Author Topic: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper  (Read 3281 times)

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2014, 02:36:00 AM »
Quote from: SpencerF
I disappeared off of here for the three weeks because of dealing with an issue with one of my friends that I don't want to talk about here. As well as the nasty weather at work and my apartment.

I know it was selfish but I needed to deal with the things happening in my life and focus on those issues.

For your info my friend is dong better and I will leave it at that.

Work..... The weather kicks us in our ass. The cold causes issues everywhere, I didn't go a shift with out having haul steam hoses out to thaw something out. With the cold weather upsets were happening almost daily, flaring gas or dealin with frozen sulphur plants (jamming a red hot rod six feet into a vessel to break frozen sulphur to get hot sulphur to flow)

The cold also froze a pipe in my apartment forcing me to sleep in my truck running for a night since there was no heat and no stores open to buy heaters.

I am still here I just had to focus on my life.

Thanks you all for the support.
Bullshit, all of it. There is one gaping hole in your explanation: why you "had" to leave KTC. As was stated in our group - it takes 30 SECONDS to post roll. There is no excuse for how this could get in the way of your "stressful life", especially since you sucked at posting even before you took your little vacation.

Off the top of my head I can think of numerous members of the Resolute Bastards who have lost family members, pets, gone through job loss and threats of job loss, yet not one of them takes time off because "KTC gets in the way". No, "quitting" got in the way, didn't it?

You don't belong with this group. We quit here. Even the members who are not as active on the site, they do the one thing you have to do, post their promise Every Damn Day. The April 14 group belongs to the Resolute Bastards, and we are a collective of fine quitters who take this seriously. Clearly you don't.

There are only two possibilities here:
1 - You caved and used nicotine. Your whole post screams it, and it would be my best guess. In that case a real man would fess up and go back to day 1.
2 - You really do have the audacity to leave unannounced and think it's ok to completely disrespect the site and the quitters here by coming back with excuses that we all fight through. You don't take us or this quit seriously, and you can get the fuck out.

I say again, why are you here? What do you get from this besides your false sense of brotherhood?
Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2014, 01:31:00 AM »
Quote from: SpencerF
I disappeared off of here for the three weeks because of dealing with an issue with one of my friends that I don't want to talk about here. As well as the nasty weather at work and my apartment.

I know it was selfish but I needed to deal with the things happening in my life and focus on those issues.

For your info my friend is dong better and I will leave it at that.

Work..... The weather kicks us in our ass. The cold causes issues everywhere, I didn't go a shift with out having haul steam hoses out to thaw something out. With the cold weather upsets were happening almost daily, flaring gas or dealin with frozen sulphur plants (jamming a red hot rod six feet into a vessel to break frozen sulphur to get hot sulphur to flow)

The cold also froze a pipe in my apartment forcing me to sleep in my truck running for a night since there was no heat and no stores open to buy heaters.

I am still here I just had to focus on my life.

Thanks you all for the support.
Friends trouble, red hot rods, frozen factiles, steam hoses, flaring gas, sulphur plants, knives, grinders, bed posts, door knobs, etc..

What the fuck?

Add all that up and you get one hot steaming pile of bullshit.

Performance not excuses. Get it on or bang a gong and get the fuck out and quit wasting the time of fine quitters, trying to help you.

There is ALWAYS time for quit.
Quit 06/04/12
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2014, 12:52:00 AM »
Why waste this groups time? I'm sure you have better things to do. This is not part time KTC quit. This is balls to the wall and save your life KTC quit. Go check out the quit lite website. Maybe they will coddle your balls every couple of weeks when you decide to show up.

Offline ZillahCowboy

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2014, 11:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: SpencerF
I disappeared off of here for the three weeks because of dealing with an issue with one of my friends that I don't want to talk about here. As well as the nasty weather at work and my apartment.

I know it was selfish but I needed to deal with the things happening in my life and focus on those issues.

For your info my friend is dong better and I will leave it at that.

