Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline Spit cup

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2017, 09:16:00 AM »
Welcome DeputyFitz to ktc and July 2017!

-ps I bet your gf at very least wonders if you were dipping, those girls are really smart.

Online Mike1966

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2017, 08:30:00 AM »
Quote from: DeputyFitz

Ran this morning for the first time in probably five years. Reminded me of my days in the Army....foggy and cool but you could still see the stars.
I woke up pissed...almost depressed. Feeling a little better now, but the drive into work is always a challenge. That was my usual routine into work...throw in a bad boy and listen to tunes.

Thanks to everyone for your digits, and thanks to moment at a time here.

Song of the Day: "Hummer" by Smashing Pumpkins
Aerobic exercise is great way to take the edge off of withdrawal. IÂ’ve been alternating between running and bike riding in the last 6 months. In the coming days and months youÂ’ll start replacing the void left with nicotine with something. I, like a lot of people, in the beginning of my Quit, replaced it with junk food and gained 15 pounds. Better than to be hooked on nicotine but stillÂ… some of my quit brothers from July 16 hit the gym instead and lost weight.

There's a lot of info on the web on the effect of aerobic exercise on withdrawal.

Exercise Away the Urge to Smoke
Just one and you will be back where you started.
And where you started was desperately wishing
you were where you are right now.

Offline DeputyFitz

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2017, 08:09:00 AM »

Ran this morning for the first time in probably five years. Reminded me of my days in the Army....foggy and cool but you could still see the stars.
I woke up pissed...almost depressed. Feeling a little better now, but the drive into work is always a challenge. That was my usual routine into work...throw in a bad boy and listen to tunes.

Thanks to everyone for your digits, and thanks to moment at a time here.

Song of the Day: "Hummer" by Smashing Pumpkins

Online Mike1966

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2017, 11:01:00 PM »
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: polishnick79
Quote from: RDB
Quote from: DeputyFitz
Hey everyone out there, I know that no one knows me so I thought I would introduce myself. I foolishly started smoking/using smokeless tobacco my senior year in high school and graduated to just "dip" after the birth of my first son. I thought it was something I would just outgrow and move away from eventually, but I always found the excuse to keep going with it. I got really good at hiding started out only at work and then started doing it at home. I switched to pouches and putting it "upstairs" because that way I could hide it way back on my last tooth and gum by the back of your mouth. I figured out quickly that as long as I was drinking something, I could chew almost anywhere and not get caught.

I got a divorce about three to four years ago, and it was devastating. It had nothing to do with my chewing, and I was the one who initiated it. I thought I chewed a lot before that...yikes. During my divorce, and up to two years later I chewed almost all the time...hid it from my kids and my new girlfriend, and started the dishonesty all over again of hiding things and all that shit. I had a few nights where I passed out on the couch after having that "last beer/chew" of the night with the chew STILL IN MY MOUTH. I could've fucking died right there on the couch, and have my two kids aged 13 and 10 find me? What a fucking jerk I am....and I know better. I've seen this shit in my job...people dead for days, families destroyed by addiction...and here I am going the same thing, why? Because it's legal? Because lots of cops/military use tobacco? What a fucking jerk I am....

My girlfriend of two years and I were on vacation last week, and my buddy was there too. She asked if he chewed (he did) and I told her I thought he did. She mentioned how she could not support someone who did that, and talked about how gross it was and she would not kiss someone who did that. I didn't say a word and felt like the biggest asshole in the world. What a fucking coward I am.

I decided to quit the next day. After driving my buddy to the airport, I had my last one and it didn't even taste good. I was so mad at myself for becoming a slave to this shit. I have everything to lose....great career, wonderful/beautiful girlfriend and best friend, two awesome kids, beautiful new house, my health, etc....

I read about you guys about a year ago when I started to get serious about quitting. I tried 1/2 heartedly a couple times but this is different. I am going to be 42 years old, and I have been using tobacco in some way, shape, or form for over twenty years. I AM AN ADDICT. And I am ashamed of myself.

I've been clean for four days, and right now I am in the fog. But the only way in through.

Thanks to KTC for being here....You are all going to be sick of my ramblings in no time.

