Author Topic: Red Seal  (Read 1923 times)

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Offline Tuco

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2014, 02:35:00 PM »
Hankjr, I am a 17 year abuser of Skoal, and am 45 years old. I joined this site March 6, 2014. I had not used dip since March 4th, and had a 21 mg nicotine patch on my arm. I posted roll, and proudly proclaimed my quit in my intro called "Lenten Quitter". Wow, you would have though I let my kid crawl under the White House fence or something, these guys ate me alive. I promptly removed my name from roll, apologized for not being quit, and like a moron wore the patch for 30 more days.

In those 30 days I was foggy, grouchy, anxious.....basically I was going through withdrawals, just much slower than cold turkey. So after the second round of cutting a patch into quarters, I grew a set of balls, and quit. I posted roll, and promised the KTC and the world I would not use nicotine.

And guess what? I got to go through 3 days of hell. Yep, I'm so smart I got to do withdrawal for 33 days instead of 3 or 4. Don't be me. Flush the gum, and be free. I am 127 days in now, and everyday is a joy without that shit. I wish I could tell you it's easy - it is not. But the few bad days I have had the last 4 months is worth the 20-30 years I have left being quit.

Join me brother, it is unreal on the quit side of things.
Hell, I'd take thumblewort's 30 days of NRT usage over my roughly 7 years of usage any damn day of the week. If anyone here knows what a massive waste of time and money NRT is, it's me.

Nut up and toss the shit. Then post roll and let's get on with it.

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2014, 02:08:00 PM »
Quote from: hankjrfan
That's correct WT. I haven't had any tobacco since 30 July. There's zero chance of me going back to it, although I understand everyones justified demonization of nicotine. I'm concentrating on killing the can foremost and killing the nicotine slowly. I definitely don't feel safe from cancer, probably more paranoid than anyone here at the moment. That's why I had all the question about when would someone be a little bit out of the woods.
I've spent evenings after everyone goes to bed nowdays trying to see lists of people who got cancer from this stuff. Notable people, Youtube stories, read the stories here. There's not a ton of them out there considering how many people dip.
One thing I noticed about the youtube videos, the "product review" type clips are always younger people in their 20's making them. They remind me of me and my friends 25 years ago.. But I never see older people in their 50's and 60's making them...
So, there's not many older dippers?

Anyway, I'm getting off track back to the nicotine

There's a lot of my crops that have nicotine in them, and it's tomato season so don't expect me not to eat any of them. Thank God for the gum these first few days is all I feel like saying. I may have misunderstood the meaning of this site, I apologize.

My thinking was that even if I had to stay on the gum the rest of my life, I wouldn't be getting the cancer causing carcinogens in the tobacco. I only wanted to be on it a couple weeks tops because of the price.

Thank to the rest. Yes 27 years use with very few breaks of any kind. Started out reasonable and ended up with more and heavier use. The very first dabble in tobacco would put it back further than that even. At age 12, we had a stash of Hawken and Beech Nut (and some playboys). We used to build bicycle ramps, load up on the Beech Nut, get screeming down the hill and right before we'd go over the ramp say, I'm a Beech Nut nut, patterened after the commercials at the time. But after getting room spinning sick, I didn't use tobacco again until high school. Basic military training was about the only break in the action after that. I'll be back possibly when I'm nicotine free.
Dude, the nicotine level in tomatoes is minuscule. You are not facing your addiction. Good luck doing it your way.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2014, 01:57:00 PM »
Hankjr, I am a 17 year abuser of Skoal, and am 45 years old. I joined this site March 6, 2014. I had not used dip since March 4th, and had a 21 mg nicotine patch on my arm. I posted roll, and proudly proclaimed my quit in my intro called "Lenten Quitter". Wow, you would have though I let my kid crawl under the White House fence or something, these guys ate me alive. I promptly removed my name from roll, apologized for not being quit, and like a moron wore the patch for 30 more days.

In those 30 days I was foggy, grouchy, anxious.....basically I was going through withdrawals, just much slower than cold turkey. So after the second round of cutting a patch into quarters, I grew a set of balls, and quit. I posted roll, and promised the KTC and the world I would not use nicotine.

And guess what? I got to go through 3 days of hell. Yep, I'm so smart I got to do withdrawal for 33 days instead of 3 or 4. Don't be me. Flush the gum, and be free. I am 127 days in now, and everyday is a joy without that shit. I wish I could tell you it's easy - it is not. But the few bad days I have had the last 4 months is worth the 20-30 years I have left being quit.

Join me brother, it is unreal on the quit side of things.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Tuco

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2014, 01:28:00 PM »
Not ready to quit yet. Got it.

Offline hankjrfan

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2014, 12:31:00 PM »
That's correct WT. I haven't had any tobacco since 30 July. There's zero chance of me going back to it, although I understand everyones justified demonization of nicotine. I'm concentrating on killing the can foremost and killing the nicotine slowly. I definitely don't feel safe from cancer, probably more paranoid than anyone here at the moment. That's why I had all the question about when would someone be a little bit out of the woods.
I've spent evenings after everyone goes to bed nowdays trying to see lists of people who got cancer from this stuff. Notable people, Youtube stories, read the stories here. There's not a ton of them out there considering how many people dip.
One thing I noticed about the youtube videos, the "product review" type clips are always younger people in their 20's making them. They remind me of me and my friends 25 years ago.. But I never see older people in their 50's and 60's making them...
So, there's not many older dippers?

Anyway, I'm getting off track back to the nicotine

There's a lot of my crops that have nicotine in them, and it's tomato season so don't expect me not to eat any of them. Thank God for the gum these first few days is all I feel like saying. I may have misunderstood the meaning of this site, I apologize.

My thinking was that even if I had to stay on the gum the rest of my life, I wouldn't be getting the cancer causing carcinogens in the tobacco. I only wanted to be on it a couple weeks tops because of the price.

Thank to the rest. Yes 27 years use with very few breaks of any kind. Started out reasonable and ended up with more and heavier use. The very first dabble in tobacco would put it back further than that even. At age 12, we had a stash of Hawken and Beech Nut (and some playboys). We used to build bicycle ramps, load up on the Beech Nut, get screeming down the hill and right before we'd go over the ramp say, I'm a Beech Nut nut, patterened after the commercials at the time. But after getting room spinning sick, I didn't use tobacco again until high school. Basic military training was about the only break in the action after that. I'll be back possibly when I'm nicotine free.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2014, 09:48:00 AM »
Hank I'm slightly confused, are you quit now or are you still using the gum? You sound like because you don't see any signs of oral problems that your safer than others. Cancer is an awful and sneaky bitch. We never know for sure if we have cells laying dormant or not. I've heard of those that have quit for years still getting cancer. That's not a reason to continue dipping. The longer we are dip free the better our odds are. I use to worry about that but why think about "what ifs?" Worry about today, stay nicotine free today.
Show us that you are serious about quitting by posting roll and keeping your word. The freedom that we receive from being nicotine free is so satisfying!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2014, 09:36:00 AM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
What they ^^^ said! It will suck just as bad when that box of gum is gone so why wait? Waiting just leaves the door open for your addict brain to forget about how the poison is killing you. Read everything on KTC and wake up! You can do this. I was a 2 can a day junkie when I found this site. Learn the KTC plan. Live the plan. The plan works.
It suxs to quit. Daddy always said, "Son, Ya gotta take dat ass whippin sooner or later...." Get it over with! In ma' Cajun voice! Your in the right place if your serious. Cowboy up and toss da shit and get quit. Start living ya damn life the right way! Nic free!
"Never forget the pain and struggle to experience freedom from nicotine!"
Quit Date: 7-18-2014 / dumped stash
HOF: 10-28-2014
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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2014, 08:56:00 AM »
What they ^^^ said! It will suck just as bad when that box of gum is gone so why wait? Waiting just leaves the door open for your addict brain to forget about how the poison is killing you. Read everything on KTC and wake up! You can do this. I was a 2 can a day junkie when I found this site. Learn the KTC plan. Live the plan. The plan works.

E&C's Dad

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2014, 08:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Tuco's
When I taper off the gum (which will be at the end of this $$box$$ it'll take a few days for the nicotine to get all the way out, but is there any info on how long the carcinagens stay inside you, and how long you can kind of feel a little secure that you made it out without cancer?

Anyone ever get cancer say a month or year later after they've quit?
I am willing to bet that there is not a single medical professional on this site that is qualified to answer those questions. Even then, no medical professional would ever give you a definitive answer, because there are many factors at play such as your age, frequency of dipping, genetics, etc.

A better question would be, "why should I toss all of my cans and nicorette gum and quit cold turkey today - right now?" and my answer would be a resounding, "because you will never once regret that decision to quit here and now for as long as you live."

Toss, don't taper that gum. Many have said, and I can personally attest, it is worthless. You're going to have to quit nicotine at some point and using NRT to "get past the oral part" is a complete load of crap. Best case, you abstain from dipping for 6 months while you're on the gum the entire time. Plenty of good science to back up that claim, by the way. If you don't believe me, go here.

