Author Topic: Rooter intro  (Read 3249 times)

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Re: Rooter intro
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2018, 10:49:00 PM »
Day 11... early morning of day 11 for me. Got the workout in and was walking back to the living quarters when the strongest crave I have had yet hit. That nic bitch was so strong she was enticing me and spewing some tough shit. She whispered, "you haven't posted roll yet. You won't break your promise if you use before you post roll." This brought me to a moment of clarity...KTC will work if you give it the right amount of effort. I am here spouting about this because I know there are fellow quitters who have felt the same way. Quitters who know what I am going through and are willing to help. But more than anything , I am here because I realize just how big of an addict I am. so on this early morning... I quit for the next 24 hours.

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Re: Rooter intro
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2018, 02:51:00 AM »
Quote from: RDB
Welcome. I also have a small farm. Chickens, goats, cattle. I draw the line at horses.
Please save me from this idea that horses will be fun. Lol. I wanted to started with a few cattle but the family doesn't want that. Instead we are going to have damn horses.

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Re: Rooter intro
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2018, 04:16:00 PM »
Welcome. I also have a small farm. Chickens, goats, cattle. I draw the line at horses.

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Re: Rooter intro
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2018, 02:33:00 PM »
Day 7. You realize just how much of an addict you are when in a stressful situation. That stress used to cause make me pack that lip. Today I actually felt the adrenaline rush not fueled or enhanced by nicotine. Was a different feeling. One that I can get used to. Just have to find ways to get that feeling more often.

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Rooter intro
« on: June 08, 2018, 02:07:00 PM »
It's time I introduce myself to this group of quitters. I am Rooter and have been chewing since I was 13. Now in my 30's it is time to quit. I am married with two young children. We own a small farm where we raise chickens, a couple of goats and depending on the next few months... maybe a damn horse.

For work, I am a member of the US military... USAF. Currently deployed to the Middle East where I have begun my life change of quitting everyday. Has been a bit easier as we don't have alcohol and they don't sell my brand Copenhagen long cut. That is not to say the challenges are present as it seems everyone either chews, smokes or this new ungodly fashion vapes. Also have the added advantage of sweating out all the toxins. When it's hitting 120 each day, you tend to lose all that crap quicker and that forces me to drink loads of water.

As like many of you, I tried to quit before and as you can probably assume, was unsuccessful. That has lead me to here, KTC. The idea of quitting only for today... for one day at a time. To quit just for today. Get up and repeat that everyday.

So why am I quitting today?
1. My family. I have a loving wife and two small children that I want to watch grow up. I don't want to miss time with them doing the things that we love because I am too busy hiding my addiction.
2. I started to add up the costs of what I was spending in a month on chew. It was this number and some financial struggles that we are going through that really put things in perspective. I was being a selfish ass by spending 20 plus a week on chew while my wife went without on some things.
3. Honestly I am tired of being a slave to a can. I am tired of having to find my variety of chew. I am tired of buying a bottle of water to just have a spitter. I am tired of always having to look in the mirror to see if I had chew in my teeth prior to going into a meeting. I am tired of the nasty looks I get from people as I walk around with a spitter in my hand. I am tired of wondering if I had enough chew to make it through the day. I am tired of having to ensure I was stocked up on chew for certain occasions. I am tired of lying to my family and friends. I am tired of hiding my addiction.

So while I am deployed, I don't have a working cell phone plan for text or calls. But here is what I do have, my word. My word is my oath to you that everyday when I type my name on that roll call that I will be nicotine free. That I will not use for today. If you need me... email me. Can't promise I will always be quick to reply but I will do my best.

I look forward to quitting with you today.