Work..... The weather kicks us in our ass. The cold causes issues everywhere, I didn't go a shift with out having haul steam hoses out to thaw something out. With the cold weather upsets were happening almost daily, flaring gas or dealin with frozen sulphur plants (jamming a red hot rod six feet into a vessel to break frozen sulphur to get hot sulphur to flow)

The cold also froze a pipe in my apartment forcing me to sleep in my truck running for a night since there was no heat and no stores open to buy heaters.

I am still here I just had to focus on my life.

Thanks you all for the support.
Let me see here...
Your friends need more attention than my friends and my brothers and sisters, my parents, my wife, and my kids.
Your job is tougher than my job.
Your weather is worse than..... oh holy fuck, your post was so fucking annoying.
Do you have any idea what a bitch you sound like?
The only word that sticks out in your message is the word "selfish". In other words....How many fellow April quitters have you helped and encouraged over the last 2 months? How many newbs have you helped navigate the Welcome Center? How many KTC texts have you sent or received? How many messages have you posted on your Intro? Well, the answer to all of the above questions is a big fat fucking ZERO. If you're going to disappear for weeks on end, and do none of the above, then you probably don't have the the spirit, determination or commitment to be here at this time in your life.

Oh, and your post never even mentioned whether you're still quit or not.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2014, 11:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: SpencerF
I disappeared off of here for the three weeks because of dealing with an issue with one of my friends that I don't want to talk about here. As well as the nasty weather at work and my apartment.

I know it was selfish but I needed to deal with the things happening in my life and focus on those issues.

For your info my friend is dong better and I will leave it at that.

Work..... The weather kicks us in our ass. The cold causes issues everywhere, I didn't go a shift with out having haul steam hoses out to thaw something out. With the cold weather upsets were happening almost daily, flaring gas or dealin with frozen sulphur plants (jamming a red hot rod six feet into a vessel to break frozen sulphur to get hot sulphur to flow)

The cold also froze a pipe in my apartment forcing me to sleep in my truck running for a night since there was no heat and no stores open to buy heaters.

I am still here I just had to focus on my life.

Thanks you all for the support.
Let me see here...
Your friends need more attention than my friends and my brothers and sisters, my parents, my wife, and my kids.
Your job is tougher than my job.
Your weather is worse than..... oh holy fuck, your post was so fucking annoying.
Do you have any idea what a bitch you sound like?
My phone doesn't work in the cold, or the hospital or when my friends are asleep either.

Figure it the fuck out. Did anyone text, email or send you private messages during those 3 weeks. It would be a shame if they did and you didn't answer. That would be energy wasted that could have been spent on a Day 1r.

I'm sure you weren't given any contact #s either. You know someone who you could have sent a text or given a call and said.. "hey i got some shit happening can you help me post roll?" oh wait thats right.. those numbers would not work because the phone was cold, or behind some kind of magic wall or snoring was limiting the cell tower signal.

Kleenex box is right. You sound like a huge bitch.

Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2014, 11:40:00 PM »
Quote from: SpencerF
I disappeared off of here for the three weeks because of dealing with an issue with one of my friends that I don't want to talk about here. As well as the nasty weather at work and my apartment.

I know it was selfish but I needed to deal with the things happening in my life and focus on those issues.

For your info my friend is dong better and I will leave it at that.

Work..... The weather kicks us in our ass. The cold causes issues everywhere, I didn't go a shift with out having haul steam hoses out to thaw something out. With the cold weather upsets were happening almost daily, flaring gas or dealin with frozen sulphur plants (jamming a red hot rod six feet into a vessel to break frozen sulphur to get hot sulphur to flow)

The cold also froze a pipe in my apartment forcing me to sleep in my truck running for a night since there was no heat and no stores open to buy heaters.

I am still here I just had to focus on my life.

