Author Topic: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner  (Read 8123 times)

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #88 on: November 19, 2014, 11:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Congrats on the 2nd floor, Dun4! Keep up the good work as the den mother.
Congrats D4M! The pulled pork  shah carpeting to pass out on is near the back of the 2nd floor...

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #87 on: November 19, 2014, 10:48:00 PM »
Congrats on the 2nd floor, Dun4! Keep up the good work as the den mother.
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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #86 on: November 19, 2014, 06:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Smeds
Hell of a day 198 for you D4M, but the most important thing about 199 is it's another +1 in the absolute only direction! On this, the eve of your 2nd floor entry ... I just wanted to congratulate you early ... and thank you for being so active on the site and caring about the quits of so many. It's obvious you're here for all of the right reasons, and I'm proud to see you pouring the KTC Kool-Aid out of your own pitcher to the newbies in all groups. You are constantly building quits, mine included. Keep it up ... Raising an ice-cold cup of quit with a two-finger pour of bourbon-y quit in your direction Joe!
Hell of a day is a nice way to put it. We all have bad days, mine was self-induced, good intentions however. Let it be said that I owned it from the moment I found out about it and was 100% forthcoming in info shared/explained throughout the day. I am over the top glad for Thumble to be back. We have been trading PMs all morning. I have shared with him the sequence of events that lead me to him and I think he will laugh out loud when he reads it.

Just like in the business world we all work hard here to develop trust and accountability which is the framework this site is built upon. It only takes one bad move to lose what you have built. I've seen duplicate screen names, caves, returning cavers. My hope is that I am not viewed now in the same bucket of those starting back at zero accountability.
Not by me. It was a perfect storm of (not a great idea + bad timing = over-reactive shit storm on my part). I ask all who read this to let it go if you haven't already.

Another quitter here, who's initials may or not be the 5th and 3rd letters of the alphabet, found out the same information (with my permission) in under 2 minutes this morning, so chalk up some of this to my ignorance of modern society.

D4 on the second floor is whats up, the rest is like sands in the hourglass. Dude.
Definitely a milestone for the books D4! Sorry to jump the gun but sure looks like you can use a little flipping of the script and some recognition of the bad ass quitter you are! Glad you're here, this site has been rewarded with your efforts the last 200 days. Keep on doing what you do.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #85 on: November 19, 2014, 01:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Smeds
Hell of a day 198 for you D4M, but the most important thing about 199 is it's another +1 in the absolute only direction! On this, the eve of your 2nd floor entry ... I just wanted to congratulate you early ... and thank you for being so active on the site and caring about the quits of so many. It's obvious you're here for all of the right reasons, and I'm proud to see you pouring the KTC Kool-Aid out of your own pitcher to the newbies in all groups. You are constantly building quits, mine included. Keep it up ... Raising an ice-cold cup of quit with a two-finger pour of bourbon-y quit in your direction Joe!
Hell of a day is a nice way to put it. We all have bad days, mine was self-induced, good intentions however. Let it be said that I owned it from the moment I found out about it and was 100% forthcoming in info shared/explained throughout the day. I am over the top glad for Thumble to be back. We have been trading PMs all morning. I have shared with him the sequence of events that lead me to him and I think he will laugh out loud when he reads it.

Just like in the business world we all work hard here to develop trust and accountability which is the framework this site is built upon. It only takes one bad move to lose what you have built. I've seen duplicate screen names, caves, returning cavers. My hope is that I am not viewed now in the same bucket of those starting back at zero accountability.
Not by me. It was a perfect storm of (not a great idea + bad timing = over-reactive shit storm on my part). I ask all who read this to let it go if you haven't already.

Another quitter here, who's initials may or not be the 5th and 3rd letters of the alphabet, found out the same information (with my permission) in under 2 minutes this morning, so chalk up some of this to my ignorance of modern society.

