Author Topic: Nick's Quit  (Read 3464 times)

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2016, 12:43:00 PM »
Welcome to KTC. AppleJack has laid down some very solid advice here and I wanted to make sure you "get it"

When you exchange numbers with other quitters from here you weave a network of accountability that is real, no longer an internet post, but someone who can and will call you out via a text of phone call to say "man up" or question your commitment to this.

As you can see this is not easy, and let me say it gets harder too. Have that emergency back-up in case you cannot post roll, text someone else who will for you. Just know that when you do that you ask someone else to trust in you and your word. Trust is earned not given. I look forward to seeing more posts from you, daily.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2016, 11:48:00 AM »
Quote from: granger829
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: granger829
I'd like to thank you all very much for the words of encouragement and the wisdom you gained through your battles. You have forced me to look inward and ask myself "what exactly is it that I want?"

Obviously my addiction (not habit) wants me to pack my lip but me apart from my addiction wants to be free of this. I want to stay strong and continue to resist the urges.

I finally found some smokey mountain last night. It helps me separate the triggers from the addiction. I'm sure everyone is different but for me if I can have a fake chew at a time I would normally have had a real chew it is easier for me to battle the addiction.

I feel surprisingly good this morning. I hope it's not the calm before the storm. I took an OTC sleep-aid last night and I got a great nights sleep. I have been drinking a ton of water as well as I hear that can help.
Man, I'm glad to see you were honest enough with yourself to hear what we were saying, look inside to measure it up, and not get all butthurt about it. We all needed to be yanked out of the addict spiral and it's not easy to admit it or accept it. You're gonna have big ups and big downs... just roll with it because every bit of it puts you in a better place as your Quit develops. This is you healing and tasting freedom... it's badass.
I appreciate it man. I usually struggle with things like this because I am a prideful, stubborn, bull-headed man. I generally don't take advice well but I snooped around and read other people's stories and how they have kicked this addiction and continue to kick this addiction day after day after day. I am the kinda guy that needs to hear things at face value, so the harshness and tough love approach forced me to ask myself if I am in this 100% or not.

It's fairly easy for me to make it through the workday because I stay very busy and have minimal downtime. When I get home is a different story and tonight is the first night I'll be alone because my wife is working 2nd shift today. I am a little anxious to not have my wife to talk to but I have been putting off some minor projects in the garage so I am going to try to keep my mind occupied by getting them done.
Trust me, man... I get it. Like I said, I chewed for 25 years and damn near 2 cans a day for the last 10 of it. There was no time of day I didn't have one in and nothing in my life I did without it.

All day, every day was a trigger.

But... I wanted this. Bad. I had a plan for everything for awhile... things to do and keep me busy and accountable. Plus, I'm a bit twisted and made myself enjoy how awful it was AND that I was winning each day.

Get involved and stay involved... get numbers and create accountability.
Day 1,037 for me and I got here by doing exactly that ^^^.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Ginet

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2016, 11:42:00 AM »
Quote from: granger829
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: granger829
I'd like to thank you all very much for the words of encouragement and the wisdom you gained through your battles. You have forced me to look inward and ask myself "what exactly is it that I want?"

Obviously my addiction (not habit) wants me to pack my lip but me apart from my addiction wants to be free of this. I want to stay strong and continue to resist the urges.

I finally found some smokey mountain last night. It helps me separate the triggers from the addiction. I'm sure everyone is different but for me if I can have a fake chew at a time I would normally have had a real chew it is easier for me to battle the addiction.

I feel surprisingly good this morning. I hope it's not the calm before the storm. I took an OTC sleep-aid last night and I got a great nights sleep. I have been drinking a ton of water as well as I hear that can help.
Man, I'm glad to see you were honest enough with yourself to hear what we were saying, look inside to measure it up, and not get all butthurt about it. We all needed to be yanked out of the addict spiral and it's not easy to admit it or accept it. You're gonna have big ups and big downs... just roll with it because every bit of it puts you in a better place as your Quit develops. This is you healing and tasting freedom... it's badass.
I appreciate it man. I usually struggle with things like this because I am a prideful, stubborn, bull-headed man. I generally don't take advice well but I snooped around and read other people's stories and how they have kicked this addiction and continue to kick this addiction day after day after day. I am the kinda guy that needs to hear things at face value, so the harshness and tough love approach forced me to ask myself if I am in this 100% or not.