Once all of that stuff is safely tucked away in the trash or down the toilet, come on back, post up your roll (your daily promise to us and yourself not to use any nicotine), and strap on your helmet, because it's going to be a fun ride for a little while. The good news for you is that this site is chock-full of brothers and sisters that know exactly what you're going through and will be there to lean on whenever you need it.
Not too much I can add that these guys haven't hit already. Tapering off sucks and you are prolonging your agony. Your story is not unique we all dipped hard core for years and years. Quit now flush the gum and lets get this party started. You in or you out?

Offline Tuco

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2014, 08:39:00 AM »
When I taper off the gum (which will be at the end of this $$box$$ it'll take a few days for the nicotine to get all the way out, but is there any info on how long the carcinagens stay inside you, and how long you can kind of feel a little secure that you made it out without cancer?

Anyone ever get cancer say a month or year later after they've quit?
I am willing to bet that there is not a single medical professional on this site that is qualified to answer those questions. Even then, no medical professional would ever give you a definitive answer, because there are many factors at play such as your age, frequency of dipping, genetics, etc.

A better question would be, "why should I toss all of my cans and nicorette gum and quit cold turkey today - right now?" and my answer would be a resounding, "because you will never once regret that decision to quit here and now for as long as you live."

Toss, don't taper that gum. Many have said, and I can personally attest, it is worthless. You're going to have to quit nicotine at some point and using NRT to "get past the oral part" is a complete load of crap. Best case, you abstain from dipping for 6 months while you're on the gum the entire time. Plenty of good science to back up that claim, by the way. If you don't believe me, go here.

Once all of that stuff is safely tucked away in the trash or down the toilet, come on back, post up your roll (your daily promise to us and yourself not to use any nicotine), and strap on your helmet, because it's going to be a fun ride for a little while. The good news for you is that this site is chock-full of brothers and sisters that know exactly what you're going through and will be there to lean on whenever you need it.

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2014, 06:56:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Please listen to AJ^^^. Flush it brother. Post roll with us, honor your word. Be a quitter. No more nicotine. You never needed it and you don't need it now. It's only keeping you hooked. Let's quit this bitch one day at a time.
There was this guy who dipped for 27 1/2 years, quit, then died of long did you say you dipped hard core??

The decision is yours everyday that your feet hit the floor.
We quit every damn day.
post roll
honor your word
wake and repeat

If you reeeeaaallllyyyy want to be quit, then you're not here by accident.
This site saved my life.

Come on in, the water is fine.
The kool-aid is sweet and powerful.

Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2014, 03:47:00 AM »
Please listen to AJ^^^. Flush it brother. Post roll with us, honor your word. Be a quitter. No more nicotine. You never needed it and you don't need it now. It's only keeping you hooked. Let's quit this bitch one day at a time.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Red Seal
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2014, 03:42:00 AM »
Here's the thing... This is a no nicotine site.

Why don't you flush that gum and try some real quitting... That's what we do here. Everything you need to succeed can be found here. But... You gots to play by the rules and the first one is to stop flooding your body and mind with poison. You're an addict and nicotine is your problem. Until you quit putting it in your body we can't help you.

Whaddaya say?... Quit for real or continue being a slave?

Freedom is a beautiful thing man...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline hankjrfan

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Red Seal
« on: August 08, 2014, 01:20:00 AM »
And if I didn't ask for it, the lady at the checkout would often ask, "No red seal today". "Nope, mam, I'm all set already" (embarrased)
Lot of times, I'd go to out of the way places to get it just because of the frequency with which I purchased.

27 years of hardcore dipping. I'd gobble up almost 2 cans a day. And you guys of all people realize these Red Seals are the BIGGER cans. Sometimes I'd leave it in for just a half hour, other times like after a little one hitter of weed it'd stay in an hour. NEVER slept with it in and always kept good oral hygiene. Or while working outside on a hot day it might stay in for a looong time. I farm so am always outside tinckering with something.

At age 43 now, figured my days had to be numbered at the pace I was keeping. Surprisingly, there's not much visible damage. Now that I've quit, I've taken time to survey which I rarely had done. But who knows what's working inside...

Is there just the one giant thread in the general discussion representing each year or am I not seeing the actual forum with individual threads?

When I taper off the gum (which will be at the end of this $$box$$ it'll take a few days for the nicotine to get all the way out, but is there any info on how long the carcinagens stay inside you, and how long you can kind of feel a little secure that you made it out without cancer?

Anyone ever get cancer say a month or year later after they've quit?