Thanks you all for the support.
Let me see here...
Your friends need more attention than my friends and my brothers and sisters, my parents, my wife, and my kids.
Your job is tougher than my job.
Your weather is worse than..... oh holy fuck, your post was so fucking annoying.
Do you have any idea what a bitch you sound like?

Offline SpencerF

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2014, 10:44:00 PM »
I disappeared off of here for the three weeks because of dealing with an issue with one of my friends that I don't want to talk about here. As well as the nasty weather at work and my apartment.

I know it was selfish but I needed to deal with the things happening in my life and focus on those issues.

For your info my friend is dong better and I will leave it at that.

Work..... The weather kicks us in our ass. The cold causes issues everywhere, I didn't go a shift with out having haul steam hoses out to thaw something out. With the cold weather upsets were happening almost daily, flaring gas or dealin with frozen sulphur plants (jamming a red hot rod six feet into a vessel to break frozen sulphur to get hot sulphur to flow)

The cold also froze a pipe in my apartment forcing me to sleep in my truck running for a night since there was no heat and no stores open to buy heaters.

I am still here I just had to focus on my life.

Thanks you all for the support.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2014, 12:57:00 PM »
I am disheartened by the fact that someone could let all of the supportive people here down.
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2014, 09:40:00 AM »
Quote from: SpencerF
Now I'm 11 days in. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Spencer, I am going to take you up on your offer from your intro post ^^^^

1) Where were you for 3 weeks?
2) Why did you fail to keep the commitment to post roll to hold yourself accountable as well as to acknowledge and hold those accountable in your group?
3) People took time out of their own days and from there own families to reach out to you? Do you take this lightly or understand that they are disappointed and feel blown off? What are you going to do about it?
4) Do you realize that volunteers in our group spent their own time scanning roll making sure you were not bumped and attempting to support you in maintaining our group's spreadsheet?
5) Can we count on you to keep your word and post roll at least through your HOF date?

Make no mistake, we want you quit, but we have also made a commitment to ourselves and others when we posted roll for the first time. Brotherhood + Accountability = Success.

Offline pbrain04

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2014, 06:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
......playing with yourself is a habbit.
I just crossed another thing of my "addicted to" list.

Win win for me

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2014, 12:35:00 AM »
Also, since you never answered the question....this isn't a habbit. Biting your finger nails, picking your nose, or playing with yourself is a habbit.

This is an ADDICTION. And it's got you by the balls.

Man the fuck up or get the fuck out.

Up to you, sport...
Quit 06/04/12
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline ZillahCowboy

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2014, 12:23:00 AM »
Hey Spencer,
Scroll down and revisit the amount of selfless support you got from all of us at the beginning of your quit. Then you pay us back by dropping off the face of the earth, no posts, no roll, no support for fellow members, no text messages, no paying it forward, not a fucking word. Fast forward a few weeks and you come waltzing back to roll as if nothing has happened. Just how stupid do you think we are?

And apparently you've missed all the posts on the main page asking for an explanation, so I'll re-cap it here for you. Don't try to piss down our backs and tell us it's raining. Man up with the real story, or just fuck off and get out.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2014, 08:25:00 PM »
Paging Spencer!

Missed you on roll the last two days. You ok?
Quit 12/31/2013

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2014, 11:39:00 AM »
I am glad you found us. Post roll everyday. Help someone on this site everyday. Focus on today. If you will do these things and reach out if you ever need help you shall exceed.

PM me if you need personal assistance.

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Re: SpencerF a 6'4" 330 pound ex 1.25 day dipper
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2014, 11:36:00 AM »
Welcome to your new home. IG2H asked you a very important question which is it is it a habit or an addiction. Read read read listen learn. We are not different here our story has been told a thousand times by different people only variables are place and time. Do it the KTC way and you will have a fighting chance do it your way and I assume since you are here you will end up the same way. We quit only once all others are stoppages similar words but miles apart in translation as defined by the culture of our site. PM me if you need anything or questions.
keep your head down and go post roll
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

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