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Re: ME
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2015, 12:01:00 AM »
If you started dipping at age 12, no doubt, nicotine is part of your very identity. Before my mother died young from emphysema from smoking, she told me that cigarettes were her best friend. Some best friend, huh. I think I'd prefer a mother who gave up her best friend and remained alive to see my 18th birthday. If you give up your best friend 'nicotine' who you have known intimately since age 12, no wonder you feel lost. You have to hang in there to find another best friend. Many people fight the craves by exercise, but since you are a night painter that isn't am easy option for you. You might turn to the non-nicotine dips for a while. Your painting is probably going to suffer for a while. Accept that now. I recommend you get very involved with this site and be the example we all want to follow. Your kid needs a mom who isn't poising herself, who kicks to the curb friends who cause harm.

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Re: ME
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2015, 02:16:00 PM »
So Halli, you hubbs caved, but did you?
I sure hope you stood strong and took my advice to be a good example of a quitter to him.
He'll come around if you stay strong. Sometimes you have to quit like a girl.

Get on here and post roll girl.
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
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Re: ME
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2015, 08:43:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: halligan87
I am a 28 yr old female with a husband and an almost 2 yr old son.. He was a preemie born 2 months early due to preeclampsia ( I had severe high blood pressure). I have been a stay at home mama ever since he was born. I am on day 3 right now, and it is hell..Others must have different symptoms.. I haven't experienced a fog, dizziness or anything like that.. I just have a constant urge to dip, and anger..I started dipping when I was about 12 or 13.. I was hanging with my cousins and brother and a group of their friends on a hay bale and we all got a dip, most of the guys got dizzy and fell off.. Well I got addicted have have been using ever since ( not near as much as most maybe 1- 1.5 cans a week).I used to dip timberwolf wintergreen longcut for a long time. I then switched to grizzly wintergreen longcut. I am weirdly in a greiving process.. I think it was my idenity, I needed it for comfort. I paint at night for income, and after my son was in bed I would get a dip, turn on the tv and paint.. It was my time....It gave me comfort.. now I am lost
Hi there. I am a female addict too. I can feel the emotions you are talking about as I read them. It is hell yes, but, remember this. As long as you keep that crap out of your mouth, you will never have to do today over again! I wanted you to know that you are not alone, these are completely normal feelings, they will pass, and it will get easier. More importantly, congrats on day three! That is just HUGE! The feeling of loss or grieving as you say, is also normal. You truly do not miss it however. It is just a trick that your addict brain is playing to keep your fingers in the tin and your lip packed. You will soon hate nicotine.....and that feels INCREDIBLE!

You are not lost. You just can't think as clearly as you would like to, but that's okay. That will also pass. You are not lost because there are people here that will help you. This is the perfect place to come to get help.

Besides realizing that these feelings are normal, what else do you need help with? Have you posted roll? What are you doing or using to help with the oral fixation?...the craves?.....your anger?

Quittin' like a girl is the best damn thing you will ever do for yourself! I guarantee you will never regret quitting!

Ginet day 588
Just because you're not experiencing fog yet don't mean it want hit you! Get posted up and get a whole lot of badass supporters helping you defeat this shit! I quit with you and will be looking for you on roll! Pay attention to the chick^^^she's badass!
Morning Halligan,

Even after the third day (when the physical symptoms of withdrawal are gone), you're going to have to continue to battle the mental symptoms (you've already mentioned anger and irritability, they're the two big ones but there are others....moodiness, depression, lack of motivation to name a few). Just remember as bad as this sucks, and sometimes it may feel like if you don't have a dip you're going to die, that quitting nicotine has never actually killed anyone. Also make sure you sear this into your memory (how bad the withdrawal is) so you never, EVER want to have to go through it again. A wise quitter once said "the day you forget day one, you lose". I don't want you to be a loser, and neither does anyone else on this site. You got this; just keep pushing forward one day, one hour, one minute at a time!!!

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Re: ME
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2015, 06:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: halligan87
I am a 28 yr old female with a husband and an almost 2 yr old son.. He was a preemie born 2 months early due to preeclampsia ( I had severe high blood pressure). I have been a stay at home mama ever since he was born. I am on day 3 right now, and it is hell..Others must have different symptoms.. I haven't experienced a fog, dizziness or anything like that.. I just have a constant urge to dip, and anger..I started dipping when I was about 12 or 13.. I was hanging with my cousins and brother and a group of their friends on a hay bale and we all got a dip, most of the guys got dizzy and fell off.. Well I got addicted have have been using ever since ( not near as much as most maybe 1- 1.5 cans a week).I used to dip timberwolf wintergreen longcut for a long time. I then switched to grizzly wintergreen longcut. I am weirdly in a greiving process.. I think it was my idenity, I needed it for comfort. I paint at night for income, and after my son was in bed I would get a dip, turn on the tv and paint.. It was my time....It gave me comfort.. now I am lost
Hi there. I am a female addict too. I can feel the emotions you are talking about as I read them. It is hell yes, but, remember this. As long as you keep that crap out of your mouth, you will never have to do today over again! I wanted you to know that you are not alone, these are completely normal feelings, they will pass, and it will get easier. More importantly, congrats on day three! That is just HUGE! The feeling of loss or grieving as you say, is also normal. You truly do not miss it however. It is just a trick that your addict brain is playing to keep your fingers in the tin and your lip packed. You will soon hate nicotine.....and that feels INCREDIBLE!

