Author Topic: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!  (Read 1385 times)

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Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2014, 12:15:00 AM »
One week down!


Three thousand to go. (ODAAT, OFC)

Thanks, yall. I've gotten some good advice here, and some most excellent distraction from craves, and the beginnings of some relationships I'll not want to fuck up by falling back in the nic pit.

For my fake dip recipe book, coming soon to a Borders near you.
Quote from: Cindy
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: z13lucky
Quote from: Cindy
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: NoMoreCopeBlack
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Vibes
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: Cindy
Quote from: Benjo
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: chipper
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: cpoz421
I know I am only at day 7, but I can tell you from last time, for the first like 2 months I could only have a couple, couldnt feel any sort of drunkeness. Drink very little and whatever/wherever you do your thing, make sure you have your phone handy and your smokey mountain, seeds, gum, whatever the fuck you use because the weekend is gonna suck ass! Let's all text each other a little extra throughout tonight and the upcoming days specifically until we make it until Monday!
Couldnt agree more!!! i was agianst smokey mountain till last night when my second and final beer hit me and damn im thankful for the smokey...saved my always need a back up
I'm sitting here on my day 419 reading the January 15 board with a fat lip of Smokey Mountain. Love it. Some days I hardly use any. Other days more. I don't think I'd be here today without it.
Is there a sub-forum specifically for fake dip? If there is, I can't find it.

Trident is doing alright for me so far, both the Cinnamon and Mint flavors give me a bit of the same bite as dip did, when I put it under my lip. I could definitely go for something that's not gum though. Ideally without sugar as the first ingredient though.

I'm kind of curious about DIYing some tobacco-free dip. Anyone have any experience there?
I have a wide assortment right now but am looking to stop that. Lol. I am currently using Holt herbal chew, which is alfalfa based with honey, peppermint, and cayenne pepper.. Probably my favorite because I can dip it and spit it or I can just swallow it and benefit from the alfalfa itself which is good for you. It's also the most expensive at $5 a can and unless you live in Montana you will have to have it mailed. That being said they get it shipped very fast and shipping is free if you buy a log of 5. I have used smokey mountain, I like the wintergreen pouches, I cannot stand the "snuff" or chew or whatever. It's made from corn silk and being raised on a farm and shucking corn all my life, cutting the ends with the most silk off because they were full of worms, I can't do the corn silk. Lol. Bacc off is ok as far as you need to spit it. It tastes gross. Just gross I don't know how else to explain it and for me the wintergreen is almost unbearable because of the texture is almost like a fine chewing tobacco. The hooch spitfire sounds promising. Again I think will have to order it.
Hah, yeah, as a kid I spent a lot of each summer at my grandparents farm in Indiana, so I get what you're saying about corn silk being unappetizing.

But also, you probably get why I'm hesitant to start buying alfalfa for five bucks an ounce. Does the cayenne give it bite? I could try clover and mint, dried a bit in my oven, and mixed with some cayenne. Probably won't tonight, as it's dark out, but it's on my mind.
Bought a box of regular loose leaf tea and been throwing that in. Honestly not that great but it produces a little spit and it still feels like my good old grizz. Also coffee grinds work just annoying as hell to pack in there.
KTC regularly reviews and has money saving coupon codes here.
I've been looking through those.

But I hadn't noticed Kikit until now. Coconut base... Interesting.
Smokey Mountain texture is fine for me, taste of wintergreen is just like lifesaver, taste of straight is like molasses. Issue with SM is paraben and dyes no good for you. Will try kikit next.
Gathered some clover, raspberry leaves, and peppermint, dried them for a couple minutes in the oven, crumbled them, and ran a knife through them a few times to cut up any remaining stems. Mixed in some loose leaf green tea I have. Added a bunch of chili powder, a bit of clove powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg, a shake of salt, and a tiny bit of stevia sweetener, shook it all up to mix, then added some water so it could be packed a bit.

Found an old can in the back of a drawer and washed it out.

