Author Topic: Wish I didn't have relapses  (Read 2230 times)

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2016, 08:53:00 PM »
Seth, I'm with you brother. Virtually same exact scenario with my wife and kids. I highly encourage you to read up on the instructions on how to post roll and join us in the March group. I'm only on day 23, so I'd be right there alongside you along with some other great quitters. PM me for digits for support.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2016, 08:50:00 PM »
The term "relapse" is used for people who, you know, have cancer or something.

You didn't "relapse". You made a conscious decision to chew again.

No more "relapsing".

No more putting that shit in your mouth. Join your March group and QUIT with them.
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Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

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Offline Jeff W

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2016, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: seth8a
Quote from: Jeff
Quote from: pky1520
You don't "have relapses." It doesn't happen to you, you choose to abandon your quit. Every single one of us has been there, but now that you're here, the tools are available to be successful.

Get on roll and get ready to work. No need to wish anymore. Just make your promise and keep it.

You got this!
^^^^^ What he said! Mindset plays a huge roll in your quit. YOU CHOOSE everything that happens to you. Stop the pity party and ATTACK YOUR QUIT WITH AN ENTHUSIASM UNKNOWN TO MANKIND!
I hear you, this is great advice. You have no idea how pissed I am at myself about this relapse. I thought I'd quit for good in December of 2015. I am filled with rage at myself. I need to use that to quit forever. I have two beautiful girls and a beautiful wife, a great job and a great life. Dec. 2nd was the last day that I dipped, and it was a slippery slope from Nov. 5th until that day. I thought I'd buy a can of Kodiak and "give myself a break" from the anxiety I was experiencing. I've done the same shit since I was 20, always falling back on my Kodiak when things get hairy. I worked forestry jobs all through my 20s and that's what got me hooked. I work an office job now, but still can't stay away.

So pissed at myself.
Take comfort in the fact that we are all just like you. I'm married, with a 2yr old daughter and a 5 month old son. I tried to quit on my own thousands of times and failed every time. The nic bitch is very crafty and you need to build strong defenses. I want to be there for my kids when they need me. Get pissed off at the Nicotine and go post roll right now. Promise you will not use nicotine in any form today. It sounds silly to promise strangers on the internet but it works and it is liberating. WE ARE YOUR DEFENSIVE WALL!

I didn't think I could do this but now it's day 47 for me. 47 days isn't shit, but it's a huge step in the right direction for me. Look around at all the 3,000 plus day guys this shit works if you let it.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2016, 08:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Jeff
Quote from: pky1520
You don't "have relapses." It doesn't happen to you, you choose to abandon your quit. Every single one of us has been there, but now that you're here, the tools are available to be successful.

Get on roll and get ready to work. No need to wish anymore. Just make your promise and keep it.

You got this!
^^^^^ What he said! Mindset plays a huge roll in your quit. YOU CHOOSE everything that happens to you. Stop the pity party and ATTACK YOUR QUIT WITH AN ENTHUSIASM UNKNOWN TO MANKIND!
I hear you, this is great advice. You have no idea how pissed I am at myself about this relapse. I thought I'd quit for good in December of 2015. I am filled with rage at myself. I need to use that to quit forever. I have two beautiful girls and a beautiful wife, a great job and a great life. Dec. 2nd was the last day that I dipped, and it was a slippery slope from Nov. 5th until that day. I thought I'd buy a can of Kodiak and "give myself a break" from the anxiety I was experiencing. I've done the same shit since I was 20, always falling back on my Kodiak when things get hairy. I worked forestry jobs all through my 20s and that's what got me hooked. You just couldn't get away from chew in forestry work. I work an office job now, but still can't stay away.

So pissed at myself.

Offline Stranger999

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2016, 08:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Jeff
Quote from: pky1520
You don't "have relapses." It doesn't happen to you, you choose to abandon your quit. Every single one of us has been there, but now that you're here, the tools are available to be successful.

Get on roll and get ready to work. No need to wish anymore. Just make your promise and keep it.

You got this!
^^^^^ What he said! Mindset plays a huge roll in your quit. YOU CHOOSE everything that happens to you. Stop the pity party and ATTACK YOUR QUIT WITH AN ENTHUSIASM UNKNOWN TO MANKIND!
I don't know of anyone who was unable stop using nicotine for a day. We all struggle with the "repeat" part. There are plenty of tools here to help with that. I quit with you today.

Stranger999 day 1 plus 471 "repeats". :)

Offline Jeff W

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2016, 07:53:00 PM »
Quote from: pky1520
You don't "have relapses." It doesn't happen to you, you choose to abandon your quit. Every single one of us has been there, but now that you're here, the tools are available to be successful.

Get on roll and get ready to work. No need to wish anymore. Just make your promise and keep it.

You got this!
^^^^^ What he said! Mindset plays a huge roll in your quit. YOU CHOOSE everything that happens to you. Stop the pity party and ATTACK YOUR QUIT WITH AN ENTHUSIASM UNKNOWN TO MANKIND!

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2016, 06:26:00 PM »
You don't "have relapses." It doesn't happen to you, you choose to abandon your quit. Every single one of us has been there, but now that you're here, the tools are available to be successful.

Get on roll and get ready to work. No need to wish anymore. Just make your promise and keep it.

You got this!

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2016, 05:10:00 PM »
Quit wishing and start doing. You are not powerless in this fight. In fact you have thousands on your side, all you have to do is take a stand, make a promise and keep it.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2016, 04:02:00 PM »
Hi Seth. We don't wish here. We quit. I'm not trying to be a dick, it's all about mindset.

This is how it works - We promise ourselves and the entire community that we will not use nicotine in any form for one day. Then we keep that promise, and do the same thing again tomorrow. I've been doing that for 333 days now. Some have been going it for more than 3,000.

It may sound simple, it may sound cheesy, but it works.

We make our promise by posting Roll in our Quit Groups. Members of our quit groups all quit dipping within a month of each other. You are a member of March '17 (the month that you will be 100 days quit, which is a milestone we celebrate here). You can find your quit group here. and instructions for posting roll here.

We also reach out to each other when we need to. You'll be encouraged to exchange contact digits with some of your brothers in quit. My digits are just a PM (Personal Message) away. See PMs in the upper right of your screen.

If you jump in with both feet, and buy in to the program offered here, I guarantee you will stay quit. Make your promise. Keep your word. Reach out when you need to. If you can do it today, you can do it again tomorrow.

One final thing - we post roll early. It is a promise (to not use nicotine) that you will keep during the entirely of the day. We don't log on in the middle of the day, or in the evening to declare that we have successfully kept quit - we promise first thing in the morning.

Think about all the time you may have taken out of your day to feed your addiction. Did you ever pull over to buy a can when you didn't really have the time? Use that time now to post roll. Every single day.

I'm proud to quit with you. I look forward to seeing your posts in March.

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Re: Wish I didn't have relapses
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2016, 03:59:00 PM »
Quote from: seth8a
I have dipped on and off for many years now, but have had a hard time staying quit. The most recent episode happened in a stressful point in my life--I had quit for a year and then I chewed for 3 weeks. I had even gotten to the point of "gutting" the spit so my wife and kids didn't find out. I would get the hiccups reading to them as I gutted the spit. I quit 15 days ago--I hope this one sticks. I am just so mad at myself right now for being weak and dipping again.
Seth, most of us here have tried to Quit in the past, only to be disappointed in our inability to remain separated from nicotine. There's something special about this place though. Here we build brotherhood and hold each other accountable. Each day we post our promise not to use nicotine and we keep it. Head on over to your group, The March 2017 Pre-HOF Group and post your promise.

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Wish I didn't have relapses
« on: December 19, 2016, 03:40:00 PM »
I have dipped on and off for many years now, but have had a hard time staying quit. The most recent episode happened in a stressful point in my life--I had quit for a year and then I chewed for 3 weeks. I had even gotten to the point of "gutting" the spit so my wife and kids didn't find out. I would get the hiccups reading to them as I gutted the spit. I quit 15 days ago--I hope this one sticks. I am just so mad at myself right now for being weak and dipping again.