Author Topic: ready to quit!!  (Read 4348 times)

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Re: ready to quit!!
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2014, 04:11:00 PM »
You joined in March, but a quitting on Friday? Sorry if I don't believe you. If you really wanted to quit, you'd be telling us that today was Day 1. As it stands, you're an addict that is still lying to yourself. This isn't the site for that kind of STOOOPID (with 3 O's) shit.

Maybe you don't understand what we're doing here. We don't beg people to quit. We don't ask them to quit. We don't talk about all the great things we're ABOUT to do. ALL WE DO IS QUIT. AND WE DO IT EVERY DAMN DAY. We want you to post roll. We want you to join us in the fight. But YOU have to make the choice. You give us your word that come Hell or high water you will not fucking put nicotine in your body today, and we'll support that. In fact, we offer unconditional support for those who have the guts to quit. And we don't charge one thin dime for doing it. But the price of admission is giving your word.

If you want to read about quitting, click on the link above. Learn "what to expect." Learn how and why we post roll. Then come back when you've decided to do it. Or don't come back.

I don't mean to be an a-hole, but this is a big deal. It is life and death we're talking about. This site is full of folks who fighting to save their own lives EVERY DAMN DAY. You get no points for being curious. You're an addict. I used to set quit dates like you are doing. Then rationalize that it was okay to keep dipping now because I would be quit soon anyway, right? That is addict-speak. We're addicts. That means that we are pros. We spot bullshit like that a mile away.

Come back when you're ready to BE free and not just talk about it.

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Re: ready to quit!!
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2014, 03:56:00 PM »
Oh boy.

First order of business: Dump the contents of whatever cans you have lying around in the toilet and flush. Not tomorrow. Today. Right now. You can do it.

Second order of business: Post roll in the December 2014 Hall of Fame group (not august).

Third order of business: Nix that damn butterfly picture from your profile. Cavers often think of themselves as 'special butterflies' and you want no part of that shit heading into your quit.

Speaking of caves, I see you posted once back in 2012 asking for advice on how to quit. Two years later, here you are. Are you ready to quit today? What's so special about Friday? Odds are, if you wait until Friday, you won't be back for another 2 years. Give yourself a fighting chance and quit today.

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Re: ready to quit!!
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2014, 03:48:00 PM »
Quote from: skissy24
I am planning on quitting Friday- can somebody please help me with this website? thanks!! =)
If you quit today, then yes, yes I will. Oh, also explain why you have been a member for so long as well please.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline skissy24

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ready to quit!!
« on: August 27, 2014, 03:44:00 PM »
I am planning on quitting Friday- can somebody please help me with this website? thanks!! =)