It's fairly easy for me to make it through the workday because I stay very busy and have minimal downtime. When I get home is a different story and tonight is the first night I'll be alone because my wife is working 2nd shift today. I am a little anxious to not have my wife to talk to but I have been putting off some minor projects in the garage so I am going to try to keep my mind occupied by getting them done.
Hell yes. I love Wins!!!
Crush today.
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
April 2014 Resolute

Offline granger829

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2016, 11:37:00 AM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: granger829
I'd like to thank you all very much for the words of encouragement and the wisdom you gained through your battles. You have forced me to look inward and ask myself "what exactly is it that I want?"

Obviously my addiction (not habit) wants me to pack my lip but me apart from my addiction wants to be free of this. I want to stay strong and continue to resist the urges.

I finally found some smokey mountain last night. It helps me separate the triggers from the addiction. I'm sure everyone is different but for me if I can have a fake chew at a time I would normally have had a real chew it is easier for me to battle the addiction.

I feel surprisingly good this morning. I hope it's not the calm before the storm. I took an OTC sleep-aid last night and I got a great nights sleep. I have been drinking a ton of water as well as I hear that can help.
Man, I'm glad to see you were honest enough with yourself to hear what we were saying, look inside to measure it up, and not get all butthurt about it. We all needed to be yanked out of the addict spiral and it's not easy to admit it or accept it. You're gonna have big ups and big downs... just roll with it because every bit of it puts you in a better place as your Quit develops. This is you healing and tasting freedom... it's badass.
I appreciate it man. I usually struggle with things like this because I am a prideful, stubborn, bull-headed man. I generally don't take advice well but I snooped around and read other people's stories and how they have kicked this addiction and continue to kick this addiction day after day after day. I am the kinda guy that needs to hear things at face value, so the harshness and tough love approach forced me to ask myself if I am in this 100% or not.

It's fairly easy for me to make it through the workday because I stay very busy and have minimal downtime. When I get home is a different story and tonight is the first night I'll be alone because my wife is working 2nd shift today. I am a little anxious to not have my wife to talk to but I have been putting off some minor projects in the garage so I am going to try to keep my mind occupied by getting them done.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2016, 11:24:00 AM »
Quote from: granger829
I'd like to thank you all very much for the words of encouragement and the wisdom you gained through your battles. You have forced me to look inward and ask myself "what exactly is it that I want?"

Obviously my addiction (not habit) wants me to pack my lip but me apart from my addiction wants to be free of this. I want to stay strong and continue to resist the urges.

I finally found some smokey mountain last night. It helps me separate the triggers from the addiction. I'm sure everyone is different but for me if I can have a fake chew at a time I would normally have had a real chew it is easier for me to battle the addiction.

I feel surprisingly good this morning. I hope it's not the calm before the storm. I took an OTC sleep-aid last night and I got a great nights sleep. I have been drinking a ton of water as well as I hear that can help.
Man, I'm glad to see you were honest enough with yourself to hear what we were saying, look inside to measure it up, and not get all butthurt about it. We all needed to be yanked out of the addict spiral and it's not easy to admit it or accept it. You're gonna have big ups and big downs... just roll with it because every bit of it puts you in a better place as your Quit develops. This is you healing and tasting freedom... it's badass.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2016, 11:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Cope30
Congrats on the quit, we are all addicts here, and here to help you stay quit in anyway we can.
I have found the Smokey Mountain at WalMart believe it or not. Give them a try if you haven't already.
WalMart is like the Nic Bitch she/it is everywhere.
Stay quit my brother
I actually looked at the WalMart closest to my house and they didn't have any and never heard of it. I bought some from a shop n save grocery store last night. I will order some online today since it's hard to find in my area.

I am kind of nervous because I feel really good today. Can't help but feel like it's the calm before another storm.

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2016, 09:51:00 AM »
Congrats on the quit, we are all addicts here, and here to help you stay quit in anyway we can.
I have found the Smokey Mountain at WalMart believe it or not. Give them a try if you haven't already.
WalMart is like the Nic Bitch she/it is everywhere.
Stay quit my brother
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

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Offline granger829

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2016, 09:32:00 AM »
I'd like to thank you all very much for the words of encouragement and the wisdom you gained through your battles. You have forced me to look inward and ask myself "what exactly is it that I want?"

Obviously my addiction (not habit) wants me to pack my lip but me apart from my addiction wants to be free of this. I want to stay strong and continue to resist the urges.

I finally found some smokey mountain last night. It helps me separate the triggers from the addiction. I'm sure everyone is different but for me if I can have a fake chew at a time I would normally have had a real chew it is easier for me to battle the addiction.

I feel surprisingly good this morning. I hope it's not the calm before the storm. I took an OTC sleep-aid last night and I got a great nights sleep. I have been drinking a ton of water as well as I hear that can help.

Offline Ginet

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2016, 06:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: granger829
I quit every day with AJ. He is fighting with you 'ya know. Your words are "addict speak". We all thought we "wanted a dip". You don't. You just are tricked into thinking you do. It's addiction and it sucks, but it is fact. Another fact is that you will not succeed unless you truly WANT to quit. Need is only a driving force, but the core of a successful quit is your WANT. WANT to do something for yourself. WANT to take control back. WANT to say never again for any reason. WANT to post roll and promise yourself and all of us that you won't use today. I only want quitters with me that are in this 100% because I cannot do this alone. I WANT to count on you. Can I?
At day 2 I would imagine most of my words are being chosen by my addiction's desire for nicotine. I am approaching 48 hours. I am in this 100% - I want my back surgery to be successful and I want to rid myself of this pain I've dealt with for years and this nasty habit that I've used as a crutch when times get hard.

I need to learn how to deal with life in ways other than turning to the can. I am realizing a lot reading your comments Ginet and AppleJack. I do want this 110%. I don't think I posted roll right today but I'm gonna give it another shot tomorrow. I think I am trying to look too far in the future right now and it is adding to the anxiety. I need to try to take this one hour at a time, one day at a time.
Just one note: addiction, not habit. Your addict brain does not want you fighting addiction... you are stronger than the addiction once you name it for what it is. Thus addicts speak of habit, and fail.

Fight addiction, by name. Your back, your life depend on it.
Nice. Yes, posting roll can be nuts at times, especially now. I will help you if you need it. You can text me your promise and I will get it on roll as well. (Check your inbox) Making your promise is the most important. Learning roll is important, but don't stress over it. Also, you are right. Don't think about being quit for the rest of your life. Man - that even freaks me out. Just worry about today. All you and I can deal with is today. Just 24 hours. It is great to have goals to reach for, but as I remind people all the time, you cannot get to tomorrow if you can't even do today. Just today!

Your brain will de-funk soon enough......there is no magic time frame on that. You can help it along though. Start with this. You have an addiction. This is not a habit. You are an addict and like me, will always be one. Here's to fighting hard the rest of the day.

I'll be here quittin' like a girl ~
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
April 2014 Resolute

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2016, 05:46:00 PM »
Quote from: granger829
I quit every day with AJ. He is fighting with you 'ya know. Your words are "addict speak". We all thought we "wanted a dip". You don't. You just are tricked into thinking you do. It's addiction and it sucks, but it is fact. Another fact is that you will not succeed unless you truly WANT to quit. Need is only a driving force, but the core of a successful quit is your WANT. WANT to do something for yourself. WANT to take control back. WANT to say never again for any reason. WANT to post roll and promise yourself and all of us that you won't use today. I only want quitters with me that are in this 100% because I cannot do this alone. I WANT to count on you. Can I?
At day 2 I would imagine most of my words are being chosen by my addiction's desire for nicotine. I am approaching 48 hours. I am in this 100% - I want my back surgery to be successful and I want to rid myself of this pain I've dealt with for years and this nasty habit that I've used as a crutch when times get hard.

