Author Topic: Just Getting Started  (Read 10335 times)

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2011, 01:43:00 PM »
Quote from: per034
I'm at 39 days today. I'm here every day. It's just part of my life now. Like having a cup of coffee or putting on new underwear every day (ok, maybe not everyday :)).

When I started this journey I didn't know what to expect. Frankly, I didn't even know if I wanted to quit. My quit started almost on accident - which is a quick way to a failed quit. But I haven't failed and I won't fail. Becuase of this site, every day my quit gets stronger. In the beginning, I spent an obscene amount of time on this site, just reading. Seeing unbelievable support from people who had no clue who I was and seeing astonishing anger directed at people who failed at their quit. I was (and still am) incredibly grateful for the former, and was (but am no longer) incredibly disheartened by the latter.

I went back to my first post in the August Quit Group today and starting reading forward. At one point I came across one of my own posts on Day 3 which included something along the lines of "maybe in a week I'll regret posting this"... The whole thing was about the anger directed at failed quitters.

Well, it's over a month later. I don't regret posting what I had written so early on, because those comments were just another part of my journey to where I am today. But I no longer feel the same way. I understand the anger directed at the failed quit of others. It has nothing to do with the failed quit. It has everything to do with a broken promise. I didn't realize that in the beginning. Some random stranger wants to give in to the nicotine addiction, well too bad for them - I'm not involved. But that same random stranger makes a promise to me and breaks it? Well fuck you then, because now I am involved.

I think that's a defining reason why this site works for so many people. It works for the people who take pride in their own personal character and integrity. It works for people who realize that a promise made is a promise kept. I have no idea if others on this site share the same opinion or if I'm just way the hell out in left field... but it doesn't really matter all that much. This is what I believe this site means for ME and MY QUIT, so this is what I will continue to believe.

And that's why I come here everyday. Like a cup of coffee and fresh pair of skivvies. Because I know I won't break my promise - my promise is stronger than my addiction.
Damn straight Per. The people who are serious about their quit recognize the importance of posting roll and the accountability associated with that act.
I quit with with you all!

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2011, 12:30:00 PM »
I'm at 39 days today. I'm here every day. It's just part of my life now. Like having a cup of coffee or putting on new underwear every day (ok, maybe not everyday :)).

When I started this journey I didn't know what to expect. Frankly, I didn't even know if I wanted to quit. My quit started almost on accident - which is a quick way to a failed quit. But I haven't failed and I won't fail. Becuase of this site, every day my quit gets stronger. In the beginning, I spent an obscene amount of time on this site, just reading. Seeing unbelievable support from people who had no clue who I was and seeing astonishing anger directed at people who failed at their quit. I was (and still am) incredibly grateful for the former, and was (but am no longer) incredibly disheartened by the latter.

I went back to my first post in the August Quit Group today and starting reading forward. At one point I came across one of my own posts on Day 3 which included something along the lines of "maybe in a week I'll regret posting this"... The whole thing was about the anger directed at failed quitters.

Well, it's over a month later. I don't regret posting what I had written so early on, because those comments were just another part of my journey to where I am today. But I no longer feel the same way. I understand the anger directed at the failed quit of others. It has nothing to do with the failed quit. It has everything to do with a broken promise. I didn't realize that in the beginning. Some random stranger wants to give in to the nicotine addiction, well too bad for them - I'm not involved. But that same random stranger makes a promise to me and breaks it? Well fuck you then, because now I am involved.

I think that's a defining reason why this site works for so many people. It works for the people who take pride in their own personal character and integrity. It works for people who realize that a promise made is a promise kept. I have no idea if others on this site share the same opinion or if I'm just way the hell out in left field... but it doesn't really matter all that much. This is what I believe this site means for ME and MY QUIT, so this is what I will continue to believe.

