Author Topic: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll  (Read 3812 times)

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2014, 08:31:00 PM »
Quote from: txtaco1
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: txtaco1
Morning everyone,

My name is Jason and I've been a slave to that nic-bitch for longer than I can remember. Honestly, I believe I was around 12 yrs old when I started using Hawkins. I quickly moved to Copenhagen and can remember dipping in class in Jr. High. At some point in my 20's I quit for about 1.5 yrs. One morning I just woke up and said "I'm done" and got the last dip in a can and quit. It wasn't that hard I recall because I WANTED to quit. One other time in my 20's I quit for my (and still) new wife. It was torture everyday and I only made it maybe 6 mnths.

Somehow in there I switched from cope to Skoal, then to the Redseal in bulk from Sam's. I had always (for almost 20 yrs) bought it one can at a time because every can was my last one but, never was! I haven't really made any real effort other then the daily thoughts of quitting until about a year ago I did a Google search and ran across this website. I recall reading the stories and broke down into tears, went and threw my spit can and snuff away and vowed then and there to quit. Well, about 2 hours later I was on my way to 7/11 for more of that bitch!

I started walking daily and watching what I eat about 2-weeks ago. I decided that there would be no better time to quit than while I'm getting back into shape and watching my weight. I decided that I would get Nic patches and gum to aid me in quitting. I go to Walmart armed with very little knowledge and my HSA card for patches, gum, and fake dip. I come home and was reading thru the site when it started "clicking" that the motto of the site was; NO nicotine AT ALL! So I said F' it I'm in!!!

I'm creeping up on 48 hrs with NO Nicotine, I never opened the gum or patches. Honestly, with this Smokey Mountain I literally was blown away at how I breezed though the 1st 24 hrs. I'm always worried about getting fat when I quit and I used SM just like I would snuff and it kept me from snacking all day. I noticed last night that I had a little trouble sleeping and got up about 5am this morning for a walk. Is it true the 1st 72 hrs is the worst?

I've made up my mind, I'm done, finished, finetto... I didn't want to post roll until I was sure I cold get free, even in the haze I'm starting to see clearly and know I will need some help, but I'm so done. I've wanted to do it for myself for years and I've wanted to do it for my beautiful wife of 14 yrs and my 3.5 yr old boy and 1.5 yr old girl. I spent all day yesterday on the site and the roll still seems pretty elusive to me.

Anyone in or around Dallas?

Thanks gang,

I'm in Temple if that helps.
Hey Bazooka Joe,

My mom and dads parents are both from Temple/Belton, I was born in AUS. We just relocated my dad's folks here from the lake, they lived on the late for 40+ years. so I already know we have that connection. Thanks to everyone that has posted up.

I'm still in utter disbelief how much this site has hurled me into quit. I've wanted it badly and this gave me the umph to get off my ass and do it. Thank you!
There are a few Dallas area folks around.
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Offline txtaco1

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2014, 08:07:00 PM »
Quote from: BazookaJoe
Quote from: txtaco1
Morning everyone,

My name is Jason and I've been a slave to that nic-bitch for longer than I can remember. Honestly, I believe I was around 12 yrs old when I started using Hawkins. I quickly moved to Copenhagen and can remember dipping in class in Jr. High. At some point in my 20's I quit for about 1.5 yrs. One morning I just woke up and said "I'm done" and got the last dip in a can and quit. It wasn't that hard I recall because I WANTED to quit. One other time in my 20's I quit for my (and still) new wife. It was torture everyday and I only made it maybe 6 mnths.

Somehow in there I switched from cope to Skoal, then to the Redseal in bulk from Sam's. I had always (for almost 20 yrs) bought it one can at a time because every can was my last one but, never was! I haven't really made any real effort other then the daily thoughts of quitting until about a year ago I did a Google search and ran across this website. I recall reading the stories and broke down into tears, went and threw my spit can and snuff away and vowed then and there to quit. Well, about 2 hours later I was on my way to 7/11 for more of that bitch!

I started walking daily and watching what I eat about 2-weeks ago. I decided that there would be no better time to quit than while I'm getting back into shape and watching my weight. I decided that I would get Nic patches and gum to aid me in quitting. I go to Walmart armed with very little knowledge and my HSA card for patches, gum, and fake dip. I come home and was reading thru the site when it started "clicking" that the motto of the site was; NO nicotine AT ALL! So I said F' it I'm in!!!

