. Truly appreciated.

I realize I brought this upon myself by poisoning myself for all these years.
Every so often I think how bad it would suck to have quit and find out its too late, already have cancer.
I'm sure its a little paranoia, and I will make an appointment to put my mind at ease.
Quit: 9-21-12
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"I'm dreamin bout beavers, hey give me 15 more minutes"

-Si Robertson

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2012, 04:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Gunner75
Hey guys, day 41 here.

Just wondering if anyone else at this stage is still dealing with or dealt a sore freaking mouth/tongue ?

Canker sores popping up on the tongue constantly, but nothing that stays, just seems like they bounce around.
Today for instance, feels like I bit both freaking cheeks(mouth) hard as fuck and washed it down with a scorching hot cup of coffee and burnt the shit out of the back of my tongue.

Still get extreme dry mouth at night.

Anyone else?

I hate my fucking doctor but may go see what his lazy ass has to say about it.
My mouth was sore for awhile. Seemed like I bit my tounge or my cheek every other day. It was like I took the dip out and my mouth got retarted.

I am sure all of the extra salt and seeds are not helping. If nothing stays longer than a couple of days I would not sweat them. I know I freaked myself out early on so much I was going to the doctor two times a week.

Relax and keep that shit outta your face...


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Re: Day 11
« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2012, 04:56:00 PM »
My mouth is the same way. Sores and such. They never last very long. They heal faster now than they ever have before. My mouth is also dry most of the time. I drink alot of water and chew gum and it seems to help some but it's still dry. I bite my damn lips all the time to. Hurts like hell. If you need anything or just feel like talking just pm me. Im always available.
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2012, 04:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Gunner75
Hey guys, day 41 here.

Just wondering if anyone else at this stage is still dealing with or dealt a sore freaking mouth/tongue ?

Canker sores popping up on the tongue constantly, but nothing that stays, just seems like they bounce around.
Today for instance, feels like I bit both freaking cheeks(mouth) hard as fuck and washed it down with a scorching hot cup of coffee and burnt the shit out of the back of my tongue.

Still get extreme dry mouth at night.

Anyone else?

I hate my fucking doctor but may go see what his lazy ass has to say about it.
Perhaps go to a dentist or ent doc. They could give you some piece of mind.
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2012, 04:43:00 PM »
Some seeds, mints, Smokey Mountain like its going out of style.
I'm sure its due to all the New shit, but it freaks me out at the same time.
Quit: 9-21-12
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"I'm dreamin bout beavers, hey give me 15 more minutes"

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2012, 12:48:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: Gunner75
Hey guys, day 41 here.

Just wondering if anyone else at this stage is still dealing with or dealt a sore freaking mouth/tongue ?

Canker sores popping up on the tongue constantly, but nothing that stays, just seems like they bounce around.
Today for instance, feels like I bit both freaking cheeks(mouth) hard as fuck and washed it down with a scorching hot cup of coffee and burnt the shit out of the back of my tongue.

Still get extreme dry mouth at night.

Anyone else?

I hate my fucking doctor but may go see what his lazy ass has to say about it.
What's in your mouth now? Seeds, gum, etc??? maybe one of those is aggravating? Once I quit dip I seemed to bite my tongue and cheek often.. don't know why but it happens. as long as they go away i wouldn't worry about it. your body is still trying to figure out what's going on. The bitch is just messing with your mind as well. as for dry mouth? water on nightstand.. lol.. stay strong, stay quit, your mouth will feel good in no time..
Seems I bite my lip, cheek, or tongue once a day. So yes my mouth still hurts, good news is that I am slowing down on even the gum so it should slow down as well. Stupid brain still can't figure out nothing needs to be in the piehole 18 hours a day! 'Crazy'
Always keep that glass of water handy!

Offline kana

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Re: Day 11
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2012, 12:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Gunner75
Hey guys, day 41 here.

Just wondering if anyone else at this stage is still dealing with or dealt a sore freaking mouth/tongue ?

Canker sores popping up on the tongue constantly, but nothing that stays, just seems like they bounce around.
Today for instance, feels like I bit both freaking cheeks(mouth) hard as fuck and washed it down with a scorching hot cup of coffee and burnt the shit out of the back of my tongue.

Still get extreme dry mouth at night.

Anyone else?

I hate my fucking doctor but may go see what his lazy ass has to say about it.
What's in your mouth now? Seeds, gum, etc??? maybe one of those is aggravating? Once I quit dip I seemed to bite my tongue and cheek often.. don't know why but it happens. as long as they go away i wouldn't worry about it. your body is still trying to figure out what's going on. The bitch is just messing with your mind as well. as for dry mouth? water on nightstand.. lol.. stay strong, stay quit, your mouth will feel good in no time..
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield