Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 1469 times)

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2017, 10:49:00 AM »
Quote from: AaronB5
115- Today I Quit, and I f***ing hate Nicotine!
I quit today as well, and I say FUCK nicotine as well!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline AaronB5

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2017, 03:14:00 PM »
115- Today I Quit, and I f***ing hate Nicotine!

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2017, 11:17:00 AM »
Quote from: AaronB5
My name is Aaron (29), today is my first attempt at killing the can.
Throw away that mindset and replace it with, "Today... I Quit".

Own it brother.
We don't try here... we DO. Anything else leaves an option for failure.

Get involved and stay involved... it works.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline AaronB5

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2017, 10:09:00 AM »
Thank y'all

Offline Samrs

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2017, 10:05:00 AM »
Aaron, I really don't have anything to add to what folks have already said, except for a testimonial... when you follow the system here at KTC, it works. Get in the habit of posting roll first thing every morning; exchange numbers with your fellow quitters; get involved with supporting each other, and you will be amazed at how quickly those days pile up behind you. It won't be easy, but it certainly is possibly, and if a 33-year addict like me can quit, I know you can, too.
"We have so much experience here in lying to ourselves and others, that it takes a strong voice to snap ourselves out of it... Be thankful that all these people are willing to be invested in you saving your life." -- drstober
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"The answer isn't more numbers. The answer is build relationships." -- Broccoli-saurus
"ok. now groop hug." -- 'drome
"The rule is WUPP (Wake Up Piss Post) regardless of time or zone, unless you are in the Phantom Zone.  In that case, hit up Jor-El and he can get you on roll." -- S412
My Intro - The Weight of Days - Mall Walking - Workin' it off in the Excercise Group

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2017, 09:57:00 AM »
Welcome Aaron. You've made the right decision, and have found the right place.

What you need to do is find your Quit Group, the August '17 group - here - and make your promise to not use nicotine today. That's it. Then you make the same promise tomorrow. And every tomorrow after that. We quit one day at a time, for 24 hours each time. We make our promise early in the morning, at the start of our day so that using nicotine is off the table for the rest of the day.

It sounds like the strangest thing - making a promise to a group of internet strangers that we don't know. But after a while, you come to know these internet strangers, and you will come to a point where letting them down is the last thing in the world you want to do. The system works if you trust it.

For another level of accountability, exchange contact digits with your brothers in quit. That way you can reach out to someone in a moment of real crisis. You also make yourself available for someone to reach out to in their crisis. They've got your back - you've got theirs.

My digits are available if you ask. Send me a PM - look at the upper right hand corner of your screen.

We quit hard here. After you've made your daily promise, there are no excuses. The tools are available to you to stay quit. A crave only lasts about four minutes. Do whatever it takes to overcome.

Proud to quit with you.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2017, 09:49:00 AM »
Welcome! You've made a great decision - this community can save your life.

If you follow the system here and connect with other quitters, this will be your first, last and only quit.

It won't be easy, but I guarantee you that you can be successful. To tap in here, you need to find your Quit Group. Yours will be August 17 (Aug because that's when you'll cross 100 days). Post your day count and your promise not to use tobacco for 25 hours. Keep that promise and do it again tomorrow morning. It's called "posting roll" and is the foundation of the program here. It's also a requirement for being a part of the community here.

It's an incredibly simple system, but that doesn't make it easy. You'll get the most out of this by connecting with folks in your group and around the site. After you post roll, you're free to post anywhere on the site and there are tons of things here to motivate, educate or distract you, while you go through the tough times ahead.

Reach out if I can help. I was where you are a year ago. I'll happily send my phone number if you need help finding your way around KTC or if you want extra accountability.

Offline AaronB5

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« on: May 09, 2017, 09:40:00 AM »
My name is Aaron (29), today is my first attempt at killing the can. My addiction started around ten years ago. I've read a few post on here, and it encouraged me to see others going through it. I feel like I need this community to succeed. I have never reached out to any support groups. But, I feel a sense of urgency to follow through with this, in hopes I can make a better life for myself and family.
