Author Topic: Long Overdue Introduction  (Read 2640 times)

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Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2009, 07:42:00 PM »
Goal = $1000

$210 to go.


The August 2008 BAMFERs started a tradition, of sorts. August 2009 was asked to keep it alive. And we have done a hell of a job. Many quitters from various quit groups have donated. But there is still a bit of work to be done.

We have raised $790.00 for the benefit of QSX/KTC. Our goal is $1,000.00.

I know times are tough this year (I was unemployed for a month earlier this year), and it's Christmas time. I know we have all given to one charity or another over the years.

Make QSX/KTC one of your charitable donations this year. This place runs on DONATIONS SUCH AS THIS. Admins/Mods are not paid.

Personally, I credit this web site, and the support that it channeled, with saving my life. And to think of the money I pissed away on killing myself slowly......$25.00 is a small price to pay to show your appreciation and support for this organization. It has helped save us, and it will no doubt save many others as well.

Just click the link in my signature to be taken to the KTC Donations page. It's PayPal, quick and easy.

If you are wondering how this all started, check out the story below, as told by Monroe from the August 2008 quit group.

Thanks to all who have supported our fundraiser, it is much appreciated.

Think about it. Merry Christmas, everyone.

Scott, aka LaQuitter

August 2009 - I'd like to challenge you to a fundraiser. Being that I also hit my HOF in August (BAMFer 2008), I'd like to challenge the 2009 August quit group to take up our torch, then pass it on to the next year.

Last year August 2008 and friends raised enough money through donations to operate KTC for a year. We all know that the Admins and Mods are unpaid. This website and community that we all love runs on donations and sales of merchandise. It's not in danger of folding and they have no financial problems that I know about, but why should those that volunteer their time to run it and help us ever have to worry about it? They should never have to dip into their own personal funds to operate this site. Additional money for banner ads and site optimization will help more soon-to-be quitters find us. Additional funds help assure that KTC is around for future quitters. At some point they could form an official not-for-profit and do even more. The opportunities are unlimited.

You'll never be asked for money on this site by anyone associated with it. That's one of the great things about this community. I'm a member here, just like you. They haven't asked me to have these fundraisers and I trust them with the money raised to use it for the betterment of KTC. We have all benefited, and I'm asking you to give back a little. KTC saved my life. My brothers here saved my life. It has saved your's too. Many hands make light work.

August 2008 had a goal of $500. That's the number I was given last year as the cost to run the site annually. August 2009 is a big group (just like 2008 was) and it wouldn't surprise me to see your group blow away what we did last year. I think $1000 by the end of the year is a very obtainable goal for August 2009. If you accept the challenge and promise to pay it forward next year, I'll start you off with a $100 donation. Just let me know if you're up to the challenge.

Your brother in quit,
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline bearattack

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2009, 08:07:00 AM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
So I am retiring to the sanctity of my own introduction page to reflect a bit. I might also vent while I'm at it.

At 226 days, my quit is as strong as hell right now. I've got my plan in place, have for a long time now. I am not afraid to use it. I post my promise to you all every day. I need someone to help me wrap my mind around something.

How is it that a man with several hundred days quit caves? At what point does he completely abandon all that he has learned about staying quit? How does he become so overwhelmed with complacency? It blows my damn mind.

It's true that a cave affects all of us. But I refuse to let it weaken my quit. It is certainly scary to know that caves happen so deep into the quit. But I don't let that fact bring me down. I am not doomed to fail as they have. I use these caves as a learning tool. Theirs are quits that I do not want to emulate; they failed. Their caves are huge lessons in how not to quit. I've said it before, and I'm saying it again. Complacency kills quits. Bottom line. I WILL NOT become so complacent. I will not forget to utilize the tools I have been given. I will use my plan if needed.

Now, just to vent. What in the hell is the deal with posting a Day 1, three (3) times in one week? How weak-willed are you? Did you really think it would be easy? Nothing worthwhile ever is. Very cliche', I know. But so true. Quitting is not easy. You've gotta have some fucking balls. You've gotta want it. If you can't manage to stay quit for longer than a day or two, get the fuck out of here. You are weak, and a virus to this community. I can only support a man so much. I can't be much help until he is ready to help himself. You need a plan, ask me, or anyone whose been here any amount of time. Once you have a plan, don't be scared to use it. This site can save you. Let it. But you have to want to save yourself. You've gotta flex nuts, and stay quit. Damn it. Reach out. One day at a time.

