Author Topic: New to the site  (Read 4017 times)

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2014, 01:49:00 AM »
Welcome to the nut house. Stay strong and be quit. Think of only today. Day 5 for me and I am feeling more free than ever. Take the advice of others, don't try, just quit. there is no luck involved. Mogul inspired me when be called me weak because I said wish me luck. 100% quitters attitude is whats needed. Post Roll daily. It is your commitment to quitting. PM me if you need to talk

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2014, 12:47:00 AM »
Quote from: melonmafia
Hey Slinger,

This is my first day as a member too, even though I bet I have visited sites like this a dozen times over the last ten years when I was also "promising" myself to quit. It sounds like we have a lot in common. Both about the same age, both have kids, both like to hunt, and both need to kick a really bad vice out of our lives for good. Join our June quit group and we will do it together. Won't be easy, but I think we are going to have plenty of support here to keep us on track. I'll look for you at roll call.

Get a room you addicts. :D 'na na' 'crackup'

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2014, 11:09:00 PM »
Hey Slinger,

This is my first day as a member too, even though I bet I have visited sites like this a dozen times over the last ten years when I was also "promising" myself to quit. It sounds like we have a lot in common. Both about the same age, both have kids, both like to hunt, and both need to kick a really bad vice out of our lives for good. Join our June quit group and we will do it together. Won't be easy, but I think we are going to have plenty of support here to keep us on track. I'll look for you at roll call.


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Re: New to the site
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2014, 10:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: majorhunting
Quote from: slinger
Hello. I found this site earlier today while I was working. I am 42 years old and have been chewing tobacco in some form for about 22 years. I'm also a husband and a father of two boys. For most of my tobacco chewing career, I was going through at least a can a day. Probably more in some cases. I stopped using for a month about fifteen years ago. Other than that, I have lied to myself and planned on quitting when the time was right. I'll quit next week, or after hunting season, or after this can is empty, or tomorrow. I can't tell you how many times I've quit tomorrow. Obviously, tomorrow never came because here I am. I am tired of lying to my wife and kids about the fact that I'm trying to quit. I may have been trying, but not very hard. I'm tired of breaking promises to them and listening to my children beg me to quit. I'm tired of them telling me they don't want my face to fall off. I want to be around for them. If I'm being honest, I'm probably most tired of the constant, daily struggle that takes place within my own head. Making false promises and lying to myself. Trying to convince myself that it will be easy to quit when I decide the time is right. Well, I dumped half a can into the garbage about two hours ago. I've tried it by myself, and as you folks know, it doesn't work. I want to be done with it starting now. Thanks for your time, and this site.
Welcome slinger,

Hook up with a quit group. You'll be in with June. Post roll everyday and quit One Day At A Time. It will not come easy and will take some work. Connect with people and exchange email or numbers. Whatever it takes to quit you'll need to do. If that means calling someone or talking to three members when you get to the caving point, then do it. Make sure it happens today. Don't worry about the future. Take it each day of your quit. PM me with anything, everyone is here to help each other and hold each other accountable. You have reached out now at the site, so keep reaching out through your quit.
Go to the WELCOME CENTER, upper right, learn how to post roll. Read all of the welcome center, it explains how we do this. You're at the best place for quitters. Welcome to the crazy house!
Slinger I'm a recovering addict and liar. To be honest I'm not sure which has been the most rewarding. I've been married for 34 years and lied to my wife until about 2 years ago. The last time she caught me is when I quit lying and then I found KTC a few months later and began my addiction recovery. We've all had too many tomorrow's but now I only think about today, One day at a time (ODAAT) works, join us by posting roll in June 2014.
Finally! A man who quits today and doesn't wait for tomorrow! Smart quitter here. We all have had the regret of quitting " tomorrow " and not doing a damn thing. Today is what counts. So we quit today. It will be tough but the freedom you get is worth it. Check out as much as you can here. There is a lot of good stuff. Post up in your thread if you need help. Welcome to KTC.

Offline Wt57

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2014, 09:12:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: majorhunting
Quote from: slinger
Hello. I found this site earlier today while I was working. I am 42 years old and have been chewing tobacco in some form for about 22 years. I'm also a husband and a father of two boys. For most of my tobacco chewing career, I was going through at least a can a day. Probably more in some cases. I stopped using for a month about fifteen years ago. Other than that, I have lied to myself and planned on quitting when the time was right. I'll quit next week, or after hunting season, or after this can is empty, or tomorrow. I can't tell you how many times I've quit tomorrow. Obviously, tomorrow never came because here I am. I am tired of lying to my wife and kids about the fact that I'm trying to quit. I may have been trying, but not very hard. I'm tired of breaking promises to them and listening to my children beg me to quit. I'm tired of them telling me they don't want my face to fall off. I want to be around for them. If I'm being honest, I'm probably most tired of the constant, daily struggle that takes place within my own head. Making false promises and lying to myself. Trying to convince myself that it will be easy to quit when I decide the time is right. Well, I dumped half a can into the garbage about two hours ago. I've tried it by myself, and as you folks know, it doesn't work. I want to be done with it starting now. Thanks for your time, and this site.
Welcome slinger,