First reaction: Not bad. Proud of myself, hah. Maybe a touch less salt next time, but who doesn't like salt? Main flavor is chili, but the other spices are there too. Don't really taste the mint, maybe I'd have to actually add a little mint oil, maybe I'd have to cut out the other stuff to taste it. But there is a 'field' taste, under the spice, that's pleasant.

Packed pretty solid under my lip, more solidly than the dip I used, actually. Probably been fifteen minutes since I put it in, and it's still tasty. Not inspiring my salivary glands much, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing for me. Good, I suppose. Spit cans aren't attractive.

I'll definitely continue this line of experimentation.
Wow! Look at you go! Now I want to try yours. Lol

Yeah that is nice work. Here are my thoughts. I have tried the following.

SM (Wintergreen and Classic), Mint Snuff, Jakes Mint  Cinamon  and Triumph Mint. Now I was a mint Skoal guy when I chewed. My two favorites are probably the Triumph and Mint Snuff. The triumph must have some cayenne in it and you get a burn after a while which I enjoy, I believe it is primarily mint based but generates better spitability, the problem is they don't share the rest of the ingredients. This one and the SM products make me want to spit the juices out more than the others, which is good and bad. The mint snuff is more "chewie" it is almost like 1/2 gum and 1/2 chew ground up and mixed together. This one I had no problem swallowing and the main sweetener is the same stuff they put in sugar free gum I think, so it might be better. This one was easier to swallow. The snuff and SM seem to be more widely available as well. I purchased them at stores in the Milwaukee area whereas I had to order the jakes and triumph online. The coconut one also intrigues me, if anyone has tried it let me know.

I have said it before but these alternatives have made it so much easier for me to stay quit, I am a little worried I will have a problem "quitting them" but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

One more thing they are all pretty messy (messier than regular chew in my opinion with the exception of the triumph and SM which are about the same.
I'm so pleased with myself, it's making me laugh at myself.

I taste the mint and tea more now, as the more aggressive flavors have bled off some (haven't felt the need to spit, since initially putting it in). The "presence" of my fake dip (that makes sense to you guys, right?) hasn't ever dissipated; it's still right there, and still tasty. Not sure how long it's been, but a while.
I'm proud of you too! That's awesome.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline visamoht

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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2014, 04:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Benjo
as long as I can maintain that mindset.
My 2 cents.
It's not brains that will keep you quit, it's brotherhood.
Embrace the suck.
Stay close, stay strong, stay quit.
Stay close, stay strong, stay quit!
QD - 02.24.08 / HOF - 06.02.08 / COMMA - 11.19.10

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
Day 3: It's going slowly. Reading old stuff here is helping, if you're a vet who's posted Words of Wisdom, thank you. Watching some of Joel Spitzer's Youtube thousand stop-smoking videos is helping.

The line that's now in my sig: "Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life" is from Joel Spitzer's site. Someone here, either directly or indirectly linked me there, and I really like that way of looking at it (and I'm a nerd, so I like the way it's written, too). Not being in control of my life is my #1 reason up there, and every craving is a chance to be in control.

It's not torturous, particularly, as long as I can maintain that mindset. I know why I'm doing this, why I'm saying no when nicotine suggests itself to me again, and again, and again. I have to tell it NO a thousand times without saying Yes once for it to get the message.

I probably can't judge my reactions over the weekend with a clear view yet. I only still had the ecig because it wasn't mine, and because I didn't decide to quit when I did (midnight between Friday and Saturday) until 11:55 PM Friday night.

I didn't keep it to use, not consciously anyways. If I'd really planned a quit, instead of just letting the idea ferment until I finally said "Fuck it, now's a good of time as any" I would have given it back ahead of time. I knew really quitting would involve not using any nicotine including that, and I referred to it as a temptation and a danger.

What I don't know is if I would have given it back or broken first, without you guys. And what I do know is that, even though you made me feel attacked and defensive and defiant, you have helped me get within reach of 0% nicotine in my body.

So, thanks for calling me a dumbass, is what I'm saying.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline bronc

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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2014, 11:10:00 AM »
Quit strong can do this. I'm here if you need it.

