Author Topic: Starting today...Day 1  (Read 1056 times)

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Offline Buddy Mac

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2012, 08:28:00 AM »
Quote from: klark
Quote from: 30yrAddict
You were here 100 days. You should know better. Think you can get away with an occasional dip? 

Read this

weak shit big.
I pm'ed him asking how he is, he confirmed he caved and said he doesn't want to hear the storm. I offered him help, we will see.
I would rather ride out a storm vs. be locked up and shackled by addiction.

Point being:

Tobacco is evil. When you choose to be in its seductive grasps. Tobacco becomes your god and you do worship her.
I am bowing out. Good luck to everyone in your endeavors. I am on my cell and cant respond if you post on here. Better men than me. Stay strong.
If you want to give up, surrender and hump tobacco, nobody can stop you but this is my sanctuary of quit. For you to disrespect it has me very pissed off!

This isn't a whip it out and compare dicks contest. This is quit and support. You follow it and you don't fail.

1. We don't need your well wishing. You surrendered your quit. Your wishing us success is not really what you want. (Lie and deceived by nicotine) Plus we don't need luck!!!! You have been quit on this site for 103 days and you wish us luck??? Piss up wind!

2. Better men than me. (also a lie) You concede that someone is better than you. I am not better than you but my fight is. I will not surrender to nicotine. NEVER! I hope I die vs. cave. If I cave, I just killed the spirit that broke out of hell.

3. Stay Strong...You don't need to be that strong. You just need to be committed, determined, relentless and keep your word. I was weak many times in my quit. One call, that's all! I had backup and they kicked the living shit out of my nic temptress!. We could all be individually weak but when we are United in our quits, Tobacco can't win! So we don't need to stay strong.

To all quitters that read this. I need to correct some falsehoods and deceptions from this bow out traitor. Let me purify his words so that our sanctuary can be clean.

He surrendered to nicotine! When someone says that they are "bowing out" it is usually said when the greater good would be accomplished. Not true, he surrendered and went back to being shackled. So to make clear. He failed, went back on his word, surrendered and has pledged loyalty to the enemy. He is lost and knows the way back when he is ready. For now, he is an addict and can't be trusted.

As quitters, we never need, want or ask for well wishing and luck from a quitter. That's like Judas wishing the Christians well. "Hey I just turned in your God for some silver, I am out of the apostleship now but best of luck to you and Peter, stay strong!"

We never want a caver to testify anything good about us. It is counter productive and will send a mixed message. A caver swears allegiance to the very evil we fight! We will have enemies when we take a stand. He made a choice of loyalty. I chose to be loyal to quitters and fight tobacco. We can understand a error or mistake. This was a surrender followed with a condescending tone and placating. "you guys are better than me and stay strong?" Horse shit.

Whatever is going on in his life to hump tobacco again I am sure I would have and express empathy for. However in my heart and in his, we all know that tobacco doesn't fix anything. He isn't even coping he is back to excusing.

So lesson learned.

1. You already made a choice. Stick with it, especially since you know it is the right choice. There is no error in quitting tobacco use. Not one! So never second guess that choice. You made it and go forward. No matter what, you are quit men! You can't go back to what it used to be anyway, you know too much about your addiction. Once you know, you can't be ignorant. You are just defiant or surrender to a captor.

2. You can be the weakest piece of shit on this site and still quit. It isn't about being strong, it is about being determined and smart. You have support, when your addicted mind takes over and you start to rationalize, its time to call for back up. I am serious when I say this, call me, I would kick the shit out of the nic bitch any time of the day. Just call or text me. I am sure other quitters will stand toe to toe with you. You will see that our strength is trusting our support and being unified to win our wars.

3. If you cave and want to come back, it is possible. If you surrender and want to remain friends, wake up! We are KTC. We don't sleep with the devil and we wont cover up lies and errors. This is Quit town, not happy valley and not a sandusky playground to be covered up. Hey guys I just opened up a foundation to help kids, so I get to sodomize a few. Can I still have keys to the building and shit? Seriously, we need to take a stand that we are quit and can not be cool or understand a willing caver that has surrendered!