And that's why I come here everyday. Like a cup of coffee and fresh pair of skivvies. Because I know I won't break my promise - my promise is stronger than my addiction.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2011, 06:55:00 PM »
Just picked up my beer bottle with about 4 oz left in it and did a reflexive double take. Wait, is this a spittoon or a beer? Oh that's right, I have no need to fear that anymore.

It's nice picking up a bottle or can and not having to fear the warm chunky reality of drinking a spittoon.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2011, 02:23:00 PM »
Quote from: per034
Quote from: bigbamadan
there is no way 'this shit is so far behind' you now.
That's why I said "feels like" ... I know it ain't over. And I know I got a Looooooong road ahead of me. I'm sure that some time in 2032, when I'm hanging in the backyard with my grandkids, that nic bitch will be watching and waiting ... She might be far off in the distance, and she might be faded quite a bit, but she'll always be there. And I'll always give her the finger every morning and tell her to take a long hard suck on my brown starfish and leave me the hell alone... 'arse'

But right now, I feel pretty damn good.

How bout you just focus on staying quit today. You don't have to worry about 2032 or day 100 or even tomorrow.

All you gotta do is just keep your promise for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

Skoal Monster
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2011, 12:56:00 PM »
Quote from: bigbamadan
there is no way 'this shit is so far behind' you now.
That's why I said "feels like" ... I know it ain't over. And I know I got a Looooooong road ahead of me. I'm sure that some time in 2032, when I'm hanging in the backyard with my grandkids, that nic bitch will be watching and waiting ... She might be far off in the distance, and she might be faded quite a bit, but she'll always be there. And I'll always give her the finger every morning and tell her to take a long hard suck on my brown starfish and leave me the hell alone... 'arse'

But right now, I feel pretty damn good.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline The Lone Dipper

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2011, 12:26:00 PM »
Quote from: rebeldog
Quote from: nomosko
Quote from: The
Quote from: per034
Today is day 17. Feels like year 17. Feels like this shit is so far behind me now. I still get cravings for it. But very rarely. When the craving comes it's almost like they don't make tobacco anymore. My mindset becomes "yeah, that would be nice, but it's just not an option." And that's what it's become. A non-option.

I stopped into a quick-mart two days ago to get seeds. This was my place for cope in my past life. I didn't really think much of it when I went in to get seeds. Until I got to the counter and the guy had 2 cans of Cope in his hands and a smile on his face. I felt like I was looking at a drug dealer. "No thanks - been quit for two weeks now."

He stared at me in disbelief. Like "really? You were my best customer! I order an extra sleeve of Cope every week just for you!"

Too fricken bad. I'm done. No more. Feels good.

For any newbies who might be reading this - if you're on day 1. Or day 4. Or hour 3 - trust me, it gets better. I dipped for 25+ years. Every day. At least a can O'Cope a Day. I'm just taking this one day at a time. I posted roll today. I'm quit today. And when I post roll tomorrow, I'll be quit tomorrow.
Im in the same boat with you brother, I went into my spot picked up some spicy seeds and some more gum and went to the counter...clerk had my cope out as well and when I told her I was quit she could not fuckin believe it...I left and was so proud of myself because I feel that in that instance I just strengthened my quit even more than what it was before.
Please be very careful. It is awsome to be quit but don't get too cocky about it. Not to be the bearer of bad news but I felt exactly the same early on in my quit too. There may be some bad days ahead. It is important you remember how good you feel about being quit if those days come. The 50's were horrible for me. This site got me through.

Don't get me wrong. Enjoy the way you feel about your quit. I'm just saying the nic bitch is probably not done with you yet.
Ditto. I'm on day 65 so take this for what it's worth. Day 60  61 were this past weekend. I was in such a rage...somewhat due to job stress but I had a lot of outdoor projects and too much time to think about the bitch. Tuesday night driving 3 hours by myself presented too much boredom and think time again. I've made other long road trips since quit but this one was solo and too late in the night to kill time on a phone call. Fight the good fight. Gum, seeds, your lower lip...chew on anything but nicotine. Get up the next morning and post roll. Make this promise to yourself and us.
Thanks for keeping me humble...I should have added though that on that day, I was having a bad day and in a good fog but because of this site, MY QUIT and the fact that I vowed not to dip that day...I never even considered buying a can an option. But I do thank you because I know I am nowhere out of the woods yet...I am still deep in the forest but every so often I can look up and see the bright sun through a clearing of the treetops. That is why I continue to post roll and follow in the footsteps that quit brothers like you have laid out for us. I am quit for today!!!
Man Up and get to Quittin'!!!