You are not lost. You just can't think as clearly as you would like to, but that's okay. That will also pass. You are not lost because there are people here that will help you. This is the perfect place to come to get help.

Besides realizing that these feelings are normal, what else do you need help with? Have you posted roll? What are you doing or using to help with the oral fixation?...the craves?.....your anger?

Quittin' like a girl is the best damn thing you will ever do for yourself! I guarantee you will never regret quitting!

Ginet day 588
Just because you're not experiencing fog yet don't mean it want hit you! Get posted up and get a whole lot of badass supporters helping you defeat this shit! I quit with you and will be looking for you on roll! Pay attention to the chick^^^she's badass!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: ME
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2015, 06:27:00 PM »
Quote from: halligan87
I am a 28 yr old female with a husband and an almost 2 yr old son.. He was a preemie born 2 months early due to preeclampsia ( I had severe high blood pressure). I have been a stay at home mama ever since he was born. I am on day 3 right now, and it is hell..Others must have different symptoms.. I haven't experienced a fog, dizziness or anything like that.. I just have a constant urge to dip, and anger..I started dipping when I was about 12 or 13.. I was hanging with my cousins and brother and a group of their friends on a hay bale and we all got a dip, most of the guys got dizzy and fell off.. Well I got addicted have have been using ever since ( not near as much as most maybe 1- 1.5 cans a week).I used to dip timberwolf wintergreen longcut for a long time. I then switched to grizzly wintergreen longcut. I am weirdly in a greiving process.. I think it was my idenity, I needed it for comfort. I paint at night for income, and after my son was in bed I would get a dip, turn on the tv and paint.. It was my time....It gave me comfort.. now I am lost
Hi there. I am a female addict too. I can feel the emotions you are talking about as I read them. It is hell yes, but, remember this. As long as you keep that crap out of your mouth, you will never have to do today over again! I wanted you to know that you are not alone, these are completely normal feelings, they will pass, and it will get easier. More importantly, congrats on day three! That is just HUGE! The feeling of loss or grieving as you say, is also normal. You truly do not miss it however. It is just a trick that your addict brain is playing to keep your fingers in the tin and your lip packed. You will soon hate nicotine.....and that feels INCREDIBLE!

You are not lost. You just can't think as clearly as you would like to, but that's okay. That will also pass. You are not lost because there are people here that will help you. This is the perfect place to come to get help.

Besides realizing that these feelings are normal, what else do you need help with? Have you posted roll? What are you doing or using to help with the oral fixation?...the craves?.....your anger?

Quittin' like a girl is the best damn thing you will ever do for yourself! I guarantee you will never regret quitting!

Ginet day 588
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
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Re: ME
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2015, 06:00:00 PM »
Quote from: halligan87
I am a 28 yr old female with a husband and an almost 2 yr old son.. He was a preemie born 2 months early due to preeclampsia ( I had severe high blood pressure). I have been a stay at home mama ever since he was born. I am on day 3 right now, and it is hell..Others must have different symptoms.. I haven't experienced a fog, dizziness or anything like that.. I just have a constant urge to dip, and anger..I started dipping when I was about 12 or 13.. I was hanging with my cousins and brother and a group of their friends on a hay bale and we all got a dip, most of the guys got dizzy and fell off.. Well I got addicted have have been using ever since ( not near as much as most maybe 1- 1.5 cans a week).I used to dip timberwolf wintergreen longcut for a long time. I then switched to grizzly wintergreen longcut. I am weirdly in a greiving process.. I think it was my idenity, I needed it for comfort. I paint at night for income, and after my son was in bed I would get a dip, turn on the tv and paint.. It was my time....It gave me comfort.. now I am lost
I am glad you decided to be part of this, and making the best decision of your life. Regardless of how much you dipped and what kind, each minute is a victory, and I've noticed you are reading and on live chat. This place makes quitters, and keeps quitters.

As for grieving..I can't say I condone it, and once your craves lighten you will agree. That poison is what made you come here. You are making a life-changing decision, and one that is somewhat changing your identity, according to what you said, for one reason alone: the nicotine in the dip. Grow to hate it. Dispise the dip collection at the store. Preach to friends. Be quit. This is the right place. On Dec 27th at about 4:00 pm I flushed a few cans..I GUARANTEE you I'd be dipping this second if it weren't for this place.
Quit: 7-23-17 at 8:30am.....after a cave

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« on: August 08, 2015, 05:21:00 PM »
I am a 28 yr old female with a husband and an almost 2 yr old son.. He was a preemie born 2 months early due to preeclampsia ( I had severe high blood pressure). I have been a stay at home mama ever since he was born. I am on day 3 right now, and it is hell..Others must have different symptoms.. I haven't experienced a fog, dizziness or anything like that.. I just have a constant urge to dip, and anger..I started dipping when I was about 12 or 13.. I was hanging with my cousins and brother and a group of their friends on a hay bale and we all got a dip, most of the guys got dizzy and fell off.. Well I got addicted have have been using ever since ( not near as much as most maybe 1- 1.5 cans a week).I used to dip timberwolf wintergreen longcut for a long time. I then switched to grizzly wintergreen longcut. I am weirdly in a greiving process.. I think it was my idenity, I needed it for comfort. I paint at night for income, and after my son was in bed I would get a dip, turn on the tv and paint.. It was my time....It gave me comfort.. now I am lost