D4 on the second floor is whats up, the rest is like sands in the hourglass. Dude.
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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #84 on: November 19, 2014, 01:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Smeds
Hell of a day 198 for you D4M, but the most important thing about 199 is it's another +1 in the absolute only direction! On this, the eve of your 2nd floor entry ... I just wanted to congratulate you early ... and thank you for being so active on the site and caring about the quits of so many. It's obvious you're here for all of the right reasons, and I'm proud to see you pouring the KTC Kool-Aid out of your own pitcher to the newbies in all groups. You are constantly building quits, mine included. Keep it up ... Raising an ice-cold cup of quit with a two-finger pour of bourbon-y quit in your direction Joe!
Hell of a day is a nice way to put it. We all have bad days, mine was self-induced, good intentions however. Let it be said that I owned it from the moment I found out about it and was 100% forthcoming in info shared/explained throughout the day. I am over the top glad for Thumble to be back. We have been trading PMs all morning. I have shared with him the sequence of events that lead me to him and I think he will laugh out loud when he reads it.

Just like in the business world we all work hard here to develop trust and accountability which is the framework this site is built upon. It only takes one bad move to lose what you have built. I've seen duplicate screen names, caves, returning cavers. My hope is that I am not viewed now in the same bucket of those starting back at zero accountability.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #83 on: November 19, 2014, 08:45:00 AM »
Hell of a day 198 for you D4M, but the most important thing about 199 is it's another +1 in the absolute only direction! On this, the eve of your 2nd floor entry ... I just wanted to congratulate you early ... and thank you for being so active on the site and caring about the quits of so many. It's obvious you're here for all of the right reasons, and I'm proud to see you pouring the KTC Kool-Aid out of your own pitcher to the newbies in all groups. You are constantly building quits, mine included. Keep it up ... Raising an ice-cold cup of quit with a two-finger pour of bourbon-y quit in your direction Joe!
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #82 on: November 16, 2014, 06:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Adding this into my intro so it's easy to find. Good retread lessons from 30, Tuco, WP.
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: TacoMEDIC
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: kobejr8038
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Kobe, Taco, others...

Gonna lay this on the line... and talk about one of the biggest dumbasses of the site.

Now this guy is a funnyman... his intro still gets bumped to this day... and every time it does another blood vessel pops in my forehead.

The dude's name is SWJ. He Joined this site in January 2009, so he should have a couple of years on me... only thing is he caved... came back again to quit for a while in one of the 2012 groups. Came back with the typical: "I drifted" "I forgot" "I thought I could have just one", followed by the promise that he would post forever.. yada yada yada... all bullshit. I dunno, perhaps he is still quit... I strongly doubt it though.

I get that you think you are sincere.. you think you have learned your lesson... but I have seen so many come back at this point that my bullshit meter seems to forever be pegged to the right. Are you two gonna be different? The ONLY quitter that I can think of off the top of my head who came back strong like fuck is our very own wastepanel. He's the only reason I have even a glimmer of hope for you two.

I sure as hell hope the two of you can restore my confidence in retreads.
I went back and looked at my history and saw that you were a strong supporter of me back in 2012. I lost your trust and basically made you feel like I shit all over your time, support, and quit. Actions speak louder than words. I post early, often, and reach out to other quitters and quit groups. I won't let you down again.

30yr laid down some cold, plain truth on you and anyone else bothering to listen. It's not a negative bias. It's not a personal vendetta. It's merely a case of site statistics.

Generally speaking, the folks that come in here the first time and put up any kind of serious numbers under their belts, usually don't enjoy a compounding rate of success when they return after a cave. It's usually quite the opposite, in fact. Even though you were here, posting roll, being present, the nic bitch was playing the long game right along with you and eventually figured out a weakness in your defenses. KTC was your #1 solid weapon for a while, but she adapted and went in for the kill. She knows she has you dialed in now, so what's to stop her the next time?

Saying things like, "I won't let you down" or "I'm going to post roll early and every day" or "I fucked up, never got involved, and eventually drifted" are stock answers. Everyone says that shit. Those sentiments might mean everything in the world to you today when you're full of quit adrenaline, but how are you going to feel 50, 100, 150, or even 450 days from now? Still that same level of piss and vinegar?

