Author Topic: Newbie Here  (Read 964 times)

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2012, 01:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Hojo11
Hello all,  I'm a Newbie to the site...  I just turned 26 on January 29 and I decided myself that it was time to kick the habit of dipping.
Not habit...... addiction. That is the key here. We are all addicts. Dirty, filthy addicts.

Come to grips with that one fact, and you will begin to realize what it takes to win this battle. You gotta fight for it.

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2012, 12:19:00 AM »
Newbie just rolling into Day 4 and I highly recommend you post in the roll call. I really do think that the simple act of telling other addicts that today, you are not gonna dip gives you the tiny bit of extra willpower to succeed.

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2012, 11:10:00 PM »
Hey handjob...go post roll. That's the best way to start your day around here. Best part of waking not spitting in a cup.

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2012, 07:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Hojo11
Hello all, I'm a Newbie to the site... I just turned 26 on January 29 and I decided myself that it was time to kick the habit of dipping.

I am from Ohio, but relocated to Los Angeles about a year ago. I began dipping when I was out hunting at about 16 years old. It turned into a full fledged monster after that. I was a full-fledged half-can-a-day Grizzly Wintergreen chewer. I had to have one when I was driving, playing video games and watching sports. I'm determined to get rid of this.

I'm doing great so far. I had my last dip on my birthday last sunday, and I'm going strong. I'm determined to defeat this stupid habit and move on with a healthier lifestyle.

This website gave me the inspiration that I could defeat this addiction. I come here when I get a craving and just read posts. So everyone, keep going strong, keep posting of all your successes, and I'll post of mine. Maybe I can be an inspiration for others.
Read all you can, post roll in the may group, and let us know if you need anything.
Never quit the motherfucking quit.

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 07:34:00 PM »
Well,get on over to may's quit group and post your promise for today.
Don't wait!

Offline Hojo11

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Newbie Here
« on: February 05, 2012, 01:51:00 PM »
Hello all, I'm a Newbie to the site... I just turned 26 on January 29 and I decided myself that it was time to kick the habit of dipping.

I am from Ohio, but relocated to Los Angeles about a year ago. I began dipping when I was out hunting at about 16 years old. It turned into a full fledged monster after that. I was a full-fledged half-can-a-day Grizzly Wintergreen chewer. I had to have one when I was driving, playing video games and watching sports. I'm determined to get rid of this.

I'm doing great so far. I had my last dip on my birthday last sunday, and I'm going strong. I'm determined to defeat this stupid habit and move on with a healthier lifestyle.

This website gave me the inspiration that I could defeat this addiction. I come here when I get a craving and just read posts. So everyone, keep going strong, keep posting of all your successes, and I'll post of mine. Maybe I can be an inspiration for others.