LaQuitter - Day 226 - I am one quit motherfucker.

I'm out.
..."How is it that a man with several hundred days quit caves? At what point does he completely abandon all that he has learned about staying quit?"...

not a man.............
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline Dr. Bruce Banner

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2009, 10:11:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
So I am retiring to the sanctity of my own introduction page to reflect a bit. I might also vent while I'm at it.

At 226 days, my quit is as strong as hell right now. I've got my plan in place, have for a long time now. I am not afraid to use it. I post my promise to you all every day. I need someone to help me wrap my mind around something.

How is it that a man with several hundred days quit caves? At what point does he completely abandon all that he has learned about staying quit? How does he become so overwhelmed with complacency? It blows my damn mind.

It's true that a cave affects all of us. But I refuse to let it weaken my quit. It is certainly scary to know that caves happen so deep into the quit. But I don't let that fact bring me down. I am not doomed to fail as they have. I use these caves as a learning tool. Theirs are quits that I do not want to emulate; they failed. Their caves are huge lessons in how not to quit. I've said it before, and I'm saying it again. Complacency kills quits. Bottom line. I WILL NOT become so complacent. I will not forget to utilize the tools I have been given. I will use my plan if needed.

Now, just to vent. What in the hell is the deal with posting a Day 1, three (3) times in one week? How weak-willed are you? Did you really think it would be easy? Nothing worthwhile ever is. Very cliche', I know. But so true. Quitting is not easy. You've gotta have some fucking balls. You've gotta want it. If you can't manage to stay quit for longer than a day or two, get the fuck out of here. You are weak, and a virus to this community. I can only support a man so much. I can't be much help until he is ready to help himself. You need a plan, ask me, or anyone whose been here any amount of time. Once you have a plan, don't be scared to use it. This site can save you. Let it. But you have to want to save yourself. You've gotta flex nuts, and stay quit. Damn it. Reach out. One day at a time.

LaQuitter - Day 226 - I am one quit motherfucker.

I'm out.
the thing we gotta keep first and foremost in our minds tis that WE ARE ADDICTS.
If it was Booze or Cocaine OR would seem like it would be easier to identify with that title,,, but pussy nictoine.WTF? Its the same believe it or not and it'll make you just as dead as anything else if you abuse it the way we did...I am a two-fold addict, Alcohol and dip....I've got a lot of days behind me in the alcohol group, but i am no less an addict... and I know after physically watching someone quit alcohol and then resume after years of being quit.. they are far worse off when they start again' like they are making up for lost time...It's fucking Suicide! I am lucky...and that's all...I am quit for today and at some point I'll look back and say I am quit for X amount of years, but then I'll remind myself that I am quit for only today..

LAQ . You ARE a BADASS quitter and I am Quit with you

HOF 2/2/2010
2nd 5/12/2010
3rd 8/20/2010
4th 11/29/2010

Within our capabilities, orginating in our attitudes and culminating in our actions

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2009, 09:17:00 PM »
At 226 days, my quit is as strong as hell right now. I've got my plan in place, have for a long time now. I am not afraid to use it. I post my promise to you all every day. I need someone to help me wrap my mind around something.

How is it that a man with several hundred days quit caves? At what point does he completely abandon all that he has learned about staying quit? How does he become so overwhelmed with complacency? It blows my damn mind.

It's true that a cave affects all of us. But I refuse to let it weaken my quit. It is certainly scary to know that caves happen so deep into the quit. But I don't let that fact bring me down. I am not doomed to fail as they have. I use these caves as a learning tool. Theirs are quits that I do not want to emulate; they failed. Their caves are huge lessons in how not to quit. I've said it before, and I'm saying it again. Complacency kills quits. Bottom line. I WILL NOT become so complacent. I will not forget to utilize the tools I have been given. I will use my plan if needed.

