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Re: Thanks
« Reply #42 on: June 27, 2011, 04:52:00 PM »
Nice post DChogs. Proud to be quit with you today and everyday.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #41 on: June 27, 2011, 03:35:00 PM »
Nice. You get it. It does not make it easy, but like you said, you call the shots. Spread the word my friend. Freedom is the shit.

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2011, 02:07:00 PM »
Nicely done !! Congrats on the 14th Anniversary too.

Get the wife to let you buy some new pants... the ones without the little ring in the back.


Offline Cancrusher

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2011, 02:03:00 PM »

I'm proud to be Quit with you today. I really enjoyed your last post. A newby would be lucky to get that kind of knowledge dropped on them. Granted, 1/2 of it would likely go in one-and out the other. It is a very special day when you 'Get it', and you've got it my friend. Like others have said, bottle this feeling and drive up, you never know when you might need it.

Congratulations on the 14th anniversary! Does your wife like the nice, shiny Quit you got her this year? I don't know about you, but my relationship with my wife has deepened 10-fold since my Quit. Half of the benefits she doesn't even notice, mostly that I no long disappear into the night to be alone with my grizzly mistress....or vanish from arguments so I can do stuff my face.

Keep up the good work!

My Day 1 | 5/19/2010


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


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Re: Thanks
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2011, 12:34:00 PM »
D - Proud to be quit with you man! Keep leading the way - C

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2011, 11:45:00 AM »

It's obvious to me that you get it, lots of wisdom in that post. Nice Job! From now on your greatest challenge is to remain vigilant in keeping that attitude. Never forget, as Loot says, the day you forget is the day you loose.

Keep up the good work ,


Offline dchogs

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #36 on: June 27, 2011, 11:21:00 AM »
i've been reading a lot of new intros today. it helps my quit, and i recommend it to those that are just one step ahead of the rookies here. in these introductions, i've noticed a lot of hoping, trying, giving my best shot, gotta work this time, etc. while i know it's normal (and i'm not ripping these new guys), i think i'm finally starting to see through the addict-speak. i recognized it before, but i'm seeing what it really means now.

below is something i was writing to a rookie, but felt that it was more of a response to where i've been and where i am now than a response to the rookies.

this isn't something you give an effort to. the nic bitch is too strong for trying. it doesn't matter if you try, really try or really, really, really, really, really try. it's the same old shit as just letting life happen to you. you need to take this quit by the fucking balls, brother. it isn't steering you through the process, you are steering it. you make the fucking decisions.

sounds scary, doesn't it. addicts are experts at pushing responsibility for their addiction onto other people or external events. i can't quit today, i'm going fishing. i was quit but then my dog died. i caved because my wife is a fucking bitch and doesn't understand.

what you'll realize, once you've quit and are out of the suck and the fog, is that accountability and freedom are really fucking awesome. you're making the decisions? to the addict, that's too hard. to the quit, it's a godsend... that way, no one else can force you to dip again. you're making the decisions!

once you start really fucking living life and making your own choices, you'll find that BEING FREE IS ADDICTIVE TOO. i heard on NPR yesterday that the neuro-pathways associated with self-control become more "developed" as they're used. that the person who exercises self control in one area is better able to exercise self control in another area.

43 days ago, that would have been some shocking shit. today, i can say that i know that first hand. i'm eating less. i'm exercising more. i'm hanging out with the kids more. i'm imposing my will on my life instead of letting my life get in the way of what i want.

quitting feels good. i do it every day, and i'm glad that i have the support of my family and KTC. even if i was quit for this long without KTC, i don't think i'd have the understanding and attitude i have now.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline dchogs

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2011, 08:26:00 AM »
so today was my planned "quit day." my 14th anniversary, beginning of the work week, and right after the holiday weekend.

in keeping with the theme of my original title "thanks," i want to thank the hell out of this site and all of you on it for showing me that you have to seize the moment when you know that you need to quit. there is no tomorrow in terms of "gonna quit." there's always another monday that makes more sense. because of ktc, i'm 16 days into my quit today instead of (theoretically) just starting.

i'm proud to be quit with all of you, especially razz, cornwallace, jbags, and august 11.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline Souliman

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2011, 10:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Dchogs
two notable events yesterday:

1. while alcohol isn't a trigger, being around the boys while drinking is. i did that last night, and was (easily) able to turn down the can that was passed around. felt good to see the surprised looks. good friends... no pressure.

2. my wife got me some beef jerky "chew." an interesting experience all around, but i almost vomited when i absent-mindedly pulled out the "dip" and started eating it. disturbing.

what i've learned today:

1. being hungover is more of a trigger for me than being drunk. tough morning.
2. i'm really out of shape, but can still hit the three.
3. life is better quit.
Way to stand tall bro. Nice work.

Offline dchogs

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2011, 10:26:00 AM »
two notable events yesterday:

1. while alcohol isn't a trigger, being around the boys while drinking is. i did that last night, and was (easily) able to turn down the can that was passed around. felt good to see the surprised looks. good friends... no pressure.

2. my wife got me some beef jerky "chew." an interesting experience all around, but i almost vomited when i absent-mindedly pulled out the "dip" and started eating it. disturbing.

what i've learned today:

1. being hungover is more of a trigger for me than being drunk. tough morning.
2. i'm really out of shape, but can still hit the three.
3. life is better quit.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline G

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2011, 01:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Dchogs
some pretty cool shit, this quitting.

i almost gave my wife a heart attack when i asked her to walk the dogs with me.  that was grade-A, 100% prime tobaccey time 4 days ago (either me walking them solo, or my wife walking them with me at home).  i've been more active, and more actively involved in the family.  it's amazing how many lies i would tell myself and my family to get dip in my face.

it hasn't been peaches and cream, though, of course.  i felt like sam kinison doing the dishes yesterday morning (day 3)... Sam Kinison.  it's funny cuz it's true.

feeling okay today.  a couple cravings, nothing major or faith-shattering.  seeds and gum, seeds and gum.
Me to the wife while feeding my addiction:

"I'll be back in a second. I'm returning that movie. No, there's no reason for all of us to load up. I'll just be gone a few minutes. Well, if you have to go to Target, then you just go and do that and return the movie while you're out."

Me to the wife last weekend:

"I'm going to return that movie. Why don't we all go and we can stop by the playground and let our daughter play and then go for some ice cream."

Freedom kicks all kinds of ass.
exactly what i'm talking about. i'm ashamed at how badly i treated my family. they thought i was lazy, and i wish that was all it was.
We all did it. In the beginning of my quit, I was still romanticizing the good old days of dipping. As I progressed, I came to see that I didn't enjoy dipping at all, but rather had to dip to feel normal. Here's to our new normal, Dchogs. 'Cheers'

Offline KUmarcus01

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2011, 01:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: Dchogs
thick, thick fog this morning.  i'm talking to people and trying to figure out what the hell i'm talking about at the same time.  really weird, out of body experience right now.

anything help make the fog lift other than time?
chog - this one made me laugh - cuz I felt the same way - just could not explain it as well as you - it was like I was living in 3rd person. I am proud of you and your quit - You inspire us daily - Keep up the good work
it was really crazy... i was talking to a family about the virtues of coming to my private school and at the same time thinking "where was i going with this," "i better shut up real soon," "i'm not making any sense here," "why am i still talking," "am i talking or thinking right now," "shit, i'm talking not thinking."

I know of what you speak. It took a lot of coffee and a fair amount of time for my brain to finally engage today. Nothing quite like what you were laying out chogs but I was certainly in this perpetual haze/heavy/tired feeling where I made silly errors when working on papers or it took me 3 or 4 times as long to string some fairly simple thoughts together. Forget about anything deep or analytical.

As it approaches the noon hour my mind has finally kicked in and I am feeling half way normal but SOB it sucks having your faculties robbed from you. Then again I muse whether or not if would be funny to explain all of this to my betters and end it with "So over the next few months I'll be less than stellar and my mental faculties will be reduced, but I'll be here every 1 out of 3 ain't bad braugh!"
Quit Day: 15 May 2011
HOF Day: 23 August 2011

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."
- Samuel Adams

U.S. Marine Corps Logic

Offline dchogs

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2011, 11:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Dchogs
thick, thick fog this morning.  i'm talking to people and trying to figure out what the hell i'm talking about at the same time.  really weird, out of body experience right now.

anything help make the fog lift other than time?
chog - this one made me laugh - cuz I felt the same way - just could not explain it as well as you - it was like I was living in 3rd person. I am proud of you and your quit - You inspire us daily - Keep up the good work
it was really crazy... i was talking to a family about the virtues of coming to my private school and at the same time thinking "where was i going with this," "i better shut up real soon," "i'm not making any sense here," "why am i still talking," "am i talking or thinking right now," "shit, i'm talking not thinking."

Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline dchogs

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2011, 11:15:00 AM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Dchogs
some pretty cool shit, this quitting.

i almost gave my wife a heart attack when i asked her to walk the dogs with me.  that was grade-A, 100% prime tobaccey time 4 days ago (either me walking them solo, or my wife walking them with me at home).  i've been more active, and more actively involved in the family.  it's amazing how many lies i would tell myself and my family to get dip in my face.

it hasn't been peaches and cream, though, of course.  i felt like sam kinison doing the dishes yesterday morning (day 3)... Sam Kinison.  it's funny cuz it's true.

feeling okay today.  a couple cravings, nothing major or faith-shattering.  seeds and gum, seeds and gum.
Me to the wife while feeding my addiction:

"I'll be back in a second. I'm returning that movie. No, there's no reason for all of us to load up. I'll just be gone a few minutes. Well, if you have to go to Target, then you just go and do that and return the movie while you're out."

Me to the wife last weekend:

"I'm going to return that movie. Why don't we all go and we can stop by the playground and let our daughter play and then go for some ice cream."

Freedom kicks all kinds of ass.
exactly what i'm talking about. i'm ashamed at how badly i treated my family. they thought i was lazy, and i wish that was all it was.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline G

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Re: Thanks
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2011, 11:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Dchogs
some pretty cool shit, this quitting.

i almost gave my wife a heart attack when i asked her to walk the dogs with me. that was grade-A, 100% prime tobaccey time 4 days ago (either me walking them solo, or my wife walking them with me at home). i've been more active, and more actively involved in the family. it's amazing how many lies i would tell myself and my family to get dip in my face.

it hasn't been peaches and cream, though, of course. i felt like sam kinison doing the dishes yesterday morning (day 3)... Sam Kinison. it's funny cuz it's true.

feeling okay today. a couple cravings, nothing major or faith-shattering. seeds and gum, seeds and gum.
Me to the wife while feeding my addiction:

"I'll be back in a second. I'm returning that movie. No, there's no reason for all of us to load up. I'll just be gone a few minutes. Well, if you have to go to Target, then you just go and do that and return the movie while you're out."

Me to the wife last weekend:

"I'm going to return that movie. Why don't we all go and we can stop by the playground and let our daughter play and then go for some ice cream."

Freedom kicks all kinds of ass.