If I were you, I would be scared shitless. I'd be sleeping with one eye open knowing that I'm going back to the very well that the nic bitch effectively poisoned already once before. I'd be doing literally anything and everything to stockpile resources and build an impenetrable underground bunker to protect my quit. No thought, no prior action, no trigger, no anything would go unturned in order to deeply analyze where I went wrong the last time and what I sure as fuck am going to do today and every day to ensure I never wind up in that spot again. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing on this planet would be more important than my quit.

I'm not saying that it can't be done. Wastepanel is proof enough of that, but he doesn't enjoy much of any of the same company, either.
I understand.I know this is a short response, but I've got nothing to say. I'll just let that one sink in for a while. Thanks.

Fuck the future. We got right now...what ya going to do with it?

I could give a shit less what happened in the past if you learned from it. While I'm often referred in the same breath as retreads, I'm not the only one. Look around. You will find others. It can be done. The secret is to not let it eat you alive (and this goes for all quitters). We've all had our failings, yes. Confucius says "A fool learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from others." I've often added to that and said "A dumbass just keeps making mistakes". I've been a fool. I don't want to be a dumbass.

That's really the crux and what makes this program work. There's waaaaay more "first time KTC quitters" here than retreads, yet the retreads get all the headlines. The failures are highlighted and talked about ad nauseam until EVERYBODY is sick of hearing about it. All of this highlights the mistakes of the fools. It makes us wise to recognize popular "excuses" (drifting, drinking, etc) so that we don't fall into that trap. Being a fool sucks, but it's still better than being a dumbass.

So, Wastepanel....what's the secret of "coming back"?

There isn't one.

It's not a "return program". It's not name calling vets. It's not ball coddling. Nope. None of those things make a successful comeback.

When I came back, my group was an insane ball of vets letting loose on new quitters (sound familiar?). I wasn't the only retread. I had Moe, CNC, and TK with me. We were fucking blasted from all sides non stop. You know what we did? We got through it (no fucks given). I fucking did my best to change what happened the first time around. I was never involved or gave out my number to anybody. I changed that. I didn't quit with these, but rather beside them. I changed that. I looked at myself and said "Never fucking again"...and I meant it. We locked arms. We slept back to back. It fucking sucked sometimes, but it got better. Our pasts no longer matter. We were rocking this.

And then, shortly after our HOF, TK stopped taking my texts and calls. He cut me off, and I knew he was heading toward failure. He started missing roll "on occasion". It fucking hurt, and he caved shortly thereafter. CNC and Moe walked with me for a much longer time. CNC was a surly fuck (think lipi with a military edge) that faded in the 800s. He did the same thing. He just stopped responding. It fucking hurt. Moe just had his first kid and still posts with me. Dude is a rock star.

When we were younger in our quits, I thought that I'd always have these guys around me in my quit. What I learned is that I control my own actions, and I'm a feather in the wind on the rest of this shit. I want to be quit so I surround myself with people that want to be quit and use the tools I have here. (It hurts to lose some, but they chose to be weak. This isn't even some evolutionary weakness "thinning of the herd" shit. This is self chosen weakness.) I read the everyday bullshit (sometimes commenting). I text or make new friends. I say hello to old friends. There have been some tough times in the past, but that's to be expected. I got through them. Am I concerned about the future? Nope. Because it honestly doesn't matter to me. I got today. If these words help one person stay quit quit is stronger. Hell, even if nobody reads this, it makes my quit stronger just to write it out.

The secret to a comeback (hell, to a) quit is worry about right fucking now. You're here. You're reading this. What are you going to do with the information? Are you going to reach out to a brother just to say hello? Just to tell a vet "thank you"? It doesn't matter where you been or where you are going, you're here now on this path. Don't wander off. Walk with us. Talk. Be merry. Don't look at the end result hence you can become tired. Don't look at how far we've come or you'll rest on your laurels. Just lose yourself and always move forward. It's that simple.