4. If you cave and don't want to quit. Never wish us well. Tell us to fuck off and die! There is a line in the sand. You are quit and on this line or you are a user and on the other-side of the line. We can not mix our ideology and I wont stand for tolerance for caving!

Finally Nicotine, you got one today but you know who you didn't get...Again....Me. I am undefeated with KTC as my coach. 126 to 0. Let's fight tomorrow, you know where I am and I will be here. BITCH!



Great post man. I love reading your stuff. You are an inspirational quitter.. Proud to be quit with you man.....
Buddy Mac

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2012, 08:34:00 PM »
Quote from: klark
Quote from: 30yrAddict
You were here 100 days. You should know better. Think you can get away with an occasional dip? 

Read this

weak shit big.
I pm'ed him asking how he is, he confirmed he caved and said he doesn't want to hear the storm. I offered him help, we will see.
I would rather ride out a storm vs. be locked up and shackled by addiction.

Point being:

Tobacco is evil. When you choose to be in its seductive grasps. Tobacco becomes your god and you do worship her.
I am bowing out. Good luck to everyone in your endeavors. I am on my cell and cant respond if you post on here. Better men than me. Stay strong.
If you want to give up, surrender and hump tobacco, nobody can stop you but this is my sanctuary of quit. For you to disrespect it has me very pissed off!

This isn't a whip it out and compare dicks contest. This is quit and support. You follow it and you don't fail.

1. We don't need your well wishing. You surrendered your quit. Your wishing us success is not really what you want. (Lie and deceived by nicotine) Plus we don't need luck!!!! You have been quit on this site for 103 days and you wish us luck??? Piss up wind!

2. Better men than me. (also a lie) You concede that someone is better than you. I am not better than you but my fight is. I will not surrender to nicotine. NEVER! I hope I die vs. cave. If I cave, I just killed the spirit that broke out of hell.

3. Stay Strong...You don't need to be that strong. You just need to be committed, determined, relentless and keep your word. I was weak many times in my quit. One call, that's all! I had backup and they kicked the living shit out of my nic temptress!. We could all be individually weak but when we are United in our quits, Tobacco can't win! So we don't need to stay strong.

To all quitters that read this. I need to correct some falsehoods and deceptions from this bow out traitor. Let me purify his words so that our sanctuary can be clean.

He surrendered to nicotine! When someone says that they are "bowing out" it is usually said when the greater good would be accomplished. Not true, he surrendered and went back to being shackled. So to make clear. He failed, went back on his word, surrendered and has pledged loyalty to the enemy. He is lost and knows the way back when he is ready. For now, he is an addict and can't be trusted.

As quitters, we never need, want or ask for well wishing and luck from a caver! That's like Judas wishing the Christians well. "Hey I just turned in your God for some silver, I am out of the apostleship now but best of luck to you and Peter, stay strong!"

We never want a caver to testify anything good about us. It is counter productive and will send a mixed message. A caver swears allegiance to the very evil we fight! We will have enemies when we take a stand. He made a choice of loyalty. I chose to be loyal to quitters and fight tobacco. We can understand a error or mistake. This was a surrender followed with a condescending tone and placating. "you guys are better than me and stay strong?" Horse shit.

Whatever is going on in his life to hump tobacco again I am sure I would have and express empathy for. However in my heart and in his, we all know that tobacco doesn't fix anything. He isn't even coping he is back to excusing.

So lesson learned.

1. You already made a choice. Stick with it, especially since you know it is the right choice. There is no error in quitting tobacco use. Not one! So never second guess that choice. You made it and go forward. No matter what, you are quit men! You can't go back to what it used to be anyway, you know too much about your addiction. Once you know, you can't be ignorant. You are just defiant or surrender to a captor.

2. You can be the weakest piece of shit on this site and still quit. It isn't about being strong, it is about being determined and smart. You have support, when your addicted mind takes over and you start to rationalize, its time to call for back up. I am serious when I say this, call me, I would kick the shit out of the nic bitch any time of the day. Just call or text me. I am sure other quitters will stand toe to toe with you. You will see that our strength is trusting our support and being unified to win our wars.

3. If you cave and want to come back, it is possible. If you surrender and want to remain friends, wake up! We are KTC. We don't sleep with the devil and we wont cover up lies and errors. This is Quit town, not happy valley and not a sandusky playground to be covered up. Hey guys I just opened up a foundation to help kids, so I get to sodomize a few. Can I still have keys to the building and shit? Seriously, we need to take a stand that we are quit and can not be cool or understand a willing caver that has surrendered!

4. If you cave and don't want to quit. Never wish us well. Tell us to fuck off and die! There is a line in the sand. You are quit and on this line or you are a user and on the other-side of the line. We can not mix our ideology and I wont stand for tolerance for caving!

Finally Nicotine, you got one today but you know who you didn't get...Again....Me. I am undefeated with KTC as my coach. 126 to 0. Let's fight tomorrow, you know where I am and I will be here. BITCH!

Quit And Be Free

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Offline klark

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2012, 12:44:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
You were here 100 days. You should know better. Think you can get away with an occasional dip?

Read this

weak shit big.
I pm'ed him asking how he is, he confirmed he caved and said he doesn't want to hear the storm. I offered him help, we will see.
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

Unless you bring value onto my 1/2 acre, I don't want to hear it.

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2012, 09:18:00 PM »
You were here 100 days. You should know better. Think you can get away with an occasional dip?

Read this

weak shit big.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2012, 04:38:00 PM »
This is very disheartening and I'm pissed I didn't get a call but there is more to the story! I hope I don't share more than I should! I do want to share this portion of our conversation! We talked about a lot of other thing.
Yeah man. Im just not ready. Some shit happened in my life that i dont care to discuss and im in the mindset of fuck it!!
My conclusion without his conformation that he just isn't ready for the lifetime commitment to quit! He also has had some serious life altering event that lead to (didn't cause) his cave! Even though we quit one day at a time it still is a lifetime commitment and if we start thinking long-term sometimes it's very difficult to put your arms around that concept. My commitment is for a lifetime but I also recognize that it can only be accomplished today, so we need to all remember our quit is for today.

I realized that my plan was in my head but I need to prepare myself better in the event I ever considered a cave!!! I've bumped this quote from Seth In our July quit group. We all need to make sure our plan is solid.
Quote from: Seth
This thread makes me sick. But there's a very important lesson to be learned here. Some of you have hit the hall already, and some of you are close, but that is not the 'end.' I like to think of the first hundred days as the training period. Your quit group is 'above the line,' and it's easy for vets to come in here and help or shake things up. People are pumped about being quit for the first time in their lives for 75 days or 90 days or 100 days etc. But if you don't have a plan for what comes next, you are probably going to end up just like this.

I hope you have all developed some strong relationships with your quit brothers and vets on the site. I can tell you from experience there will come a day where they just might save your life. When your addict brain tells you that you've beaten this, when you think that 'just one' is ok, you need to be able to call/text/email/smoke signal somebody that has been there before to remind you that those are lies. I saw this quote somewhere the other day and I like it tremendously. "We stay quit together, but we cave as individuals." Stay connected and quitting is MUCH easier.

Nobody has ever regretted quitting. Everyone has regretted caving.

Now might be a good time to reflect on your quit plan. If you don't have one, get one. I'll share mine if for some reason one of you doesn't know what I'm talking about.

If I want to cave (well, I'll have already posted roll so it will be off the table, but) I have to do the following. . .

1) If I have net access, get into chat and let whoever is in there know that I'm going to cave.
2) Call my quit brothers Space, Steve S and Copenhaten. Tell them I'm going to cave and get their permission.
3) Call instigator and klark. My quit 'big brothers,' if you will. Tell them I'm going to cave and get their permission.
4) Call Floridaluke and Rustaf, two guys who I've mentored over the years with their quits. Tell them I'm going to cave and get their permission.
5) Go for a run.
6) If I still want to cave, pull out the contract to quit that I keep in my wallet and sign it. Then I'll scan it and post it onto the XNU facebook page (if you don't know what this is, PM me and I'll give you the info. It's basically a super secret, private Facebook page for KTC.)
7) Tell my wife that I love the can more than I love her. Listen to the response.
8) Drive to the local C-store, buy a tin of skoal mint and get back to killing myself

In 735 days, I've never got past step 1. I may not need all of these steps, but I'm an addict. I need to have the structure in place ahead of time or I might be able to convince myself of something that I know is not true. This preparation just might save my life one day.

So gentlemen, prepare your own personal quit plans. If you want to discuss it further, or just want another level of accountability, shoot me a PM and I'll give you my number. I've been watching you guys daily since you all started, and I'm proud of the quitters you're becoming. If I can help in any way, just let me know.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2012, 02:51:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsidz
So stupid, what a waste.

That about sums it up.......

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2012, 10:57:00 AM »
I hope your "reward" dips/can whatever are fucking worth it. Some of the weakest bullshit I've ever heard.

If you're quit, why would you want to have "one" every few months? I don't feel the need to stick other poison in my body every few months as a reward.

So stupid, what a waste.
Quit date 03/24/2012
HOF date 07/01/2012

"The only regret I ever see on this site is from those who fail..." - Sac

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Offline Wt57

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2012, 02:59:00 AM »
Quote from: big
So I have tried to quit before and have made it to the 6 month mark and fell back into the habit.  I am giving this thing a go again and WANT to quit more than anything.  I was directed to this website by a friend and really like it.  Any advice from anyone would be awesome.  I need any support that anyone is willing to offer.  My other friends dip and I am the one that needs to lead the pack and quit first to get them to realize they need to as well.

Quote from: big
I am bowing out. Good luck to everyone in your endeavors. I am on my cell and cant respond if you post on here. Better men than me. Stay strong.
Why would anyone subject their self to 103 days of hell to just bow out and throw the whole thing away???

I don't know the answer to this question. The only reason that is even the slightest bit possible is that you just aren't ready to quit. That desire that you referred to "WANT to quit more than anything" must have been lost somewhere in the past 103 days or it wasn't really there to begin with. I would guess that it is the latter, you really didn't have the desire to quit for good!!
I think back and most everyday for at least 32 yrs. I would have said: "WANT to quit more than anything". BULLSHIT, I wanted the guilt of lying and being out of control of my life to quit. I wanted to continue to dip without guilt!
After fighting for the past 106 days and realizing my dream of being dip free. I now realize the difference between April 1, 2012 and the hundreds of other times I said "WANT to quit more than anything". The other times I only wanted the guilt to leave while I kept dipping! This time I wanted the guilt to be taken away by quitting. I finally realized what the nicotine was doing to my life and I hated everything about it. I don't think that I fully understood the hatred that I had for tobacco when I first flushed the shit but it has grown over time.

My friend bigsidz I was speechless last night when you made the post! Even after our talk I'm speechless about your cave. It makes me sick! Someday you will realize that dipping doesn't make you happy. That took me a very long time to understand and accept, may you wake up to that fact before you grow old. I want to emphasise something we hear often but need to be reminded about from time to time: "I hate the cave not the caver"!

Now to Newbies, my fellow July 2012 pre HOFers and Post HOFers, Vets (all Quitters):
Never ever forget you are addicts!!
Guard your Quit like it is your most prize possession!
We must quit for the right reason, because that is what WE want!
No one can quit for you, You are the captain of your quit! Keep on the straight path.
No one can make you cave, if you cave it is you that put the shit in your mouth!

At times of crisis we need to rally our quits and strengthen one another!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Wt57

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2012, 10:08:00 AM »
Quote from: Cancrusher
Quote from: djr2
Quote from: bigsidz
So I have tried to quit before and have made it to the 6 month mark and fell back into the habit.  I am giving this thing a go again and WANT to quit more than anything.  I was directed to this website by a friend and really like it.  Any advice from anyone would be awesome.  I need any support that anyone is willing to offer.  My other friends dip and I am the one that needs to lead the pack and quit first to get them to realize they need to as well.

Welcome to KTC.. Here we don't use any form of nicotine at all.. We keep each and every quit brother accountable for posting roll call first thing.. We get phone numbers of our quit brothers and holler at them when we're struggling with our quit, when they havent posted their promise yet, or just to have a general chat.. We build friendships here, sure you may never meet them but there is a genuine sense of comradery..

You have control of your actions. No one but you can grab that cancer filled dirt and put it in your gums but you...
Read as much as you can on here, stay close to the site, and contribute when you feel the need..

Most of all, if you need anything at all give me or anyone else a shout out..

djr2 - 60
Sidmeister -

hello friend. Congrats on the best decision you've ever made! I was exactly where you are 677 days ago. Guess what, I too had to go through the pains of Days 1, 2, 3... It CAN be done! Just stay focused, close to this site, and just keep your Word and the rest will fall into place.

As for your dipping friends let me just say that I too had Many friends who Dip, and many that still do, and my success has inspired 2 of them the Quit. I sort of coached them along with my mad KTC skills. It is a great feeling to be the beacon of light to the masses of poor addicted souls. You will know the ways of the Quit now and will be able to share it will all. Just be careful not to let them drag you back. Personally, I had to distance myself from the group for the 1st couple of months.

Welcome to the rest of your life! It's not easy, but it is SOOOO worth it!

P.S. You are NOT "giving this thing another go". You Are Quit. Check the wishy-washy verbiage at the door ;)
Hey guy see ya had a rough weekend, sorry. I go really down yesterday and reading through everyone's intros I got a big lift from mtbiker. After reading his inspiring thoughts I went and looked up try in the dic:

1 : an experimental trial : attempt

This can't be either a experiment or a attempt if we say try we are setting up for failure.
No judgement, PM me if you need to talk.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Cancrusher

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2012, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: djr2
Quote from: bigsidz
So I have tried to quit before and have made it to the 6 month mark and fell back into the habit.  I am giving this thing a go again and WANT to quit more than anything.  I was directed to this website by a friend and really like it.  Any advice from anyone would be awesome.  I need any support that anyone is willing to offer.  My other friends dip and I am the one that needs to lead the pack and quit first to get them to realize they need to as well.

Welcome to KTC.. Here we don't use any form of nicotine at all.. We keep each and every quit brother accountable for posting roll call first thing.. We get phone numbers of our quit brothers and holler at them when we're struggling with our quit, when they havent posted their promise yet, or just to have a general chat.. We build friendships here, sure you may never meet them but there is a genuine sense of comradery..

You have control of your actions. No one but you can grab that cancer filled dirt and put it in your gums but you...
Read as much as you can on here, stay close to the site, and contribute when you feel the need..

Most of all, if you need anything at all give me or anyone else a shout out..

djr2 - 60
Sidmeister -

hello friend. Congrats on the best decision you've ever made! I was exactly where you are 677 days ago. Guess what, I too had to go through the pains of Days 1, 2, 3... It CAN be done! Just stay focused, close to this site, and just keep your Word and the rest will fall into place.

As for your dipping friends let me just say that I too had Many friends who Dip, and many that still do, and my success has inspired 2 of them the Quit. I sort of coached them along with my mad KTC skills. It is a great feeling to be the beacon of light to the masses of poor addicted souls. You will know the ways of the Quit now and will be able to share it will all. Just be careful not to let them drag you back. Personally, I had to distance myself from the group for the 1st couple of months.

Welcome to the rest of your life! It's not easy, but it is SOOOO worth it!

P.S. You are NOT "giving this thing another go". You Are Quit. Check the wishy-washy verbiage at the door ;)
My Day 1 | 5/19/2010


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2012, 09:59:00 AM »
Quote from: bigsidz
So I have tried to quit before and have made it to the 6 month mark and fell back into the habit. I am giving this thing a go again and WANT to quit more than anything. I was directed to this website by a friend and really like it. Any advice from anyone would be awesome. I need any support that anyone is willing to offer. My other friends dip and I am the one that needs to lead the pack and quit first to get them to realize they need to as well.

Welcome to KTC.. Here we don't use any form of nicotine at all.. We keep each and every quit brother accountable for posting roll call first thing.. We get phone numbers of our quit brothers and holler at them when we're struggling with our quit, when they havent posted their promise yet, or just to have a general chat.. We build friendships here, sure you may never meet them but there is a genuine sense of comradery..