Post roll early every day, and keep your promise every time. It's guaranteed to work if you keep your word. Exchange digits with your fellow quitters, and reach out when you need help. My digits are just a PM away. Come here to the forum, or to chat when you need to rage, don't take it out on your loved ones. You (like all of us here) let yourself get addicted not them.

The method is that simple. Just like so many other things, it's the execution that's difficult. Staying quit is one of the hardest things I've ever done. That's why, 431 days later, I still make my promise every damn day.

One last thing - when someone calls you out on something, check your ego, and try to understand what they are saying. We know the lies addicts tell, and we know the excuses addicts make, because again, we are all addicts.

Stay quit. Refuse to cave. No matter what.
Hi Deputy, welcome to the next chapter in your life. Yes the first couple of days really suck donkey d**k but it gets better....way better.

You can't win the war without winning the battle so every day is a victory. Ramble on, yell at us, get pissed, but we are always here to stand with you since we are all the same....addicts.

I was also a ninja dipper and thought I was real bad ass trying to hide it from everyone, but felt ashamed when someone saw me do it. Do it for your kids, girlfriend, your dog, your cat, whoever...but most importantly do it for you.

Another suggestion is get an app on our phone called DipQuit. It is free and tracks your progress. I loved seeing how much money I saved. I am at Day 68 and have saved almost $400. If that isn't some good motivation, I don't know what is.

I will PM my digits.

Welcome to the fun and take off your shoes and stay will never look back....
Welcome DeputyFitz! Congrats on your decision and for getting your name up on roll.

This isn't going to be easy, but you know that. Now that your name is on roll, tobacco is off the table for you today. You gave your word that you wouldn't use - you can't break that word. Make that same promise tomorrow, first thing. Take failing entirely off the table for the day, because you can handle a day. Keep doing that for enough days in a row and I promise you it gets better.

Get to know your quit group. Those random screen names will soon start to mean something to you. You will rely on them and they will help pull you through some of the darker times. There are many LEOs at KTC, so bounce around and get to know some folks in older groups. Most are happy to support a new quitter. The deeper you dig your quit hole, the harder it will be to fail.

Your intro reads like you're serious about this and ready to kick some ass. There's no such thing as luck here, but I will wish you the best and I hope to see you succeed.

Send me a PM for digits or if I can help in any way.

EDIT: Also for the next month at least, Double your water, halve your caffeine and cease your alcohol intake.
Welcome to KTC Fitz! I joined up almost a year ago and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'll admit when I first joined I had my doubts that it could be any help at all. But I'm Quit now for longer than I've ever been able to in my previous attempts alone in the last 36 years. If you throw yourself into this 100% it works. Get to know these people, and you'll be amazed at how helpful that is when you're having one of those bad days when you feel like your Quit is hanging on by a thread.

We post roll everyday 1st thing in the morning. It's a promise to yourself and the rest of us that you will not put that cat shit in your mouth today, NOT a status update at the end of the day as to whether you made it through the day.

Share your digits with those in you Quit group and any of the vets. I was leary about that at 1st but you'll need those numbers when you're having a bad day. Sometimes a text is all it takes to save you Quit sometimes a phone call.

My digits are on in your Inbox

If I can help in anyway let me know.
Proud to Quit with you today Fitz!
Just one and you will be back where you started.
And where you started was desperately wishing
you were where you are right now.

Offline pky1520

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2017, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: polishnick79
Quote from: RDB
Quote from: DeputyFitz
Hey everyone out there, I know that no one knows me so I thought I would introduce myself. I foolishly started smoking/using smokeless tobacco my senior year in high school and graduated to just "dip" after the birth of my first son. I thought it was something I would just outgrow and move away from eventually, but I always found the excuse to keep going with it. I got really good at hiding started out only at work and then started doing it at home. I switched to pouches and putting it "upstairs" because that way I could hide it way back on my last tooth and gum by the back of your mouth. I figured out quickly that as long as I was drinking something, I could chew almost anywhere and not get caught.

I got a divorce about three to four years ago, and it was devastating. It had nothing to do with my chewing, and I was the one who initiated it. I thought I chewed a lot before that...yikes. During my divorce, and up to two years later I chewed almost all the time...hid it from my kids and my new girlfriend, and started the dishonesty all over again of hiding things and all that shit. I had a few nights where I passed out on the couch after having that "last beer/chew" of the night with the chew STILL IN MY MOUTH. I could've fucking died right there on the couch, and have my two kids aged 13 and 10 find me? What a fucking jerk I am....and I know better. I've seen this shit in my job...people dead for days, families destroyed by addiction...and here I am going the same thing, why? Because it's legal? Because lots of cops/military use tobacco? What a fucking jerk I am....

My girlfriend of two years and I were on vacation last week, and my buddy was there too. She asked if he chewed (he did) and I told her I thought he did. She mentioned how she could not support someone who did that, and talked about how gross it was and she would not kiss someone who did that. I didn't say a word and felt like the biggest asshole in the world. What a fucking coward I am.

I decided to quit the next day. After driving my buddy to the airport, I had my last one and it didn't even taste good. I was so mad at myself for becoming a slave to this shit. I have everything to lose....great career, wonderful/beautiful girlfriend and best friend, two awesome kids, beautiful new house, my health, etc....

I read about you guys about a year ago when I started to get serious about quitting. I tried 1/2 heartedly a couple times but this is different. I am going to be 42 years old, and I have been using tobacco in some way, shape, or form for over twenty years. I AM AN ADDICT. And I am ashamed of myself.

I've been clean for four days, and right now I am in the fog. But the only way in through.

Thanks to KTC for being here....You are all going to be sick of my ramblings in no time.

Post roll early every day, and keep your promise every time. It's guaranteed to work if you keep your word. Exchange digits with your fellow quitters, and reach out when you need help. My digits are just a PM away. Come here to the forum, or to chat when you need to rage, don't take it out on your loved ones. You (like all of us here) let yourself get addicted not them.

The method is that simple. Just like so many other things, it's the execution that's difficult. Staying quit is one of the hardest things I've ever done. That's why, 431 days later, I still make my promise every damn day.

One last thing - when someone calls you out on something, check your ego, and try to understand what they are saying. We know the lies addicts tell, and we know the excuses addicts make, because again, we are all addicts.

Stay quit. Refuse to cave. No matter what.
Hi Deputy, welcome to the next chapter in your life. Yes the first couple of days really suck donkey d**k but it gets better....way better.

You can't win the war without winning the battle so every day is a victory. Ramble on, yell at us, get pissed, but we are always here to stand with you since we are all the same....addicts.

I was also a ninja dipper and thought I was real bad ass trying to hide it from everyone, but felt ashamed when someone saw me do it. Do it for your kids, girlfriend, your dog, your cat, whoever...but most importantly do it for you.

Another suggestion is get an app on our phone called DipQuit. It is free and tracks your progress. I loved seeing how much money I saved. I am at Day 68 and have saved almost $400. If that isn't some good motivation, I don't know what is.

I will PM my digits.

Welcome to the fun and take off your shoes and stay will never look back....
Welcome DeputyFitz! Congrats on your decision and for getting your name up on roll.

This isn't going to be easy, but you know that. Now that your name is on roll, tobacco is off the table for you today. You gave your word that you wouldn't use - you can't break that word. Make that same promise tomorrow, first thing. Take failing entirely off the table for the day, because you can handle a day. Keep doing that for enough days in a row and I promise you it gets better.

Get to know your quit group. Those random screen names will soon start to mean something to you. You will rely on them and they will help pull you through some of the darker times. There are many LEOs at KTC, so bounce around and get to know some folks in older groups. Most are happy to support a new quitter. The deeper you dig your quit hole, the harder it will be to fail.

Your intro reads like you're serious about this and ready to kick some ass. There's no such thing as luck here, but I will wish you the best and I hope to see you succeed.

Send me a PM for digits or if I can help in any way.

EDIT: Also for the next month at least, Double your water, halve your caffeine and cease your alcohol intake.

Offline polishnick79

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2017, 03:20:00 PM »
Quote from: RDB
Quote from: DeputyFitz
Hey everyone out there, I know that no one knows me so I thought I would introduce myself. I foolishly started smoking/using smokeless tobacco my senior year in high school and graduated to just "dip" after the birth of my first son. I thought it was something I would just outgrow and move away from eventually, but I always found the excuse to keep going with it. I got really good at hiding started out only at work and then started doing it at home. I switched to pouches and putting it "upstairs" because that way I could hide it way back on my last tooth and gum by the back of your mouth. I figured out quickly that as long as I was drinking something, I could chew almost anywhere and not get caught.

I got a divorce about three to four years ago, and it was devastating. It had nothing to do with my chewing, and I was the one who initiated it. I thought I chewed a lot before that...yikes. During my divorce, and up to two years later I chewed almost all the time...hid it from my kids and my new girlfriend, and started the dishonesty all over again of hiding things and all that shit. I had a few nights where I passed out on the couch after having that "last beer/chew" of the night with the chew STILL IN MY MOUTH. I could've fucking died right there on the couch, and have my two kids aged 13 and 10 find me? What a fucking jerk I am....and I know better. I've seen this shit in my job...people dead for days, families destroyed by addiction...and here I am going the same thing, why? Because it's legal? Because lots of cops/military use tobacco? What a fucking jerk I am....

My girlfriend of two years and I were on vacation last week, and my buddy was there too. She asked if he chewed (he did) and I told her I thought he did. She mentioned how she could not support someone who did that, and talked about how gross it was and she would not kiss someone who did that. I didn't say a word and felt like the biggest asshole in the world. What a fucking coward I am.

I decided to quit the next day. After driving my buddy to the airport, I had my last one and it didn't even taste good. I was so mad at myself for becoming a slave to this shit. I have everything to lose....great career, wonderful/beautiful girlfriend and best friend, two awesome kids, beautiful new house, my health, etc....

I read about you guys about a year ago when I started to get serious about quitting. I tried 1/2 heartedly a couple times but this is different. I am going to be 42 years old, and I have been using tobacco in some way, shape, or form for over twenty years. I AM AN ADDICT. And I am ashamed of myself.

I've been clean for four days, and right now I am in the fog. But the only way in through.

Thanks to KTC for being here....You are all going to be sick of my ramblings in no time.

Post roll early every day, and keep your promise every time. It's guaranteed to work if you keep your word. Exchange digits with your fellow quitters, and reach out when you need help. My digits are just a PM away. Come here to the forum, or to chat when you need to rage, don't take it out on your loved ones. You (like all of us here) let yourself get addicted not them.

The method is that simple. Just like so many other things, it's the execution that's difficult. Staying quit is one of the hardest things I've ever done. That's why, 431 days later, I still make my promise every damn day.

One last thing - when someone calls you out on something, check your ego, and try to understand what they are saying. We know the lies addicts tell, and we know the excuses addicts make, because again, we are all addicts.

Stay quit. Refuse to cave. No matter what.
Hi Deputy, welcome to the next chapter in your life. Yes the first couple of days really suck donkey d**k but it gets better....way better.

You can't win the war without winning the battle so every day is a victory. Ramble on, yell at us, get pissed, but we are always here to stand with you since we are all the same....addicts.

I was also a ninja dipper and thought I was real bad ass trying to hide it from everyone, but felt ashamed when someone saw me do it. Do it for your kids, girlfriend, your dog, your cat, whoever...but most importantly do it for you.

Another suggestion is get an app on our phone called DipQuit. It is free and tracks your progress. I loved seeing how much money I saved. I am at Day 68 and have saved almost $400. If that isn't some good motivation, I don't know what is.

I will PM my digits.

Welcome to the fun and take off your shoes and stay will never look back....

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2017, 03:11:00 PM »
Quote from: DeputyFitz
Hey everyone out there, I know that no one knows me so I thought I would introduce myself. I foolishly started smoking/using smokeless tobacco my senior year in high school and graduated to just "dip" after the birth of my first son. I thought it was something I would just outgrow and move away from eventually, but I always found the excuse to keep going with it. I got really good at hiding started out only at work and then started doing it at home. I switched to pouches and putting it "upstairs" because that way I could hide it way back on my last tooth and gum by the back of your mouth. I figured out quickly that as long as I was drinking something, I could chew almost anywhere and not get caught.

I got a divorce about three to four years ago, and it was devastating. It had nothing to do with my chewing, and I was the one who initiated it. I thought I chewed a lot before that...yikes. During my divorce, and up to two years later I chewed almost all the time...hid it from my kids and my new girlfriend, and started the dishonesty all over again of hiding things and all that shit. I had a few nights where I passed out on the couch after having that "last beer/chew" of the night with the chew STILL IN MY MOUTH. I could've fucking died right there on the couch, and have my two kids aged 13 and 10 find me? What a fucking jerk I am....and I know better. I've seen this shit in my job...people dead for days, families destroyed by addiction...and here I am going the same thing, why? Because it's legal? Because lots of cops/military use tobacco? What a fucking jerk I am....

My girlfriend of two years and I were on vacation last week, and my buddy was there too. She asked if he chewed (he did) and I told her I thought he did. She mentioned how she could not support someone who did that, and talked about how gross it was and she would not kiss someone who did that. I didn't say a word and felt like the biggest asshole in the world. What a fucking coward I am.

I decided to quit the next day. After driving my buddy to the airport, I had my last one and it didn't even taste good. I was so mad at myself for becoming a slave to this shit. I have everything to lose....great career, wonderful/beautiful girlfriend and best friend, two awesome kids, beautiful new house, my health, etc....

I read about you guys about a year ago when I started to get serious about quitting. I tried 1/2 heartedly a couple times but this is different. I am going to be 42 years old, and I have been using tobacco in some way, shape, or form for over twenty years. I AM AN ADDICT. And I am ashamed of myself.

I've been clean for four days, and right now I am in the fog. But the only way in through.

Thanks to KTC for being here....You are all going to be sick of my ramblings in no time.

Post roll early every day, and keep your promise every time. It's guaranteed to work if you keep your word. Exchange digits with your fellow quitters, and reach out when you need help. My digits are just a PM away. Come here to the forum, or to chat when you need to rage, don't take it out on your loved ones. You (like all of us here) let yourself get addicted not them.

The method is that simple. Just like so many other things, it's the execution that's difficult. Staying quit is one of the hardest things I've ever done. That's why, 431 days later, I still make my promise every damn day.

One last thing - when someone calls you out on something, check your ego, and try to understand what they are saying. We know the lies addicts tell, and we know the excuses addicts make, because again, we are all addicts.

Stay quit. Refuse to cave. No matter what.

Offline DeputyFitz

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« on: March 27, 2017, 02:59:00 PM »
Hey everyone out there, I know that no one knows me so I thought I would introduce myself. I foolishly started smoking/using smokeless tobacco my senior year in high school and graduated to just "dip" after the birth of my first son. I thought it was something I would just outgrow and move away from eventually, but I always found the excuse to keep going with it. I got really good at hiding started out only at work and then started doing it at home. I switched to pouches and putting it "upstairs" because that way I could hide it way back on my last tooth and gum by the back of your mouth. I figured out quickly that as long as I was drinking something, I could chew almost anywhere and not get caught.

I got a divorce about three to four years ago, and it was devastating. It had nothing to do with my chewing, and I was the one who initiated it. I thought I chewed a lot before that...yikes. During my divorce, and up to two years later I chewed almost all the time...hid it from my kids and my new girlfriend, and started the dishonesty all over again of hiding things and all that shit. I had a few nights where I passed out on the couch after having that "last beer/chew" of the night with the chew STILL IN MY MOUTH. I could've fucking died right there on the couch, and have my two kids aged 13 and 10 find me? What a fucking jerk I am....and I know better. I've seen this shit in my job...people dead for days, families destroyed by addiction...and here I am going the same thing, why? Because it's legal? Because lots of cops/military use tobacco? What a fucking jerk I am....

My girlfriend of two years and I were on vacation last week, and my buddy was there too. She asked if he chewed (he did) and I told her I thought he did. She mentioned how she could not support someone who did that, and talked about how gross it was and she would not kiss someone who did that. I didn't say a word and felt like the biggest asshole in the world. What a fucking coward I am.

I decided to quit the next day. After driving my buddy to the airport, I had my last one and it didn't even taste good. I was so mad at myself for becoming a slave to this shit. I have everything to lose....great career, wonderful/beautiful girlfriend and best friend, two awesome kids, beautiful new house, my health, etc....

I read about you guys about a year ago when I started to get serious about quitting. I tried 1/2 heartedly a couple times but this is different. I am going to be 42 years old, and I have been using tobacco in some way, shape, or form for over twenty years. I AM AN ADDICT. And I am ashamed of myself.

I've been clean for four days, and right now I am in the fog. But the only way in through.

Thanks to KTC for being here....You are all going to be sick of my ramblings in no time.