I need to quit and more importantly, I want to quit. I am a husband and hopefully a soon to be father. That by itself is enough to quit.
I have a lot of obstacles in the way however. I am in the military and about half of my Soldiers dip. It is common practice and I cannot walk through my company area without seeing atleast one person dipping. I dip in the field, late nights, after PT wake up dip, boring office work dip, etc... On top of all these, I am deploying soon and know that it will be extremely tough to quit while I am downrange.
I have quit before (3 years ago) and I basically weaned myself to 3 lips a day for a week, then 2, then 1. Then about a month after I started back up. I would like to have the discipline to completely stop all together but I am also a realist. My goal is to get myself down to 2 lips a day while deployed. Cut out any morning dip, save it for the stressful afternoons and my relaxing time at night. Eventually get rid of my afternoon dip and 'treat' myself at night for the discipline to last throughout the day. Then cut out my night time dip.
I would like to come back from downrange dip free. That is my endstate.
I am looking for advice from anyone who has beat this beast. Any current or former military will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for time, advice, and for helping me stop this suicide by tobacco.