Author Topic: Really... NEED HELP  (Read 2440 times)

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Offline canslave

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2011, 04:49:00 PM »
I know I might be one of the younger quitters here and i guess i've been saying things to myself such as " you can do this 10 moreyears and then quit. Enjoy it while your young". Obviously thats bullshit, especially hearing from some of u older guys who it sounds like, wished they quit a lonnng time ago. This is making me think differently on that so i appreciate it. As far as looking for ther benefits of quitting, not dying early is one of the obvious ones.. I guess i just want to know what its like on the other side. Thanks for some of the answers very helpful. Dip is on the rise for people that are 19 or around that age. I don't know really why. I started because i thought it looked cool and macho. Also i have a bit of depression, and in my mind ii feel like it makes things better for a short period of time.WRONG! i'm sure it just makes things worse! I will be posting roll 2morrow! Addiction can only make depression worse!
Gota do it... got to

Offline gladitsnotheroine

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2011, 04:30:00 PM »
Quit now, the longer you wait the harder. Im 63 days in and it sucks. Im ill all the time and crave like a bitch. What are my positives to quitting? The biggest reason is im not going to die from putting shit in my mouth. Below that would be my kids are not old enough to understand me dipping, so therefore they will not grow up seeing me dip and think its ok for them to put shit in their mouths. Ill be alive hopefully a little longer to be their daddy and again will not die from putting shit in my mouth. Im no longer wwasting $150 a month to put shit in my mouth.

Do I feel better, not yet. I damn sure don't feel awesome. The outcomes noted above will be awesome, but quitting sucks. If it were easy, you wouldn't see an ass getting ripped nearly everyday on this site for caving. Man up, quit being a pussy and quit. Why does everything have to be awesome these days? Unless you are ghey, you might have kids one day too. How awesome do you think it will be when your son looks up at you and thinks its cool to spit cause that's what daddy does? It made me feel like a prick. Don't be a prick like me, quit before you even have kids.

Sorry if I seem like an ass, but its been a shitty day. All day I've thought just one more dip everynow and then would be ok, but im an addict and that's bullshit. That next one could kill me and then the awesome outcome of my quit would never happen.

You want awesome? Go read the Kern story and look at the cancer pics and think to yourself how awesome it is that you aren't those guys. Go post roll and make a promise, that would be awesome. Hanging around wanting to hear how awesome quitting is from abunch of craving addicts, is not awesome. It sucks, but its something everyone here for one reason or another must go through? What's your reason? Go post roll and take it one day at a time.
Reading KTC and Rocking to DBT!

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2011, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: canslave
I found this site last year and thought about quitting. Instead i've dipped this whole past year and have not quit. I've come to a crisis now as my urge to quit is at its strongest to date. Im very tired of sore throats, bad breath, horrible gums, stained teeth etc. I started dipping 2 years ago at the age of 17 not knowing just how addictive this drug really is. I've thrown cans away and quit for half a day.. then just went and bought another can!!! I guess I would just like to know... what does it feel like to be off dip and how great is the feeling?? I cant even remember what it feels like not to be a slave to the can! So anybody out there, Just tell me how awesome it is and the benefits you noticed right after quitting. Need further motivation sadly, I guess i'm that addicted! Thank you
I started dipping when I was 9 years old and dipped for 38 years. I quit 37 days ago. I never knew how great life could be without dip. Dip was my life for 38 years. Not quitting sooner is the second most regrettable thing in my life. Trying dip in the first place is the most regrettable thing in my life.

Need motivation, hereÂ’s mine: 37 days ago a buddy of mine who dipped for 25 years called to tell me he has stomach cancer. HeÂ’s now had 3 operations and started chemo. HeÂ’s lost 40 lbs and turned totally gray. No one can recognize him. He is getting the best treatment in the world but he is dying a painful, gross, miserable death. His wife and two kids get to watch. The bright side is Doc told him he has a 4% chance of living 5 years.

Please, please, please do not look back after another year, or two, or ten and say “I wish I had when I knew I should.” Eliminate dip from your life today!