Sometimes we need this place more than others (like now. These first few days are brutal. Lean.). Sometimes, we can post roll and get through the day without having to lean. But, either way, your quit has to start with a promise. Without it, you're simply "not using" (and that's not quit). Learn to be proactive and be reactive. Every moment will not go according to plan, but every moment can be planned for.

Most quit. It trumps everything.
Good read ^^^ Thanks for posting this Done4

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #81 on: November 13, 2014, 10:48:00 AM »
Adding this into my intro so it's easy to find. Good retread lessons from 30, Tuco, WP.
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: TacoMEDIC
Quote from: Tuco's
Quote from: kobejr8038
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Kobe, Taco, others...

Gonna lay this on the line... and talk about one of the biggest dumbasses of the site.

Now this guy is a funnyman... his intro still gets bumped to this day... and every time it does another blood vessel pops in my forehead.

The dude's name is SWJ. He Joined this site in January 2009, so he should have a couple of years on me... only thing is he caved... came back again to quit for a while in one of the 2012 groups. Came back with the typical: "I drifted" "I forgot" "I thought I could have just one", followed by the promise that he would post forever.. yada yada yada... all bullshit. I dunno, perhaps he is still quit... I strongly doubt it though.

I get that you think you are sincere.. you think you have learned your lesson... but I have seen so many come back at this point that my bullshit meter seems to forever be pegged to the right. Are you two gonna be different? The ONLY quitter that I can think of off the top of my head who came back strong like fuck is our very own wastepanel. He's the only reason I have even a glimmer of hope for you two.

I sure as hell hope the two of you can restore my confidence in retreads.
I went back and looked at my history and saw that you were a strong supporter of me back in 2012. I lost your trust and basically made you feel like I shit all over your time, support, and quit. Actions speak louder than words. I post early, often, and reach out to other quitters and quit groups. I won't let you down again.

30yr laid down some cold, plain truth on you and anyone else bothering to listen. It's not a negative bias. It's not a personal vendetta. It's merely a case of site statistics.

Generally speaking, the folks that come in here the first time and put up any kind of serious numbers under their belts, usually don't enjoy a compounding rate of success when they return after a cave. It's usually quite the opposite, in fact. Even though you were here, posting roll, being present, the nic bitch was playing the long game right along with you and eventually figured out a weakness in your defenses. KTC was your #1 solid weapon for a while, but she adapted and went in for the kill. She knows she has you dialed in now, so what's to stop her the next time?

Saying things like, "I won't let you down" or "I'm going to post roll early and every day" or "I fucked up, never got involved, and eventually drifted" are stock answers. Everyone says that shit. Those sentiments might mean everything in the world to you today when you're full of quit adrenaline, but how are you going to feel 50, 100, 150, or even 450 days from now? Still that same level of piss and vinegar?

If I were you, I would be scared shitless. I'd be sleeping with one eye open knowing that I'm going back to the very well that the nic bitch effectively poisoned already once before. I'd be doing literally anything and everything to stockpile resources and build an impenetrable underground bunker to protect my quit. No thought, no prior action, no trigger, no anything would go unturned in order to deeply analyze where I went wrong the last time and what I sure as fuck am going to do today and every day to ensure I never wind up in that spot again. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing on this planet would be more important than my quit.

I'm not saying that it can't be done. Wastepanel is proof enough of that, but he doesn't enjoy much of any of the same company, either.
I understand.I know this is a short response, but I've got nothing to say. I'll just let that one sink in for a while. Thanks.

Fuck the future. We got right now...what ya going to do with it?

I could give a shit less what happened in the past if you learned from it. While I'm often referred in the same breath as retreads, I'm not the only one. Look around. You will find others. It can be done. The secret is to not let it eat you alive (and this goes for all quitters). We've all had our failings, yes. Confucius says "A fool learns from his own mistakes. A wise man learns from others." I've often added to that and said "A dumbass just keeps making mistakes". I've been a fool. I don't want to be a dumbass.

That's really the crux and what makes this program work. There's waaaaay more "first time KTC quitters" here than retreads, yet the retreads get all the headlines. The failures are highlighted and talked about ad nauseam until EVERYBODY is sick of hearing about it. All of this highlights the mistakes of the fools. It makes us wise to recognize popular "excuses" (drifting, drinking, etc) so that we don't fall into that trap. Being a fool sucks, but it's still better than being a dumbass.

So, Wastepanel....what's the secret of "coming back"?

There isn't one.

It's not a "return program". It's not name calling vets. It's not ball coddling. Nope. None of those things make a successful comeback.

When I came back, my group was an insane ball of vets letting loose on new quitters (sound familiar?). I wasn't the only retread. I had Moe, CNC, and TK with me. We were fucking blasted from all sides non stop. You know what we did? We got through it (no fucks given). I fucking did my best to change what happened the first time around. I was never involved or gave out my number to anybody. I changed that. I didn't quit with these, but rather beside them. I changed that. I looked at myself and said "Never fucking again"...and I meant it. We locked arms. We slept back to back. It fucking sucked sometimes, but it got better. Our pasts no longer matter. We were rocking this.

And then, shortly after our HOF, TK stopped taking my texts and calls. He cut me off, and I knew he was heading toward failure. He started missing roll "on occasion". It fucking hurt, and he caved shortly thereafter. CNC and Moe walked with me for a much longer time. CNC was a surly fuck (think lipi with a military edge) that faded in the 800s. He did the same thing. He just stopped responding. It fucking hurt. Moe just had his first kid and still posts with me. Dude is a rock star.

When we were younger in our quits, I thought that I'd always have these guys around me in my quit. What I learned is that I control my own actions, and I'm a feather in the wind on the rest of this shit. I want to be quit so I surround myself with people that want to be quit and use the tools I have here. (It hurts to lose some, but they chose to be weak. This isn't even some evolutionary weakness "thinning of the herd" shit. This is self chosen weakness.) I read the everyday bullshit (sometimes commenting). I text or make new friends. I say hello to old friends. There have been some tough times in the past, but that's to be expected. I got through them. Am I concerned about the future? Nope. Because it honestly doesn't matter to me. I got today. If these words help one person stay quit quit is stronger. Hell, even if nobody reads this, it makes my quit stronger just to write it out.

The secret to a comeback (hell, to a) quit is worry about right fucking now. You're here. You're reading this. What are you going to do with the information? Are you going to reach out to a brother just to say hello? Just to tell a vet "thank you"? It doesn't matter where you been or where you are going, you're here now on this path. Don't wander off. Walk with us. Talk. Be merry. Don't look at the end result hence you can become tired. Don't look at how far we've come or you'll rest on your laurels. Just lose yourself and always move forward. It's that simple.

Sometimes we need this place more than others (like now. These first few days are brutal. Lean.). Sometimes, we can post roll and get through the day without having to lean. But, either way, your quit has to start with a promise. Without it, you're simply "not using" (and that's not quit). Learn to be proactive and be reactive. Every moment will not go according to plan, but every moment can be planned for.

Most quit. It trumps everything.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #80 on: October 10, 2014, 09:30:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Done 4 thanks for the shout out....again. Always good to hear some praise. But agree with Thumble you have got to put your name in the pot, I'd also like to throw in Worktowin, Bean, and Pinched. Thumble, I hate that I am old enough To get your ridiculously obscure WKRP reference....
Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, Les Nessman, Herb, the Big Guy, Andy, Bailey, and Lonnie Anderson. Great show!! I always loved the softball game episode.
My fave was Les with his floor tape to simulate office walls, chest thumping to simulate the traffic helicopter, and the game of where's the bandaid today.
Dropping turkey's from a helicopter. Diesel isn't an asshole, just misguided on which team in our state he should be rooting for........
Let me add Derk40 and schaef to the list. I see them in here a good bit. And, of course, cbird. Thanks to all of you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this place doesn't work because of mods/admins, it works because of all the folks who take time to pay it forward.
Indeed. you guys rock!