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2014, 10:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike_Land
Quote from: Benjo
maybe I'll never entirely be rid of it.
FALSE, FALSE, FUCKING FALSE!!!!!! You will be done with nicotine entirely if you so desire to be. You must have the mindset that you are never going to but that shit in your body ever again.
I didn't mean to say "maybe it's inevitable that I keep using forever". Didn't mean that at all, just meant that I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to entirely kill the voice that tells me "You know what'd make you feel better?"

With awareness that I'm way too early in my quit to get cocky, I can say that yes, I'm done with nicotine. Fuck that stupid, deadly, gross habit; I used way, way, way too long already.

But I'm obviously not done dealing with my addiction. That's what I was trying to get across.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline Mike_Land

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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2014, 10:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Benjo
I was borrowing it to see if using it killed my desire for tobacco. It doesn't, and I'm not going to use it today, because I don't want nicotine in my life. I want to be done with it. I know that's a little ways off, and that maybe I'll never entirely be rid of it.
FALSE, FAlSE, FUCKING FALSE!!!!!! You will be done with nicotine entirely if you so desire to be. You must have the mindset that you are never going to but that shit in your body ever again. If the above quote is how you really feel then you are setting yourself up for failure or giving yourself a wayout if things get to tough.

I used tobacco for 36 years. Two cans a day for 36 years. Sometimes 3 cans depending on what was going on in my life. I never thought I would be able to quit but I did. With a hell of a lot of self resolve and a heaping ton of support from my brothers and sisters from KTC I have been able stomp on the bitches head for 689 days. Almost two years. You can win this battle and you CAN be DONE with nicotine FOREVER!! You have heard it from some of the other guys. Post roll, keep your word and repeat again the next day. One day at a time.

Check your in box for my digits. Call me if you need to.


Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2014, 11:14:00 PM »
Thanks guys. Columbus area here. Love Cincy though, lots of fun to drive in, with all the hills and bridges.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline Landdon

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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2014, 10:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Benjo
Done4Me told me to put an introduction over here, and I haven't yet, so here's what I wrote in my quit group:
Uh, Introduction: Hi. Ben, 35, male, Ohio, USA. Longhorn long cut mint has been my nicotine delivery method of choice for most of the last ten years. Dip was cheaper than the nicotine gum I'd been buying to try to quit smoking. I never did really quit smoking entirely, either; I'd smoke a rolled cig occasionally, but it usually made me feel gross, and it didn't even briefly kill the desire to dip. Dipping made me not want to smoke though.

Well, dipping makes me feel gross enough now too that I've decided to punch tobacco in the face. It's been a while since I quit for any length of time. Maybe I've been pooling my resolve.

I emptied all the tobacco I could find into the toilet. Dusty old cans under my bed got shaken out, the corner of my dresser where I roll cigarettes got cleaned up...and the drawer...and floor...underneath it. Ew. I've got five years sober, and three years before that, I don't underestimate addiction.

And I typed up my reasons for quitting (#1. Fuck Addiction. The only way out is through. Millions have done it, so can you.) And I told my brothers. And I'm here. I've never used a support forum for quitting before.

Chief temptation right now is my ecig. It's not actually mine, it's my sister's, I was borrowing it to see if using it killed my desire for tobacco. It doesn't, and I'm not going to use it today, because I don't want nicotine in my life. I want to be done with it. I know that's a little ways off, and that maybe I'll never entirely be rid of it. Anyways, I can't just trash the ecig, but it's 'put up'. I know that's not safe, but it's not right at hand. I can't absent-mindedly use it.

So that's what my day 1 looks like so far. Eleven hours in, resolutely giving nicotine the finger. Looking forward to going through some shit with you good folks. Pardon my language? Or is that kosher?
Nice Benjo! Fellow Ohioan here. I'm in the Cincy area. Glad you're choosing to keep your face, and tongue. KTC will work for you. It has for me and countless numbers of others, BUT you must follow the program. Just in case you don't know, observe the following:

1. Post roll every single day! This is key, and THE most important part of KTC. It's a promise you make to your quit group, and they in turn to you to say for one day you promise not to use nic. Do it first thing every day. No computer access? See rule 2

2. Get a list of phone numbers from quitters in your group. Two or three quitters who you can text or call should you consider caving, or if you can't post roll. This is your support group. Help them, and let them help you.