I need to learn how to deal with life in ways other than turning to the can. I am realizing a lot reading your comments Ginet and AppleJack. I do want this 110%. I don't think I posted roll right today but I'm gonna give it another shot tomorrow. I think I am trying to look too far in the future right now and it is adding to the anxiety. I need to try to take this one hour at a time, one day at a time.
Just one note: addiction, not habit. Your addict brain does not want you fighting addiction... you are stronger than the addiction once you name it for what it is. Thus addicts speak of habit, and fail.

Fight addiction, by name. Your back, your life depend on it.

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2016, 05:13:00 PM »
I quit every day with AJ. He is fighting with you 'ya know. Your words are "addict speak". We all thought we "wanted a dip". You don't. You just are tricked into thinking you do. It's addiction and it sucks, but it is fact. Another fact is that you will not succeed unless you truly WANT to quit. Need is only a driving force, but the core of a successful quit is your WANT. WANT to do something for yourself. WANT to take control back. WANT to say never again for any reason. WANT to post roll and promise yourself and all of us that you won't use today. I only want quitters with me that are in this 100% because I cannot do this alone. I WANT to count on you. Can I?
At day 2 I would imagine most of my words are being chosen by my addiction's desire for nicotine. I am approaching 48 hours. I am in this 100% - I want my back surgery to be successful and I want to rid myself of this pain I've dealt with for years and this nasty habit that I've used as a crutch when times get hard.

I need to learn how to deal with life in ways other than turning to the can. I am realizing a lot reading your comments Ginet and AppleJack. I do want this 110%. I don't think I posted roll right today but I'm gonna give it another shot tomorrow. I think I am trying to look too far in the future right now and it is adding to the anxiety. I need to try to take this one hour at a time, one day at a time.

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2016, 03:25:00 PM »
Quote from: granger829
I am here because I am 100% committed to what I NEED to do. Life isn't always about what you WANT to do. Do I want a pinch right now? You're damn right I do, it would end this battle that I am fighting. I am not going to allow myself to cave though because I know deep down that I am making one of the best decisions of my life.

I am looking for the support of other members who maybe have been in similar positions.

What I meant by my statement was that I want and need to kick this habit 100% - but I still want a chew. I don't know how long that feeling will last but I know I am not going to cave. I have to see this through.
I quit every day with AJ. He is fighting with you 'ya know. Your words are "addict speak". We all thought we "wanted a dip". You don't. You just are tricked into thinking you do. It's addiction and it sucks, but it is fact. Another fact is that you will not succeed unless you truly WANT to quit. Need is only a driving force, but the core of a successful quit is your WANT. WANT to do something for yourself. WANT to take control back. WANT to say never again for any reason. WANT to post roll and promise yourself and all of us that you won't use today. I only want quitters with me that are in this 100% because I cannot do this alone. I WANT to count on you. Can I?
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
April 2014 Resolute

Offline granger829

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2016, 12:52:00 PM »
I am here because I am 100% committed to what I NEED to do. Life isn't always about what you WANT to do. Do I want a pinch right now? You're damn right I do, it would end this battle that I am fighting. I am not going to allow myself to cave though because I know deep down that I am making one of the best decisions of my life.

I am looking for the support of other members who maybe have been in similar positions.

What I meant by my statement was that I want and need to kick this habit 100% - but I still want a chew. I don't know how long that feeling will last but I know I am not going to cave. I have to see this through.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2016, 12:39:00 PM »
Quote from: granger829
I think the hardest part about all this is that I know I need to quit but I don't necessarily want to quit 100%.
Then why the hell are you here?

We don't put up with people who try.
We don't pander to the half-assed crowd.

If you don't want this 100% then you've failed already and you might as well leave this intro to collect dust. Don't look for us to make up your mind for you. That's all on you. You'll get all the support you need but... you have to be all in or you're wasting our time and yours.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Nick's Quit
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2016, 12:26:00 PM »
Thank you both for the replies. I feel different about this quit than I have felt about my previous unsuccessful quits. I located a place that stocks the Smokey Mountain so I am going to pick up a few cans after work.

I think the hardest part about all this is that I know I need to quit but I don't necessarily want to quit 100%.