Now, just to vent. What in the hell is the deal with posting a Day 1, three (3) times in one week? How weak-willed are you? Did you really think it would be easy? Nothing worthwhile ever is. Very cliche', I know. But so true. Quitting is not easy. You've gotta have some fucking balls. You've gotta want it. If you can't manage to stay quit for longer than a day or two, get the fuck out of here. You are weak, and a virus to this community. I can only support a man so much. I can't be much help until he is ready to help himself. You need a plan, ask me, or anyone whose been here any amount of time. Once you have a plan, don't be scared to use it. This site can save you. Let it. But you have to want to save yourself. You've gotta flex nuts, and stay quit. Damn it. Reach out. One day at a time.

LaQuitter - Day 226 - I am one quit motherfucker.

I'm out.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline kyle1

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2009, 12:38:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
Had a damn good time this evening. We had a good gang at a friend's house. BBQ, big screen outside with the LSU game on, cold beer, and a warm fire.

We hooked a trailer up to the Mule, threw on a few hay bales, and took the kids around the neighborhood trick or treating.

A couple of my boys were throwing in lippers all night long. I think tonight, for the first time, I actually felt sorry for them. And I was thrilled for myself. I hung out and enjoyed the evening, without having to feed an addiction. I couldn't help but reflect a little bit on myself. That was me, 184 days ago. Life just wasn't lived without a wedge of crap in my lip.

Tonight, I wasn't envious. I wasn't bothered. It was a very reinforcing experience. I am living my life without nicotine. And I am pretty damn pleased about that. Tonight, the nic bitch didn't even bother trying.

Today is Day 183, and I am quit.
Great post us all ancouragement. I'm nowhere near where you are yet, but know that I'm on the same track. One day at a time, and do your best picking off those dippers and get them in here!


Quit Date 1.26.11

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2009, 11:46:00 PM »
Had a damn good time this evening. We had a good gang at a friend's house. BBQ, big screen outside with the LSU game on, cold beer, and a warm fire.

We hooked a trailer up to the Mule, threw on a few hay bales, and took the kids around the neighborhood trick or treating.

A couple of my boys were throwing in lippers all night long. I think tonight, for the first time, I actually felt sorry for them. And I was thrilled for myself. I hung out and enjoyed the evening, without having to feed an addiction. I couldn't help but reflect a little bit on myself. That was me, 184 days ago. Life just wasn't lived without a wedge of crap in my lip.

Tonight, I wasn't envious. I wasn't bothered. It was a very reinforcing experience. I am living my life without nicotine. And I am pretty damn pleased about that. Tonight, the nic bitch didn't even bother trying.

Today is Day 183, and I am quit.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2009, 10:42:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: LaQuitter
I drove up to the deer lease in North Louisiana on Saturday. 

I took the training wheels off this weekend.  I drove around 7 hours total.  I spent several hours in a treestand.  I sat around a campfire, enjoying the night.

I didn't have any gum, and I didn't have any sunflower seeds, or anything else for that matter.  Only my will, my stones, and my cell phone full of the phone numbers of bad ass quitters. 

This was my second weekend deer hunting since I've been quit.  I conquered my toughest trigger, yet again.  And the best part is, IT GETS EASIER EVERY TIME.  Each time you successfully get though a trigger situation, it gets easier.

This freedom is awesome.  The journey to get to this place was a rough one, but definitely worth it.  Beat the nic bitch back one day at a time, and little by little, it gets easier, and you start enjoying the fruits of your labor.  Life is good without the can.  I'll never go back to the can.

Scott - Day 170 - I'm quit.
Great job Scott!!! 'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Sweet !!!!

Thats kick ass , good quit !!
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #30 on: October 19, 2009, 09:39:00 AM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
I drove up to the deer lease in North Louisiana on Saturday.

I took the training wheels off this weekend. I drove around 7 hours total. I spent several hours in a treestand. I sat around a campfire, enjoying the night.

I didn't have any gum, and I didn't have any sunflower seeds, or anything else for that matter. Only my will, my stones, and my cell phone full of the phone numbers of bad ass quitters.

This was my second weekend deer hunting since I've been quit. I conquered my toughest trigger, yet again. And the best part is, IT GETS EASIER EVERY TIME. Each time you successfully get though a trigger situation, it gets easier.

This freedom is awesome. The journey to get to this place was a rough one, but definitely worth it. Beat the nic bitch back one day at a time, and little by little, it gets easier, and you start enjoying the fruits of your labor. Life is good without the can. I'll never go back to the can.

