Author Topic: Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.  (Read 963 times)

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Re: Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2012, 01:09:00 PM »
Quote from: dneel7085
Today has been rough. Everyone has said or done just the right thing to get under my skin. But I am still nicotine free. I appreciate the advice. I just got a copy of the insanity workout videos and will begin them tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the help.
Hey Dneel, word of advise on the insanity tapes. take them slow starting out. They will f'in kill you. I started out going full bore and was so sore I had to stop for a couple of days. Just doing the warm up on them the first couple of days was enough to kick my ass.
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Re: Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2012, 12:07:00 PM »

First - Congrats on a great choice. 4 days is HUGE. But it is just the beginning.

Second - Sleeplessness is a withdrawal symptom. EMBRACE withdrawal symptoms. B]Withrawals are a privilege reserved to those who have the guts to quit.[/B] Embrace the withdrawals.

How do you embrace withdrawals? Easy...change your attitude. Attitude is everything. The attitude you have when you start start any undertaking will largely determine your success. (that's true for anything in life, by the way...but let's just focus on quitting). You can't control withdrawal symptoms, but you can control YOUR ATTITUDE.

So, embrace those symptoms by changing your attitude about them. How do you do that? Easy, don't fight it. Don't toss and turn in bed. That just makes you frustrated and angry, right? Just get up. Yes, I know you're tired...but laying in bed isn't going to do anything anyway. Might as well get up and do something you like to do.

Turn the tables on the Nic Bitch by not trying to sleep. Personally, I tinkered with stuff in the garage...everything from changing the air filter on my lawn mower to "attempting" to fix the electical system on a non-running MGB. (I discovered why someone said, "if Lucas made guns, wars would not start.") My MBG still doesn't start...but I'm quit.

My point is that I changed my attitude..."I GET to do this stuff because I CHOSE to quit." When I quit worrying about trying to sleep, sleep came.

What do you think the victims of mouth/throat cancer would do to GET do work on motors at night? Or GET to have their jaw and tounge back again? Or get to do Insanity workouts? See, withrawals really are a privilege, right?

You had the nuts to quit, so now embrace the consequence of your success...withdrwawls. Get the right attitude and you'll make your quit easier.

Stay strong, brother!

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Re: Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2012, 12:28:00 AM »
Quote from: dneel7085
Today has been rough. Everyone has said or done just the right thing to get under my skin. But I am still nicotine free. I appreciate the advice. I just got a copy of the insanity workout videos and will begin them tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the help.
Exercise saved my ass. Get moving, and drink lot's of water. When ever I felt something coming on I would exercise. worked like a charm.. and still does.. but most importantly it allowed me to stuff my face the first month without gaining too much weight. diet can come later. one day at a time... Quit with you!
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline dneel7085

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Re: Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2012, 10:05:00 PM »
Today has been rough. Everyone has said or done just the right thing to get under my skin. But I am still nicotine free. I appreciate the advice. I just got a copy of the insanity workout videos and will begin them tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the help.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2012, 01:52:00 PM »
Sleep will come buddy, it's always funny, some guys can't sleep and others can't stop. Nicotine does strange things to your body. 72 hours the nic is out of your system but there are a ton of other chemicals that lurk a bit longer.

Nicotine is a neurotoxin. It is more lethal than cobra venom ounce for ounce. Your through the initial suck which is the hardest part so just hang tough. Exercise will absolutely help. Not just guiding hunters but getting your heart rate up to get the endorphin release, RadMan knows whats up, listen to that advice.

Above all else be patient, you have been poisoning yourself for years, four days of quit doesn't erase all that. It'll take hold, just keep doing what your doing.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 01:34:00 PM »
Excercise may be the key. I mean excercise hard. I've found that running is great. First: it gives your body another source for the endorphine rush that it used to get from nicotine. The more you excercise, the quicker your brain will reprgram itself. Second: it will probably help with the sleeplessness. Third: it will keep you from gaining weight due to all of the extra calories you're taking in. Trust me, I learned that last one the hard way. Early in my quit, I was inactive due to knee surgery and turned into quite a fatass.

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Re: Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 06:06:00 AM »
Welcome D.

We'll start with the bad news I reckon. You may have to continue dealing with the sleep problems. I was fortunate enough to pull loose from it after 4 days. It returned for a week between day 20 and 30. I'm 68 days quit as I type this, and I can tell you I sleep better now than I can ever remember in my life. Some guys, however, have sleeping problems for a lot longer. It's not something that can really be predicted. The best thing you can do is start working out (or work out more) and buy some melatonin.

The good news is, you fucking quit dipping. Congratulations. Give yourself a pat on the back and give your balls a manly tug. You've earned it. You'll probably be rid of most of the physical withdrawal symptoms within a couple of days. The mind games will continue for quite some time, but they're easier to deal with once your body stops attacking you so hard.

Now, for the good stuff. There's a very simple process to follow here at KTC. All you have to do is post roll, keep your word, and then do it again the next day. No one is ever asked for anything more than today. Fuck forever. It will deal with itself. Yes it is a journey, but none of us are finished with it, and we take it one day at a time.

If I can do anything at all to help, just fire a PM my way.

Offline dneel7085

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Never quit anything in life until 3 days ago.
« on: December 03, 2012, 04:39:00 AM »
Hello to everyone,

I am 23 years old and picked up my first can 9 years ago. 4 days ago I threw my log in the trash, bought a large bucket of sunflower seeds and started this new life. I have not slept in about 48 hours now and its about to kill me. I have been working managed white tail hunts all weekend and being around 200 hunters all smoking and spitting everywhere almost broke me but between four packs of gum a bag of beef jerkey and thousands of sunflower seeds I have now removed all nicotine from my body and feel safe to say i will never have to go through that again. Please tell me sleep comes back today or atleast tomorrow I have two sleeping pills in me right now and I'm wide freaking awake.

To everyone on this site I pre-thank you because I promise I will stay on track but not without a ton of help. I have limited internet and phone service here where I work but please send me encouragement anyway. I will drive the 30 miles to get service if I know support is waiting.

And please someone give me advice on my sleep problems.

Good day to everyone and I envy you that have already taken this journey.