I'm creeping up on 48 hrs with NO Nicotine, I never opened the gum or patches. Honestly, with this Smokey Mountain I literally was blown away at how I breezed though the 1st 24 hrs. I'm always worried about getting fat when I quit and I used SM just like I would snuff and it kept me from snacking all day. I noticed last night that I had a little trouble sleeping and got up about 5am this morning for a walk. Is it true the 1st 72 hrs is the worst?

I've made up my mind, I'm done, finished, finetto... I didn't want to post roll until I was sure I cold get free, even in the haze I'm starting to see clearly and know I will need some help, but I'm so done. I've wanted to do it for myself for years and I've wanted to do it for my beautiful wife of 14 yrs and my 3.5 yr old boy and 1.5 yr old girl. I spent all day yesterday on the site and the roll still seems pretty elusive to me.

Anyone in or around Dallas?

Thanks gang,

I'm in Temple if that helps.
Hey Bazooka Joe,

My mom and dads parents are both from Temple/Belton, I was born in AUS. We just relocated my dad's folks here from the lake, they lived on the late for 40+ years. so I already know we have that connection. Thanks to everyone that has posted up.

I'm still in utter disbelief how much this site has hurled me into quit. I've wanted it badly and this gave me the umph to get off my ass and do it. Thank you!

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2014, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: txtaco1
Morning everyone,

My name is Jason and I've been a slave to that nic-bitch for longer than I can remember. Honestly, I believe I was around 12 yrs old when I started using Hawkins. I quickly moved to Copenhagen and can remember dipping in class in Jr. High. At some point in my 20's I quit for about 1.5 yrs. One morning I just woke up and said "I'm done" and got the last dip in a can and quit. It wasn't that hard I recall because I WANTED to quit. One other time in my 20's I quit for my (and still) new wife. It was torture everyday and I only made it maybe 6 mnths.

Somehow in there I switched from cope to Skoal, then to the Redseal in bulk from Sam's. I had always (for almost 20 yrs) bought it one can at a time because every can was my last one but, never was! I haven't really made any real effort other then the daily thoughts of quitting until about a year ago I did a Google search and ran across this website. I recall reading the stories and broke down into tears, went and threw my spit can and snuff away and vowed then and there to quit. Well, about 2 hours later I was on my way to 7/11 for more of that bitch!

I started walking daily and watching what I eat about 2-weeks ago. I decided that there would be no better time to quit than while I'm getting back into shape and watching my weight. I decided that I would get Nic patches and gum to aid me in quitting. I go to Walmart armed with very little knowledge and my HSA card for patches, gum, and fake dip. I come home and was reading thru the site when it started "clicking" that the motto of the site was; NO nicotine AT ALL! So I said F' it I'm in!!!

I'm creeping up on 48 hrs with NO Nicotine, I never opened the gum or patches. Honestly, with this Smokey Mountain I literally was blown away at how I breezed though the 1st 24 hrs. I'm always worried about getting fat when I quit and I used SM just like I would snuff and it kept me from snacking all day. I noticed last night that I had a little trouble sleeping and got up about 5am this morning for a walk. Is it true the 1st 72 hrs is the worst?

I've made up my mind, I'm done, finished, finetto... I didn't want to post roll until I was sure I cold get free, even in the haze I'm starting to see clearly and know I will need some help, but I'm so done. I've wanted to do it for myself for years and I've wanted to do it for my beautiful wife of 14 yrs and my 3.5 yr old boy and 1.5 yr old girl. I spent all day yesterday on the site and the roll still seems pretty elusive to me.

Anyone in or around Dallas?

Thanks gang,

I'm in Temple if that helps.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2014, 05:56:00 PM »
Way to post you've made a promise; a promise not to use any nicotine today. Tomorrow, when you wake up; go take a piss then go to your computer and post roll. Do this every day. B-lo has been doing this every day for over 500 days, every day. I've done it every day for over 300 and never missed. This simple task, you will learn, will become the foundation of your quit. That promise will help you build accountability and brotherhood within your quit month. Then this will spill over into other brotherhood with other vets, and then to other newbies. In time you will see an entire network of people quitting with you every day and that is all because of posting roll. Don't ever break your word.

Read up my friend, there is much more. As you can see we're already watching you and jumping on your bandwagon of quit.
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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2014, 12:20:00 PM »

We're here to help. I'm here to help.

Ben (on day 8)
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2014, 12:13:00 PM »
Quote from: txtaco1
I posted roll to the Jan 2015 page. I think I got it right.

Thanks B-loMatt for the encouragement. I completely agree that it has to be for me first! It's great that I'll be setting a better example and the wife will like it, but she's not on my ass or anything like that and it's totally my call. No more waiting till the timing is right. I'm DONE!

