Author Topic: Nicotine has left the building  (Read 5377 times)

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Offline Roamcountry

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #104 on: February 20, 2014, 02:28:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
This is utter bullshit, addict speak, planned cave nonsense. Dont get pissy about it either - some folks just drift away and some stay quit. Every single time I have seen someone "announce" they were leaving its been for one of two reasons:
1) they were in a rough spot and crying out for help.
2) they had already made up their mind and were planning to cave, and didnt want other quitters to come a looking when they didnt post roll.

In both cases, caving had definitely become an "option" for them.

Case 1 quitters need and are often "saved" by brothers doing exactly what is being done here - calling them out on their nonsense. They forgot day 1, they started to take the longview (forever is a long, long time). They forgot what slavery felt like.

Case 2 quitters are a different breed. They believe they are cured, can have just one, are tired of the daily struggle, etc. A lot of them never truly "closed the door" or burned their boats. In fact, a good portion were highly active early on. Maybe trying to sell it to themselves because they were not REALLY quit. Who knows, I am not a shrink.

Dabean, I "hope" you are case 1. I hope you read these messages, go back and reread your intro and conductor messages, your quit group, etc and pull your head out of your ass long enough to realize that your quit is about you. Others caving may have an impact on you, but it sure as hell cant impact your quit. You gotta be stronger than that.

New quitters - take heed. Focus on your quit today. Post roll today. Protect your quit first, then do what you can to help others today. Today. Today. Quit getting so caught up in the major milestones that you don't enjoy the daily victories, the real method to quitting. It is NOT about 100, 200, 1000, 5 years, etc. It is about TODAY. Posting roll today puts my quit at 1000%, no matter what happens, or what anyone else does.
To yoda listen..... nuff said

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #103 on: February 20, 2014, 01:37:00 PM »
Quote from: dabean22
Day 200 is here and it feels good. I guess it makes sense that I had a nic dream last night. I have grown to love them after the fact even when the freak me out when I'm in the middle of them. This site has been a blessing and a curse over the last 200 days. Some of the people I've grown close to turned out to disappoint me in ways that I wouldn't have thought possible and others have been a spot of pride for me on a regular basis. I have but heads with some of the established leaders here but not because we wanted different things but because we thought they should be achieved in a different way. I have serious respect for those that stay active here.
The fact is that I could not do that. The more involved I got, the more it affected me when I saw guys heading down the wrong path. I felt like I was loosing brothers as they started to drop away. After I reached day 100 I threw myself into driving the train for December '13 and it was great, (Thanks Midwest04z) but after that, it was getting harder and harder for me to be comfortable holding my brothers accountable. I believe that it was my fault. I believe that I take my promise here more seriously than a lot of others. I took it too personally when people that promised me they would post daily had excuses for missing days repeatedly. There have been several brothers here that have made me proud to know them BearHawk among the most prominent.
It is for that reason that I feel bad about not signing up for 300 days. I am still quit one day at a time with the full expectation to be the same for the rest of my life. When I started this journey by starting the book Allan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking at the recommendation from my sister after my wife had already bought me the book, I had no intention of joining an online support group. When I finished the book and knew exactly why I had failed on all of my previous attempts to quit I knew beyond doubt that I was done with nicotine forever. I decided that I couldn't hurt to join this group my sister couldn't stop talking about. (those of you that know LionHeartedGirl should feel privileged but also know that she can use the spoken word better than most) I joined this group with a healthy respect for the mentality it takes to actually quit and for the pitfalls others have had before me so I poured myself into doing everything I could to support my brothers in quit in any way I could.
A lot happened since then. DippinDave911, bjarrett and of course who can forget the saga that was PaddyMac02, did a lot to change how I was able to connect with the people here. I knew that this site did a lot to give me focus and a place to rage a bit even when I didn't know I needed to. By the time I finished running the train, I had lost a lot of the emotional connection to the members here. That may have been my fault but it's true none the less.

The long and short of it is that I have taken what I needed and I am leaving the rest. I will always come back and post for those here that occasionally text me their promise and I will post for myself on some of those days but as for regular posting, I'm done. Thanks go to everyone that showed me support. There are several here that I will never forget. Thanks to everyone.

(sorry for the rambling. I'm watching the Olympics while I type and have likely been very repetitive very repetitive.)
Hey Dean... Just caught wind of this. Hey thanks for helping me with Dec13 spreadsheet and the conducting advice for Jan14. It meant a lot to me. It's really bad for all of us to see you go. Got one thing for you though. If I could read a book and get cured from this shit I wouldn't be posting this to you right now...

Good luck man!

"D" "O" "C"
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
2nd Floor: 4/5/14 Comma Day 6/13/16!!!
3rd Floor 7/14/2014. 3 Years 9/18/6!!!
1 Year 9/17/2014. 11th Floor 9/21/16
4th Floor 10/22/14. 12th Floor 12/30/16
Half Comma 1/30/15. 13th Floor 4/8/17
6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
2 Years 9/17/15 16th Floor 2/3/18
5 Years 9/18/18  17th Floor 5/14/18
18th Floor 08/22/2018  19th Floor 11/30/18

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #102 on: February 20, 2014, 01:28:00 PM »
Dabean, you certainly had an impact on my quit the last 175 days and I wasn't even in your group. I saw how you held your brothers accountable and lead by example every day. It would now be a shame to fail to share your experiences with new brothers who are in the heat of battle to take back control of their lives. Doing so would only strengthen your quit.

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #101 on: February 20, 2014, 12:30:00 PM »
This is utter bullshit, addict speak, planned cave nonsense. Dont get pissy about it either - some folks just drift away and some stay quit. Every single time I have seen someone "announce" they were leaving its been for one of two reasons:
1) they were in a rough spot and crying out for help.
2) they had already made up their mind and were planning to cave, and didnt want other quitters to come a looking when they didnt post roll.

In both cases, caving had definitely become an "option" for them.

Case 1 quitters need and are often "saved" by brothers doing exactly what is being done here - calling them out on their nonsense. They forgot day 1, they started to take the longview (forever is a long, long time). They forgot what slavery felt like.

Case 2 quitters are a different breed. They believe they are cured, can have just one, are tired of the daily struggle, etc. A lot of them never truly "closed the door" or burned their boats. In fact, a good portion were highly active early on. Maybe trying to sell it to themselves because they were not REALLY quit. Who knows, I am not a shrink.

Dabean, I "hope" you are case 1. I hope you read these messages, go back and reread your intro and conductor messages, your quit group, etc and pull your head out of your ass long enough to realize that your quit is about you. Others caving may have an impact on you, but it sure as hell cant impact your quit. You gotta be stronger than that.

New quitters - take heed. Focus on your quit today. Post roll today. Protect your quit first, then do what you can to help others today. Today. Today. Quit getting so caught up in the major milestones that you don't enjoy the daily victories, the real method to quitting. It is NOT about 100, 200, 1000, 5 years, etc. It is about TODAY. Posting roll today puts my quit at 1000%, no matter what happens, or what anyone else does.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline Gdubya

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #100 on: February 20, 2014, 12:20:00 PM »
Quote from: JayDubya
I don't share the same sentiments as those below. Right or wrong, I think you are being a selfish asshole for doing this. "Oooh...poor me ... so and so hurt my little butt-feelings and I take it too personal (which is bullshit...others may not call you on it, but I will). Too personal?? Oh, like someone reaching out to you and your responding with "thanks for the reach out man, but I gotta go get on the treadmill." lolol...are you serious?!? hahaha. That's a joke/joke of a response. More like the response of someone looking for a loophole....

But you want to know what is NOT A FUCKING JOKE...YOUR own words you took over as the Conductor of December 13 quit group. Well...I'm in DECEMBER 13 and as a member of DECEMBER 13...damn right it is personal now...PERSONAL TO know the one for which you were "paying it forward"...but you go ahead with your own selfish personal agenda. And here you are saying you just can't go on cause it's too personal when someone doesn't post when they said they will, but yet you are no longer committed to posting. See above "More like the response of someone looking for a loophole..."

I hope you come to your senses because you are NOT thinking about how what you are doing is affecting others. That just wreaks of addict babble.

Might want to read before your "train" departs...
This kinda reminds me if the time when Garth Brooks realized he had so much success he balled his fuckn little eyes out. He made tooo much money. He was tooo successful. He was ashamed by achieving sooo much. So what did he do about it. He became someone else. He became Chris Gaines. How stupid was that.

Dude. You came here for you. 200 days is a testimony that you made the right decision. Yes it's painful to lose folks along the way. But it's like the line Ginet uses, " I quit with you, for me. " Thats what this really is all about. Hate to see ya go, but ultimately I came here for me and here is where I'll be.

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #99 on: February 20, 2014, 12:16:00 PM »
Nicotine is too powerful a drug to take on by yourself. Being accountable to others is the only way to succeed in your Quit! Swallow the ego and admit that you need to make your promise every day to beat this addiction. Own your Quit and be accountable to your peers every day!
Quit today all day long!!!

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #98 on: February 20, 2014, 12:11:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
I'm not sure why you are telling everyone here that you are done posting roll.  That is your choice.  Are you giving us the big ....  'Finger' ????  Either this works for you, or it doesn't.  Sounds like you are all done.  Got your 200 days  you are ready to tackle this on your own.  I hope that works for you.

I will tell you that you need to worry about your quit FIRST.  Letting all the failures from your group impact your quit is not where you need to be.  I don't know why you got all tangled up in those disaster quits anyhow... sometimes when someone flames out you just need to get out of the way  let them do their business.

What is holding accountable? 
To me, it is me posting roll EDD and honoring my word for that day.  I am accountable to those that choose to post roll.  I am accountable to people outside of September 2013 as well.  If someone chooses to not post roll... that will not impact my quit  what I do.  I am in charge of myself and that is what I need to handle.  All others know how this works and they choose your fate.  Getting mad and obsessing about the ability to impose your will on someone else is a recipe for failure.

In the end... this is about being quit.  I do it by posting roll EDD, honoring my word, giving what I can to help others... then I do it again the next day. 

This is not for everyone, but I know it works.  243 days of badass quit proves it.  You do what you want, brother.
Damn, Out of respect for LHG I was gonna stay out of this because I tend to be an asshole. But I want to put my two cents is.....

Sounds like complacency to me. After 200 days you damn sure aren't cured. If you think that not having a crave after 100 days means you are free then you missed the entire mark here for the last 200 days. Sounds like you missed it anyway. See, I got complacent around 170-180 days (I would have to look it up to know the real day count), and I started to feel like I was putting too much time into KTC after being a conductor myself. THEN I felt like My group was losing touch with each other. (this all sounds familiar right?) In general, I was out of touch and had forgotten what I was doing and why I was here! Guess what happened? I posted a new day 1! And I would have argued before the day I caved that it could not happen. I was a 100% poster! (until a few weeks before my cave) I was good. See all that I had contributed here? It was worthless the moment I walked away. I sealed my own fate. Good news is that you can come back here if you find that you are wrong and need to post a new day 1. But why do that? It sucks. The shame and the hurt you cause your brothers here. Stick around. Add up your +1's. And then you can look back and be grateful that you dodged a mistake. Just my 2 cents...... I have experience!

Offline Derk40

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #97 on: February 20, 2014, 11:47:00 AM »
I'm not sure why you are telling everyone here that you are done posting roll. That is your choice. Are you giving us the big .... 'Finger' ???? Either this works for you, or it doesn't. Sounds like you are all done. Got your 200 days  you are ready to tackle this on your own. I hope that works for you.

I will tell you that you need to worry about your quit FIRST. Letting all the failures from your group impact your quit is not where you need to be. I don't know why you got all tangled up in those disaster quits anyhow... sometimes when someone flames out you just need to get out of the way  let them do their business.

What is holding accountable?
To me, it is me posting roll EDD and honoring my word for that day. I am accountable to those that choose to post roll. I am accountable to people outside of September 2013 as well. If someone chooses to not post roll... that will not impact my quit  what I do. I am in charge of myself and that is what I need to handle. All others know how this works and they choose their fate. Getting mad and obsessing about the ability to impose your will on someone else is a recipe for failure.

In the end... this is about being quit. I do it by posting roll EDD, honoring my word, giving what I can to help others... then I do it again the next day.

This is not for everyone, but I know it works. 243 days of badass quit proves it. You do what you want, brother.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline JayDubya

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #96 on: February 20, 2014, 11:44:00 AM »
I don't share the same sentiments as those below. Right or wrong, I think you are being a selfish asshole for doing this. "Oooh...poor me ... so and so hurt my little butt-feelings and I take it too personal (which is bullshit...others may not call you on it, but I will). Too personal?? Oh, like someone reaching out to you and your responding with "thanks for the reach out man, but I gotta go get on the treadmill." lolol...are you serious?!? hahaha. That's a joke/joke of a response. More like the response of someone looking for a loophole....

But you want to know what is NOT A FUCKING JOKE...YOUR own words you took over as the Conductor of December 13 quit group. Well...I'm in DECEMBER 13 and as a member of DECEMBER 13...damn right it is personal now...PERSONAL TO know the one for which you were "paying it forward"...but you go ahead with your own selfish personal agenda. And here you are saying you just can't go on cause it's too personal when someone doesn't post when they said they will, but yet you are no longer committed to posting. See above "More like the response of someone looking for a loophole..."

I hope you come to your senses because you are NOT thinking about how what you are doing is affecting others. That just wreaks of addict babble.

Might want to read before your "train" departs...

Offline dabean22

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #95 on: February 20, 2014, 11:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: dabean22
Day 200 is here and it feels good.  I guess it makes sense that I had a nic dream last night.  I have grown to love them after the fact even when the freak me out when I'm in the middle of them.  This site has been a blessing and a curse over the last 200 days.  Some of the people I've grown close to turned out to disappoint me in ways that I wouldn't have thought possible and others have been a spot of pride for me on a regular basis.  I have but heads with some of the established leaders here but not because we wanted different things but because we thought they should be achieved in a different way.  I have serious respect for those that stay active here. 
The fact is that I could not do that.  The more involved I got, the more it affected me when I saw guys heading down the wrong path.  I felt like I was loosing brothers as they started to drop away.  After I reached day 100 I threw myself into driving the train for December '13 and it was great, (Thanks Midwest04z) but after that, it was getting harder and harder for me to be comfortable holding my brothers accountable.  I believe that it was my fault.  I believe that I take my promise here more seriously than a lot of others.  I took it too personally when people that promised me they would post daily had excuses for missing days repeatedly.  There have been several brothers here that have made me proud to know them BearHawk among the most prominent. 
It is for that reason that I feel bad about not signing up for 300 days.  I am still quit one day at a time with the full expectation to be the same for the rest of my life.  When I started this journey by starting the book Allan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking at the recommendation from my sister after my wife had already bought me the book, I had no intention of joining an online support group.  When I finished the book and knew exactly why I had failed on all of my previous attempts to quit I knew beyond doubt that I was done with nicotine forever.  I decided that I couldn't hurt to join this group my sister couldn't stop talking about.  (those of you that know LionHeartedGirl should feel privileged but also know that she can use the spoken word better than most)  I joined this group with a healthy respect for the mentality it takes to actually quit and for the pitfalls others have had before me so I poured myself into doing everything I could to support my brothers in quit in any way I could.
A lot happened since then. DippinDave911, bjarrett and of course who can forget the saga that was PaddyMac02, did a lot to change how I was able to connect with the people here.  I knew that this site did a lot to give me focus and a place to rage a bit even when I didn't know I needed to.   By the time I finished running the train, I had lost a lot of the emotional connection to the members here.  That may have been my fault but it's true none the less. 