Quit Date: 11-09-11

Offline bigbamadan

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2011, 12:24:00 PM »
Quote from: rebeldog
Quote from: nomosko
Quote from: The
Quote from: per034
Today is day 17. Feels like year 17. Feels like this shit is so far behind me now. I still get cravings for it. But very rarely. When the craving comes it's almost like they don't make tobacco anymore. My mindset becomes "yeah, that would be nice, but it's just not an option." And that's what it's become. A non-option.

I stopped into a quick-mart two days ago to get seeds. This was my place for cope in my past life. I didn't really think much of it when I went in to get seeds. Until I got to the counter and the guy had 2 cans of Cope in his hands and a smile on his face. I felt like I was looking at a drug dealer. "No thanks - been quit for two weeks now."

He stared at me in disbelief. Like "really? You were my best customer! I order an extra sleeve of Cope every week just for you!"

Too fricken bad. I'm done. No more. Feels good.

For any newbies who might be reading this - if you're on day 1. Or day 4. Or hour 3 - trust me, it gets better. I dipped for 25+ years. Every day. At least a can O'Cope a Day. I'm just taking this one day at a time. I posted roll today. I'm quit today. And when I post roll tomorrow, I'll be quit tomorrow.
Im in the same boat with you brother, I went into my spot picked up some spicy seeds and some more gum and went to the counter...clerk had my cope out as well and when I told her I was quit she could not fuckin believe it...I left and was so proud of myself because I feel that in that instance I just strengthened my quit even more than what it was before.
Please be very careful. It is awsome to be quit but don't get too cocky about it. Not to be the bearer of bad news but I felt exactly the same early on in my quit too. There may be some bad days ahead. It is important you remember how good you feel about being quit if those days come. The 50's were horrible for me. This site got me through.

Don't get me wrong. Enjoy the way you feel about your quit. I'm just saying the nic bitch is probably not done with you yet.
Ditto. I'm on day 65 so take this for what it's worth. Day 60  61 were this past weekend. I was in such a rage...somewhat due to job stress but I had a lot of outdoor projects and too much time to think about the bitch. Tuesday night driving 3 hours by myself presented too much boredom and think time again. I've made other long road trips since quit but this one was solo and too late in the night to kill time on a phone call. Fight the good fight. Gum, seeds, your lower lip...chew on anything but nicotine. Get up the next morning and post roll. Make this promise to yourself and us.
complacency is the quickest way to kill a quit. not trying to be a dick here per...but there is no way 'this shit is so far behind' you now. it's awesome you are experiencing great days . these days are what it is all about. don't forget these days. store them away in the back of your mind so when the periodic suck returns you can easily blow through it and push fwd to more good days.
Quit: 3/23/10
All good things in all good time.

Offline rebeldog

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2011, 12:11:00 PM »
Quote from: nomosko
Quote from: The
Quote from: per034
Today is day 17. Feels like year 17. Feels like this shit is so far behind me now. I still get cravings for it. But very rarely. When the craving comes it's almost like they don't make tobacco anymore. My mindset becomes "yeah, that would be nice, but it's just not an option." And that's what it's become. A non-option.

I stopped into a quick-mart two days ago to get seeds. This was my place for cope in my past life. I didn't really think much of it when I went in to get seeds. Until I got to the counter and the guy had 2 cans of Cope in his hands and a smile on his face. I felt like I was looking at a drug dealer. "No thanks - been quit for two weeks now."

