Author Topic: Making it stick this time  (Read 1922 times)

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Offline Powdersummit

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2012, 07:25:00 PM »
64 hours in and still going strong. When I got up this afternoon the cravings were pretty damn good. I was able to beat them back with few Kit-Kat bars and some orbit gum. Things are still somewhat a roller coaster. Last night at work I was happy and was constantly screwing with a couple of the guys who work with me. I got up today and just seem to be cranky. My best guess is the lower blood sugar level that I am at right now.

I'm doing it though, hour by hour, day by day. I may only be 64 hours in but this is the longest I have been without in more than 10 years. Damn, it really makes you think how bad of a grip that garbage has a hold on you.

At least it is the weekend now. I plan to go out and get plenty of fresh air. Hopefully all the extra oxygen with lift this fog that is still surrounding my head.

Offline Radman

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2012, 01:37:00 PM »
On the bright side: your bowels aren't the only system that will change. You'll find some nice positive changes along the way.

Offline TSNUS

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2012, 07:48:00 AM »
Quote from: superfly
Yea, about 48 hours in I had pretty bad gas too. It could be the bodys expulsion of the toxic chemicals and there byproducts along with fruit juice and the increased appitite. About that time I had gas pretty bad and it was becomeing more difficult to get cumfortable within my own skin. Side effect, I wanted to walk around and puch everyone in the face and turn into godzilla or the hulk or something. Its almost 100 hours in for me and Im felling better. This feel alittle bloated but im trying to combat that with hittin the gym, water and running. Sleep still not on track but working on it.

Keep it up ! This is Sparta!!
Took me a while to get regular like when I chewed. While a dipper my bowels were like a precision timepiece. Accurate to mere seconds. I'm 81 days and things are just now starting to get more regular in the underworld. Nic is a laxative amongst other things, using it so long it will take a while to sort out. I remember just the smell of a dip in the morning would break a chunk loose.
Quit 8/14/12 and taking my life back one day at a time.

If you don?t control what you have access to, what you have access to will control you.

I?m trying to remind myself daily it?s not the absence of conflict that determines whether or not my relationships are healthy. It?s knowing how to handle the conflicts that will arise.

Character is who we are, not who we pretend to be. It's better to be shaped than to be fake.

Offline epayne

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2012, 06:17:00 AM »
Don't feel like you're alone powder summit. I'm 37 days quit and my ass still can't make up its mind about how it wants to punish me. Just another thing to push through.

Offline superfly

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2012, 03:07:00 AM »
I gotta proof read before I post.
This is Sparta!

Offline superfly

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2012, 03:03:00 AM »
Yea, about 48 hours in I had pretty bad gas too. It could be the bodys expulsion of the toxic chemicals and there byproducts along with fruit juice and the increased appitite. About that time I had gas pretty bad and it was becomeing more difficult to get cumfortable within my own skin. Side effect, I wanted to walk around and puch everyone in the face and turn into godzilla or the hulk or something. Its almost 100 hours in for me and Im felling better. This feel alittle bloated but im trying to combat that with hittin the gym, water and running. Sleep still not on track but working on it.

Keep it up ! This is Sparta!!
This is Sparta!

Offline Powdersummit

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2012, 01:47:00 AM »
I'm sitting here at 47 hours and feeling actually pretty good. I'm at work and doing pretty good. There were some pretty good cravings when I got up but they passed with time.

One thing has me pondering though is the amount of gas I've been having in basically the last 24 hours. I mean I'm still proud of my own farts but it just seems that these are extra potent and I can't think of anything that I've ate that would cause that. My best guess it that with my body healing from the nicotine I dislodged a small rodent or something that is really pissed off. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced gas like that after quitting.

I don't know what it is about this time around but I feel that I am more at piece with myself, almost a zen like state. I have done the reading I understand what is happening and that all of the discomfort will pass with time. Being able to take one day off of work did help, I knew that I would have problems with buying another can if I went into work last night.

Part of the battle is convincing your subconscious mind to commit to quitting and understanding the primal urge to want to continue with chew. I find myself trying to embrace some of the cravings and trying to analyze what is happening. Sometimes when I don't want to be bothered with them I practice deep breathing and let the cravings go, but sometimes it's worth it to step back and listen. Reason with your primal mind that wants the dip. Let that primal side that is only interested in the instant gratification know that this will pass and that there is so much to gain for resisting the urge.

I know a lot of this rambling is just during the process of withdrawal and detox. Would be interested on any comments concerning small rodents living in my digestive system or the zen like state of quitting.


Offline Souliman

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2012, 03:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: Powdersummit
Damn I didn't realize how much of an oral fixation I had with chewing. I've been destroying toothpicks left and right, going through a crap load of orbit chewing gum and drinking water like none other.

Well it sounds like the wife and kids are awake. Off to cook breakfast and destroy some more toothpicks
Sunflower seeds, bro.... keep em close. I went through a truckload of them. Eventually, you'll grow tired of the chewing. That's not an addiction, luckily. My wife came home with a couple packs of seeds last week and that was the first I'd had in months. For me, they did a better job at keeping me occupied than anything else I tried.

EDIT: And heed what the other quitters here said. Souliman is a longwinded dude, but he preaches the gospel.
The quit gets all jammed up and I just explode like a geyser

Offline Radman

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2012, 02:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Powdersummit
Damn I didn't realize how much of an oral fixation I had with chewing. I've been destroying toothpicks left and right, going through a crap load of orbit chewing gum and drinking water like none other.

Well it sounds like the wife and kids are awake. Off to cook breakfast and destroy some more toothpicks
Sunflower seeds, bro.... keep em close. I went through a truckload of them. Eventually, you'll grow tired of the chewing. That's not an addiction, luckily. My wife came home with a couple packs of seeds last week and that was the first I'd had in months. For me, they did a better job at keeping me occupied than anything else I tried.

EDIT: And heed what the other quitters here said. Souliman is a longwinded dude, but he preaches the gospel.

Offline epayne

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2012, 01:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Powdersummit
Thanks for the support epayne. Lucky for me I am off to bed. Working a graveyard shift does have its advantages. I can sleep most of the day and people don't call me lazy. Plus the least amount of people that I have to interact with right now the better.

Things may get worse before they get better, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel that isn't an oncoming train.

34 hours and counting
When you get up:

1. Post roll in Pre HOF February 2013
2. Keep your word

That's all there is to it.

Offline Powdersummit

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2012, 12:58:00 PM »
Thanks for the support epayne. Lucky for me I am off to bed. Working a graveyard shift does have its advantages. I can sleep most of the day and people don't call me lazy. Plus the least amount of people that I have to interact with right now the better.

Things may get worse before they get better, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel that isn't an oncoming train.

34 hours and counting

Offline Souliman

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2012, 12:53:00 PM »
Okay Pow Pow. You ditched the shit and you're in the middle of a fire fight with the nic bitch. Dig in. If you got balls and backbone you can do this. This time is different. This time you are quit. Here's the ingredients to Souliman's Secret Sauce:

1. Like EPayne said, hit the warm, inviting, salmon colored 'Welcome Center' link in the upper left. That there is the cliff notes to the site and philosophy.

2. One of them there links is Roll Call. This is the shit. This is the most powerful tool you can muster. Its like digging into the dirt to find your backbone. We put our word down once a day that we are quit. That we will not use nicotine for 24 hours. That's it. One day at a time. Get up and do it again tomorrow. We post roll everyday. Do it early to set the table right. Don't fuck with the program. Excuses like "but my grannie is in town" or "I was watching Regis this morning" are not acceptable. If you can't get to the site, text a quit brother or sister. Don't got numbers? Get some.

Your group is here: Feb 2013

How to post roll you ask? Here

3. Read. Educate yourself. This is a fucking goldmine of knowledge on getting a hold on your addiction. Prepare yourself. If you know what is coming, you can react accordingly with a solid defense. Read it all. Read it again.

4. Get involved. Now I haven't been here long but long enough to know that the support here is top shelf. Anyone of these steel balled/razor claw men and women will give you a hand whenever you need it. Day or night. Holidays. Birthdays. Baptisms. Whatever. For me, that kind of support warrants being involved and giving it all you got. Pay it forward.

5. Reach out. There is no reason to ever consume nicotine again. No reason. If you find yourself in your hour of need, reach out. Get on the site. PM someone. Text someone. Call someone. Let someone know you need help. We're all addicts. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and it will only solidify your quit. Saying to someone you need help fighting addiction is cathartic. It will open you mind up to the notion that you will not use nicotine anymore. That you will do whatever you can to fight.

Welcome. Do me a favor and go out your front door and say "I QUIT". Tell the world. You own today.


Offline epayne

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Re: Making it stick this time
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2012, 11:44:00 AM »
Good to know I'm not the only toothpick chewer out there.

Visit the welcome center link in the top left side of the page. Learn about posting roll and what it means. When you're ready for that commitment (which I think you already are), post roll in February 2013.

Check your PMs. You've got mail buddy

Offline Powdersummit

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Making it stick this time
« on: November 01, 2012, 11:04:00 AM »
Hello to everyone here. As with many of you it is my time to quit nicotine all together. As of right now it's been about 32 hours since any kind of nicotine. I work a graveyard shift, I had just finished my last can of pouches and figured on using the nicotine gum and then trying to quit cold turkey. "To hell with it, burn the ships" I gave my buddy the rest of my nicotine gum and told him not to give it back to me. This happened the night before Halloween at basically midnight.

I started when I was 16 and now I'm 29. It's pathetic when you look back on how much money you have wasted and damage you have done to your body. All because you wanted to fit in with some guys in high school which turned out to be a bunch of douche bags. I'm not even in touch with any of them anymore.

So far this time of cold turkey quitting has been one hell of a roller coaster. The night that I quit I damn near got into with one of the guys that I work with just because he's an idiot. No particular reason, just that he's a fucking idiot. I didn't go to work tonight. The withdrawals were giving me a head ach. The "Fog" has been one of the worst parts. I have a hard time concentrating and my hand eye coordination is way down. I find myself getting short tempered when dealing with other people. I haven't seen too much anger with dealing with my wife and kids. I guess it's somewhat different when it's unconditional love that I have for them.

Damn I didn't realize how much of an oral fixation I had with chewing. I've been destroying toothpicks left and right, going through a crap load of orbit chewing gum and drinking water like none other.

Well it sounds like the wife and kids are awake. Off to cook breakfast and destroy some more toothpicks