Author Topic: John=quitter  (Read 3990 times)

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Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2013, 11:18:00 PM »
I'm going to start rewriting the message my addict brain sends to my body when i have a crave. I'm training myself to respond to the crave as though I just heard an intruder in my home. As I jump out of bed, and run into the kitchen, I'll find my craving on the floor with a rope and knife heading towards my kids rooms. I will throw ever ounce of my strength into attacking the face of this intruder. I will put my knees into his chest, stick my left hand in his mouth and begin smashing his temple with my closed right fist until the paramedics arrive.

This rewiring is helpful in representing what nicotine is actually doing. My addiction is seeking to kill and destroy my family, leaving my wife and children defenseless.

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. You will die a slow painful death.
"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
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Offline tgafish

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2013, 08:04:00 PM »
I smell the smoke of a burned boat. Quit on brother!!
"DADDY, PLEASE DON'T GO"---- Kenzi Kern
Quit: 5-26-11
HOF: 9-2-11
Today and I'll bet tomorrow too
"Quit is the realization that chewing doesn't help........ever. Anything you tell yourself opposite this is a lie"-SM

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2013, 07:17:00 PM »
You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” (Genesis 4:7 NLT)

My quit is a literally a battle between what is right and the fact that my flesh and my mind are twisted and weak. I will not be controlled by an addiction, a lie, a perversion called Copenhagen! I defy you Copenhagen, for you have no power over me. I will subdue you and master you. I will bloody your wicked evil face with a ferocious power, relentless courage that comes from GOD and the men of KTC who have looked you in the eye and crushed your skull. Cope, you have no hope. You have been defeated, you have been crushed. Your reign is rapidly coming to an end.

"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline waketech

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2013, 09:30:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Hmmmm. Thats pretty fucking impressive actually. Not that a quit brother talked you off the ledge as much as you reaching out. Shows you really do want to rid your life of this shit. Well done. Keep up the good work.

Just think though...had you not reached out and you did get that lip full of shit. What would have changed? Would your difficult day at work magically gotten better? Nope. Would that maddening scenario that was totally out of your control become un madddening and would you suddenly have been in total control over it? Nope.

Cope doesn't have that power, but sadly nicotine has fucked up your brain to the point where you THINK it does have that magic power. Your brain is pissed at you for not poisoning it anymore so its gonna try REAAAALLLYYY hard to get the poison train rolling again. That's all its doing, its cant make your life better or less stressful. Truth is by giving up nicotine you have zero to lose and everything to gain. You are not giving up anything "pleasurable", your saving your fucking life!!!

Chewings not some stress relieving hobby, its a fucking ADDICTION. What hobby do you know of that while your doing it you wish you weren't and when you aren't doing it, you wish you were? That's fucked up when you think about it. Nicotine is a FUCKING LIE, A SCAM, A WASTE, A FUCKING WALLET DRAINING ADDICTION THAT LINES THE POCKETS OF BIG TOBACCO AND TAKES YOU AS A SLAVE AND TRIES TO KILL YOU IN THE PROCESS. ITS COMPLETE 100% BULLSHIT!!!!!

Ok sorry, time to settle down. Got a little fired up there, might be the bud lights talking. Bottom line is I don't know you from a hole in the ground...but I'm rooting for you and I know for a fact you can kick this shit to the curb and live a life of freedom that will be better than you could possibly imagine. I'm living proof of it and I'm a fucking pussy. Quit on my brother. Use this site to get your freedom back. There's some heavy hitting bad ass mother fucking quitters on this site. Anytime you feel stuck, reach out and we will help you...I think you got proof of that today. Sorry so long but I'm FIRED UP for some reason. Quit on!!!!!
^^^^^^^This guy HATES tobacco^^^^^^^^
He spreads his tobacco hatred all over this beautiful site
He makes my quit stronger every time he speaks

Thanks Diesel

Offline MikeWC

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2013, 09:25:00 AM »
Way to stay strong and have the sense to reach out! Nice job.

Offline Tazbutane

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2013, 09:19:00 AM »
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Phil16
Day 6 was the first time I ran into a true crisis of quit.  Honestly I had not really experienced a real powerful crave, but today it was more than a thought, it was an overwhelming sense of I DON'T Care about my quit, my life, my ktc brothers, my integrity, my wife, my sons, I just ddin't care about anything except getting that Copenhagen fix.  Besides the physical urge, I had pretty good rational.  (see how it works...when I don't care about anything, I started justifying my idolatry)
A difficult day at work, combined with a maddening scenario, which was out of my control lead me to a point where I was literally looking for me keys, and planning my LIE to cover for why I had to leave the office at 130pm, which had become so natural, I hardly noticed the rationalizing process.  In the moment, I realized thanks to ktc that I was in the middle of a stress trigger.  The rewriting process was in my hands, so I just did what I guess I always knew I should have been doing, but lacked the courage, I reached out. 