I hope to become a fixture here!
Don't think, do. Worry about the promise you made today, add what you can today, then repeat. You will have days when you add a great deal here, and you will have days when you post roll. Either way as long as you post roll.
There are no circumstances in which using nicotine will improve the outcome.

My journey. The best part it is not over yet.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2014, 10:07:00 AM »
Keep on grinding. Lots of help here. Make sure you post roll everyday and go on the chat room for additional help.

Offline txtaco1

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2014, 09:58:00 AM »
I posted roll to the Jan 2015 page. I think I got it right.

Thanks B-loMatt for the encouragement. I completely agree that it has to be for me first! It's great that I'll be setting a better example and the wife will like it, but she's not on my ass or anything like that and it's totally my call. No more waiting till the timing is right. I'm DONE!

I hope to become a fixture here!

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2014, 09:48:00 AM »
Jason, great decision to finally quit. You have never quit before; you only took a break. You need to want to be quit for you and you alone! Read everything on KTC. EVERYTHING! Reread what you have read before, and keep going. Start at the welcome center, and move on from there.
If you have made the decision to quit, and are not using the poison (nicotine) anymore, then you should post roll now. Your quit date is the 16th. It is very important that you post roll. Roll is the daily promise that you will be nicotine free all day, and being a man of your word you will keep your promise all day! The first week is a breeze once one accepts their "bad habit" is truly a slavish addiction to a poison that robs one of their health, money, and dignity, and one gets so angry that they won't stand for it anymore. The emotion is hard to sustain long term however, so the key to KTC is building your accountability! The people in your quit group are strangers now, but if you involve yourself daily they will become friends and help you stay quit if you let them. Post roll every day, read KTC and learn the plan, live the plan. The plan works!
PM me if you need anything. Drink lots of h2o. exercise, READ KTC, and do whatever you need to do to keep the poison out of your body. I wish I could tell you the first 3 days are the worst, but it sucked hard for me for the first 3 months... It was so worth it for me though. Today keeping my promise to be quit will be easy. Once I am not on KTC I will not think about the poison much today, and if I do it will be to hate and despise it not to miss it's deadly trappings or to romanticize the slavish control the poison had over me.... Fight for your freedom it is worth it!

Offline txtaco1

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Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« on: October 18, 2014, 08:41:00 AM »
Morning everyone,

My name is Jason and I've been a slave to that nic-bitch for longer than I can remember. Honestly, I believe I was around 12 yrs old when I started using Hawkins. I quickly moved to Copenhagen and can remember dipping in class in Jr. High. At some point in my 20's I quit for about 1.5 yrs. One morning I just woke up and said "I'm done" and got the last dip in a can and quit. It wasn't that hard I recall because I WANTED to quit. One other time in my 20's I quit for my (and still) new wife. It was torture everyday and I only made it maybe 6 mnths.

Somehow in there I switched from cope to Skoal, then to the Redseal in bulk from Sam's. I had always (for almost 20 yrs) bought it one can at a time because every can was my last one but, never was! I haven't really made any real effort other then the daily thoughts of quitting until about a year ago I did a Google search and ran across this website. I recall reading the stories and broke down into tears, went and threw my spit can and snuff away and vowed then and there to quit. Well, about 2 hours later I was on my way to 7/11 for more of that bitch!

I started walking daily and watching what I eat about 2-weeks ago. I decided that there would be no better time to quit than while I'm getting back into shape and watching my weight. I decided that I would get Nic patches and gum to aid me in quitting. I go to Walmart armed with very little knowledge and my HSA card for patches, gum, and fake dip. I come home and was reading thru the site when it started "clicking" that the motto of the site was; NO nicotine AT ALL! So I said F' it I'm in!!!

I'm creeping up on 48 hrs with NO Nicotine, I never opened the gum or patches. Honestly, with this Smokey Mountain I literally was blown away at how I breezed though the 1st 24 hrs. I'm always worried about getting fat when I quit and I used SM just like I would snuff and it kept me from snacking all day. I noticed last night that I had a little trouble sleeping and got up about 5am this morning for a walk. Is it true the 1st 72 hrs is the worst?

I've made up my mind, I'm done, finished, finetto... I didn't want to post roll until I was sure I cold get free, even in the haze I'm starting to see clearly and know I will need some help, but I'm so done. I've wanted to do it for myself for years and I've wanted to do it for my beautiful wife of 14 yrs and my 3.5 yr old boy and 1.5 yr old girl. I spent all day yesterday on the site and the roll still seems pretty elusive to me.

Anyone in or around Dallas?

Thanks gang,