Author Topic: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper  (Read 3280 times)

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2014, 01:54:00 PM »
Quote from: USCG77
No further explanation needed. Post DAY 1 in June. Any other way would go against rule #1 - Post ROLL. Post DAY 1 and do your part to maintain the accountibility offered by KTC.
Um, you only go back to day 1 if you used nicotine (caved). Please do NOT post day 1 if you have not used nicotine.

PS - life happens, and will continue to happen, regardless of you quitting tobacco and other nicotine or not. You have to choose how much you want to break the chain, and I can guaran-damn-tee you need to be 100% committed to it regardless of what else life throws at you. I have posted roll 100% of my 1150+ days here, and that includes my youngest son being hospitalized 3 different times for 3-7 days, my father being in ICU 2x and eventually passing away, the birth of my youngest son, weddings, funerals, vacation, working 80+ hour weeks (probably not in as dangerous an occupation as you, no doubt, but field service electrical and mechanical maintenance work in steel mills, refineries, chem plants, power plants, paper mills, etc is no picnic either), and a bunch of other shit. Posting roll is a sign of that commitment not just to your brothers here, but to yourself.

You didnt get here by accident, you didnt quit by accident, and we dont frankly give a shit about excuses for not posting roll. If you stick around and get involved, your brothers WILL give a shit about YOU, and what is going on in your life, so long as you give and keep your word that you will NOT use nicotine in any way, shape or form today. You do that by posting roll every day, come hell or high water.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #35 on: March 21, 2014, 01:18:00 PM »
No further explanation needed. Post DAY 1 in June. Any other way would go against rule #1 - Post ROLL. Post DAY 1 and do your part to maintain the accountibility offered by KTC.
USCG77(C. Lucas)
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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2014, 01:10:00 PM »
Is the purpose of KTC to provide support for those wanting to quit or is KTC a forum to vent and say things most would not to each other face to face. I get posting roll. I also understand things happen. Not posting roll or checking in for 3 weeks honestly should not be acceptable at all. Start from day one and knock it out of the park. For everyone else I ask "Did his not posting for three weeks disrupt your life?" Probably not, so quit acting like you lost your way because of his not posting roll. I am confident at 80 Days that I will never dip again. I keep getting on here to post because I support my group. Seeing grown men argue is sad and frankly not worth it.

Spencer, life happens. I hope your friend is okay and life is back on track. KTC has only one requirement. POST ROLL. Missing a day here and there especially with all our BUMP happy brother seem not right but tolerable. I am guilty. Three weeks regardless of the reason is in all fairness not acceptable. Please join the newest group and post Day 1. That will help KTC maintain its accountibility and standards.

The idea is to keep encouraging our brothers and sisters while maintaining the KTC standard. For everyone here at KTC, I do not see any reasons to play games or curse to no end.

There is my two cents for whatever it is worth. I am not the web master or admin but feel this is a more acceptable way of handling these types of issues.
USCG77(C. Lucas)
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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2014, 12:52:00 PM »
Quote from: peters6278
Spencer, you gotta participate man. You owe me and these other fine quitters below an answer on whether you remained quit on your 'hiatus'. Embrace the philosophy here and we'll welcome you back with open arms, and together we can keep putting coal in the boiler of our badass quit train we got rolling here. Otherwise, you might as well sign off and go snuggle up with your can-o-lies somewhere. There are plenty of people here that could use (and actually want) our help with their quits.

What's it gonna be? Blue Pill or the Red Pill?
Brotherhood... If it is yes that will be dealt with to get you on track if it is No then that will be dealt with to keep you on track. I'm new but believe in the brotherhood of the quit. Please answer the question because a non answer becomes an answer and the brotherhood is made up of people that are honest and do not lie or mislead each other .... even if we do screw up. But I feel in this group that lying or not answering will not be tolerated for the good of the brotherhood. So, if you are a brother either way the answer goes be a brother, be a man that I can stand beside in battle and feel your quit is worth helping you fight for it... before the guys here, the vets, make their own determination by your failing to answer and ban you.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2014, 12:36:00 PM »
Spencer, you gotta participate man. You owe me and these other fine quitters below an answer on whether you remained quit on your 'hiatus'. Embrace the philosophy here and we'll welcome you back with open arms, and together we can keep putting coal in the boiler of our badass quit train we got rolling here. Otherwise, you might as well sign off and go snuggle up with your can-o-lies somewhere. There are plenty of people here that could use (and actually want) our help with their quits.