1.  I prayed...I can't tell you what I said, I just acknowledged that I was going to need HIS help.
2.  I texted my accountability partner, telling him I was struggling.
3.  I called an ktc brother

This all happened in the space of 38 seconds, and before I realized it was sharing with my ktc brother about the crave, and my drama.  He said, "wow, that's tough.  Doesn't sound like a very good reason to kill yourself.".
Exactly what I needed to hear.  I realized through my brother that NO MATTER WHAT I am facing, nicotine is not an option.  There is no lie my addict brain can spin that will make dipping a real solution.  It's just a way to avoid the real issue, or numbing what I am needing to experience.

My quit is stronger today.  WE BEAT IT DOWN!  6days quit, thanks to the brotherhood.


That is exactly what makes this work! Next time you may be the brother receiving the call or text. Congrats on your success! Each battle we win leads to the victory in the war!
+1 for Phil16 ...good stuff. That's how it works.
Perfect example on how the site works when used. Good job!
March 2013 - Mad Men of Quit        
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Offline zam

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2013, 08:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Phil16
Day 6 was the first time I ran into a true crisis of quit.  Honestly I had not really experienced a real powerful crave, but today it was more than a thought, it was an overwhelming sense of I DON'T Care about my quit, my life, my ktc brothers, my integrity, my wife, my sons, I just ddin't care about anything except getting that Copenhagen fix.  Besides the physical urge, I had pretty good rational.  (see how it works...when I don't care about anything, I started justifying my idolatry)
A difficult day at work, combined with a maddening scenario, which was out of my control lead me to a point where I was literally looking for me keys, and planning my LIE to cover for why I had to leave the office at 130pm, which had become so natural, I hardly noticed the rationalizing process.  In the moment, I realized thanks to ktc that I was in the middle of a stress trigger.  The rewriting process was in my hands, so I just did what I guess I always knew I should have been doing, but lacked the courage, I reached out. 

1.  I prayed...I can't tell you what I said, I just acknowledged that I was going to need HIS help.
2.  I texted my accountability partner, telling him I was struggling.
3.  I called an ktc brother

This all happened in the space of 38 seconds, and before I realized it was sharing with my ktc brother about the crave, and my drama.  He said, "wow, that's tough.  Doesn't sound like a very good reason to kill yourself.".
Exactly what I needed to hear.  I realized through my brother that NO MATTER WHAT I am facing, nicotine is not an option.  There is no lie my addict brain can spin that will make dipping a real solution.  It's just a way to avoid the real issue, or numbing what I am needing to experience.

My quit is stronger today.  WE BEAT IT DOWN!  6days quit, thanks to the brotherhood.


That is exactly what makes this work! Next time you may be the brother receiving the call or text. Congrats on your success! Each battle we win leads to the victory in the war!
+1 for Phil16 ...good stuff. That's how it works.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline Wt57

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2013, 04:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Phil16
Day 6 was the first time I ran into a true crisis of quit.  Honestly I had not really experienced a real powerful crave, but today it was more than a thought, it was an overwhelming sense of I DON'T Care about my quit, my life, my ktc brothers, my integrity, my wife, my sons, I just ddin't care about anything except getting that Copenhagen fix.  Besides the physical urge, I had pretty good rational.  (see how it works...when I don't care about anything, I started justifying my idolatry)
A difficult day at work, combined with a maddening scenario, which was out of my control lead me to a point where I was literally looking for me keys, and planning my LIE to cover for why I had to leave the office at 130pm, which had become so natural, I hardly noticed the rationalizing process.  In the moment, I realized thanks to ktc that I was in the middle of a stress trigger.  The rewriting process was in my hands, so I just did what I guess I always knew I should have been doing, but lacked the courage, I reached out. 

1.  I prayed...I can't tell you what I said, I just acknowledged that I was going to need HIS help.
2.  I texted my accountability partner, telling him I was struggling.
3.  I called an ktc brother

This all happened in the space of 38 seconds, and before I realized it was sharing with my ktc brother about the crave, and my drama.  He said, "wow, that's tough.  Doesn't sound like a very good reason to kill yourself.".
Exactly what I needed to hear.  I realized through my brother that NO MATTER WHAT I am facing, nicotine is not an option.  There is no lie my addict brain can spin that will make dipping a real solution.  It's just a way to avoid the real issue, or numbing what I am needing to experience.

