Author Topic: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain  (Read 10928 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #83 on: November 11, 2011, 09:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Quick story. Yesterday, before I took off from Soulville for the BBJ Compound, I stopped at the quickie mart to grab some gum and a few bottles of water(which I regretted later while stuck in traffic in NY). Obviously in a past life that would have included a big ole teat of nicotine for the 5 hour ride. In front of me is some Joe Blow with a green Sox hat on buying a paper and a can of Skoal. The thoughts that ran through my head were joy that I was not that guy anymore. He collected his cancer and I stepped up to the counter with my Big Red and future bladder bursting bottles of water. I went out to the car and looked to see where the guy went. Got into a mini-van, two girls under 10 in the backseat. I thought what a shame.

What would Souli do?

Yeah. I through my stuff in the car and went over to his van. It was raining and I gave him a big smile and asked if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to stop. "Stop what?" Chewing cancer my friend. I gave him the name of the website and told him I was Souliman and that we could get it done if he wanted to stop. His response "what the hell is wrong with you bothering strangers like this?" I smiled and apologized for bothering him and politely asked if he thought he was an addict and if he even knew what an addict was. I got a "get the hell out of here" and he shut the door. He pulled away and the last thing I saw was this little black haired girl looking through window at me. The rain falling made it look like tears coming down the glass. I tried. He failed.
cavers find a way to cave, quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30

Offline Souliman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #82 on: November 11, 2011, 09:46:00 AM »

I quit today. Quick story. Yesterday, before I took off from Soulville for the BBJ Compound, I stopped at the quickie mart to grab some gum and a few bottles of water(which I regretted later while stuck in traffic in NY). Obviously in a past life that would have included a big ole teat of nicotine for the 5 hour ride. In front of me is some Joe Blow with a green Sox hat on buying a paper and a can of Skoal. The thoughts that ran through my head were joy that I was not that guy anymore. He collected his cancer and I stepped up to the counter with my Big Red and future bladder bursting bottles of water. I went out to the car and looked to see where the guy went. Got into a mini-van, two girls under 10 in the backseat. I thought what a shame.

What would Souli do?

Yeah. I through my stuff in the car and went over to his van. It was raining and I gave him a big smile and asked if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to stop. "Stop what?" Chewing cancer my friend. I gave him the name of the website and told him I was Souliman and that we could get it done if he wanted to stop. His response "what the hell is wrong with you bothering strangers like this?" I smiled and apologized for bothering him and politely asked if he thought he was an addict and if he even knew what an addict was. I got a "get the hell out of here" and he shut the door. He pulled away and the last thing I saw was this little black haired girl looking through window at me. The rain falling made it look like tears coming down the glass. I tried. He failed.

Offline bigsky406

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #81 on: October 28, 2011, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Time is short now a days since the power of quit has taken over my life.
Wear out, don't rust out...and sleep when your dead.

And now that you're quit, that's a lot farther off than it would've been otherwise...

Offline TCOPE

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #80 on: October 28, 2011, 06:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. I fucking love this cult. Fucking love it. I love the fact the we all sack up each day and say "fuck you" to the nic bitch. I like that folks lean on each other and in the light of weakness, they take strength in knowing they are not alone. I like that I've got to know some pretty cool and some pretty badass folks while I've been here. I dig that I'm a different guy than day 1. Thanks to all you guys. I'm paying it forward as much as I can. Time is short now a days since the power of quit has taken over my life. I'm expanding my horizons and giving the old high hard one to fuckers that say "you can't". I want more. I used to hold the boulder up with both hands...straining. Then it got easier. Now, I do a "I Dream of Jeanie" move and that fucking boulder actually moves up the hill.
that's right.... and long live those of us in the Endurance thread that bask in the glow of exertion, endorphins, pain, challenge and taking one more step than we ever thought we could.... I quit with Soul, every day....
I don't do drugs…. I am drugs…

Offline AgLawyer

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #79 on: October 28, 2011, 05:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. I fucking love this cult. Fucking love it. I love the fact the we all sack up each day and say "fuck you" to the nic bitch. I like that folks lean on each other and in the light of weakness, they take strength in knowing they are not alone. I like that I've got to know some pretty cool and some pretty badass folks while I've been here. I dig that I'm a different guy than day 1. Thanks to all you guys. I'm paying it forward as much as I can. Time is short now a days since the power of quit has taken over my life. I'm expanding my horizons and giving the old high hard one to fuckers that say "you can't". I want more. I used to hold the boulder up with both hands...straining. Then it got easier. Now, I do a "I Dream of Jeanie" move and that fucking boulder actually moves up the hill.
Dude, you are a fucking quit beast. Well done and thanks for supporting all of those who follow behind you.

Offline Ready

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #78 on: October 28, 2011, 05:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. I fucking love this cult. Fucking love it. I love the fact the we all sack up each day and say "fuck you" to the nic bitch. I like that folks lean on each other and in the light of weakness, they take strength in knowing they are not alone. I like that I've got to know some pretty cool and some pretty badass folks while I've been here. I dig that I'm a different guy than day 1. Thanks to all you guys. I'm paying it forward as much as I can. Time is short now a days since the power of quit has taken over my life. I'm expanding my horizons and giving the old high hard one to fuckers that say "you can't". I want more. I used to hold the boulder up with both hands...straining. Then it got easier. Now, I do a "I Dream of Jeanie" move and that fucking boulder actually moves up the hill.
Freedom is a Great thing. I quit with you today.

Offline The Al man

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #77 on: October 28, 2011, 02:14:00 AM »
Yes!! Thank you sir!! Proud to drink this cults kool aid with you fine sir!

Offline Souliman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #76 on: October 27, 2011, 10:34:00 PM »

I quit today. I fucking love this cult. Fucking love it. I love the fact the we all sack up each day and say "fuck you" to the nic bitch. I like that folks lean on each other and in the light of weakness, they take strength in knowing they are not alone. I like that I've got to know some pretty cool and some pretty badass folks while I've been here. I dig that I'm a different guy than day 1. Thanks to all you guys. I'm paying it forward as much as I can. Time is short now a days since the power of quit has taken over my life. I'm expanding my horizons and giving the old high hard one to fuckers that say "you can't". I want more. I used to hold the boulder up with both hands...straining. Then it got easier. Now, I do a "I Dream of Jeanie" move and that fucking boulder actually moves up the hill.

Offline miles

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #75 on: October 19, 2011, 11:52:00 AM »
Way to use the tools here at KTC Soul. Proud to be quit with you brother.

BTW - Chipotle is only good with a shitload of tabasco has no flavor (or jalapeno's for that matter which weirds me out - what kind of taco/burrito joint doesn't have jalapenos?)
I quit with with you all!

Offline Parputt

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #74 on: October 19, 2011, 11:03:00 AM »
Quote from: whsii
Quote from: LLCope
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Just a couple things on my mind.

One is how fucking pumped I am about going to PA to meet a whole bunch of quitters. FUCK. I'm excited about that one.

Two I've got a shitty commute right now but it just don't seem to matter when I see "KTC Scowick" pop up on the phone. Good talking with you bro.

Three I was telling a story to Sco about how Friday night it was raining cats and dogs up here. I was heading north to VT and decided to get off the highway and grab a burrito at a place called Chipotle. Food was good but I generally go to taco places where I'm the only white guy in there and have to point to a picture of what I want. This place was too bright, too clean and the music too Gaga. I got me a huge gut bomb and grabbed the hot sauce and sat down next to the window away from everyone else. It was pouring, like the drains over flowing pouring. I looked at my plump pocket of pleasure and had a single thought " nice to have a dip for the ride after this thing".

I have protected my quit with the utmost attention that I could for the past 323 days. In roughly 60 hours from that moment I was going to run a marathon. I'm clean and sober for the first time in 15+ years. I've changed my diet and lost a solid bunch of weight during this past year. All this and I'm still an addict. It doesn't go away.

What did I do? I followed my plan of defense. I busted out my phone and went through all the threads I could. I commented on the fuckers bringing the quit and called out the candy asses still looking for the teat. I went to my quit group and I looked at each one of those guys that put their name down and the numbers they had next to them. All 300+. I read through this introduction twice. Some funny shit in here and some shit that makes me think I spent too much time on tour with Phish. One thing keeps coming through though...I'm an addict. Some times the addict is right in my face, sometimes he's standing outside in pouring rain watching me eat a burrito.

You make me proud to be a KTC brother. Let's ride and do battle with the bitch.

Keep up the good Quit!
Nic be-otch is fizucked - doesn't stand a chance.