What's it gonna be? Blue Pill or the Red Pill?
Living the dream, one day at a time.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2014, 06:48:00 AM »
Spencer, see you have posted roll since reappearing, I know you had a lengthy discussion with KO. Keep it up! If you could answer ZC's question, by confirm you did not use nic during your absence we can get back to doing this ODAAT from my perspective. Seems like that is what you are trying to do. Let's beat the bitch!

Offline ZillahCowboy

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2014, 07:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Knockout
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: rothstein57
You know what dude?  I get it.  Shit happens.  Life happens.  It ain't fun, and it is usually a giant fucking pain in the ass.  But that is still no. fucking. excuse. for not posting roll.  I understand, there were important things that needed taking care of.  KTC might have been driven from your mind for a bit.  But was there never a time where you thought about it?  Was there never a single opportunity for you to post roll?  Was there never one moment where you could have texted somebody and asked them to post roll for you?  Missing roll is simply unacceptable if you have a good network on KTC, and while I get that you had a lot of shit on your plate, that doesn't mean it was alright to just skip roll for three weeks.  That is never ok.
Post roll every damn day or text somebody to do it for you. Im sick and tired of people joining KTC, where our method of quit is to post roll, and thinking they can do it there own way. If you dont need the site, if you dont want to be held accountable, then go away. Other wise, be a man and follow the rules. This isnt rocket science and your not special. Post roll every damn day and keep your word.
I think this post pretty much sums up my opinion on the matter. ^

It's simple Spencer, beating this addiction is important to you or it isn't. I told you in our conversation last night, you're #1 on the shit list for your blatant disrespect of everyone here.

A part of me wants to go on an absolute tirade about how you don't even remotely deserve to enter the HOF with the group, but if you are still quit and truly want to be here, 30 days straight of posting would be a good way to show it.

You asked for a second chance. It's only with the realization that second chances have saved my own life on numerous occasions that my opinion slightly waivers from the original now.

You want a chance? Post roll every day. You quit Jan 10 with K9, Sever, Peters and I. That means you are on day 70. I challenge you to post 100% from now until day 100. If you can't do that, the most basic request here, then you really should fuck off and not waste any of our time.
One more thing Spencer...

You have been asked 3 times by different folks whether you stayed quit during your vacation from KTC. And you have evaded answering that question. All I've read from you is blubbering girlish drama, excuses, statements that you fucked up, and that you want a 2nd chance. Almost sounds like a caver to me.

If you want back in to this group you must publicly answer one question: Did you stay quit during your time away? If you did not, you go back to Day 1. If you did stay quit and you wake the fuck up and start posting roll every day, you can remain. Let's hear your straight answer without any bullshit.


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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2014, 03:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: rothstein57
You know what dude?  I get it.  Shit happens.  Life happens.  It ain't fun, and it is usually a giant fucking pain in the ass.  But that is still no. fucking. excuse. for not posting roll.  I understand, there were important things that needed taking care of.  KTC might have been driven from your mind for a bit.  But was there never a time where you thought about it?  Was there never a single opportunity for you to post roll?  Was there never one moment where you could have texted somebody and asked them to post roll for you?  Missing roll is simply unacceptable if you have a good network on KTC, and while I get that you had a lot of shit on your plate, that doesn't mean it was alright to just skip roll for three weeks.  That is never ok.
Post roll every damn day or text somebody to do it for you. Im sick and tired of people joining KTC, where our method of quit is to post roll, and thinking they can do it there own way. If you dont need the site, if you dont want to be held accountable, then go away. Other wise, be a man and follow the rules. This isnt rocket science and your not special. Post roll every damn day and keep your word.
I think this post pretty much sums up my opinion on the matter. ^

It's simple Spencer, beating this addiction is important to you or it isn't. I told you in our conversation last night, you're #1 on the shit list for your blatant disrespect of everyone here.

A part of me wants to go on an absolute tirade about how you don't even remotely deserve to enter the HOF with the group, but if you are still quit and truly want to be here, 30 days straight of posting would be a good way to show it.

You asked for a second chance. It's only with the realization that second chances have saved my own life on numerous occasions that my opinion slightly waivers from the original now.

You want a chance? Post roll every day. You quit Jan 10 with K9, Sever, Peters and I. That means you are on day 70. I challenge you to post 100% from now until day 100. If you can't do that, the most basic request here, then you really should fuck off and not waste any of our time.
Obsessed with the ghey

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2014, 08:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: SpencerF
You can say bullshit if you want but when a friend calls you at 4am saying he is at the end of his rope you get in your truck and go there, I forgot about everything at the point I was on a sterch of three day off so I was able to stay there and keep him until I was able to convince him to see a shrink.

My friend we have known each other since before we were born out moms went to baby and me classes. His birthday was yesterday the 18th and mine is tomorrow the 20th he was suicidal, I drove 2 hours after nights to Calgary to keep him calm and try and convince him to get help. He has now gotten on a mix of pills that keep him balanced but I check in on him everyday to make sure he is still feeling okay.


Does that look like bullshit, sour liquids spraying 20" feet from a ruptured line.

*i do not want to post this picture publicly on Facebook as there is "paperwork" still open resulting from this night I can PM anyone this image*
Knockout asks you specifically whether you chewed during your KTC vacation, and you did not respond. In my book that is a yes.

No bullshit,

My friend was suicidal, and I placed this on the back burned.....way the fuck back there.

He called one day at 4 am and I forgot this and alot of other things that day.

It was selfish, I know. But my friend and I have known each for almost 23 years and Im only 22, (our moms went to the same first baby/baby and me classes) so this bond was not one that was going to break very easily. He needed me there.............

Now I know that there are guys in here that need me here to, because it is just as serious as my friend.

I write this fighting back tears that will come.... I ask that you will give me a chance. and if you dont want to give me a second chance then I will in peace.

Anyone can call me xxxxxxxx (don't give out your number in public in the Internet----Use PM, signed Yota) that is my home phone number there is an answering machine, if all people want to do is call and give me shit then so be it, I get home from work tomorrow around 8:30pm

Posted in April 14

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2014, 11:33:00 AM »
Quote from: SpencerF
You can say bullshit if you want but when a friend calls you at 4am saying he is at the end of his rope you get in your truck and go there, I forgot about everything at the point I was on a sterch of three day off so I was able to stay there and keep him until I was able to convince him to see a shrink.

My friend we have known each other since before we were born out moms went to baby and me classes. His birthday was yesterday the 18th and mine is tomorrow the 20th he was suicidal, I drove 2 hours after nights to Calgary to keep him calm and try and convince him to get help. He has now gotten on a mix of pills that keep him balanced but I check in on him everyday to make sure he is still feeling okay.


Does that look like bullshit, sour liquids spraying 20" feet from a ruptured line.

*i do not want to post this picture publicly on Facebook as there is "paperwork" still open resulting from this night I can PM anyone this image*
Knockout asks you specifically whether you chewed during your KTC vacation, and you did not respond. In my book that is a yes.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2014, 11:14:00 AM »
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: rothstein57
You know what dude?  I get it.  Shit happens.  Life happens.  It ain't fun, and it is usually a giant fucking pain in the ass.  But that is still no. fucking. excuse. for not posting roll.  I understand, there were important things that needed taking care of.  KTC might have been driven from your mind for a bit.  But was there never a time where you thought about it?  Was there never a single opportunity for you to post roll?  Was there never one moment where you could have texted somebody and asked them to post roll for you?  Missing roll is simply unacceptable if you have a good network on KTC, and while I get that you had a lot of shit on your plate, that doesn't mean it was alright to just skip roll for three weeks.  That is never ok.
Post roll every damn day or text somebody to do it for you. Im sick and tired of people joining KTC, where our method of quit is to post roll, and thinking they can do it there own way. If you dont need the site, if you dont want to be held accountable, then go away. Other wise, be a man and follow the rules. This isnt rocket science and your not special. Post roll every damn day and keep your word.
WG is right....this isn't the right place for people that want to check in periodically or disappear when a life event happens. They can post combative bullshit excuses all they want. I am sure there are other websites/forums that support this. KTC is the wrong place.
I agree with the gentlemen above and below. I am not sensing the commitment going forward Spencer. We all have lives going on, you flat out failed to follow the program you committed to following. Is that going to change, or will you simply disappear when the next "life challenge" occurs? Trust level is way down here as I think Knockout expressed quite well below.

What's the truth and what is it going to be going forward?

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2014, 08:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: rothstein57
You know what dude?  I get it.  Shit happens.  Life happens.  It ain't fun, and it is usually a giant fucking pain in the ass.  But that is still no. fucking. excuse. for not posting roll.  I understand, there were important things that needed taking care of.  KTC might have been driven from your mind for a bit.  But was there never a time where you thought about it?  Was there never a single opportunity for you to post roll?  Was there never one moment where you could have texted somebody and asked them to post roll for you?  Missing roll is simply unacceptable if you have a good network on KTC, and while I get that you had a lot of shit on your plate, that doesn't mean it was alright to just skip roll for three weeks.  That is never ok.
Post roll every damn day or text somebody to do it for you. Im sick and tired of people joining KTC, where our method of quit is to post roll, and thinking they can do it there own way. If you dont need the site, if you dont want to be held accountable, then go away. Other wise, be a man and follow the rules. This isnt rocket science and your not special. Post roll every damn day and keep your word.
WG is right....this isn't the right place for people that want to check in periodically or disappear when a life event happens. They can post combative bullshit excuses all they want. I am sure there are other websites/forums that support this. KTC is the wrong place.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2014, 04:26:00 AM »
Quote from: rothstein57
You know what dude? I get it. Shit happens. Life happens. It ain't fun, and it is usually a giant fucking pain in the ass. But that is still no. fucking. excuse. for not posting roll. I understand, there were important things that needed taking care of. KTC might have been driven from your mind for a bit. But was there never a time where you thought about it? Was there never a single opportunity for you to post roll? Was there never one moment where you could have texted somebody and asked them to post roll for you? Missing roll is simply unacceptable if you have a good network on KTC, and while I get that you had a lot of shit on your plate, that doesn't mean it was alright to just skip roll for three weeks. That is never ok.
Post roll every damn day or text somebody to do it for you. Im sick and tired of people joining KTC, where our method of quit is to post roll, and thinking they can do it there own way. If you dont need the site, if you dont want to be held accountable, then go away. Other wise, be a man and follow the rules. This isnt rocket science and your not special. Post roll every damn day and keep your word.
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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2014, 03:26:00 AM »
You know what dude? I get it. Shit happens. Life happens. It ain't fun, and it is usually a giant fucking pain in the ass. But that is still no. fucking. excuse. for not posting roll. I understand, there were important things that needed taking care of. KTC might have been driven from your mind for a bit. But was there never a time where you thought about it? Was there never a single opportunity for you to post roll? Was there never one moment where you could have texted somebody and asked them to post roll for you? Missing roll is simply unacceptable if you have a good network on KTC, and while I get that you had a lot of shit on your plate, that doesn't mean it was alright to just skip roll for three weeks. That is never ok.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2014, 03:12:00 AM »
You can say bullshit if you want but when a friend calls you at 4am saying he is at the end of his rope you get in your truck and go there, I forgot about everything at the point I was on a sterch of three day off so I was able to stay there and keep him until I was able to convince him to see a shrink.

My friend we have known each other since before we were born out moms went to baby and me classes. His birthday was yesterday the 18th and mine is tomorrow the 20th he was suicidal, I drove 2 hours after nights to Calgary to keep him calm and try and convince him to get help. He has now gotten on a mix of pills that keep him balanced but I check in on him everyday to make sure he is still feeling okay.


Does that look like bullshit, sour liquids spraying 20" feet from a ruptured line.

*i do not want to post this picture publicly on Facebook as there is "paperwork" still open resulting from this night I can PM anyone this image*