Erik, Welcome back brother! I know the feeling , not long ago I was dip free for over a year, one bad day and stop to a gas station for Milk killed it as I too bought a tin.
How great would it be if us as Dippers / Smokers / Vapers could hit a switch and turn it all of only to turn it back later so we can enjoy something we enjoy, be it dipping, smoking, drinking, hell even popping that pill or snorting that line.. I'm glad we can't and Nicotine is a hell of a drug. You fell from the Wagon, but you were smart to hop back on. You can do this, Together we can fight the good fight and win this battle then the war. One Day at a Time Bro, we are here for you! Get it done, the Past is the Past. We begin anew each day! Proud to Quit with you today!