Scott - Day 170 - I'm quit.
Great job Scott!!! 'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2009, 10:15:00 PM »
I drove up to the deer lease in North Louisiana on Saturday.

I took the training wheels off this weekend. I drove around 7 hours total. I spent several hours in a treestand. I sat around a campfire, enjoying the night.

I didn't have any gum, and I didn't have any sunflower seeds, or anything else for that matter. Only my will, my stones, and my cell phone full of the phone numbers of bad ass quitters.

This was my second weekend deer hunting since I've been quit. I conquered my toughest trigger, yet again. And the best part is, IT GETS EASIER EVERY TIME. Each time you successfully get though a trigger situation, it gets easier.

This freedom is awesome. The journey to get to this place was a rough one, but definitely worth it. Beat the nic bitch back one day at a time, and little by little, it gets easier, and you start enjoying the fruits of your labor. Life is good without the can. I'll never go back to the can.

Scott - Day 170 - I'm quit.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2009, 10:38:00 PM »
Quote from: rkymtnman
Quote from: LaQuitter
Quote from: jaydisco
Quote from: LaQuitter
Here's something else that eats at me, on a daily basis.

Posting roll. 

When we post roll, that is our promise to our quit brothers/sisters that we will not use nicotine that day, in any form.  Posting roll every day creates accountability, and this is what our quits are built upon.

I will try to make a long story short.  Simply stated, there is really no acceptable excuse for your name to not be on your groups roll, every day.  I had a quit brother in the hospital last week.  He made it a point to let me know what was going on, and he had me post roll for him every day.  Anyone would have understood if he had gone missing for a few days for this reason, and showed back up posting roll with an explanation.  However, that wasn't good enough for this quitter.  He wanted to make sure that he was counted among the committed.

You say that you "forgot" to post roll.  Well, figure out how to remember.  Did you ever forget to stop at the convenience store and buy a can of shit?  You are "busy".  So am I.  So is every other quitter.  So what.  Make it your business to post roll.  Early in the day.  Every day.  Ramble on if you must about your "busy life".  Be boastful about staying quit for "X" days without posting roll if that makes you feel better.  You are no more quit that I am because you did it without posting roll.  The fact of the matter is, your quit will be more successful with a support system in place.  Here is your support system, right in front of you.  But you have to use it for it to work. 

I am an advocate of posting roll in the morning before you leave the house for work, school, whatever.  It's part of my morning routine. 

Does your trustworthiness, integrity, dependability, and commitment mean anything at all to you?  You chose to quit here, no one forced you to.  You posted that Day 1, now be accountable.  To your quit brothers/sisters, and to yourself. 

Scott - for the 164th day in a row, I promise that I am quit.

Fuck them.

That is all.

You are so jaded Justin. :wub:

I know.

I don't really enjoy pissing into the wind....but somebody has to.
Can a brother get an AMEN?

I'll never understand how it is so fucking difficult for some people to grasp the importance of posting roll - ESPECIALLY when you are pre-HOF but I can make a case for post hall in the same breath. I have seen plenty of peeps come back after a cave spewing the same bullshit - "I drifted away from the site and....." fill in the blank with your favorite BS excuse.

I had some January dude tell me today after going silent for 5 days of not posting roll (all under 10 days mind you) "Had to quit the site. Still plugging away". I realize we expect SOOOOO fucking much of your time - hell it takes, what, 30 seconds MAX to give me your fucking word? If you aren't near a machine - maybe half that to text it in to a quit brother? Quit the site - LOL - how about quitting the NIC BITCH?

Shit man - now you got me all riled up. I guess it all boils down to the mind of an addict - you either drink the kool aid here and help KTC help you or you don't and you are destined to be an active, using addict for a while longer. I only hope people come to their senses eventually.

I take solace in the fact that when their sorry, non-roll postin' ass comes back a year from now - I'll still be here happy to beat on them for being a pussy with a bigger number after my name. :):)

Sorry to "rant in your parade" but that touches a nerve - especially today.
rkymtnman, I think I said in my HOF speech "You've either got the balls to be a quitter, or you are weak".....or something to that effect.

The big-balled quitters get their asses in here and give their word.....we want to be accountable. The weak-assed pussies do this half-heartedly, and don't put forth the effort and commitment it takes to keep our addicted brains clean.