The long and short of it is that I have taken what I needed and I am leaving the rest.  I will always come back and post for those here that occasionally text me their promise and I will post for myself on some of those days but as for regular posting, I'm done.  Thanks go to everyone that showed me support.  There are several here that I will never forget.  Thanks to everyone.

(sorry for the rambling.  I'm watching the Olympics while I type and have likely been very repetitive very repetitive.)
So... After all your "hard work" you're going to go against what you know works? Too much trouble to ensure you remain quit? Too much trouble to do the opposite of the people who disappointed you? You feel cured? You strong enough to be your own pillar? Interesting...
That's your choice, Bean, but it would be a shame. A) your contributions to KTC help people quit, no doubt. B ) Haven't you learned that there is no finish line? Stay close to KTC for selfish reasons, if nothing else. You are not cured.

I freak out in my cave dreams, too, but one of the first thoughts I have is about KTC. Obviously it is a layer of accountability that helps me keep my quit.

Assuming you didn't post this just to get some attention...
Hmnnmm I couldn't even finish reading this shit don't you ever ever question my quit or anyone in my pack. You want drama queen go to face book this is how we roll balls out you don't like it don't want to conform to it its a free site I know you have been made aware of that with prior issues just a flick of the switch and poof the site disappears.

As for me I will remain here and pay it forward and back I will give whatever I have left in the tank to help my brothers remain quit. I am not strong everyday somedays a text out of the blue is all that is needed to pick my head up. As an individual I failed many times to remain quit as a brother/sisterhood I am getting it done ODAAT.

Maybe the issue you have is that you think someone/body owes you for being here. We do it because we know what slavery is like the payoff is when you take a young quitter under your wing and watch them all the way through and you see them emerge as strong quitters. That is what this place is about.

So now you can go back to your pity party or you can dust off whatever funk you are in and reach out for help or you can go help some foggy lil fugger. up to you as for me I am done with this thread.
You hit 200 days and have made the decision to disappear and stop by from time to time to post roll. You were one of the leaders from November 2013. Jlud and I were the conductors for your group and let me go on record of stating that it was not an easy group to do that for with the drama that did go on. However, Jeff and I remained strong through it all because there are still some bad ass quitters in that group that maintained their resolve quit daily and are still kicking ass.

If you are worried about a loss of connection within your group reach outside of your group and find others.

One consistent message that was being volleyed in November 2013 was "our group", I am a member of the KTC Community that is "our group". I love my Duck Fips and they will always be special to me, but there are many other quitters that I would not be here if not for them, hell none of us would be.

When you are done feeling sorry for yourself, and your lost connections I suggest that you learn the dish out the KTC Kool-Aide too, as it helps solidify anyone's quit.

Just so we're all clear..."Dabean22" is not me. I'm "Bean"...just Bean...the original. And I plan on being here every damn day.

I'm not criticizing anyone's method as long as it works. I understand that typing 5 or 6 letters AND adding one to the previous day's number is difficult. Especially after you have 200-plus practices in a row. I mean, paying it forward and being an example even when it costs you nothing monetarily and so little time really is asking too much, right?

Take care, Dabean22. Hope you reconsider.

- a very dissappointed Bean.
I respect you all too much to disagree with any of you. I don't plan on stopping by from time to time to post roll. I plan to keep my promise to my brothers to always be available to them. When someone asks me to post roll for them, I will. I value all of the brothers here that still rely on the support system here and would never dishonor them by removing my support.
I have not felt a nicotine craving in over a hundred days. Yes, I remember the times that I used to crave them. I remember the habit but I now understand that I am an addict and that the first time I let my guard down, the bitch will take advantage of it. The fact is that my guard is no longer the website. My guard is now inside myself.
I make this promise to everyone and I take this promise as seriously as any I have made here. If I EVER feel a craving again. If I ever have even one passing thought that it may be OK to have "just one", I will call, text and post roll at that very moment and come back crawling and admitting that it was a mistake. No, my fight against this addiction is not over. It will never be over. I now know enough not to allow myself to believe the lies that the nic bitch has told me for 20 years. LGH will hold me accountable, as will some others that decide to continue to text me from time to time. Anyone that has my number (well over a hundred members) can feel free to check in on me if they feel the desire. I know I'll be checking in with some of my brothers as well.

The fact that you guys are calling me stupid and are disappointed in me just shows how much you care and for that, I thank you. You are the glue that holds this place together. Call me stupid. Tell me I am letting you down. But never stop calling me a quitter.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #94 on: February 20, 2014, 11:21:00 AM »
First Congrats on 200...

ok maybe its because been trying to get together with this character since we live less than an hour from one another (in an area with a few rock solid quitters and friends), but this hits a little hard and confusing at the same time.
I try to never criticize, but I do feel need to say and liken this to the following scenario:
When you came into the KTC community, you moved into a great neighborhood. You were a great friend in your month as you gathered those around your house as they moved in. Heck they looked at you to look after them and their house when they would stray a little. Then as you say after the hall, some of those moved away from the neighborhood. It happens in all groups. Does it hurt, sure it does as we would not be human. It is even ok to start to focus on building a better and better house for yourself, and tending the garden in your own yard (ie the little less activity on the site after the hall for yourself). Heck, I had done this for couple of weeks, and think this is normal as we regain our own internal energy.
It just seems like with this post and what you are saying is that you are putting up the gate around your house, locking it up and moving away. Not asking those who once looked to you, to now look after you. Not staying in touch with those in the neighborhood that you once considered friends.
Have seen so many that have done this in the past, just forget the structure that they had, and come back to only see complete ruin and have to build a new house in a new neighborhood.
As at the beginning, we cannot force someone to quit, and we now cannot force someone to stay. I just thought I would throw this out there because of the history of what happens (as you mention when you see someone going down the wrong path).
Not going to wish you well, but I will wish that if you choose this that you always remember what you went through. Because if you do that, then things may work out well.

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #93 on: February 20, 2014, 10:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: dabean22
Day 200 is here and it feels good.  I guess it makes sense that I had a nic dream last night.  I have grown to love them after the fact even when the freak me out when I'm in the middle of them.  This site has been a blessing and a curse over the last 200 days.  Some of the people I've grown close to turned out to disappoint me in ways that I wouldn't have thought possible and others have been a spot of pride for me on a regular basis.  I have but heads with some of the established leaders here but not because we wanted different things but because we thought they should be achieved in a different way.  I have serious respect for those that stay active here. 
The fact is that I could not do that.  The more involved I got, the more it affected me when I saw guys heading down the wrong path.  I felt like I was loosing brothers as they started to drop away.  After I reached day 100 I threw myself into driving the train for December '13 and it was great, (Thanks Midwest04z) but after that, it was getting harder and harder for me to be comfortable holding my brothers accountable.  I believe that it was my fault.  I believe that I take my promise here more seriously than a lot of others.  I took it too personally when people that promised me they would post daily had excuses for missing days repeatedly.  There have been several brothers here that have made me proud to know them BearHawk among the most prominent. 
It is for that reason that I feel bad about not signing up for 300 days.  I am still quit one day at a time with the full expectation to be the same for the rest of my life.  When I started this journey by starting the book Allan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking at the recommendation from my sister after my wife had already bought me the book, I had no intention of joining an online support group.  When I finished the book and knew exactly why I had failed on all of my previous attempts to quit I knew beyond doubt that I was done with nicotine forever.  I decided that I couldn't hurt to join this group my sister couldn't stop talking about.  (those of you that know LionHeartedGirl should feel privileged but also know that she can use the spoken word better than most)  I joined this group with a healthy respect for the mentality it takes to actually quit and for the pitfalls others have had before me so I poured myself into doing everything I could to support my brothers in quit in any way I could.
A lot happened since then. DippinDave911, bjarrett and of course who can forget the saga that was PaddyMac02, did a lot to change how I was able to connect with the people here.  I knew that this site did a lot to give me focus and a place to rage a bit even when I didn't know I needed to.   By the time I finished running the train, I had lost a lot of the emotional connection to the members here.  That may have been my fault but it's true none the less. 

The long and short of it is that I have taken what I needed and I am leaving the rest.  I will always come back and post for those here that occasionally text me their promise and I will post for myself on some of those days but as for regular posting, I'm done.  Thanks go to everyone that showed me support.  There are several here that I will never forget.  Thanks to everyone.

(sorry for the rambling.  I'm watching the Olympics while I type and have likely been very repetitive very repetitive.)
So... After all your "hard work" you're going to go against what you know works? Too much trouble to ensure you remain quit? Too much trouble to do the opposite of the people who disappointed you? You feel cured? You strong enough to be your own pillar? Interesting...
That's your choice, Bean, but it would be a shame. A) your contributions to KTC help people quit, no doubt. B ) Haven't you learned that there is no finish line? Stay close to KTC for selfish reasons, if nothing else. You are not cured.

I freak out in my cave dreams, too, but one of the first thoughts I have is about KTC. Obviously it is a layer of accountability that helps me keep my quit.

Assuming you didn't post this just to get some attention...
Hmnnmm I couldn't even finish reading this shit don't you ever ever question my quit or anyone in my pack. You want drama queen go to face book this is how we roll balls out you don't like it don't want to conform to it its a free site I know you have been made aware of that with prior issues just a flick of the switch and poof the site disappears.

As for me I will remain here and pay it forward and back I will give whatever I have left in the tank to help my brothers remain quit. I am not strong everyday somedays a text out of the blue is all that is needed to pick my head up. As an individual I failed many times to remain quit as a brother/sisterhood I am getting it done ODAAT.

Maybe the issue you have is that you think someone/body owes you for being here. We do it because we know what slavery is like the payoff is when you take a young quitter under your wing and watch them all the way through and you see them emerge as strong quitters. That is what this place is about.

So now you can go back to your pity party or you can dust off whatever funk you are in and reach out for help or you can go help some foggy lil fugger. up to you as for me I am done with this thread.
You hit 200 days and have made the decision to disappear and stop by from time to time to post roll. You were one of the leaders from November 2013. Jlud and I were the conductors for your group and let me go on record of stating that it was not an easy group to do that for with the drama that did go on. However, Jeff and I remained strong through it all because there are still some bad ass quitters in that group that maintained their resolve quit daily and are still kicking ass.

If you are worried about a loss of connection within your group reach outside of your group and find others.

One consistent message that was being volleyed in November 2013 was "our group", I am a member of the KTC Community that is "our group". I love my Duck Fips and they will always be special to me, but there are many other quitters that I would not be here if not for them, hell none of us would be.

When you are done feeling sorry for yourself, and your lost connections I suggest that you learn the dish out the KTC Kool-Aide too, as it helps solidify anyone's quit.

Just so we're all clear..."Dabean22" is not me. I'm "Bean"...just Bean...the original. And I plan on being here every damn day.

I'm not criticizing anyone's method as long as it works. I understand that typing 5 or 6 letters AND adding one to the previous day's number is difficult. Especially after you have 200-plus practices in a row. I mean, paying it forward and being an example even when it costs you nothing monetarily and so little time really is asking too much, right?

Take care, Dabean22. Hope you reconsider.

- a very dissappointed Bean.

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #92 on: February 20, 2014, 09:51:00 AM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: dabean22
Day 200 is here and it feels good.  I guess it makes sense that I had a nic dream last night.  I have grown to love them after the fact even when the freak me out when I'm in the middle of them.  This site has been a blessing and a curse over the last 200 days.  Some of the people I've grown close to turned out to disappoint me in ways that I wouldn't have thought possible and others have been a spot of pride for me on a regular basis.  I have but heads with some of the established leaders here but not because we wanted different things but because we thought they should be achieved in a different way.  I have serious respect for those that stay active here. 
The fact is that I could not do that.  The more involved I got, the more it affected me when I saw guys heading down the wrong path.  I felt like I was loosing brothers as they started to drop away.  After I reached day 100 I threw myself into driving the train for December '13 and it was great, (Thanks Midwest04z) but after that, it was getting harder and harder for me to be comfortable holding my brothers accountable.  I believe that it was my fault.  I believe that I take my promise here more seriously than a lot of others.  I took it too personally when people that promised me they would post daily had excuses for missing days repeatedly.  There have been several brothers here that have made me proud to know them BearHawk among the most prominent. 
It is for that reason that I feel bad about not signing up for 300 days.  I am still quit one day at a time with the full expectation to be the same for the rest of my life.  When I started this journey by starting the book Allan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking at the recommendation from my sister after my wife had already bought me the book, I had no intention of joining an online support group.  When I finished the book and knew exactly why I had failed on all of my previous attempts to quit I knew beyond doubt that I was done with nicotine forever.  I decided that I couldn't hurt to join this group my sister couldn't stop talking about.  (those of you that know LionHeartedGirl should feel privileged but also know that she can use the spoken word better than most)  I joined this group with a healthy respect for the mentality it takes to actually quit and for the pitfalls others have had before me so I poured myself into doing everything I could to support my brothers in quit in any way I could.
A lot happened since then. DippinDave911, bjarrett and of course who can forget the saga that was PaddyMac02, did a lot to change how I was able to connect with the people here.  I knew that this site did a lot to give me focus and a place to rage a bit even when I didn't know I needed to.   By the time I finished running the train, I had lost a lot of the emotional connection to the members here.  That may have been my fault but it's true none the less. 

The long and short of it is that I have taken what I needed and I am leaving the rest.  I will always come back and post for those here that occasionally text me their promise and I will post for myself on some of those days but as for regular posting, I'm done.  Thanks go to everyone that showed me support.  There are several here that I will never forget.  Thanks to everyone.

(sorry for the rambling.  I'm watching the Olympics while I type and have likely been very repetitive very repetitive.)
So... After all your "hard work" you're going to go against what you know works? Too much trouble to ensure you remain quit? Too much trouble to do the opposite of the people who disappointed you? You feel cured? You strong enough to be your own pillar? Interesting...
That's your choice, Bean, but it would be a shame. A) your contributions to KTC help people quit, no doubt. B ) Haven't you learned that there is no finish line? Stay close to KTC for selfish reasons, if nothing else. You are not cured.

I freak out in my cave dreams, too, but one of the first thoughts I have is about KTC. Obviously it is a layer of accountability that helps me keep my quit.

Assuming you didn't post this just to get some attention...
Hmnnmm I couldn't even finish reading this shit don't you ever ever question my quit or anyone in my pack. You want drama queen go to face book this is how we roll balls out you don't like it don't want to conform to it its a free site I know you have been made aware of that with prior issues just a flick of the switch and poof the site disappears.

As for me I will remain here and pay it forward and back I will give whatever I have left in the tank to help my brothers remain quit. I am not strong everyday somedays a text out of the blue is all that is needed to pick my head up. As an individual I failed many times to remain quit as a brother/sisterhood I am getting it done ODAAT.

Maybe the issue you have is that you think someone/body owes you for being here. We do it because we know what slavery is like the payoff is when you take a young quitter under your wing and watch them all the way through and you see them emerge as strong quitters. That is what this place is about.

So now you can go back to your pity party or you can dust off whatever funk you are in and reach out for help or you can go help some foggy lil fugger. up to you as for me I am done with this thread.
You hit 200 days and have made the decision to disappear and stop by from time to time to post roll. You were one of the leaders from November 2013. Jlud and I were the conductors for your group and let me go on record of stating that it was not an easy group to do that for with the drama that did go on. However, Jeff and I remained strong through it all because there are still some bad ass quitters in that group that maintained their resolve quit daily and are still kicking ass.

If you are worried about a loss of connection within your group reach outside of your group and find others.

One consistent message that was being volleyed in November 2013 was "our group", I am a member of the KTC Community that is "our group". I love my Duck Fips and they will always be special to me, but there are many other quitters that I would not be here if not for them, hell none of us would be.

When you are done feeling sorry for yourself, and your lost connections I suggest that you learn the dish out the KTC Kool-Aide too, as it helps solidify anyone's quit.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline Minny

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #91 on: February 20, 2014, 09:49:00 AM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: dabean22
Day 200 is here and it feels good.  I guess it makes sense that I had a nic dream last night.  I have grown to love them after the fact even when the freak me out when I'm in the middle of them.  This site has been a blessing and a curse over the last 200 days.  Some of the people I've grown close to turned out to disappoint me in ways that I wouldn't have thought possible and others have been a spot of pride for me on a regular basis.  I have but heads with some of the established leaders here but not because we wanted different things but because we thought they should be achieved in a different way.  I have serious respect for those that stay active here. 
The fact is that I could not do that.  The more involved I got, the more it affected me when I saw guys heading down the wrong path.  I felt like I was loosing brothers as they started to drop away.  After I reached day 100 I threw myself into driving the train for December '13 and it was great, (Thanks Midwest04z) but after that, it was getting harder and harder for me to be comfortable holding my brothers accountable.  I believe that it was my fault.  I believe that I take my promise here more seriously than a lot of others.  I took it too personally when people that promised me they would post daily had excuses for missing days repeatedly.  There have been several brothers here that have made me proud to know them BearHawk among the most prominent. 
It is for that reason that I feel bad about not signing up for 300 days.  I am still quit one day at a time with the full expectation to be the same for the rest of my life.  When I started this journey by starting the book Allan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking at the recommendation from my sister after my wife had already bought me the book, I had no intention of joining an online support group.  When I finished the book and knew exactly why I had failed on all of my previous attempts to quit I knew beyond doubt that I was done with nicotine forever.  I decided that I couldn't hurt to join this group my sister couldn't stop talking about.  (those of you that know LionHeartedGirl should feel privileged but also know that she can use the spoken word better than most)  I joined this group with a healthy respect for the mentality it takes to actually quit and for the pitfalls others have had before me so I poured myself into doing everything I could to support my brothers in quit in any way I could.
A lot happened since then. DippinDave911, bjarrett and of course who can forget the saga that was PaddyMac02, did a lot to change how I was able to connect with the people here.  I knew that this site did a lot to give me focus and a place to rage a bit even when I didn't know I needed to.   By the time I finished running the train, I had lost a lot of the emotional connection to the members here.  That may have been my fault but it's true none the less. 

The long and short of it is that I have taken what I needed and I am leaving the rest.  I will always come back and post for those here that occasionally text me their promise and I will post for myself on some of those days but as for regular posting, I'm done.  Thanks go to everyone that showed me support.  There are several here that I will never forget.  Thanks to everyone.

(sorry for the rambling.  I'm watching the Olympics while I type and have likely been very repetitive very repetitive.)
So... After all your "hard work" you're going to go against what you know works? Too much trouble to ensure you remain quit? Too much trouble to do the opposite of the people who disappointed you? You feel cured? You strong enough to be your own pillar? Interesting...
That's your choice, Bean, but it would be a shame. A) your contributions to KTC help people quit, no doubt. B ) Haven't you learned that there is no finish line? Stay close to KTC for selfish reasons, if nothing else. You are not cured.

I freak out in my cave dreams, too, but one of the first thoughts I have is about KTC. Obviously it is a layer of accountability that helps me keep my quit.

Assuming you didn't post this just to get some attention...
Hmnnmm I couldn't even finish reading this shit don't you ever ever question my quit or anyone in my pack. You want drama queen go to face book this is how we roll balls out you don't like it don't want to conform to it its a free site I know you have been made aware of that with prior issues just a flick of the switch and poof the site disappears.

As for me I will remain here and pay it forward and back I will give whatever I have left in the tank to help my brothers remain quit. I am not strong everyday somedays a text out of the blue is all that is needed to pick my head up. As an individual I failed many times to remain quit as a brother/sisterhood I am getting it done ODAAT.

Maybe the issue you have is that you think someone/body owes you for being here. We do it because we know what slavery is like the payoff is when you take a young quitter under your wing and watch them all the way through and you see them emerge as strong quitters. That is what this place is about.

So now you can go back to your pity party or you can dust off whatever funk you are in and reach out for help or you can go help some foggy lil fugger. up to you as for me I am done with this thread.
I think he just likes drama, Trauma. Llama.

I'm done with this thread, too. I hope it falls to the bottom and we get right back to helping quitters.
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

My HOF Speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Nicotine has left the building
« Reply #90 on: February 20, 2014, 09:19:00 AM »
Quote from: Minny
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: dabean22
Day 200 is here and it feels good.  I guess it makes sense that I had a nic dream last night.  I have grown to love them after the fact even when the freak me out when I'm in the middle of them.  This site has been a blessing and a curse over the last 200 days.  Some of the people I've grown close to turned out to disappoint me in ways that I wouldn't have thought possible and others have been a spot of pride for me on a regular basis.  I have but heads with some of the established leaders here but not because we wanted different things but because we thought they should be achieved in a different way.  I have serious respect for those that stay active here. 
The fact is that I could not do that.  The more involved I got, the more it affected me when I saw guys heading down the wrong path.  I felt like I was loosing brothers as they started to drop away.  After I reached day 100 I threw myself into driving the train for December '13 and it was great, (Thanks Midwest04z) but after that, it was getting harder and harder for me to be comfortable holding my brothers accountable.  I believe that it was my fault.  I believe that I take my promise here more seriously than a lot of others.  I took it too personally when people that promised me they would post daily had excuses for missing days repeatedly.  There have been several brothers here that have made me proud to know them BearHawk among the most prominent. 
It is for that reason that I feel bad about not signing up for 300 days.  I am still quit one day at a time with the full expectation to be the same for the rest of my life.  When I started this journey by starting the book Allan Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking at the recommendation from my sister after my wife had already bought me the book, I had no intention of joining an online support group.  When I finished the book and knew exactly why I had failed on all of my previous attempts to quit I knew beyond doubt that I was done with nicotine forever.  I decided that I couldn't hurt to join this group my sister couldn't stop talking about.  (those of you that know LionHeartedGirl should feel privileged but also know that she can use the spoken word better than most)  I joined this group with a healthy respect for the mentality it takes to actually quit and for the pitfalls others have had before me so I poured myself into doing everything I could to support my brothers in quit in any way I could.
A lot happened since then. DippinDave911, bjarrett and of course who can forget the saga that was PaddyMac02, did a lot to change how I was able to connect with the people here.  I knew that this site did a lot to give me focus and a place to rage a bit even when I didn't know I needed to.   By the time I finished running the train, I had lost a lot of the emotional connection to the members here.  That may have been my fault but it's true none the less. 

The long and short of it is that I have taken what I needed and I am leaving the rest.  I will always come back and post for those here that occasionally text me their promise and I will post for myself on some of those days but as for regular posting, I'm done.  Thanks go to everyone that showed me support.  There are several here that I will never forget.  Thanks to everyone.

(sorry for the rambling.  I'm watching the Olympics while I type and have likely been very repetitive very repetitive.)
So... After all your "hard work" you're going to go against what you know works? Too much trouble to ensure you remain quit? Too much trouble to do the opposite of the people who disappointed you? You feel cured? You strong enough to be your own pillar? Interesting...
That's your choice, Bean, but it would be a shame. A) your contributions to KTC help people quit, no doubt. B ) Haven't you learned that there is no finish line? Stay close to KTC for selfish reasons, if nothing else. You are not cured.

I freak out in my cave dreams, too, but one of the first thoughts I have is about KTC. Obviously it is a layer of accountability that helps me keep my quit.

Assuming you didn't post this just to get some attention...
Hmnnmm I couldn't even finish reading this shit don't you ever ever question my quit or anyone in my pack. You want drama queen go to face book this is how we roll balls out you don't like it don't want to conform to it its a free site I know you have been made aware of that with prior issues just a flick of the switch and poof the site disappears.

As for me I will remain here and pay it forward and back I will give whatever I have left in the tank to help my brothers remain quit. I am not strong everyday somedays a text out of the blue is all that is needed to pick my head up. As an individual I failed many times to remain quit as a brother/sisterhood I am getting it done ODAAT.

Maybe the issue you have is that you think someone/body owes you for being here. We do it because we know what slavery is like the payoff is when you take a young quitter under your wing and watch them all the way through and you see them emerge as strong quitters. That is what this place is about.

So now you can go back to your pity party or you can dust off whatever funk you are in and reach out for help or you can go help some foggy lil fugger. up to you as for me I am done with this thread.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech