Author Topic: Good Morning-Day 1  (Read 1589 times)

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Offline sweetrice80

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Re: Good Morning-Day 1
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2019, 08:27:44 AM »
Hi Friends!  I mean I can call you all Friends now right?  ;)

So lets put it this way, I am 33 years old and have been dipping since I was 18 years old.  It all started from playing baseball and being around people that always had a lip, one day I made a mistake and asked one of my friends if I can have one.  It made me sick to my stomach but for some reason, it trapped me and I have been hooked ever since.  I did quit before for about a year, and then, to be honest I am not sure why I started up again, it was another mistake.  I am looking to correct that mistake and looking forward to a better tomorrow.  My family on my father's side has a history of addiction (alcoholism), hence why I made it a choice to never get under that spell to break the history.  While I did break the addiction for alcoholism, I fell into another addiction, Nicotine and its a mother F'in bitch!

This bitch has controlled my life for way too long, not only is it unhealthy, it's expensive and frankly downright nasty.  I will be giving you guys my word and code that as of today at 8:45am I will never Dip, chew, or take any Nicotine-related substances for as long as I live.  My strategy is simple, take it one day at a time, keeping my promise and looking at each day closer to freedom away from Nicotine. 

Look forward to getting to know you all better and will jump over to Roll call right now!


Hi there sweetrice80.
I remember you. You were originally in July Jackals 2015 group which is my group.
You left the site soon after HOF.
Come back in July 2015 group and pay your respects along with your answer to the 3 questions.

1.What happened?
2.Why did it happen?
3.What will be different this time?

My advice to you is to get more involved in your group post roll daily...make contacts, stay in touch and don't disappear after you hit 100, 200, 300 or ???

Really glad you're back brother!!!


My response to Chickdip questions in the July 2015 group:

Hi old Friends,

It pains me to say this but I am back and I want to extend my apologies for not only letting myself down but my fellow Jackals of 2015.  I have jumped back into the roll call for May.  But to answer the three most important questions:

1.What happened?
The what, was pretty simple, I put a dip in my mouth and thought to myself this will just be one time.  Needless to say, I was wrong.

2.Why did it happen?

I think this is the more important question to ask myself.  The simple answer to this is I was out and about with 3 guys who were dipping and I figured what's the harm in trying once? Not realizing how hard it was for me to get to that point and I was willing to blow all that hard work away. There was no real reason than just "why not". I won't fall into the nicotine trap again for just trying once.  While I did not start up on the regular from that one time, but it was a slow building process, the demon came back and basically said, " you know you were fine that one time, why not just go ahead and buy a Tin and only do it twice a day".  Then it became just doing it to work around the house, then next thing you know I am doing it all the time daily!

3.What will be different this time?

I plan to be more involved with this group.  I mean I was pretty involved back in 2015, but I think the key may be to stay involved after HOF.  I also am not going to allow myself to think "what's the harm in dipping once", I have learned my lesson and will not do it twice. 

Thanks for listening and again sorry for letting you all down.


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Re: Good Morning-Day 1
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2019, 10:33:43 PM »
Hi Friends!  I mean I can call you all Friends now right?  ;)

So lets put it this way, I am 33 years old and have been dipping since I was 18 years old.  It all started from playing baseball and being around people that always had a lip, one day I made a mistake and asked one of my friends if I can have one.  It made me sick to my stomach but for some reason, it trapped me and I have been hooked ever since.  I did quit before for about a year, and then, to be honest I am not sure why I started up again, it was another mistake.  I am looking to correct that mistake and looking forward to a better tomorrow.  My family on my father's side has a history of addiction (alcoholism), hence why I made it a choice to never get under that spell to break the history.  While I did break the addiction for alcoholism, I fell into another addiction, Nicotine and its a mother F'in bitch!

This bitch has controlled my life for way too long, not only is it unhealthy, it's expensive and frankly downright nasty.  I will be giving you guys my word and code that as of today at 8:45am I will never Dip, chew, or take any Nicotine-related substances for as long as I live.  My strategy is simple, take it one day at a time, keeping my promise and looking at each day closer to freedom away from Nicotine. 

Look forward to getting to know you all better and will jump over to Roll call right now!


Hi there sweetrice80.
I remember you. You were originally in July Jackals 2015 group which is my group.
You left the site soon after HOF.
Come back in July 2015 group and pay your respects along with your answer to the 3 questions.

1.What happened?
2.Why did it happen?
3.What will be different this time?

My advice to you is to get more involved in your group post roll daily...make contacts, stay in touch and don't disappear after you hit 100, 200, 300 or ???

Really glad you're back brother!!!

July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
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Offline Rick Jr

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Re: Good Morning-Day 1
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2019, 05:56:20 PM »
Welcome Friend & Brother! So glad to have you here with us!! Your story sounds a lot like mine, I came from the same background, I was not lucky enough to stay away from Alcohol, I quit that easy though and kicked that demons ass and was dry for 6.5 Years. I learned to control that beast with ease. I was up to a fifth a day.. unknown number of beers. Now I can have one or two, or a nice glass of Makers and then stop.. I can't touch tequila though!

I'm on Day 9, have quit like you for alittle over a year, then was dumb and started again, Just over half my life has been lived with Dip, and that all changed. If you want my digits send me a PM, it honestly helps a lot. Unlike our Non Nicotine using Family and Friends, we know what you are going through and we Understand. The support here is awesome! It feels weird at first but the Vets and a lot of the guys in our group are awesome! Lets kick this shit together!

Make sure to hit Roll every Day, Wake Up, Piss, Post Roll. Proud to quit with you today! Need anything I am here for you

Offline eschmit04

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Re: Good Morning-Day 1
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2019, 10:56:05 AM »
David, Congrats on your decision to Quit! I to started at about 18-19 and am 32 now and have chewed ever since. At time as much as two cans a day. There is a lot of info here and a lot of support. Reading other peoples stories has helped me a lot.

Offline chris2alaska

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Re: Good Morning-Day 1
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2019, 10:33:35 AM »
Welcome David,

Erik is absolutely correct about this being your best decision.  I just wanted to get your train of thought going in the right direction.  You mention "never" and "for as long as I live" in your intro and previous "quit".  You have only stopped before, not quit.  If you had quit, you wouldn't be here right now.  This is where your "Quit" begins.

In this place, we do not understand the concept of forever, never, for as long as I live - Anything that has to do with anything other than Today.  We only quit one day at a time.  Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. 

I see that you posted roll today, that is awesome.  Keep doing that everyday.  Exchange digits with other quitters.  This will build your accountability web and give you instant access to support when you need it.  Accountability is two-way though, so if someone gives you theirs, you should reciprocate with yours.

Embrace the suck.  It is going to suck until it doesn't.  Drink lots of water, exercise, juice works well for cravings, calling a quit brother works better. 

My digits are a PM away if you want them.

Proud to quit with you today,


If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

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Offline Erik17

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Re: Good Morning-Day 1
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2019, 09:59:19 AM »

Welcome to the best decision you've ever made and one that can quite literally save your life. I also started dipping from baseball when I was about 14-15 and immediately became hooked. I did also quit for a year and a half, so I know the struggle of caving and trying to correct past mistakes. I am in this fight for good this time and am on my day 29 of promise to my April brothers. Soak up a much as you can here and stay in touch with your May brothers and any vets you can. Send out digits for the times when the nic bitch is trying to get you. This site works wonders if you allow it to and take advantage of everything you can. There will 100% be some shitty days and crave moments, but caving is not an option. I am proud to quit with you today - Erik. You got this!!

Offline sweetrice80

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Good Morning-Day 1
« on: January 31, 2019, 08:44:00 AM »
Hi Friends!  I mean I can call you all Friends now right?  ;)

So lets put it this way, I am 33 years old and have been dipping since I was 18 years old.  It all started from playing baseball and being around people that always had a lip, one day I made a mistake and asked one of my friends if I can have one.  It made me sick to my stomach but for some reason, it trapped me and I have been hooked ever since.  I did quit before for about a year, and then, to be honest I am not sure why I started up again, it was another mistake.  I am looking to correct that mistake and looking forward to a better tomorrow.  My family on my father's side has a history of addiction (alcoholism), hence why I made it a choice to never get under that spell to break the history.  While I did break the addiction for alcoholism, I fell into another addiction, Nicotine and its a mother F'in bitch!

This bitch has controlled my life for way too long, not only is it unhealthy, it's expensive and frankly downright nasty.  I will be giving you guys my word and code that as of today at 8:45am I will never Dip, chew, or take any Nicotine-related substances for as long as I live.  My strategy is simple, take it one day at a time, keeping my promise and looking at each day closer to freedom away from Nicotine. 

Look forward to getting to know you all better and will jump over to Roll call right now!
