Author Topic: Nothing worth doing comes easy;  (Read 1219 times)

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2010, 10:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: cdeloac
Day 73

It's day 73  and I'm had some SERIOUS craves the last three days.  They've been so bad that I bought, for the first time, a can of the fake stuff and pretty much dip it as much as I dipped before I quit.  Although it has helped was that the right move...should I have done that so far in to my quit??? 

What scares me is I was at this point two years ago when I gave up my quit.  When I stopped at the store I wasn't necessarily there to buy the fake stuff.  I was there to buy a can of Cope, but as my eyes scanned the rack I found and asked for the Mint Snuff instead.
Nice move man! Good choice! I use the fake stuff just about as much as I used to chew 'Hagen. Here's the way I see it: if you're dipping fake shit, you're still quit. As long as there's no poison in it, you're good.

I think you made the right choice, and I don't think there is anything wrong with the fake stuff, especially if it keeps you from caving.

PM me if you need a number or if you think you're going to cave.
No worrys, your hitting the 70's funk is my guess. Really well documented part of the quit. Not everyone gets hit but alot of us including me did. IT WILL GO AWAY. My humble opinion is that this temporary and difficult period has to do with your brain rewiring itself. It is a physical symptom as your body heals.

I believe this because the funk hits the majority of people at this stage.It can't be a coincidence that alot of quitters struggle at this point. Been described as apathy, the fuck its, the blahs, the don't give a shits etc. Add a dose of anxiety, hair trigger dip rage like you had on day three and a couple of decent craves and your pretty much right where I was on day 70ish. I also started in on the fake stuff right about day 60. I still use it although I can go a week or so without, sometimes I'll dip a can a day of it. Crap gives me heartburn like a mutha. BUT it won't kill me, and as time goes by I use less and less. I'd rather dip that shit forever than ever ever use tobacco again. Your good just keep quitting one day at a time. Make a plan for each day on how to deal with the craves and just keep adding +1's.

For those of you not experiencing it don't start imagining symptoms that aren't there.

skoal monster
Dont sweat the fake. I have used it off and on since the beginning. Like SM says I can go weeks without it and other times I dip a can every couple of days. I had a rough time in the 70's and I tore some fake dip up it kept me quit !

Always have your plan handy and be ready to use it. Do whatever you have to do to get through the day. Wake up and do it again the next day. You got this !!

Keep fighting

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2010, 10:02:00 PM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: cdeloac
Day 73

It's day 73  and I'm had some SERIOUS craves the last three days.  They've been so bad that I bought, for the first time, a can of the fake stuff and pretty much dip it as much as I dipped before I quit.  Although it has helped was that the right move...should I have done that so far in to my quit??? 

What scares me is I was at this point two years ago when I gave up my quit.  When I stopped at the store I wasn't necessarily there to buy the fake stuff.  I was there to buy a can of Cope, but as my eyes scanned the rack I found and asked for the Mint Snuff instead.
Nice move man! Good choice! I use the fake stuff just about as much as I used to chew 'Hagen. Here's the way I see it: if you're dipping fake shit, you're still quit. As long as there's no poison in it, you're good.

I think you made the right choice, and I don't think there is anything wrong with the fake stuff, especially if it keeps you from caving.

PM me if you need a number or if you think you're going to cave.

No worrys, your hitting the 70's funk is my guess. Really well documented part of the quit. Not everyone gets hit but alot of us including me did. IT WILL GO AWAY. My humble opinion is that this temporary and difficult period has to do with your brain rewiring itself. It is a physical symptom as your body heals.

I believe this because the funk hits the majority of people at this stage.It can't be a coincidence that alot of quitters struggle at this point. Been described as apathy, the fuck its, the blahs, the don't give a shits etc. Add a dose of anxiety, hair trigger dip rage like you had on day three and a couple of decent craves and your pretty much right where I was on day 70ish. I also started in on the fake stuff right about day 60. I still use it although I can go a week or so without, sometimes I'll dip a can a day of it. Crap gives me heartburn like a mutha. BUT it won't kill me, and as time goes by I use less and less. I'd rather dip that shit forever than ever ever use tobacco again. Your good just keep quitting one day at a time. Make a plan for each day on how to deal with the craves and just keep adding +1's.

For those of you not experiencing it don't start imagining symptoms that aren't there.

skoal monster
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2010, 11:44:00 AM »
Quote from: cdeloac
Day 73

It's day 73 and I'm had some SERIOUS craves the last three days. They've been so bad that I bought, for the first time, a can of the fake stuff and pretty much dip it as much as I dipped before I quit. Although it has helped was that the right move...should I have done that so far in to my quit???

What scares me is I was at this point two years ago when I gave up my quit. When I stopped at the store I wasn't necessarily there to buy the fake stuff. I was there to buy a can of Cope, but as my eyes scanned the rack I found and asked for the Mint Snuff instead.
Nice move man! Good choice! I use the fake stuff just about as much as I used to chew 'Hagen. Here's the way I see it: if you're dipping fake shit, you're still quit. As long as there's no poison in it, you're good.

I think you made the right choice, and I don't think there is anything wrong with the fake stuff, especially if it keeps you from caving.

PM me if you need a number or if you think you're going to cave.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2010, 11:37:00 AM »
Day 73

It's day 73 and I'm had some SERIOUS craves the last three days. They've been so bad that I bought, for the first time, a can of the fake stuff and pretty much dip it as much as I dipped before I quit. Although it has helped was that the right move...should I have done that so far in to my quit???

What scares me is I was at this point two years ago when I gave up my quit. When I stopped at the store I wasn't necessarily there to buy the fake stuff. I was there to buy a can of Cope, but as my eyes scanned the rack I found and asked for the Mint Snuff instead.

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Offline cdforecheck

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2010, 06:01:00 PM »
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
Weird. I don't remember my last dip. I thought I did, but I don't. Maybe I did at one point, and it's now completely irrelevant and, thus, forgotten. I want to believe that, anyway.

Glad to see you guys bullshitting with one another. That's key.

That, and post roll; keep your word; repeat.
me too dean...i remember the last dip i didn't have, when i decided enough and threw in the toilet

it is weird
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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2010, 03:46:00 PM »
Weird. I don't remember my last dip. I thought I did, but I don't. Maybe I did at one point, and it's now completely irrelevant and, thus, forgotten. I want to believe that, anyway.

Glad to see you guys bullshitting with one another. That's key.

That, and post roll; keep your word; repeat.

Offline superjet701

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2010, 09:05:00 PM »
great comment on the "asshat" i just had a baby girl and that really made me think... thanks for the additional motivation
I started my quit on March 26th 2010.
My HOF july 4th, twenty ten.

Offline cdeloac

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2010, 12:33:00 PM »
Day 52

I believe in the old saying "Nothing worth doing comes easy", to some extent it's my lifes motto, much like "If it's worth doing it's worth doing right". But my God why does quitting have to be so hard so many times. Why does the "funk" have to come back when you're 50 plus days in to the quit? I can understand the three day funk, I can even wrap my mind around a week maybe two, but week seven??? Give me an f'n break.

This week has been a living hell for me. To some extent this has been worse than the early weeks. I've felt tired, hungry, spacey, dizzey, PISSED, like there's just something missing that I can't replace (an itch you can't scratch), and everything is 100 times harder than it should be. To top it off I've had a lot of stress' this week too. My wifes car needs a new transmission, an event that I've been looking forward to for some time got postponned for the fourth time, my wife has been a royal pain, and I bit the living hell out of my lip. The good thing is the massive ulcer that I have now prevents me from even thinking about buying a can.

As a Christian, Christ is responsible for my successes. As a sinner, I am responsible for my failures.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2010, 11:08:00 AM »
Quote from: cdeloac

Three daughters WOW. I have two girls and couldn't even imagine having three. I love'em but the drama...oh the drama. [/QUOTE]
Yea well, two of them were a package deal...twins...could be worse, my brother has four daughters. But I gotta remember...I will not have some other asshat walking them down the aisle because I was too much of a pussy and gave up on my quit.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2010, 10:44:00 AM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: cdeloac
Quote from: superjet701
good job guys.  another from jersey who also thought i was one of few and kodiak was my choice   :angry:   I remember my first dip to it was in the high school hockey locker room some where around 9 years ago... and i clearly remember my last one it was only a short 31 days ago but it was also a week before my daughter was born.  She will never see me dip and for that I am proud she fills any voids that dip left behind ( im listening to her make noises in her rocker as i type  :D )  boy is this worth it good luck all keep it  quit
Awesome job. I wish I would have quit when my first daughter was born. I decided to quit so my kids would have a Dad as they grew up. Dipping for twenty plus years is long enough if you ask me. It's been fifty days since I quit and I'm done.
Excellent job guys. I've got three daughters which means 3 prom dresses...3 college educations...3 weddings!!!!!! If for nothing else, I had to quit so I could afford all that shit!

43 days...$421.00...I'm quit today, how 'bout you?

Three daughters WOW. I have two girls and couldn't even imagine having three. I love'em but the drama...oh the drama.

As a Christian, Christ is responsible for my successes. As a sinner, I am responsible for my failures.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2010, 07:31:00 AM »
Quote from: cdeloac
Quote from: superjet701
good job guys.  another from jersey who also thought i was one of few and kodiak was my choice  :angry:  I remember my first dip to it was in the high school hockey locker room some where around 9 years ago... and i clearly remember my last one it was only a short 31 days ago but it was also a week before my daughter was born.  She will never see me dip and for that I am proud she fills any voids that dip left behind ( im listening to her make noises in her rocker as i type  :D )  boy is this worth it good luck all keep it  quit
Awesome job. I wish I would have quit when my first daughter was born. I decided to quit so my kids would have a Dad as they grew up. Dipping for twenty plus years is long enough if you ask me. It's been fifty days since I quit and I'm done.
Excellent job guys. I've got three daughters which means 3 prom dresses...3 college educations...3 weddings!!!!!! If for nothing else, I had to quit so I could afford all that shit!

43 days...$421.00...I'm quit today, how 'bout you?
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline cdeloac

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2010, 10:05:00 PM »
Quote from: superjet701
good job guys. another from jersey who also thought i was one of few and kodiak was my choice :angry: I remember my first dip to it was in the high school hockey locker room some where around 9 years ago... and i clearly remember my last one it was only a short 31 days ago but it was also a week before my daughter was born. She will never see me dip and for that I am proud she fills any voids that dip left behind ( im listening to her make noises in her rocker as i type :D ) boy is this worth it good luck all keep it quit

Awesome job. I wish I would have quit when my first daughter was born. I decided to quit so my kids would have a Dad as they grew up. Dipping for twenty plus years is long enough if you ask me. It's been fifty days since I quit and I'm done.

As a Christian, Christ is responsible for my successes. As a sinner, I am responsible for my failures.

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2010, 08:44:00 PM »
good job guys. another from jersey who also thought i was one of few and kodiak was my choice :angry: I remember my first dip to it was in the high school hockey locker room some where around 9 years ago... and i clearly remember my last one it was only a short 31 days ago but it was also a week before my daughter was born. She will never see me dip and for that I am proud she fills any voids that dip left behind ( im listening to her make noises in her rocker as i type :D ) boy is this worth it good luck all keep it quit
I started my quit on March 26th 2010.
My HOF july 4th, twenty ten.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2010, 02:03:00 PM »
For me it was the Outlaw Josey Wales. I LOVE that movie. I wanted to be Clint...or Josey...taking revenge for the death of my family...killing everyone in my path, and spitting on their skulls as they lay in front of me.

By the way, I lived in Jersey. Not a lot of tobacco chewers there, at least I never knew any. I started when I was 11. I did big leaf for a while, and found the Kodiak bear when I was entering college. I was exclusive to The Bear until I joined the Marines a few years later. Then, I had to switch to Cope. It's all they sold at the PX.

I can't remember doing anything without a dip. Wedding day, births of my three daughters, my wife's graduation from college.

I too remember my last dip. It was very un-ceremonious. That's when I really felt like this quit was THE quit.

But now, I have 39 days of memories to look back on without a dip. Thanks for the post cdeloac, and here's to the future!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Nothing worth doing comes easy;
« on: April 23, 2010, 01:29:00 PM »
Why did we start using tobacco??? For me it was to look cool for the chicks because all the seventh graders that dipped appeared to have the chicks.

I can't remember what my wife wore on our first date and I can't recall where we ate. But I can remember the guys name who let me bum my first dip, his name was Vinni Palermo. He was "the guy" in our school and anybody who was anybody wanted to be him. I remember him telling me that his snuff was in his side pocket of his gym bag if I wanted some. I remember I was in the junior high field house. I don't remember my second dip but I do remember my first.

What's interesting is both of these events helped define my life, one was the first date with my future wife and the mother of my kids and the other was something that I would learn to hate. I find it interesting how I can remember specific details about one but not the other. Sad...very, very sad!

Moving foreward to present day I can remember taking my last dip. I can remember the disgust I had in my heart when I took it and I remember throwing a full can in the breakroom trash. I remember the sound it made when it hit the bottom of the empty trash can. I remember walking away and not turning back. I remember the prayer I prayed after making the decision "Thank you Lord for the will to quit...Give me the strenght I need to stay quit."

Here's to the future!

As a Christian, Christ is responsible for my successes. As a sinner, I am responsible for my failures.