Nice quit.
Soul, your words inspire me to be a better quitter. Isn't liberating when you meet your demons face-to-face and say, "No, longer will I succumb to your power. I win now. One day at a time."?

Have a great time in PA. That is the land where whsii was born.

Glad to be quit with you any day or night Soul. You sir are one bad as quitter. Keep it up. If that becomes a problem, get some Viagra.
QD:  1-13-11
HOF: 4-22-11
Sobriety date: 3-4-07

One is one too many
One more is never enough

This Is My Quit

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose ~ Dr. Seuss

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #73 on: October 19, 2011, 11:03:00 AM »
Way to kick the nic bitch in the taint.....I got your back Soul!
Chew is for the weak, the ignorant, the stupid.....don't be stupid. Not stupid as of 11/28/10
Before you cave read this
Acting with almost as much speed as cyanide, nicotine is well
established as one of the most toxic drugs known. In humans,
60mg (a drop) is a lethal dose, and death follows intake within a few minutes. Dr. Charles Ksir

Mouth cancer kills
one American every hour.

Stay's life or death.....
Don't Cave

Offline Wild_Bill

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #72 on: October 19, 2011, 10:03:00 AM »
Quote from: LLCope
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Just a couple things on my mind.

One is how fucking pumped I am about going to PA to meet a whole bunch of quitters. FUCK. I'm excited about that one.

Two I've got a shitty commute right now but it just don't seem to matter when I see "KTC Scowick" pop up on the phone. Good talking with you bro.

Three I was telling a story to Sco about how Friday night it was raining cats and dogs up here. I was heading north to VT and decided to get off the highway and grab a burrito at a place called Chipotle. Food was good but I generally go to taco places where I'm the only white guy in there and have to point to a picture of what I want. This place was too bright, too clean and the music too Gaga. I got me a huge gut bomb and grabbed the hot sauce and sat down next to the window away from everyone else. It was pouring, like the drains over flowing pouring. I looked at my plump pocket of pleasure and had a single thought " nice to have a dip for the ride after this thing".

I have protected my quit with the utmost attention that I could for the past 323 days. In roughly 60 hours from that moment I was going to run a marathon. I'm clean and sober for the first time in 15+ years. I've changed my diet and lost a solid bunch of weight during this past year. All this and I'm still an addict. It doesn't go away.

What did I do? I followed my plan of defense. I busted out my phone and went through all the threads I could. I commented on the fuckers bringing the quit and called out the candy asses still looking for the teat. I went to my quit group and I looked at each one of those guys that put their name down and the numbers they had next to them. All 300+. I read through this introduction twice. Some funny shit in here and some shit that makes me think I spent too much time on tour with Phish. One thing keeps coming through though...I'm an addict. Some times the addict is right in my face, sometimes he's standing outside in pouring rain watching me eat a burrito.

You make me proud to be a KTC brother. Let's ride and do battle with the bitch.

Keep up the good Quit!
Nic be-otch is fizucked - doesn't stand a chance.

Nice quit.

Soul, your words inspire me to be a better quitter. Isn't liberating when you meet your demons face-to-face and say, "No, longer will I succumb to your power. I win now. One day at a time."?

Have a great time in PA. That is the land where whsii was born.

Quit Dip: August 12, 2011
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veni, vici, cessavi

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #71 on: October 19, 2011, 08:47:00 AM »
Quote from: LLCope
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Just a couple things on my mind.

One is how fucking pumped I am about going to PA to meet a whole bunch of quitters. FUCK. I'm excited about that one.

Two I've got a shitty commute right now but it just don't seem to matter when I see "KTC Scowick" pop up on the phone. Good talking with you bro.

Three I was telling a story to Sco about how Friday night it was raining cats and dogs up here. I was heading north to VT and decided to get off the highway and grab a burrito at a place called Chipotle. Food was good but I generally go to taco places where I'm the only white guy in there and have to point to a picture of what I want. This place was too bright, too clean and the music too Gaga. I got me a huge gut bomb and grabbed the hot sauce and sat down next to the window away from everyone else. It was pouring, like the drains over flowing pouring. I looked at my plump pocket of pleasure and had a single thought " nice to have a dip for the ride after this thing".

I have protected my quit with the utmost attention that I could for the past 323 days. In roughly 60 hours from that moment I was going to run a marathon. I'm clean and sober for the first time in 15+ years. I've changed my diet and lost a solid bunch of weight during this past year. All this and I'm still an addict. It doesn't go away.

