Author Topic: my quit  (Read 7900 times)

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Offline JMckay

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Re: my quit
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2017, 07:03:00 PM »
Today was good untell i got agitated and it just festered and than i felt super angry. At day 12 hoping thats not the new normal and just withdral effects. The ups and downs of quiting this crap.

Offline JMckay

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Re: my quit
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2017, 08:54:00 AM »
Glad to see that you got in here and posted roll brother. This is the best thing that I have ever done in my life. I'm sure it will be for you. Keep posting roll and adding to the quit total 24 hours at a time. It's that easy, the suck will get better and better.

I can say it has improved vastly over the last couple days. Not perfect but better and i will take that for sure.

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Re: my quit
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2017, 08:14:00 AM »
Glad to see that you got in here and posted roll brother. This is the best thing that I have ever done in my life. I'm sure it will be for you. Keep posting roll and adding to the quit total 24 hours at a time. It's that easy, the suck will get better and better.
FLOOR.. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12...13..14..15..16..17..18..19

It is very simple! We quit for today! We wake up! Do it again tomorrow!! One day at a time!
We walk in each others quit shoes, it may be a little different but ultimately the same exact thing

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Re: my quit
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2017, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Still out camping still want a chew still haven't. The cravings come and go and some of the other things over all improving. Have Been readings others struggles and makes me feel better to know my issues are like others and some of them quit years ago and feel great. Helps give a person the drive to push though the suck.
Push through the suck. You mentioned you have anxiety and I do as well. What helps is to stay active on the site and text or talk to people if you can. Gone cruising also had some anxiety with his quit if you look at his signature it has a link to some very useful information. I bought the book he recommended and he mentions vitamins as well as working out to help with stress. If you can move your body for a half hour a day it will help your mind and your quit. If you need anything send a pm. Anxiety sucks. Quitting sucks. But take it one day at a time. Sometimes I have had to do a minute at a time. But it gets better


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Re: my quit
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2017, 02:23:00 AM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Still out camping still want a chew still haven't. The cravings come and go and some of the other things over all improving. Have Been readings others struggles and makes me feel better to know my issues are like others and some of them quit years ago and feel great. Helps give a person the drive to push though the suck.
We have been where you are (not that particular camp site). 10 days a huge milestone. Take stock in your quit and take a mental inventory of the tools you have to stay quit. You've got this! August 17 just kicked off. Watch it closely and start to support a new quitter. This will greatly help put resolve into your own quit.
Just one is right back to where you were and where you were was desperately wishing you were where you are now.- Via Flip
"But KNOW that quitting every day means that eventually you'll have to quit on the day Lassie kicks the bucket" - ZAM
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Offline JMckay

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Re: my quit
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2017, 11:56:00 PM »
Still out camping still want a chew still haven't. The cravings come and go and some of the other things over all improving. Have Been readings others struggles and makes me feel better to know my issues are like others and some of them quit years ago and feel great. Helps give a person the drive to push though the suck.

Offline Zeno

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Re: my quit
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2017, 12:17:00 PM »
Quote from: jMcKay
My service is up and down will try to get on here and post. Out camping while checking cattle working on fince and barns. This is where i have a hard time staying quit. Most the time i chewed i did it or I'd feel like crap but out camping and working on stuff outside i always had a dip and i liked it. Day 8 now so there is no nic in my system but my body is not happy. I am just not enjoying things the way i did. My resolve is super high i dont wonna be a slave to this crap i would like to see how i feel next year when i still haven't taken a chew.
Well, the good news is you don't have to worry about dipping next year, you only don't have to take a dip today.

Every time you do something without dip that you used to, you are breaking a chain and freeing your mind.

Your body is rewiring itself without dip, and so is your mind - even after the dip has left your body.

I sent you my number - call or text anytime - we can do together what we could not do alone. I quit with you today
Proud Jan. 13 Jackwagin

Quit Date: Sept. 28, 2012

Quitters I have met: ADMann (JW), AirForceAddict, BigBrotherJack, Brettlees, Bronc, ChickDip, Corby, DrStober, EvilWon (JW), GoneCruising, Jbradley (JW), NetGain, Nickald, Remickulous, Sage, Scoot, Sportsfan (JW), Srohde...and always want to meet more.

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Offline JMckay

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Re: my quit
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2017, 02:05:00 PM »
My service is up and down will try to get on here and post. Out camping while checking cattle working on fince and barns. This is where i have a hard time staying quit. Most the time i chewed i did it or I'd feel like crap but out camping and working on stuff outside i always had a dip and i liked it. Day 8 now so there is no nic in my system but my body is not happy. I am just not enjoying things the way i did. My resolve is super high i dont wonna be a slave to this crap i would like to see how i feel next year when i still haven't taken a chew.

Offline Zeno

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Re: my quit
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2017, 11:25:00 AM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Well at day7 i feel ok little off muscle tightness and some fog comes and goes some cravings. I really think about the advice given to me from this website and thanks to you all feel like i made it though the worst of the suck but i know its up and down. In my mind im going to try and link my anxiety and high bp to chew doesn't matter if it really is or not if i make myself believe it i will hate dip even more. That hatered of dip will keep me off of it in the long run i think. It might make my anxiety better also cause its all in the head also.That is my plan
JMcKay - PM for digits if you like, I am open to text or talk any time, for a fellow quitter.

I dipped, chewed, or smoked (sometime more than one at once!) from when I was 13 until I was 46. I had tried and "tried" to quit, and failed more times than I could count. I was going to quit when I joined the Navy, when I finished A School, when I got to my ship, when I made my first deployment, 2nd deployment, when I got out, when I went to college, my first summer in college, 2nd summer, 3rd summer, when I graduated, when I got married, when I had my 1st son, 2nd, get the idea. I never went more than 3 days before I flipped out and bought a can. I had pretty much decided that this was my fate, to die as a slave to the can. If I can make it to freedom, anyone can do it. Just follow directions on KTC and get a little fanatical - it won't hurt you!

I understand about the emotional ups and downs, I had some problems with anxiety, anger, drinking or eating as a substitute for nic....I am now at about 4.5 years of my freedom and have never felt better!
Proud Jan. 13 Jackwagin

Quit Date: Sept. 28, 2012

Quitters I have met: ADMann (JW), AirForceAddict, BigBrotherJack, Brettlees, Bronc, ChickDip, Corby, DrStober, EvilWon (JW), GoneCruising, Jbradley (JW), NetGain, Nickald, Remickulous, Sage, Scoot, Sportsfan (JW), Srohde...and always want to meet more.

Endure and Abstain - Epictetus' motto

Offline JMckay

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Re: my quit
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2017, 10:11:00 AM »
Well at day7 i feel ok little off muscle tightness and some fog comes and goes some cravings. I really think about the advice given to me from this website and thanks to you all feel like i made it though the worst of the suck but i know its up and down. In my mind im going to try and link my anxiety and high bp to chew doesn't matter if it really is or not if i make myself believe it i will hate dip even more. That hatered of dip will keep me off of it in the long run i think. It might make my anxiety better also cause its all in the head also.That is my plan

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Re: my quit
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2017, 07:00:00 AM »
Nicotine, arguably as effective as a benzodiazepine for treating anxiety. Sadly, nicotine is more habit forming, dependency forming, and addictive. Point is, anxiety can be treated with other options, keeping nicotine in the fold just creates problems; or like you said, causes more anxiety. I can tell you this, quitting nicotine...will remove anxiety around quitting. May not be today, or tomorrow, but trust me...the anxiety of quitting goes away. And it feels absolutely fantastic. Keep at it, keep posting. Quit with you.
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Re: my quit
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2017, 12:02:00 AM »
36 - 13 = 23 years an addict. Let that sink in.

It really does take a while to feel "normal" again after we quit. I found myself here after 35 years. After almost 600 days quit things are much better, but I still think my brain has some "unwiring" to do. It will take time but you have found the right place to spend the time. Read, read, read everything here. Wake up and post roll here every morning.

I quit with you today! Stranger999 - day 594

Offline JMckay

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Re: my quit
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2017, 11:47:00 PM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Im coming up on one week off of dip started when i was 13 now 36. Married have 3 kids would like to see them when there older. Most the men in my family chew and have for years, that will make it more difficult but i know i can do it. I work at the air national guard and family ranch. One of the reasons i quit was my blood pressure has been little high dock told me looks like im gonna need to be on bp meds. Thought there is one thing that i can do that could lower it some so i quit. Also was over needing it or feeling like shit. So many reasons to quit only one thing in way addiction. In my recent past had issues with anxiety learned to control it somewhat well. Nicotine helps with anxiety but can also give anxiety so the experts tell me so hoping when withdrawal gets better maybe my anxiety will also improve. That is the inly thing that really stands in my way. I have quit once for basic training and once i used patches but found my self chewing while drinking a week after i was completely off nic. I have had anxiety but have calmed and controlled myself but it does ware on person over a week.
J... glad to see you posting with July. Keep it up, first thing every morning. That's your promise to us and to yourself that you won't use nicotine that day.

You're past the point where the nic is out of your system, and into the fun days when your mind is going to play all sorts of games with you. Something that really helped me cope when I got to that point was understanding what was happening. I've sent you a PM with some links to articles on the site that talk about what you may experience, mentally and physically.

Recognize that when your body or mind does something weird in the next few months, it's almost assuredly because you're healing. Your body is learning to live without a constant stream of nicotine, which means you'll be getting healthier. Your brain is re-wiring itself and learning how to deal with things, good and bad, without nicotine screwing everything up.

I can't promise you that your anxiety will get better as you get deeper into your quit. I will tell you that I had very serious co
Thanks yeah i did think of that the withdrawal felt like anxiety attacks i had in the past. Or i would also get irrigated but it was cause my body need that nic fix and i waited to long. Really good point

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Re: my quit
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2017, 10:54:00 PM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Im coming up on one week off of dip started when i was 13 now 36. Married have 3 kids would like to see them when there older. Most the men in my family chew and have for years, that will make it more difficult but i know i can do it. I work at the air national guard and family ranch. One of the reasons i quit was my blood pressure has been little high dock told me looks like im gonna need to be on bp meds. Thought there is one thing that i can do that could lower it some so i quit. Also was over needing it or feeling like shit. So many reasons to quit only one thing in way addiction. In my recent past had issues with anxiety learned to control it somewhat well. Nicotine helps with anxiety but can also give anxiety so the experts tell me so hoping when withdrawal gets better maybe my anxiety will also improve. That is the inly thing that really stands in my way. I have quit once for basic training and once i used patches but found my self chewing while drinking a week after i was completely off nic. I have had anxiety but have calmed and controlled myself but it does ware on person over a week.
J... glad to see you posting with July. Keep it up, first thing every morning. That's your promise to us and to yourself that you won't use nicotine that day.

You're past the point where the nic is out of your system, and into the fun days when your mind is going to play all sorts of games with you. Something that really helped me cope when I got to that point was understanding what was happening. I've sent you a PM with some links to articles on the site that talk about what you may experience, mentally and physically.

Recognize that when your body or mind does something weird in the next few months, it's almost assuredly because you're healing. Your body is learning to live without a constant stream of nicotine, which means you'll be getting healthier. Your brain is re-wiring itself and learning how to deal with things, good and bad, without nicotine screwing everything up.

I can't promise you that your anxiety will get better as you get deeper into your quit. I will tell you that I had very serious concerns about managing my temper, and after a couple of months, I realized that I had the cause/effect loop all wrong. I thought I would get angry, and need a chew to calm down - when in reality, not having my fix is what made me irritable and prone to anger. It may be that your anxiety may be similar - that simply giving yourself some time may help dull or even eliminate it.

Reach out to the other guys in your quit group, and the other quitters on the site. I guarantee, no matter what you're going through, somebody (and probably a lot of somebodies) has gone through it before. They may be able to give you advice, or just be there to empathize and tell you that yeah, it will get better. Reach out and ask.
"We have so much experience here in lying to ourselves and others, that it takes a strong voice to snap ourselves out of it... Be thankful that all these people are willing to be invested in you saving your life." -- drstober
"You're playing a game of chicken with a dead plant in a plastic can. If you cave you lost to a dead plant." -- Candoit
"The answer isn't more numbers. The answer is build relationships." -- Broccoli-saurus
"ok. now groop hug." -- 'drome
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Offline JMckay

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my quit
« on: April 20, 2017, 10:29:00 PM »
Im coming up on one week off of dip started when i was 13 now 36. Married have 3 kids would like to see them when there older. Most the men in my family chew and have for years, that will make it more difficult but i know i can do it. I work at the air national guard and family ranch. One of the reasons i quit was my blood pressure has been little high dock told me looks like im gonna need to be on bp meds. Thought there is one thing that i can do that could lower it some so i quit. Also was over needing it or feeling like shit. So many reasons to quit only one thing in way addiction. In my recent past had issues with anxiety learned to control it somewhat well. Nicotine helps with anxiety but can also give anxiety so the experts tell me so hoping when withdrawal gets better maybe my anxiety will also improve. That is the inly thing that really stands in my way. I have quit once for basic training and once i used patches but found my self chewing while drinking a week after i was completely off nic. I have had anxiety but have calmed and controlled myself but it does ware on person over a week.