38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

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Offline J-Dawg

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2011, 04:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Radman
I'm yet another long-term dumbass. 19 years for me. Been quit 387 days, and life is great. Motivators/benefits:

1. Not going nuts everytime a small bump appears on your gum.
2. Not having to take the top off a rotten spit bottle that's been under my truck seat for 2 weeks and press the rank thing to my lip because I'm about to drown. Just damn. That should be enough right there.
3. I can actually taste food again.
4. No more heartburn.
5. More energy (this may take a few days).
6. Actually enjoy the smell of a beautiful female because it's not overpowered by wintergreen and my funky breat.
7. The satisfaction of others knowing you're badass enough to quit. Still got some friends that haven't quit... and they respect the victory.
8. Changes in sex drive. Yes, that's right. This was a huge surprise to me (and my wife :o ).

These are just my big ones, but there is actually a list of the top 100 on this site somewhere. I challenge you to find it. It's hilarious and sad at the same time.
If I could like this post, I would. Those are all great things to look forward to!

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Offline Radman

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2011, 03:48:00 PM »
I'm yet another long-term dumbass. 19 years for me. Been quit 387 days, and life is great. Motivators/benefits:

1. Not going nuts everytime a small bump appears on your gum.
2. Not having to take the top off a rotten spit bottle that's been under my truck seat for 2 weeks and press the rank thing to my lip because I'm about to drown. Just damn. That should be enough right there.
3. I can actually taste food again.
4. No more heartburn.
5. More energy (this may take a few days).
6. Actually enjoy the smell of a beautiful female because it's not overpowered by wintergreen and my funky breat.
7. The satisfaction of others knowing you're badass enough to quit. Still got some friends that haven't quit... and they respect the victory.
8. Changes in sex drive. Yes, that's right. This was a huge surprise to me (and my wife :o ).

These are just my big ones, but there is actually a list of the top 100 on this site somewhere. I challenge you to find it. It's hilarious and sad at the same time.

Offline J-Dawg

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2011, 03:38:00 PM »
Come on in, canslave. You can quit with me! Nic is a pain in the ass... but believe me... you can do ANYTHING you set your mind too. I'm going on 3 days and I'm determined, buddy. QUIT WITH US!

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2011, 03:33:00 PM »
Many stories here and most of them the is mine, sounds kinda like are 2 years in, you need to quit NOW...

2 years huh??? It took me 21 years! Dont be a dumbass like me! It only gets harder with time. Quit now! Not tomorrow...Not next week...Right Fucking NOW! Who knows which dip you take will be the one that kills you DEAD! I consider myself extremely lucky that I am not worse off than I am. You might not be so lucky.


Offline minuteofangle

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 03:18:00 PM »
2 years huh??? It took me 24 years! Dont be a dumbass like me! It only gets harder with time. Quit now! Not tomorrow...Not next week...Right Fucking NOW! Who knows which dip you take will be the one that kills you DEAD! I consider myself extremely lucky that I am not worse off than I am. You might not be so lucky.


Offline Scowick65

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Re: Really... NEED HELP
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 03:11:00 PM »
You feel physically better. More importantly, you feel free. It is hard to quit. It is worth the fight.

We quit 1 day at a time by posting roll.

This is why we post roll. index.php?showtopic=120

This is how we post roll. index.php?showtopic=50

This is where we post roll. index.php?showtopic=5270

You should join us. Slavery sucks.

Offline canslave

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Really... NEED HELP
« on: October 06, 2011, 03:03:00 PM »
I found this site last year and thought about quitting. Instead i've dipped this whole past year and have not quit. I've come to a crisis now as my urge to quit is at its strongest to date. Im very tired of sore throats, bad breath, horrible gums, stained teeth etc. I started dipping 2 years ago at the age of 17 not knowing just how addictive this drug really is. I've thrown cans away and quit for half a day.. then just went and bought another can!!! I guess I would just like to know... what does it feel like to be off dip and how great is the feeling?? I cant even remember what it feels like not to be a slave to the can! So anybody out there, Just tell me how awesome it is and the benefits you noticed right after quitting. Need further motivation sadly, I guess i'm that addicted! Thank you
Gota do it... got to