What did I do? I followed my plan of defense. I busted out my phone and went through all the threads I could. I commented on the fuckers bringing the quit and called out the candy asses still looking for the teat. I went to my quit group and I looked at each one of those guys that put their name down and the numbers they had next to them. All 300+. I read through this introduction twice. Some funny shit in here and some shit that makes me think I spent too much time on tour with Phish. One thing keeps coming through though...I'm an addict. Some times the addict is right in my face, sometimes he's standing outside in pouring rain watching me eat a burrito.

You make me proud to be a KTC brother. Let's ride and do battle with the bitch.

Keep up the good Quit!
Nic be-otch is fizucked - doesn't stand a chance.

Nice quit.

Offline LLCope

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #70 on: October 19, 2011, 06:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Just a couple things on my mind.

One is how fucking pumped I am about going to PA to meet a whole bunch of quitters. FUCK. I'm excited about that one.

Two I've got a shitty commute right now but it just don't seem to matter when I see "KTC Scowick" pop up on the phone. Good talking with you bro.

Three I was telling a story to Sco about how Friday night it was raining cats and dogs up here. I was heading north to VT and decided to get off the highway and grab a burrito at a place called Chipotle. Food was good but I generally go to taco places where I'm the only white guy in there and have to point to a picture of what I want. This place was too bright, too clean and the music too Gaga. I got me a huge gut bomb and grabbed the hot sauce and sat down next to the window away from everyone else. It was pouring, like the drains over flowing pouring. I looked at my plump pocket of pleasure and had a single thought " nice to have a dip for the ride after this thing".

I have protected my quit with the utmost attention that I could for the past 323 days. In roughly 60 hours from that moment I was going to run a marathon. I'm clean and sober for the first time in 15+ years. I've changed my diet and lost a solid bunch of weight during this past year. All this and I'm still an addict. It doesn't go away.

What did I do? I followed my plan of defense. I busted out my phone and went through all the threads I could. I commented on the fuckers bringing the quit and called out the candy asses still looking for the teat. I went to my quit group and I looked at each one of those guys that put their name down and the numbers they had next to them. All 300+. I read through this introduction twice. Some funny shit in here and some shit that makes me think I spent too much time on tour with Phish. One thing keeps coming through though...I'm an addict. Some times the addict is right in my face, sometimes he's standing outside in pouring rain watching me eat a burrito.

You make me proud to be a KTC brother. Let's ride and do battle with the bitch.

Keep up the good Quit!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #69 on: October 18, 2011, 10:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Just a couple things on my mind.

One is how fucking pumped I am about going to PA to meet a whole bunch of quitters. FUCK. I'm excited about that one.

Two I've got a shitty commute right now but it just don't seem to matter when I see "KTC Scowick" pop up on the phone. Good talking with you bro.

Three I was telling a story to Sco about how Friday night it was raining cats and dogs up here. I was heading north to VT and decided to get off the highway and grab a burrito at a place called Chipotle. Food was good but I generally go to taco places where I'm the only white guy in there and have to point to a picture of what I want. This place was too bright, too clean and the music too Gaga. I got me a huge gut bomb and grabbed the hot sauce and sat down next to the window away from everyone else. It was pouring, like the drains over flowing pouring. I looked at my plump pocket of pleasure and had a single thought " nice to have a dip for the ride after this thing".

I have protected my quit with the utmost attention that I could for the past 323 days. In roughly 60 hours from that moment I was going to run a marathon. I'm clean and sober for the first time in 15+ years. I've changed my diet and lost a solid bunch of weight during this past year. All this and I'm still an addict. It doesn't go away.

What did I do? I followed my plan of defense. I busted out my phone and went through all the threads I could. I commented on the fuckers bringing the quit and called out the candy asses still looking for the teat. I went to my quit group and I looked at each one of those guys that put their name down and the numbers they had next to them. All 300+. I read through this introduction twice. Some funny shit in here and some shit that makes me think I spent too much time on tour with Phish. One thing keeps coming through though...I'm an addict. Some times the addict is right in my face, sometimes he's standing outside in pouring rain watching me eat a burrito.
Only the nic bitch would hang out at a burrito shop in the rain waiting for hit. Whore. Instead, Souli deals some zen on KTC gives her the finger. 'Finger'