He stared at me in disbelief. Like "really? You were my best customer! I order an extra sleeve of Cope every week just for you!"

Too fricken bad. I'm done. No more. Feels good.

For any newbies who might be reading this - if you're on day 1. Or day 4. Or hour 3 - trust me, it gets better. I dipped for 25+ years. Every day. At least a can O'Cope a Day. I'm just taking this one day at a time. I posted roll today. I'm quit today. And when I post roll tomorrow, I'll be quit tomorrow.
Im in the same boat with you brother, I went into my spot picked up some spicy seeds and some more gum and went to the counter...clerk had my cope out as well and when I told her I was quit she could not fuckin believe it...I left and was so proud of myself because I feel that in that instance I just strengthened my quit even more than what it was before.
Please be very careful. It is awsome to be quit but don't get too cocky about it. Not to be the bearer of bad news but I felt exactly the same early on in my quit too. There may be some bad days ahead. It is important you remember how good you feel about being quit if those days come. The 50's were horrible for me. This site got me through.

Don't get me wrong. Enjoy the way you feel about your quit. I'm just saying the nic bitch is probably not done with you yet.
Ditto. I'm on day 65 so take this for what it's worth. Day 60  61 were this past weekend. I was in such a rage...somewhat due to job stress but I had a lot of outdoor projects and too much time to think about the bitch. Tuesday night driving 3 hours by myself presented too much boredom and think time again. I've made other long road trips since quit but this one was solo and too late in the night to kill time on a phone call. Fight the good fight. Gum, seeds, your lower lip...chew on anything but nicotine. Get up the next morning and post roll. Make this promise to yourself and us.
You will never grow taller than when you stoop to help a brother. - The Varlet

Offline nomosko

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2011, 12:05:00 PM »
Quote from: The
Quote from: per034
Today is day 17. Feels like year 17. Feels like this shit is so far behind me now. I still get cravings for it. But very rarely. When the craving comes it's almost like they don't make tobacco anymore. My mindset becomes "yeah, that would be nice, but it's just not an option." And that's what it's become. A non-option.

I stopped into a quick-mart two days ago to get seeds. This was my place for cope in my past life. I didn't really think much of it when I went in to get seeds. Until I got to the counter and the guy had 2 cans of Cope in his hands and a smile on his face. I felt like I was looking at a drug dealer. "No thanks - been quit for two weeks now."

He stared at me in disbelief. Like "really? You were my best customer! I order an extra sleeve of Cope every week just for you!"

Too fricken bad. I'm done. No more. Feels good.

For any newbies who might be reading this - if you're on day 1. Or day 4. Or hour 3 - trust me, it gets better. I dipped for 25+ years. Every day. At least a can O'Cope a Day. I'm just taking this one day at a time. I posted roll today. I'm quit today. And when I post roll tomorrow, I'll be quit tomorrow.
Im in the same boat with you brother, I went into my spot picked up some spicy seeds and some more gum and went to the counter...clerk had my cope out as well and when I told her I was quit she could not fuckin believe it...I left and was so proud of myself because I feel that in that instance I just strengthened my quit even more than what it was before.
Please be very careful. It is awsome to be quit but don't get too cocky about it. Not to be the bearer of bad news but I felt exactly the same early on in my quit too. There may be some bad days ahead. It is important you remember how good you feel about being quit if those days come. The 50's were horrible for me. This site got me through.

Don't get me wrong. Enjoy the way you feel about your quit. I'm just saying the nic bitch is probably not done with you yet.
Never give up!!!
Quit, Quit, Quit
Quit Date 2/6/11
HOF 5/16/11
2nd floor 8/24/11
3rd floor 12/2/11
1 Year 2/5/12
4th floor 3/11/12
5th floor 6/19/12
6th floor 9/27/12
7th floor 1/5/13
2 Years 2/5/13
8th floor 4/15/13
9th floor 7/25/13
COMMA 11/1/13
3 Years 2/5/14
11th floor 2/9/14

Offline The Lone Dipper

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2011, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: per034
Today is day 17. Feels like year 17. Feels like this shit is so far behind me now. I still get cravings for it. But very rarely. When the craving comes it's almost like they don't make tobacco anymore. My mindset becomes "yeah, that would be nice, but it's just not an option." And that's what it's become. A non-option.