He quit the site after less than 2 weeks here??? He'll be back to a can a day inside of a week I bet.

Hey brother, you stop by and rant in here any time my friend.

Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2009, 06:26:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
Quote from: jaydisco
Quote from: LaQuitter
Here's something else that eats at me, on a daily basis.

Posting roll. 

When we post roll, that is our promise to our quit brothers/sisters that we will not use nicotine that day, in any form.  Posting roll every day creates accountability, and this is what our quits are built upon.

I will try to make a long story short.  Simply stated, there is really no acceptable excuse for your name to not be on your groups roll, every day.  I had a quit brother in the hospital last week.  He made it a point to let me know what was going on, and he had me post roll for him every day.  Anyone would have understood if he had gone missing for a few days for this reason, and showed back up posting roll with an explanation.  However, that wasn't good enough for this quitter.  He wanted to make sure that he was counted among the committed.

You say that you "forgot" to post roll.  Well, figure out how to remember.  Did you ever forget to stop at the convenience store and buy a can of shit?  You are "busy".  So am I.  So is every other quitter.  So what.  Make it your business to post roll.  Early in the day.  Every day.  Ramble on if you must about your "busy life".  Be boastful about staying quit for "X" days without posting roll if that makes you feel better.  You are no more quit that I am because you did it without posting roll.  The fact of the matter is, your quit will be more successful with a support system in place.  Here is your support system, right in front of you.  But you have to use it for it to work. 

I am an advocate of posting roll in the morning before you leave the house for work, school, whatever.  It's part of my morning routine. 

Does your trustworthiness, integrity, dependability, and commitment mean anything at all to you?  You chose to quit here, no one forced you to.  You posted that Day 1, now be accountable.  To your quit brothers/sisters, and to yourself. 

Scott - for the 164th day in a row, I promise that I am quit.

Fuck them.

That is all.

You are so jaded Justin. :wub:

I know.

I don't really enjoy pissing into the wind....but somebody has to.
Can a brother get an AMEN?

I'll never understand how it is so fucking difficult for some people to grasp the importance of posting roll - ESPECIALLY when you are pre-HOF but I can make a case for post hall in the same breath. I have seen plenty of peeps come back after a cave spewing the same bullshit - "I drifted away from the site and....." fill in the blank with your favorite BS excuse.

I had some January dude tell me today after going silent for 5 days of not posting roll (all under 10 days mind you) "Had to quit the site. Still plugging away". I realize we expect SOOOOO fucking much of your time - hell it takes, what, 30 seconds MAX to give me your fucking word? If you aren't near a machine - maybe half that to text it in to a quit brother? Quit the site - LOL - how about quitting the NIC BITCH?

Shit man - now you got me all riled up. I guess it all boils down to the mind of an addict - you either drink the kool aid here and help KTC help you or you don't and you are destined to be an active, using addict for a while longer. I only hope people come to their senses eventually.

I take solace in the fact that when their sorry, non-roll postin' ass comes back a year from now - I'll still be here happy to beat on them for being a pussy with a bigger number after my name. :):)

Sorry to "rant in your parade" but that touches a nerve - especially today.

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2009, 10:47:00 AM »
Quote from: jaydisco
Quote from: LaQuitter
Here's something else that eats at me, on a daily basis.

Posting roll. 

When we post roll, that is our promise to our quit brothers/sisters that we will not use nicotine that day, in any form.  Posting roll every day creates accountability, and this is what our quits are built upon.

I will try to make a long story short.  Simply stated, there is really no acceptable excuse for your name to not be on your groups roll, every day.  I had a quit brother in the hospital last week.  He made it a point to let me know what was going on, and he had me post roll for him every day.  Anyone would have understood if he had gone missing for a few days for this reason, and showed back up posting roll with an explanation.  However, that wasn't good enough for this quitter.  He wanted to make sure that he was counted among the committed.

You say that you "forgot" to post roll.  Well, figure out how to remember.  Did you ever forget to stop at the convenience store and buy a can of shit?  You are "busy".  So am I.  So is every other quitter.  So what.  Make it your business to post roll.  Early in the day.  Every day.  Ramble on if you must about your "busy life".  Be boastful about staying quit for "X" days without posting roll if that makes you feel better.  You are no more quit that I am because you did it without posting roll.  The fact of the matter is, your quit will be more successful with a support system in place.  Here is your support system, right in front of you.  But you have to use it for it to work. 

I am an advocate of posting roll in the morning before you leave the house for work, school, whatever.  It's part of my morning routine. 

Does your trustworthiness, integrity, dependability, and commitment mean anything at all to you?  You chose to quit here, no one forced you to.  You posted that Day 1, now be accountable.  To your quit brothers/sisters, and to yourself. 

Scott - for the 164th day in a row, I promise that I am quit.

Fuck them.

That is all.

You are so jaded Justin. :wub:

I know.

I don't really enjoy pissing into the wind....but somebody has to.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2009, 06:21:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
Here's something else that eats at me, on a daily basis.

Posting roll.

When we post roll, that is our promise to our quit brothers/sisters that we will not use nicotine that day, in any form. Posting roll every day creates accountability, and this is what our quits are built upon.

I will try to make a long story short. Simply stated, there is really no acceptable excuse for your name to not be on your groups roll, every day. I had a quit brother in the hospital last week. He made it a point to let me know what was going on, and he had me post roll for him every day. Anyone would have understood if he had gone missing for a few days for this reason, and showed back up posting roll with an explanation. However, that wasn't good enough for this quitter. He wanted to make sure that he was counted among the committed.

You say that you "forgot" to post roll. Well, figure out how to remember. Did you ever forget to stop at the convenience store and buy a can of shit? You are "busy". So am I. So is every other quitter. So what. Make it your business to post roll. Early in the day. Every day. Ramble on if you must about your "busy life". Be boastful about staying quit for "X" days without posting roll if that makes you feel better. You are no more quit that I am because you did it without posting roll. The fact of the matter is, your quit will be more successful with a support system in place. Here is your support system, right in front of you. But you have to use it for it to work.

I am an advocate of posting roll in the morning before you leave the house for work, school, whatever. It's part of my morning routine.

Does your trustworthiness, integrity, dependability, and commitment mean anything at all to you? You chose to quit here, no one forced you to. You posted that Day 1, now be accountable. To your quit brothers/sisters, and to yourself.

Scott - for the 164th day in a row, I promise that I am quit.

Fuck them.

That is all.

Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. -
Jules Winnfield

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2009, 03:08:00 PM »
Here's something else that eats at me, on a daily basis.

Posting roll.

When we post roll, that is our promise to our quit brothers/sisters that we will not use nicotine that day, in any form. Posting roll every day creates accountability, and this is what our quits are built upon.

I will try to make a long story short. Simply stated, there is really no acceptable excuse for your name to not be on your groups roll, every day. I had a quit brother in the hospital last week. He made it a point to let me know what was going on, and he had me post roll for him every day. Anyone would have understood if he had gone missing for a few days for this reason, and showed back up posting roll with an explanation. However, that wasn't good enough for this quitter. He wanted to make sure that he was counted among the committed.

You say that you "forgot" to post roll. Well, figure out how to remember. Did you ever forget to stop at the convenience store and buy a can of shit? You are "busy". So am I. So is every other quitter. So what. Make it your business to post roll. Early in the day. Every day. Ramble on if you must about your "busy life". Be boastful about staying quit for "X" days without posting roll if that makes you feel better. You are no more quit that I am because you did it without posting roll. The fact of the matter is, your quit will be more successful with a support system in place. Here is your support system, right in front of you. But you have to use it for it to work.

I am an advocate of posting roll in the morning before you leave the house for work, school, whatever. It's part of my morning routine.

Does your trustworthiness, integrity, dependability, and commitment mean anything at all to you? You chose to quit here, no one forced you to. You posted that Day 1, now be accountable. To your quit brothers/sisters, and to yourself.

Scott - for the 164th day in a row, I promise that I am quit.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Long Overdue Introduction
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2009, 03:52:00 PM »
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: LaQuitter
No tell us.
I woke up in a fucked up mood today, and was just feeling the need to rage earlier. But I changed my mind.

Then, I actually did let loose a little in August 09. It's all good brother. I just wanted to tell someone to fuck off.

But not you Glenn. :D
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco