Author Topic: Planned quit date Nov 1  (Read 3234 times)

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #44 on: October 11, 2015, 02:22:00 AM »
I know he probably won't be back.. I'm more spending the energy to write this for myself, and perhaps any other lookers..

My job sponsors nicotine replacement too. Just because people aren't as successful cold turkey, doesn't mean its okay. Nicotine replacement, is for babies and for wimps. I say this because I used it.. I used the until my Day 1 on this site where I ripped it off. I used it for 2 days and thought damn, I wanna join the guys at KTC. I wanna join a quit group.

September 17 at about 11PM, I was trying to stick the damn patch back on after sweating it off and thought damn, how fucking pathetic do I look, trying to stick on this piece of plastic cause I wanted to get a "fix."

If you got the drive and motivation, thats all that matters. And support from other BAQs helps too.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2015, 09:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Pilgrim
My state sponsors a quit site and their replacement stuff is free for me; they are the ones recommending the nic replacement...iqh quitline.
so cuz this guy reely dont want to quit i want to pose this here to other fokes what are thinkin its time to quit and may be we dont no as much as some buddy on the other side of a phone.

you ask these peepel at the state sponsers site.
* what kind a sucksess rate do you have after 100 days? after a year?
* why do you think the best way to quit nickateen is with nickateen?
* did you ever use nickateen? how long? did you quit?

then you ask your self
* what do guys what acksully quit no bout quittin?
* what kind a sucksess rate do they got?

well let me tell you the anser to the last one for me is rite there in my sig lines. tryin any other way was 0% after 20 days.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2015, 08:54:00 AM »
Here lies Pilgrim, who would be a day 4 quitter....had he only actually quit.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #41 on: October 02, 2015, 10:34:00 PM »
I'm not sure why I enjoy reading this thread so much. Perhaps because it reminds of me of how I used to rationalize my nicotine addiction and how silly I used to be. Did we scare away a quitter? I think not. But maybe we scared an addict and maybe that addict will actually realize he's an addict and decide to quit.

I hope you have a happy birthday on November 1st Pilgrim.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2015, 10:27:00 PM »
No show - of course.

Hey Pilgrim, when you get back here on your birthday or whenever you decide to post another "quit date" read this entire thread from the beginning again.

The only way to quit is to actually quit.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2015, 10:09:00 PM »
The only thing addicts plan is the next fix, that's why we do this one day at a time.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2015, 09:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Mike23mx
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: invader
Well Pilgrim, here we are on October 1st, the day you moved your "quit date" to, and no one's seen hide nor hair of you.
That's because it was just a "planned" quit date. They are total bullshit. I know because I used to do them too. And the sick part is that they actually made me feel better.

The rationalization worked like this...I would tell myself that it's okay to have one more (or the rest of this can) because I was going to be quit Monday the __ day of Fuckknows anyway, right?

That is how I would let myself off the hook and rationalize my way around what I knew I had to do. See Pilgrim, we know you're full of shit. We can see right through your dumbass rationalizations. How? Because we were right there too. We were you.

But we quit. And you can too. I know you don't think you can. But you can. Check out the Quit Groups...all of those names are folks who have been right where you are right now. And we're living free ONE DAY AT A TIME. Join us. Post roll and live free. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

I had a lot of planned quit dates over the years. Not only did I fail to follow through, I felt OBLIGATED to load up. Double dip (pardon the pun) prior to the date since the end was in sight. The date came and went and I just bought more dip.

Pilgrim, we are here when you are ready to join us.
I won't hold my breath!!! Everyone warned about those failed planned quits! Those that are planning a future quit take heed, we know what we're talking about.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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TODAY is the day that counts
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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2015, 06:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: invader
Well Pilgrim, here we are on October 1st, the day you moved your "quit date" to, and no one's seen hide nor hair of you.
That's because it was just a "planned" quit date. They are total bullshit. I know because I used to do them too. And the sick part is that they actually made me feel better.

The rationalization worked like this...I would tell myself that it's okay to have one more (or the rest of this can) because I was going to be quit Monday the __ day of Fuckknows anyway, right?

That is how I would let myself off the hook and rationalize my way around what I knew I had to do. See Pilgrim, we know you're full of shit. We can see right through your dumbass rationalizations. How? Because we were right there too. We were you.

But we quit. And you can too. I know you don't think you can. But you can. Check out the Quit Groups...all of those names are folks who have been right where you are right now. And we're living free ONE DAY AT A TIME. Join us. Post roll and live free. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

I had a lot of planned quit dates over the years. Not only did I fail to follow through, I felt OBLIGATED to load up. Double dip (pardon the pun) prior to the date since the end was in sight. The date came and went and I just bought more dip.

Pilgrim, we are here when you are ready to join us.
Man up and be a quitter ODAAT. Post Roll EDD. It works.

ODAAT: One Day At A Time
EDD: Every Damn Day

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2015, 06:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: invader
Well Pilgrim, here we are on October 1st, the day you moved your "quit date" to, and no one's seen hide nor hair of you.
Did Pilgrim specify a year?
Bahahaha! That'll teach me not to read the fine print! I'll check back in 2044.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2015, 06:22:00 PM »
Quote from: invader
Well Pilgrim, here we are on October 1st, the day you moved your "quit date" to, and no one's seen hide nor hair of you.
That's because it was just a "planned" quit date. They are total bullshit. I know because I used to do them too. And the sick part is that they actually made me feel better.

The rationalization worked like this...I would tell myself that it's okay to have one more (or the rest of this can) because I was going to be quit Monday the __ day of Fuckknows anyway, right?

That is how I would let myself off the hook and rationalize my way around what I knew I had to do. See Pilgrim, we know you're full of shit. We can see right through your dumbass rationalizations. How? Because we were right there too. We were you.

But we quit. And you can too. I know you don't think you can. But you can. Check out the Quit Groups...all of those names are folks who have been right where you are right now. And we're living free ONE DAY AT A TIME. Join us. Post roll and live free. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2015, 06:22:00 PM »
See! Planned quits really do work!! (sarcastic voice) 'na na'
If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2015, 06:18:00 PM »
Quote from: invader
Well Pilgrim, here we are on October 1st, the day you moved your "quit date" to, and no one's seen hide nor hair of you.
Did Pilgrim specify a year?

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2015, 06:04:00 PM »
Well Pilgrim, here we are on October 1st, the day you moved your "quit date" to, and no one's seen hide nor hair of you.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2015, 01:52:00 PM »
That plan sucks too, Pilgrim. (the only plan that works is quitting cold turkey). Read the Tom and Jenny Kern story on the link above. Read about Tom's kids at his feet saying "Daddy, don't go" as he takes his last breath. Do you know which dip is the deadly one? Neither do I...nobody does. So don't chance it.

I meant it when I told you that this site is for badass quitters...not bullshiters. NO FUCKING NICOTINE. Do you see an exception in there? Do you see a grey area? Neither do I. NO NIC MEANS NO NIC!!! There might be many different ways to quit. But there is only ONE WAY here. Spit that shit out, dump your can and post roll.

Come back when you're serious. Until then, get lost.

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Re: Planned quit date Nov 1
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2015, 10:44:00 PM »
Quote from: pete333
Quote from: Mike23mx
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Quote from: invader
Pilgrim! I'm glad to see you back, albeit not yet quit. Talk to us, man. You said something I'm very curious about.

You said quitting cold turkey would be too much of a shock to your system. I'm wondering what leads you to believe this, or more specifically, what you're worried would happen if you were to quit cold turkey. Also, I would argue that putting a potent drug such as nicotine into your body is far more shocking for all the thousands of documented reasons out there that are known.

I ask these things because while I'm not completely all-knowing, I have not once heard of a person dying or otherwise needing to become hospitalized due to quitting cold turkey. If they were, you could rest assured that would be in all the nicotine replacement commercials. Nicorette gum would LOVE to be able to say you need their products because if you don't use them, you may become very ill or totally incapacitated. They don't say that, though. They say "quitting nicotine is hard." Yeah, it is hard. As is anything else worth doing in life.

Nevertheless, I can't come to your house and dump your cans for you. I can only be your GPS, and as your GPS, I'm telling you that the most efficient, shortest route to quit is to dump your cans tonight. But, you're the driver. If you want to take the long route, I can't stop you. Either way, we will be here to support and quit along side you when you do quit.

All the best,
Translation: Fuck yourself and then jump in the lake. Stop dipping your toes. I say this respectfully, of course.
What's bullshit?
badass! And you made the right decision not to drive also. I've made that drive more than once and I guess I'll just say I'm lucky it didn't turn out really bad.
I probably used as much cheap Walmart nic gum over the past several years as I did dip. The nic replacement companies are as bad as big tobacco.

Walk outside, dump the cans, post roll, and begin the best battle of your life. All you need to do is quit for today. You can deal with tomorrow, tomorrow.
Well the nic bitch has a nice set of balls in her coach purse. I don't plan on seeing this pauser anytime soon.
There are no circumstances in which using nicotine will improve the outcome.

My journey. The best part it is not over yet.