Hook up with a quit group. You'll be in with June. Post roll everyday and quit One Day At A Time. It will not come easy and will take some work. Connect with people and exchange email or numbers. Whatever it takes to quit you'll need to do. If that means calling someone or talking to three members when you get to the caving point, then do it. Make sure it happens today. Don't worry about the future. Take it each day of your quit. PM me with anything, everyone is here to help each other and hold each other accountable. You have reached out now at the site, so keep reaching out through your quit.
Go to the WELCOME CENTER, upper right, learn how to post roll. Read all of the welcome center, it explains how we do this. You're at the best place for quitters. Welcome to the crazy house!
Slinger I'm a recovering addict and liar. To be honest I'm not sure which has been the most rewarding. I've been married for 34 years and lied to my wife until about 2 years ago. The last time she caught me is when I quit lying and then I found KTC a few months later and began my addiction recovery. We've all had too many tomorrow's but now I only think about today, One day at a time (ODAAT) works, join us by posting roll in June 2014.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2014, 08:57:00 PM »
Quote from: majorhunting
Quote from: slinger
Hello. I found this site earlier today while I was working. I am 42 years old and have been chewing tobacco in some form for about 22 years. I'm also a husband and a father of two boys. For most of my tobacco chewing career, I was going through at least a can a day. Probably more in some cases. I stopped using for a month about fifteen years ago. Other than that, I have lied to myself and planned on quitting when the time was right. I'll quit next week, or after hunting season, or after this can is empty, or tomorrow. I can't tell you how many times I've quit tomorrow. Obviously, tomorrow never came because here I am. I am tired of lying to my wife and kids about the fact that I'm trying to quit. I may have been trying, but not very hard. I'm tired of breaking promises to them and listening to my children beg me to quit. I'm tired of them telling me they don't want my face to fall off. I want to be around for them. If I'm being honest, I'm probably most tired of the constant, daily struggle that takes place within my own head. Making false promises and lying to myself. Trying to convince myself that it will be easy to quit when I decide the time is right. Well, I dumped half a can into the garbage about two hours ago. I've tried it by myself, and as you folks know, it doesn't work. I want to be done with it starting now. Thanks for your time, and this site.
Welcome slinger,

Hook up with a quit group. You'll be in with June. Post roll everyday and quit One Day At A Time. It will not come easy and will take some work. Connect with people and exchange email or numbers. Whatever it takes to quit you'll need to do. If that means calling someone or talking to three members when you get to the caving point, then do it. Make sure it happens today. Don't worry about the future. Take it each day of your quit. PM me with anything, everyone is here to help each other and hold each other accountable. You have reached out now at the site, so keep reaching out through your quit.
Go to the WELCOME CENTER, upper right, learn how to post roll. Read all of the welcome center, it explains how we do this. You're at the best place for quitters. Welcome to the crazy house!
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2014, 08:52:00 PM »
Quote from: slinger
Hello. I found this site earlier today while I was working. I am 42 years old and have been chewing tobacco in some form for about 22 years. I'm also a husband and a father of two boys. For most of my tobacco chewing career, I was going through at least a can a day. Probably more in some cases. I stopped using for a month about fifteen years ago. Other than that, I have lied to myself and planned on quitting when the time was right. I'll quit next week, or after hunting season, or after this can is empty, or tomorrow. I can't tell you how many times I've quit tomorrow. Obviously, tomorrow never came because here I am. I am tired of lying to my wife and kids about the fact that I'm trying to quit. I may have been trying, but not very hard. I'm tired of breaking promises to them and listening to my children beg me to quit. I'm tired of them telling me they don't want my face to fall off. I want to be around for them. If I'm being honest, I'm probably most tired of the constant, daily struggle that takes place within my own head. Making false promises and lying to myself. Trying to convince myself that it will be easy to quit when I decide the time is right. Well, I dumped half a can into the garbage about two hours ago. I've tried it by myself, and as you folks know, it doesn't work. I want to be done with it starting now. Thanks for your time, and this site.
Welcome slinger,

Hook up with a quit group. You'll be in with June. Post roll everyday and quit One Day At A Time. It will not come easy and will take some work. Connect with people and exchange email or numbers. Whatever it takes to quit you'll need to do. If that means calling someone or talking to three members when you get to the caving point, then do it. Make sure it happens today. Don't worry about the future. Take it each day of your quit. PM me with anything, everyone is here to help each other and hold each other accountable. You have reached out now at the site, so keep reaching out through your quit.

Quit Date-11/18/2013
HOF Date-2/25/2014

Offline slinger

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2014, 08:32:00 PM »
Hello. I found this site earlier today while I was working. I am 42 years old and have been chewing tobacco in some form for about 22 years. I'm also a husband and a father of two boys. For most of my tobacco chewing career, I was going through at least a can a day. Probably more in some cases. I stopped using for a month about fifteen years ago. Other than that, I have lied to myself and planned on quitting when the time was right. I'll quit next week, or after hunting season, or after this can is empty, or tomorrow. I can't tell you how many times I've quit tomorrow. Obviously, tomorrow never came because here I am. I am tired of lying to my wife and kids about the fact that I'm trying to quit. I may have been trying, but not very hard. I'm tired of breaking promises to them and listening to my children beg me to quit. I'm tired of them telling me they don't want my face to fall off. I want to be around for them. If I'm being honest, I'm probably most tired of the constant, daily struggle that takes place within my own head. Making false promises and lying to myself. Trying to convince myself that it will be easy to quit when I decide the time is right. Well, I dumped half a can into the garbage about two hours ago. I've tried it by myself, and as you folks know, it doesn't work. I want to be done with it starting now. Thanks for your time, and this site.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Offline slinger

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New to the site
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:32:00 PM »
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

Quit Date: 3/4/14
HOF Date: 6/11/14
2nd Floor: 9/19/14
HOF Speech