Author Topic: new to the site  (Read 1820 times)

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Offline bhockey124

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Re: new to the site
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2012, 11:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: bhockey124
Hey guys I am posting on this forum so that everyone knows who I am as I try to quit dipping.

I want to quit for the following reasons: 
- My desire to hide my addiction has damaged my relationship with my family because I avoid them when I dip, which is basically all the time.
- It's expensive.  I dip a can per day, it adds up.
- It's gross. It gives me bad breath, and leaves my mouth all messed up.  Girls hate it and I hate it too
- MOST IMPORTANTLY: I'm ready to live my life without constantly having to have a dip in.  It is time.

I am finishing up finals at college right now and I don't want to go through withdrawal symtoms during this important time, so starting Saturday May 12 I will quit.  This is not an excuse, it is a calculated move to increase my chances for success.  I've tried quitting many times before, and have gone dip free for anywhere from 2 days to 2 months.  Any support and encouragement you guys can give me will be appreciated.  I will post on this forum everyday after starting May 12 with updates.
The day that you decide you want to quit, you will get my support. Until then, I'm glad that your at least a little closer to possibly deciding to quit. I'm not being an ass, I'm just saying that I had quit tomorrow about a hundred times before I actually got around to quitting today. So, I'm a little skeptical. And I question if you really want to quit.

You need to do some more reading about KTC. When you do, you will find that quitting tomorrow, or any future date, is just not something we put a lot of stock into. We quit today.

When you are ready to quit today, look me up for that support. Good luck with finals.
You are right man, I should quit today. Absolutely. I made a call to set a goal to quit May 12 and it sounds weak I know, but I guess you'l have to wait and see how serious I am when I post roll on May 12.

Offline zam

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Re: new to the site
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2012, 11:41:00 PM »
Quote from: bhockey124
Sorry I didn't give background. A little about me: I am a college student and have been dipping one can of Grizzly Wintergreen Long-Cut per day since March 2009. As I am sure everyone here understands, dipping has been a love-hate relationship. I love the taste of a fresh dip after drinking a beer, waking up, finishing a test, getting in the car, getting out of the car and pretty much any other time. I hate that I dip and I will stop.

I have tried to quit many times before but gave in to "just one" dip which got me back into it all over again. I want to stop right now but I feel that if I wait until May 12 my chances will be much better. My exams will be over, I will have moved back home to a different environment, and will have set a goal that I need to keep to everyone on this site and more importantly to myself. Thanks for reading.
Hey man, I hear your story. The beautiful thing about KTC is that everyone here has pretty much the same story. I'm not dogging you, but most of us realize that "tomorrow" if most often a fairy tale. We know it because we lived it.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline bhockey124

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Re: new to the site
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 11:34:00 PM »
Sorry I didn't give background. A little about me: I am a college student and have been dipping one can of Grizzly Wintergreen Long-Cut per day since March 2009. As I am sure everyone here understands, dipping has been a love-hate relationship. I love the taste of a fresh dip after drinking a beer, waking up, finishing a test, getting in the car, getting out of the car and pretty much any other time. I hate that I dip and I will stop.

I have tried to quit many times before but gave in to "just one" dip which got me back into it all over again. I want to stop right now but I feel that if I wait until May 12 my chances will be much better. My exams will be over, I will have moved back home to a different environment, and will have set a goal that I need to keep to everyone on this site and more importantly to myself. Thanks for reading.

Offline zam

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Re: new to the site
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2012, 11:34:00 PM »
Quote from: bhockey124
Hey guys I am posting on this forum so that everyone knows who I am as I try to quit dipping.

I want to quit for the following reasons: 
- My desire to hide my addiction has damaged my relationship with my family because I avoid them when I dip, which is basically all the time.
- It's expensive.  I dip a can per day, it adds up.
- It's gross. It gives me bad breath, and leaves my mouth all messed up.  Girls hate it and I hate it too
- MOST IMPORTANTLY: I'm ready to live my life without constantly having to have a dip in.  It is time.

I am finishing up finals at college right now and I don't want to go through withdrawal symtoms during this important time, so starting Saturday May 12 I will quit.  This is not an excuse, it is a calculated move to increase my chances for success.  I've tried quitting many times before, and have gone dip free for anywhere from 2 days to 2 months.  Any support and encouragement you guys can give me will be appreciated.  I will post on this forum everyday after starting May 12 with updates.
The day that you decide you want to quit, you will get my support. Until then, I'm glad that your at least a little closer to possibly deciding to quit. I'm not being an ass, I'm just saying that I had quit tomorrow about a hundred times before I actually got around to quitting today. So, I'm a little skeptical. And I question if you really want to quit.

You need to do some more reading about KTC. When you do, you will find that quitting tomorrow, or any future date, is just not something we put a lot of stock into. We quit today.

When you are ready to quit today, look me up for that support. You will have it. Good luck with finals.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline bhockey124

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new to the site
« on: May 04, 2012, 11:17:00 PM »
Hey guys I am posting on this forum so that everyone knows who I am as I try to quit dipping.

I want to quit for the following reasons:
- My desire to hide my addiction has damaged my relationship with my family because I avoid them when I dip, which is basically all the time.
- It's expensive. I dip a can per day, it adds up.
- It's gross. It gives me bad breath, and leaves my mouth all messed up. Girls hate it and I hate it too
- MOST IMPORTANTLY: I'm ready to live my life without constantly having to have a dip in. It is time.

I am finishing up finals at college right now and I don't want to go through withdrawal symtoms during this important time, so starting Saturday May 12 I will quit. This is not an excuse, it is a calculated move to increase my chances for success. I've tried quitting many times before, and have gone dip free for anywhere from 2 days to 2 months. Any support and encouragement you guys can give me will be appreciated. I will post on this forum everyday after starting May 12 with updates.