Author Topic: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?  (Read 15312 times)

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Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #87 on: September 18, 2013, 10:13:00 PM »
I've got ALOT of guys to thank for their help in my 30 days here, in no particular order, I'll try not to forget any:

Work2Win - the best quit friend I could ask for, thanks for always listening to my craziest moments during the first 30

Mookie - thanks for being a best quit friend too, always happy to talk to you  thanks for listening to all my craziest times too

AppleJack - thanks for your prayers  well wishes bro, thanks for always checking on me, glad to know you for sure.

FlyBy - appreciate that you always check on me without fail, I know I can count on you for that

Quit, Zak, WinterGreen - awesome group, glad to be part of your group, thanks, even when I'm always reading  don't always msg back.

SportsFan - thanks for inviting me to the Jackwagins group, that's added another whole dimension of strength for me

PapaBear, ERussell, Srans, bjarret, yesican, BearHawk, thanks for always responding to my texts  messages.

I know there's more that reply in this thread, more that I'm getting to know, more that inspire me too, that keep me in their thoughts  prayers, yall don't hardly know how grateful I am for the brotherhood  fellowship on this site. Thanks.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #86 on: September 18, 2013, 10:02:00 PM »
Day 30 - wow, one month. 30 days down. Maybe I'm premature by a day in that, since my day 1 was 8/20. Still, I wouldn't have thought 30 days was even possibly worth trying for before without all the awesome guys on these boards that have opened themselves right up to pay it forward to a new guy. At the start, 30 hours seems impossible.

Never again, or so I tell myself now. I'm not gonna like though, even 30 days in, I miss nic in all it's forms. The anger I'm told will be there hasn't started yet. But still, never again. Why?

I started my quit a month ago in the midst of a throat infection. No biggie, your body can heal from that, even if it takes a month or two. But I got to thinking what if I had the same feeling but it was the big C, not temporary  not ever to go away. I always thought you were fine as long as you went to the dentist  they didn't find anything, didn't even know you could get throat cancer until very recently.

Time to quit, so I found this site. Booked a dental exam, where I was given the all clear, even with that blacklight thing they shine. But I kept getting sicker  sicker, time to get off to the doc. I've been more times in the last month than I have in the last decade. It got to the point where I couldn't hardly get any food down,  that was after I thought I was getting better. Radiology time. Time to drink the barium  see what's up. Got an all clear on that test just today. I've never been more relieved I don't think in my life EVER.

So there's nothing wrong with me but stress, a viral throat infection, and normal quit symptoms. Phew. Over the last month, I've been at the end of my rope up  down emotionally, mentally, and physically. But praise be to God, He's granted me a clean bill of health to be around another day.

So the best advice I can give for anybody new that might be reading this? Yes it's possible to be quit, this site is an absolute blessing to make that happen if you want it. Embrace the suck, because it sucks completely, but this too shall pass. Better than the alternative. I'm told the good days are yet to come, so we shall see when I reach 60. But fear not, everything progresses ODAAT, just post roll everyday that's all you have to do, no more, no less. For that's your promise to remain quit no matter what.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #85 on: September 18, 2013, 09:49:00 PM »
Quote from: flyby
QLF with the Badass from Alberta! Keep up the good work Mike
Thanks FB! Glad to be quit with you today!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #84 on: September 18, 2013, 01:31:00 PM »
QLF with the Badass from Alberta! Keep up the good work Mike
Motivation is what gets you started,
habit is what keeps you going.
Willpower is remembering what you really want

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #83 on: September 17, 2013, 08:30:00 PM »
Thanks Quit! I'm still up  down day by day but am never going back! I just can't believe it took me this long to wise up! Guess I should be thankful I did.

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #82 on: September 17, 2013, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
It's been a rough week, even a rough month!  the most F'ed up thing after regaining my peace, it felt like it was time to have a sip, a smoke. Wild! Uh no, not a chance, not after the way the last while has gone. So yeah getting the car out  running this weekend.

Yall are welcome to come visit anytime, the garage is still permanently open without drywall though, so you might want to wait a bit since I haven't bought the cabinets yet :D
Keep it going Mike! Way to hang in there over the weekend!
I have been Quit for several years and I still wake up every morning and quit one day at a time.  I figure if it worked yesterday, it will work today.  Never ever get complacent in your quit!

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #81 on: September 14, 2013, 10:52:00 AM »
It's been a rough week, even a rough month!  the most F'ed up thing after regaining my peace, it felt like it was time to have a sip, a smoke. Wild! Uh no, not a chance, not after the way the last while has gone. So yeah getting the car out  running this weekend.

Yall are welcome to come visit anytime, the garage is still permanently open without drywall though, so you might want to wait a bit since I haven't bought the cabinets yet :D

Offline worktowin

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #80 on: September 14, 2013, 04:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
Phil in the poetry thread inspired me to try this too a couple weeks back, never posted it here though, so just a quick bump until I get a chance to really blog about how the weeks have gone.

Ode to Rollin in my 5.0

The last couple years have seen a change in my life,
with a new job and a new home all helped to end my strife.

A move to a new city just cemented the deal,
with each passing day IÂ’ve embraced my new life with zeal.

Now previously you see I lived way out in the sticks,
driving an F150, always with a dip, youÂ’d think I was a hick.

But now with more than one paved road running through town,
it was time for a second car, hey look theyÂ’re offering no money down.

Always wanted a Mustang but budget was tight, doh!!,
still managed to find one for beater money, my five point oh.

Okay so this oneÂ’s no Coyote, but still quick as a Fox,
once loved now neglected, at least it wasnÂ’t on blocks.

If youÂ’re feeling nostalgic for your old Fairmont,
it drives the same, hop in  lets go for a jaunt.

With all sorts of roads all over the city to explore,
I think of future possibilities, itÂ’s time to open a new door.

So with all this major positive change thatÂ’s superb,
one more should probably be to kick the can to the curb.

Finally time to say goodbye to the last bad habit of my old college days,
time to grow up, embrace the future, and develop new ways.
You had a rough week that ended on a positive note. The wins will keep stacking up and this fight will get easier. Get that mustang out and enjoy the weekend - you deserve it. Just be sure to leave the garage open while you are gone so I can take the gladiator cabinets....

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #79 on: September 13, 2013, 11:17:00 PM »
Phil in the poetry thread inspired me to try this too a couple weeks back, never posted it here though, so just a quick bump until I get a chance to really blog about how the weeks have gone.

Ode to Rollin in my 5.0

The last couple years have seen a change in my life,
with a new job and a new home all helped to end my strife.

A move to a new city just cemented the deal,
with each passing day IÂ’ve embraced my new life with zeal.

Now previously you see I lived way out in the sticks,
driving an F150, always with a dip, youÂ’d think I was a hick.

But now with more than one paved road running through town,
it was time for a second car, hey look theyÂ’re offering no money down.

Always wanted a Mustang but budget was tight, doh!!,
still managed to find one for beater money, my five point oh.

Okay so this oneÂ’s no Coyote, but still quick as a Fox,
once loved now neglected, at least it wasnÂ’t on blocks.

If youÂ’re feeling nostalgic for your old Fairmont,
it drives the same, hop in  lets go for a jaunt.

With all sorts of roads all over the city to explore,
I think of future possibilities, itÂ’s time to open a new door.

So with all this major positive change thatÂ’s superb,
one more should probably be to kick the can to the curb.

Finally time to say goodbye to the last bad habit of my old college days,
time to grow up, embrace the future, and develop new ways.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #78 on: September 06, 2013, 12:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Syndrome
hay mike man i was wonderin what part a ab your in and which team you claim. not that it reely matters cuz man both your hocky teams stink up the joint. and man it looks like the same goes for them eskamos. but then may be theres like a team in the w you got to make life bareabull.
Hey Syndrome, Red Deer here. So I can claim either hockey team, but I'm not a fan so I don't bother. Yeah the Esks are sure stinking this year, Calgary's doing alright for sure though,  NFL is about to start reg season, so if Seattle can keep up their preseason momentum we might ust have a good team out west, at least in the greater western region LOL

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #77 on: September 05, 2013, 02:21:00 PM »
hay mike man i was wonderin what part a ab your in and which team you claim. not that it reely matters cuz man both your hocky teams stink up the joint. and man it looks like the same goes for them eskamos. but then may be theres like a team in the w you got to make life bareabull.

Offline worktowin

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #76 on: September 04, 2013, 09:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: Nkwizitr
its rough, but its goin.  sweating for no good reason is awesome.  i cant even have a normal conversation at work.  good thing i work with a bunch of jackasses anyway.
Yeah I hear ya there. I read before,  now at 13 days tomorrow's posting, am finding out that your body has alot of healing to do  you hafta power through not feeling 100% for a bit. Hope the coworker conversations come around, the first days are hardest, it'll get easier. I'm still hoping for things to get easier LOL
There will be rough days in your quit. I mean rough. Nothing you can't handle,, just like 1000's have done before you. THINGS WILL GET BETTER AND EASIER. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!

If you haven't,, read some intros from the beginning. I bet your hard pressed to find one that doesn't show gradual improvement from the beginning. The first three weeks are the worst,, then things improve and continue to improve. You face a few bumps after the first three but nothing you can't handle. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GOOD THINGS ACTUALLY GET! Stay the course. You will love what's coming.

This rule must be followed for gradual improvement. NEVER AGAIN FOR ANY REASON!! Break this rule and you never get to see what's on the other side of the door. Quit with you today...
Mike - let's have an update! How's life treating you up north?!? Met a couple of ktc brothers for drinks tonight - one traveled a lot to Canada and told us how expensive it is to be an addict up there! You must be saving a ton of cash?
Oh wow bro you have no idea. They up the import duties by a few bucks every time they feel like it. Over the last 5 years or so it's beyond ridiculous! All it does is drive everybody to smoke LOL. But I was the master of making a can last  leaving in a dip seemingly FOREVER! But for a couple cans a week here which I got down to (I was always in very good control which is why I never had to quit...) I could've afforded a can a day habit.  yes every trip south was maxed out on how much you could bring back. Just ridiculous beyond wha the govt has any right to intrude on people's freedom to make decisions for themselves, even 'bad' ones.

But yep I'll have those gladiator cabinets before long! :D
Fair warning... You better keep the garage door closed. I bet I could yank those gladiator cabinets off the wall and have them stuffed in the back of my Hyundai damn fast. They'd look great in my garage.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2013, 08:37:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: Nkwizitr
its rough, but its goin.  sweating for no good reason is awesome.  i cant even have a normal conversation at work.  good thing i work with a bunch of jackasses anyway.
Yeah I hear ya there. I read before,  now at 13 days tomorrow's posting, am finding out that your body has alot of healing to do  you hafta power through not feeling 100% for a bit. Hope the coworker conversations come around, the first days are hardest, it'll get easier. I'm still hoping for things to get easier LOL
There will be rough days in your quit. I mean rough. Nothing you can't handle,, just like 1000's have done before you. THINGS WILL GET BETTER AND EASIER. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!

If you haven't,, read some intros from the beginning. I bet your hard pressed to find one that doesn't show gradual improvement from the beginning. The first three weeks are the worst,, then things improve and continue to improve. You face a few bumps after the first three but nothing you can't handle. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GOOD THINGS ACTUALLY GET! Stay the course. You will love what's coming.

This rule must be followed for gradual improvement. NEVER AGAIN FOR ANY REASON!! Break this rule and you never get to see what's on the other side of the door. Quit with you today...
Mike - let's have an update! How's life treating you up north?!? Met a couple of ktc brothers for drinks tonight - one traveled a lot to Canada and told us how expensive it is to be an addict up there! You must be saving a ton of cash?
Oh wow bro you have no idea. They up the import duties by a few bucks every time they feel like it. Over the last 5 years or so it's beyond ridiculous! All it does is drive everybody to smoke LOL. But I was the master of making a can last  leaving in a dip seemingly FOREVER! But for a couple cans a week here which I got down to (I was always in very good control which is why I never had to quit...) I could've afforded a can a day habit.  yes every trip south was maxed out on how much you could bring back. Just ridiculous beyond wha the govt has any right to intrude on people's freedom to make decisions for themselves, even 'bad' ones.

But yep I'll have those gladiator cabinets before long! :D

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #74 on: September 03, 2013, 09:53:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: Nkwizitr
its rough, but its goin.  sweating for no good reason is awesome.  i cant even have a normal conversation at work.  good thing i work with a bunch of jackasses anyway.
Yeah I hear ya there. I read before,  now at 13 days tomorrow's posting, am finding out that your body has alot of healing to do  you hafta power through not feeling 100% for a bit. Hope the coworker conversations come around, the first days are hardest, it'll get easier. I'm still hoping for things to get easier LOL
There will be rough days in your quit. I mean rough. Nothing you can't handle,, just like 1000's have done before you. THINGS WILL GET BETTER AND EASIER. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!

If you haven't,, read some intros from the beginning. I bet your hard pressed to find one that doesn't show gradual improvement from the beginning. The first three weeks are the worst,, then things improve and continue to improve. You face a few bumps after the first three but nothing you can't handle. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GOOD THINGS ACTUALLY GET! Stay the course. You will love what's coming.

This rule must be followed for gradual improvement. NEVER AGAIN FOR ANY REASON!! Break this rule and you never get to see what's on the other side of the door. Quit with you today...
Mike - let's have an update! How's life treating you up north?!? Met a couple of ktc brothers for drinks tonight - one traveled a lot to Canada and told us how expensive it is to be an addict up there! You must be saving a ton of cash?

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #73 on: September 01, 2013, 09:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: Nkwizitr
its rough, but its goin.  sweating for no good reason is awesome.  i cant even have a normal conversation at work.  good thing i work with a bunch of jackasses anyway.
Yeah I hear ya there. I read before,  now at 13 days tomorrow's posting, am finding out that your body has alot of healing to do  you hafta power through not feeling 100% for a bit. Hope the coworker conversations come around, the first days are hardest, it'll get easier. I'm still hoping for things to get easier LOL
There will be rough days in your quit. I mean rough. Nothing you can't handle,, just like 1000's have done before you. THINGS WILL GET BETTER AND EASIER. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!

If you haven't,, read some intros from the beginning. I bet your hard pressed to find one that doesn't show gradual improvement from the beginning. The first three weeks are the worst,, then things improve and continue to improve. You face a few bumps after the first three but nothing you can't handle. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GOOD THINGS ACTUALLY GET! Stay the course. You will love what's coming.

This rule must be followed for gradual improvement. NEVER AGAIN FOR ANY REASON!! Break this rule and you never get to see what's on the other side of the door. Quit with you today...
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.