Author Topic: My momma didn't raise a quitter...  (Read 1535 times)

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Re: My momma didn't raise a quitter...
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2015, 08:34:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: Bagel_Dog
Day 5. Pretty much the same so far, mornings are never bad, I think the little coffee I drink helps. It's usually around 12-5pm it hits the hardest. I do find that my mind wonders a lot, lots of trouble concentrating. I am constantly thinking about what can I do what can I do. It's like my brain is completely confused and lost, it actually doesn't know what to do with the times I would normally be dipping. Why would anyone voluntarily start something that makes you feel this way in the end?
Someone who is uneducated.

Like me and you.

Keep your brain here and in books learning about nicotine and addictions.

Spend your time quitting instead of using. Learn all you can...the truth will set you free.

Its more than just a decision.
It's a New life wrapped in accountability!

Turn your addictive personality into a positive.

I quit with you today.
Rawls 221
Ps...your momma didn't raise a son to die with cancer!
Life is so much better nic free! All this advice you're getting from these badass quitters don't mean a thing if you don't use it! All of this depends directly upon you! Stay strong, own your quit after all it's your life! I quit with you today!
Hey man! Nice to have you here on the site. I think everyone here can relate to the restlessness of quitting early on. What helped me was to exercise when I felt like I had to be doing something to occupy my time. It doesn't even have to be anything too strenuous or serious. You might be amazed at what something as simple as taking a long walk can do to ease that feeling of confusion about what to do. Don't worry, the restlessness will pass. It's just going to take a little time for your brain to understand it doesn't need a mouthful of disgusting carcinogens to be able to perform basic activities and be satisfied.

You'll get there!

Offline pab1964

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Re: My momma didn't raise a quitter...
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2015, 06:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: Bagel_Dog
Day 5. Pretty much the same so far, mornings are never bad, I think the little coffee I drink helps. It's usually around 12-5pm it hits the hardest. I do find that my mind wonders a lot, lots of trouble concentrating. I am constantly thinking about what can I do what can I do. It's like my brain is completely confused and lost, it actually doesn't know what to do with the times I would normally be dipping. Why would anyone voluntarily start something that makes you feel this way in the end?
Someone who is uneducated.

Like me and you.

Keep your brain here and in books learning about nicotine and addictions.

Spend your time quitting instead of using. Learn all you can...the truth will set you free.

Its more than just a decision.
It's a New life wrapped in accountability!

Turn your addictive personality into a positive.

I quit with you today.
Rawls 221
Ps...your momma didn't raise a son to die with cancer!
Life is so much better nic free! All this advice you're getting from these badass quitters don't mean a thing if you don't use it! All of this depends directly upon you! Stay strong, own your quit after all it's your life! I quit with you today!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline Rawls

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Re: My momma didn't raise a quitter...
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2015, 11:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Bagel_Dog
Day 5. Pretty much the same so far, mornings are never bad, I think the little coffee I drink helps. It's usually around 12-5pm it hits the hardest. I do find that my mind wonders a lot, lots of trouble concentrating. I am constantly thinking about what can I do what can I do. It's like my brain is completely confused and lost, it actually doesn't know what to do with the times I would normally be dipping. Why would anyone voluntarily start something that makes you feel this way in the end?
Someone who is uneducated.

Like me and you.

Keep your brain here and in books learning about nicotine and addictions.

Spend your time quitting instead of using. Learn all you can...the truth will set you free.

Its more than just a decision.
It's a New life wrapped in accountability!

Turn your addictive personality into a positive.

I quit with you today.
Rawls 221
Ps...your momma didn't raise a son to die with cancer!
I believe.....

Offline Bagel_Dog

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Re: My momma didn't raise a quitter...
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2015, 09:41:00 AM »
Day 5. Pretty much the same so far, mornings are never bad, I think the little coffee I drink helps. It's usually around 12-5pm it hits the hardest. I do find that my mind wonders a lot, lots of trouble concentrating. I am constantly thinking about what can I do what can I do. It's like my brain is completely confused and lost, it actually doesn't know what to do with the times I would normally be dipping. Why would anyone voluntarily start something that makes you feel this way in the end?
'lift' Stand your ground, find the strength within and battle on! 'biggun'

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Re: My momma didn't raise a quitter...
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2015, 04:43:00 AM »
Congrats. Best thing you can do now is post roll. Get on roll call brother.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: My momma didn't raise a quitter...
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2015, 02:44:00 AM »
Quote from: Bagel_Dog
A phrase I have said many times. Yet I am day four with no nicotine. I say nicotine because in many of my failed "attempts" to quit I ended up smoking and vaping in addition to dipping the same as always. Yet grizzly wintergreen was always my favorite, my grandad dipped grizzly straight (and still does at the ripe old age of 78) and I always had an infatuation with it since I was little. I however did not start until I was a very dedicated volunteer firefighter at the age of 18. I couldn't even legally buy tobacco in my state (Alabama) but who has that ever stopped right?

Eventually my curiosity led to the next 6 1/2 years of consuming around 1/2 a can to 1 1/2 cans a day. I have "quit" many time but never successfully. I always had my reasons but truth be told I've come to realize that deep down I never actually WANTED to, or at least that's what I think, hell maybe I was really addicted after all and I couldn't just quit when I wanted (I know aim not the only one with this mentality).

This times different, I don't really know what's changed but I truly want to kill the can this time. I actually DESIRE to be free of this expensive and disgusting (don't tell me it's not because you're lying ha) addiction! So fast forward until now...

Day 4. Today has by far been the worst! I'm actually entering day 5 as we speak, sometime in the next hour or two I can't remember... Speaking of that I can't remember lots at this point. I am in a complete daze. An almost dreamlike state that at times almost is "buzz" like in its own merit. It is very hard to describe (maybe not to successful quitters). My brain literally feels "ticklish" I can feel it radiating down my sideburn area into my jawline.

Dryness. For the past 3 days my mouth has been dryer than a shamwow in the mohave desert. No matter how many gallons of water I consume it helps not.

Migraine like headaches! Seems to never end but is slowly getting better.

Has anyone else had the urge to stab anyone in the throat? No? Ok, nvm...

On a serious note, panic attacks. Had them before but never thought this would bring them on? Had a few but I just power through them and don't give in.

Cravings! I have had so many for mostly food, it seems that I cannot get full. This is also something I did not expect. Great, now I get to gain 10lbs AND lose my mind. Who's idea was this anyway? Oh yeah, mine.

Complete and utter BOREDOME! What do yall do with all this extra time!? I considered learning a second language, or maybe I'll just lay here and slowly slip into madness.

Triggers. Now this one is tough, I didn't realize how many I had. The biggest being when I am in deep thought or conversation. In fact the urge now it's borderline overwhelming but it shall too pass.

Insomnia...enough said.

I'm slowly losing my train of thought right now. I'll leave it alone for tonight and revisit in the morning. Thank you all for reading and replies, prayers, well wishes, advise, blessings, etc are all more than welcome!


Edit-I was also a pretty regular drinker, and I KNOW that this is my BIGGEST trigger. So I also have eliminated this as well and this may be leading my my panic attacks after some research. I can't really quit one without the other so I decided to let both go for the greater good of my own body.
Dude, this is a great intro! Welcome aboard.

First, and most importantly, things do get better. The side effects you mention... blast it... are all side effects brought on by withdrawals of one of the most addictive and deadly toxins on earth, nicotine. The great news is... you'll never have to relive these again, as this time you are quit. So this pain, as bad as it is, is your friend. Because it is building up some anger at what nicotine has taken from you. Keep posting this stuff in your intro so you can go back and read it later. You'll want to have in writing how bad day 4 was when, soon, you wake up one day and think... dude I feel like a BAMF today and can't believe it... I haven't felt like this since I was 12! Yep, you will have that moment dude.

Next, specifically, the fog... it blows. Nicotine restricts the amount of oxygen that your bloodstream carries, and your brain is now being flooded with the oxygen it deserves to be getting. Sounds whack? It is true. So right now your head is full of air and doesn't know quite what to do. It will pass. It might take some time - it varies with everyone, but this is one of the greatest signs of healing. Again, do your best to remember this, because it is complete bullshit that this substance has taken oxygen away from your brain!

Finally, dude come on here and use this site to journal your quit, and to ask for help. We are all here with a common goal. It seems so hard early on, but the freedom you are gaining cannot even be put into words. If you need anything, this team is all here to help. Send a PM if you need a number for accountability, and be sure to post roll every day with your group as soon as your eyeballs open (September 2015 group). Sounds corny, but it works. 915 days ago I was in your shoes. Today, I am free. And you are too.

Welcome aboard!

Offline Bagel_Dog

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My momma didn't raise a quitter...
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:05:00 AM »
A phrase I have said many times. Yet I am day four with no nicotine. I say nicotine because in many of my failed "attempts" to quit I ended up smoking and vaping in addition to dipping the same as always. Yet grizzly wintergreen was always my favorite, my grandad dipped grizzly straight (and still does at the ripe old age of 78) and I always had an infatuation with it since I was little. I however did not start until I was a very dedicated volunteer firefighter at the age of 18. I couldn't even legally buy tobacco in my state (Alabama) but who has that ever stopped right?

Eventually my curiosity led to the next 6 1/2 years of consuming around 1/2 a can to 1 1/2 cans a day. I have "quit" many time but never successfully. I always had my reasons but truth be told I've come to realize that deep down I never actually WANTED to, or at least that's what I think, hell maybe I was really addicted after all and I couldn't just quit when I wanted (I know aim not the only one with this mentality).

This times different, I don't really know what's changed but I truly want to kill the can this time. I actually DESIRE to be free of this expensive and disgusting (don't tell me it's not because you're lying ha) addiction! So fast forward until now...

Day 4. Today has by far been the worst! I'm actually entering day 5 as we speak, sometime in the next hour or two I can't remember... Speaking of that I can't remember lots at this point. I am in a complete daze. An almost dreamlike state that at times almost is "buzz" like in its own merit. It is very hard to describe (maybe not to successful quitters). My brain literally feels "ticklish" I can feel it radiating down my sideburn area into my jawline.

Dryness. For the past 3 days my mouth has been dryer than a shamwow in the mohave desert. No matter how many gallons of water I consume it helps not.

Migraine like headaches! Seems to never end but is slowly getting better.

Has anyone else had the urge to stab anyone in the throat? No? Ok, nvm...

On a serious note, panic attacks. Had them before but never thought this would bring them on? Had a few but I just power through them and don't give in.

Cravings! I have had so many for mostly food, it seems that I cannot get full. This is also something I did not expect. Great, now I get to gain 10lbs AND lose my mind. Who's idea was this anyway? Oh yeah, mine.

Complete and utter BOREDOME! What do yall do with all this extra time!? I considered learning a second language, or maybe I'll just lay here and slowly slip into madness.

Triggers. Now this one is tough, I didn't realize how many I had. The biggest being when I am in deep thought or conversation. In fact the urge now it's borderline overwhelming but it shall too pass.

Insomnia...enough said.

I'm slowly losing my train of thought right now. I'll leave it alone for tonight and revisit in the morning. Thank you all for reading and replies, prayers, well wishes, advise, blessings, etc are all more than welcome!


Edit-I was also a pretty regular drinker, and I KNOW that this is my BIGGEST trigger. So I also have eliminated this as well and this may be leading my my panic attacks after some research. I can't really quit one without the other so I decided to let both go for the greater good of my own body.
'lift' Stand your ground, find the strength within and battle on! 'biggun'