My thanks to all of you.
Absolutely love this post D4. Hope you sent them a group text as well! 'na na'
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2014, 09:30:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Done 4 thanks for the shout out....again. Always good to hear some praise. But agree with Thumble you have got to put your name in the pot, I'd also like to throw in Worktowin, Bean, and Pinched. Thumble, I hate that I am old enough To get your ridiculously obscure WKRP reference....
Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, Les Nessman, Herb, the Big Guy, Andy, Bailey, and Lonnie Anderson. Great show!! I always loved the softball game episode.
My fave was Les with his floor tape to simulate office walls, chest thumping to simulate the traffic helicopter, and the game of where's the bandaid today.
Dropping turkey's from a helicopter. Diesel isn't an asshole, just misguided on which team in our state he should be rooting for........
Let me add Derk40 and schaef to the list. I see them in here a good bit. And, of course, cbird. Thanks to all of you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this place doesn't work because of mods/admins, it works because of all the folks who take time to pay it forward.
Indeed. you guys rock!

My thanks to all of you.
And Steakbomb does work in here, too.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2014, 09:28:00 AM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Done 4 thanks for the shout out....again. Always good to hear some praise. But agree with Thumble you have got to put your name in the pot, I'd also like to throw in Worktowin, Bean, and Pinched. Thumble, I hate that I am old enough To get your ridiculously obscure WKRP reference....
Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, Les Nessman, Herb, the Big Guy, Andy, Bailey, and Lonnie Anderson. Great show!! I always loved the softball game episode.
My fave was Les with his floor tape to simulate office walls, chest thumping to simulate the traffic helicopter, and the game of where's the bandaid today.
Dropping turkey's from a helicopter. Diesel isn't an asshole, just misguided on which team in our state he should be rooting for........
Let me add Derk40 and schaef to the list. I see them in here a good bit. And, of course, cbird. Thanks to all of you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this place doesn't work because of mods/admins, it works because of all the folks who take time to pay it forward.
Indeed. you guys rock!

My thanks to all of you.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #77 on: October 10, 2014, 09:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Done 4 thanks for the shout out....again. Always good to hear some praise. But agree with Thumble you have got to put your name in the pot, I'd also like to throw in Worktowin, Bean, and Pinched. Thumble, I hate that I am old enough To get your ridiculously obscure WKRP reference....
Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, Les Nessman, Herb, the Big Guy, Andy, Bailey, and Lonnie Anderson. Great show!! I always loved the softball game episode.
My fave was Les with his floor tape to simulate office walls, chest thumping to simulate the traffic helicopter, and the game of where's the bandaid today.
Dropping turkey's from a helicopter. Diesel isn't an asshole, just misguided on which team in our state he should be rooting for........
Let me add Derk40 and schaef to the list. I see them in here a good bit. And, of course, cbird. Thanks to all of you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this place doesn't work because of mods/admins, it works because of all the folks who take time to pay it forward.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #76 on: October 09, 2014, 08:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Done 4 thanks for the shout out....again. Always good to hear some praise. But agree with Thumble you have got to put your name in the pot, I'd also like to throw in Worktowin, Bean, and Pinched. Thumble, I hate that I am old enough To get your ridiculously obscure WKRP reference....
Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, Les Nessman, Herb, the Big Guy, Andy, Bailey, and Lonnie Anderson. Great show!! I always loved the softball game episode.
My fave was Les with his floor tape to simulate office walls, chest thumping to simulate the traffic helicopter, and the game of where's the bandaid today.
Dropping turkey's from a helicopter. Diesel isn't an asshole, just misguided on which team in our state he should be rooting for........
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #75 on: October 09, 2014, 01:15:00 AM »

Offline Raider

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #74 on: October 09, 2014, 01:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
That Diesel guy is an asshole.
I was gonna say the same thing