Those two keys will deliver you, but you must follow the system. Well, you don't have to follow it, but I can tell you that there are people here who've gone 500 days quit, and then go right back. Why? They stopped posting. They stopped following the program.

Best of luck to you friend. It's not hard to do at all, and I hope to see you in the HOF!

Offline NoMoreCopeBlack

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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2014, 09:14:00 PM »
Glad you are sticking around Benjo.

Offline tshane313

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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2014, 04:13:00 PM »
Glad to have you quit with us. I will pm you my number. pm me yours back so we can help each other out.

BTW - Name's Shane

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2014, 03:54:00 PM »
The ecig is gone now, returned to the sister. She lives quite a few miles away, so it's definitely not an easier option than the gas station now.

It was never an option, or in use, or a trophy, or anything other than something I knew I had to resist until I could return, since I joined the site, and honestly it wasn't hard to resist because I know what I want.

Thanks, AquaLuke, for being the guy to say "No, don't fuck off, stay and quit with us."
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2014, 03:47:00 PM »
Did you get rid of the "juice" for the ecig yet?

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2014, 03:42:00 PM »
Rest of my reasons:
Reasons for Quitting:

1. Fuck addiction. The only way to never need a smoke/dip in an inconvenient time is to deal with withdrawal once and for all.
Millions of people have done it, I can too.

2. Whatever I do next, whoever I meet, I'd rather do it as an ex-smoker. Smoking is not cool.

3. Teeth. Can get them fixed up and whitened and not be embarrassed of
my smile.

4. Lungs/Cardio. I'm getting in shape, right? Continued tobacco use is incongruous with that goal.

5. Skin. Not in a hurry to look even older. Might help restoration.

6. Good influence on [sister who smokes].

7. People love me. Killing myself, however slowly, is a dick move.

8. It's smart.

9. $ saved.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Greetings, Fellow Quitters!
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:41:00 PM »
Done4Me told me to put an introduction over here, and I haven't yet, so here's what I wrote in my quit group:
Uh, Introduction: Hi. Ben, 35, male, Ohio, USA. Longhorn long cut mint has been my nicotine delivery method of choice for most of the last ten years. Dip was cheaper than the nicotine gum I'd been buying to try to quit smoking. I never did really quit smoking entirely, either; I'd smoke a rolled cig occasionally, but it usually made me feel gross, and it didn't even briefly kill the desire to dip. Dipping made me not want to smoke though.

Well, dipping makes me feel gross enough now too that I've decided to punch tobacco in the face. It's been a while since I quit for any length of time. Maybe I've been pooling my resolve.

I emptied all the tobacco I could find into the toilet. Dusty old cans under my bed got shaken out, the corner of my dresser where I roll cigarettes got cleaned up...and the drawer...and floor...underneath it. Ew. I've got five years sober, and three years before that, I don't underestimate addiction.

And I typed up my reasons for quitting (#1. Fuck Addiction. The only way out is through. Millions have done it, so can you.) And I told my brothers. And I'm here. I've never used a support forum for quitting before.

Chief temptation right now is my ecig. It's not actually mine, it's my sister's, I was borrowing it to see if using it killed my desire for tobacco. It doesn't, and I'm not going to use it today, because I don't want nicotine in my life. I want to be done with it. I know that's a little ways off, and that maybe I'll never entirely be rid of it. Anyways, I can't just trash the ecig, but it's 'put up'. I know that's not safe, but it's not right at hand. I can't absent-mindedly use it.

So that's what my day 1 looks like so far. Eleven hours in, resolutely giving nicotine the finger. Looking forward to going through some shit with you good folks. Pardon my language? Or is that kosher?
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.