I stopped into a quick-mart two days ago to get seeds. This was my place for cope in my past life. I didn't really think much of it when I went in to get seeds. Until I got to the counter and the guy had 2 cans of Cope in his hands and a smile on his face. I felt like I was looking at a drug dealer. "No thanks - been quit for two weeks now."

He stared at me in disbelief. Like "really? You were my best customer! I order an extra sleeve of Cope every week just for you!"

Too fricken bad. I'm done. No more. Feels good.

For any newbies who might be reading this - if you're on day 1. Or day 4. Or hour 3 - trust me, it gets better. I dipped for 25+ years. Every day. At least a can O'Cope a Day. I'm just taking this one day at a time. I posted roll today. I'm quit today. And when I post roll tomorrow, I'll be quit tomorrow.
Im in the same boat with you brother, I went into my spot picked up some spicy seeds and some more gum and went to the counter...clerk had my cope out as well and when I told her I was quit she could not fuckin believe it...I left and was so proud of myself because I feel that in that instance I just strengthened my quit even more than what it was before.
Man Up and get to Quittin'!!!

Quit Date: 11-09-11

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2011, 11:30:00 AM »
The cravings aren't even cravings. They're just these little triggers in my life. Like just now I got a reminder to do my monthly status report. My reflex reaction was "ok, close the door, pop in a dip, and do the report." Then, less than a second later my reaction was "ah fuck. Dammit. Oh well."
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline marjwilliams

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2011, 11:19:00 AM »
Great post man. Thanks for the insight. As a day 5 guy here I'm just sick of the physical crap. Like you, it matters not because going and getting some tobacco just isn't an option, but still it sucks to go through.

I very much look forward to cravings being the most of my worries. Pretty sure I can handle that.
Quit Date: 5/9/11
Dipping stats:
Timberwolf Straight longcut
13 years, 1 can a day
per034 on cravings: "ah fuck. Dammit. Oh well."


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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2011, 11:19:00 AM »
Per - you are doing great! - You inspire my quit and it is a privilege to be quit with you today - Corn

Offline per034

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2011, 11:13:00 AM »
Today is day 17. Feels like year 17. Feels like this shit is so far behind me now. I still get cravings for it. But very rarely. When the craving comes it's almost like they don't make tobacco anymore. My mindset becomes "yeah, that would be nice, but it's just not an option." And that's what it's become. A non-option.

I stopped into a quick-mart two days ago to get seeds. This was my place for cope in my past life. I didn't really think much of it when I went in to get seeds. Until I got to the counter and the guy had 2 cans of Cope in his hands and a smile on his face. I felt like I was looking at a drug dealer. "No thanks - been quit for two weeks now."

He stared at me in disbelief. Like "really? You were my best customer! I order an extra sleeve of Cope every week just for you!"

Too fricken bad. I'm done. No more. Feels good.

For any newbies who might be reading this - if you're on day 1. Or day 4. Or hour 3 - trust me, it gets better. I dipped for 25+ years. Every day. At least a can O'Cope a Day. I'm just taking this one day at a time. I posted roll today. I'm quit today. And when I post roll tomorrow, I'll be quit tomorrow.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

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Re: Just Getting Started
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2011, 06:52:00 AM »
Keep it brother. I PM'ed you my cell number. If you need anything at all shoot me a text.
04/27/2011-"The first day of the rest of my life."

'irish' 'irish' "Proud to be Irish, proud to be a fireman!" 'irish' 'irish'

"Firefighting is all about ASS. Busting ours to save yours."

"I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman." ~Edward F. Croker~FDNY Fire Chief