Today was day 8. Today was a day full of stress. As I was trying to work on the car today, I completely lost it in frustration. I got so mad that I began saying things to my brother I regret. I feel awful over it. I didn't know I was really capable of such rage and lack of control. It's a really weird feeling. It seemed today, especially towards the end of the day, that every little problem or impediment that came up was such a big deal. And it swept me so quickly and I react with such stark negativity. It is a bad feeling of negativity. I feel almost like I'm viewing myself in third person, or the way that people that I know (not necessarily family and close friends per se, more just like acquaintances/people I sort of know but not really) view me but in an exaggerated and negative light. It almost for a second feels that there is no hope! I know that is completely dark! I also know that it is completely unreasonable! I know this is me dealing with the withdrawals; dealing with the lack of nicotine and stress of every day life. On the bright side, despite all the intense stress/negative thinking, no part of me is truly contemplating getting a dip. It's almost like as soon as my mind thinks about it, I shut it off, with ease too! That's why I am happy. I might be feeling bad mentally and agitated, but I still feel strong and grounded in my quit. That is a plus.
It can be so hard to describe why exactly you get frustrated. It seems like the second I really try to put it into words why I'm mad/what is stressing me out it just becomes so silly, mundane, and trivial. It's almost like explaining it makes it seem so small and stupid. It seems like such a huge deal at the time. Time has a way of taking time I suppose.
Head is still feeling slightly foggy. Not much at all, but a little. I expected the physical side of this to be done with by day 8 but I guess not. Maybe my psychological state is triggering me to feel physical withdrawals.