You have control of your actions. No one but you can grab that cancer filled dirt and put it in your gums but you...
Read as much as you can on here, stay close to the site, and contribute when you feel the need..

Most of all, if you need anything at all give me or anyone else a shout out..

djr2 - 60
'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
Quit Date: 1-26-2012
HOF Date: 5-4-2012
HOF Speech -Once an addict, always an addict..

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 09:34:00 AM »
Quote from: bigsidz
So I have tried to quit before and have made it to the 6 month mark and fell back into the habit. I am giving this thing a go again and WANT to quit more than anything. I was directed to this website by a friend and really like it. Any advice from anyone would be awesome. I need any support that anyone is willing to offer. My other friends dip and I am the one that needs to lead the pack and quit first to get them to realize they need to as well.

Two things- Nicotine isn't a habit, it is an addiction. And we don't try to quit here at KTC, we do quit. Every single day. Join, post roll in you quit group (I'd assume July). You can quit tobacco right now!
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 01:22:00 AM »
Quote from: bigsidz
So I have tried to quit before and have made it to the 6 month mark and fell back into the habit. I am giving this thing a go again and WANT to quit more than anything. I was directed to this website by a friend and really like it. Any advice from anyone would be awesome. I need any support that anyone is willing to offer. My other friends dip and I am the one that needs to lead the pack and quit first to get them to realize they need to as well.

Bigsidz. Can't offer much since you already heard from waste panel. So welcome to the most difficult week. I hated to go through it. Glad I did because I learned that I never want to repeat. I'm on day 11.

I have friends that talk a good game and want to quit but don't. I also have friends that are hell bent on never quitting. So my advice, you quit for you. No one else. Some will follow and some won't. Don't worry about that.

kTC is where to go to find people with the same goals you have. They will understand the struggles and the victories. Be true to your word, to your quit and you will have strength with resolve that for me was super human.

We are all addicts, your friends won't quit because you did. It may motivate them but they quit when they want to quit. I quit many times for my wife and kids. This is the first quit because I want to be done with this garbage.

Post roll, keep your word, come to the site when you hurt, repeat.

Kick the evil creatures ass!
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Starting today...Day 1
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2012, 11:21:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsidz
So I have tried to quit before and have made it to the 6 month mark and fell back into the habit. I am giving this thing a go again and WANT to quit more than anything. I was directed to this website by a friend and really like it. Any advice from anyone would be awesome. I need any support that anyone is willing to offer. My other friends dip and I am the one that needs to lead the pack and quit first to get them to realize they need to as well.

First off, what you need to understand in this world is the only thing that you can control is your actions. You can't make your friends quit.

Secondly, it is not a habit. You are addicted to nicotine. You are not addicted to the act of dipping. That is a habit.

The physical dependency will take 3-7 days to break in your system. At that point, the poison will have left your body. That is when your brain will begin rewiring itself so that it can function properly without nicotine. You are not cured however. You will be an addict the rest of your life. If you reintroduce the substance into your body, your body remembers and it will revert back much faster than it took to get addicted the first time.

The key here is you can never, ever, ever have nicotine

Here at the KTC, we quit one day at a time. We don't quit forever. We quit for a measly 24 hours. You can quit for 24 hours, can't you?

So here's what I want you to do:

I see you've already posted roll. Roll is your promise that you won't use today. It also tells us that we need to look out for you. We can be angels on your shoulder during this quit. We will support you even when you don't want it or think you need it. Congratulations.

Now that you've posted roll, don't use nicotine today. Do anything in your power not to use. Come here. Mess around. Read. Friend some of your quit brothers. Those guys are going through the same stuff you are. It's amazing how much you have in common with them.

Finally, come back here tomorrow and read this statement again. Follow the instructions and do it all again.

If you need anything, just yell.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline bigsidz

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Starting today...Day 1
« on: March 24, 2012, 10:44:00 PM »
So I have tried to quit before and have made it to the 6 month mark and fell back into the habit. I am giving this thing a go again and WANT to quit more than anything. I was directed to this website by a friend and really like it. Any advice from anyone would be awesome. I need any support that anyone is willing to offer. My other friends dip and I am the one that needs to lead the pack and quit first to get them to realize they need to as well.