My quit is stronger today.  WE BEAT IT DOWN!  6days quit, thanks to the brotherhood.


That is exactly what makes this work! Next time you may be the brother receiving the call or text. Congrats on your success! Each battle we win leads to the victory in the war!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2013, 02:34:00 AM »
Hmmmm. Thats pretty fucking impressive actually. Not that a quit brother talked you off the ledge as much as you reaching out. Shows you really do want to rid your life of this shit. Well done. Keep up the good work.

Just think though...had you not reached out and you did get that lip full of shit. What would have changed? Would your difficult day at work magically gotten better? Nope. Would that maddening scenario that was totally out of your control become un madddening and would you suddenly have been in total control over it? Nope.

Cope doesn't have that power, but sadly nicotine has fucked up your brain to the point where you THINK it does have that magic power. Your brain is pissed at you for not poisoning it anymore so its gonna try REAAAALLLYYY hard to get the poison train rolling again. That's all its doing, its cant make your life better or less stressful. Truth is by giving up nicotine you have zero to lose and everything to gain. You are not giving up anything "pleasurable", your saving your fucking life!!!

Chewings not some stress relieving hobby, its a fucking ADDICTION. What hobby do you know of that while your doing it you wish you weren't and when you aren't doing it, you wish you were? That's fucked up when you think about it. Nicotine is a FUCKING LIE, A SCAM, A WASTE, A FUCKING WALLET DRAINING ADDICTION THAT LINES THE POCKETS OF BIG TOBACCO AND TAKES YOU AS A SLAVE AND TRIES TO KILL YOU IN THE PROCESS. ITS COMPLETE 100% BULLSHIT!!!!!

Ok sorry, time to settle down. Got a little fired up there, might be the bud lights talking. Bottom line is I don't know you from a hole in the ground...but I'm rooting for you and I know for a fact you can kick this shit to the curb and live a life of freedom that will be better than you could possibly imagine. I'm living proof of it and I'm a fucking pussy. Quit on my brother. Use this site to get your freedom back. There's some heavy hitting bad ass mother fucking quitters on this site. Anytime you feel stuck, reach out and we will help you...I think you got proof of that today. Sorry so long but I'm FIRED UP for some reason. Quit on!!!!!
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
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19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline jbradley

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2013, 01:14:00 AM »
It does get easier as the days go by. There will still be bad days and you will have good days, but overall it will get better. My worst crave hit in the 70's, just about when I thought I was home free. Just remember you are an addict, no more, not even 1, not for any reason. Happy that you made it through a huge trigger like that and it will make you stronger. QLF with you today.

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2013, 01:07:00 AM »
Day 6 was the first time I ran into a true crisis of quit. Honestly I had not really experienced a real powerful crave, but today it was more than a thought, it was an overwhelming sense of I DON'T Care about my quit, my life, my ktc brothers, my integrity, my wife, my sons, I just ddin't care about anything except getting that Copenhagen fix. Besides the physical urge, I had pretty good rational. (see how it works...when I don't care about anything, I started justifying my idolatry)
A difficult day at work, combined with a maddening scenario, which was out of my control lead me to a point where I was literally looking for me keys, and planning my LIE to cover for why I had to leave the office at 130pm, which had become so natural, I hardly noticed the rationalizing process. In the moment, I realized thanks to ktc that I was in the middle of a stress trigger. The rewriting process was in my hands, so I just did what I guess I always knew I should have been doing, but lacked the courage, I reached out.

1. I prayed...I can't tell you what I said, I just acknowledged that I was going to need HIS help.
2. I texted my accountability partner, telling him I was struggling.
3. I called an ktc brother

This all happened in the space of 38 seconds, and before I realized it was sharing with my ktc brother about the crave, and my drama. He said, "wow, that's tough. Doesn't sound like a very good reason to kill yourself.".
Exactly what I needed to hear. I realized through my brother that NO MATTER WHAT I am facing, nicotine is not an option. There is no lie my addict brain can spin that will make dipping a real solution. It's just a way to avoid the real issue, or numbing what I am needing to experience.

My quit is stronger today. WE BEAT IT DOWN! 6days quit, thanks to the brotherhood.

"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline Phil16

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2013, 12:51:00 AM »
Day 6 was the first time I ran into a true crisis of quit. Honestly I had not really experienced a real powerful crave, but today it was more than a thought, it was an overwhelming sense of I DON'T Care about my quit, my life, my ktc brothers, my integrity, my wife, my sons, I just ddin't care about anything except getting that Copenhagen fix. Besides the physical urge, I had pretty good rational. (see how it works...when I don't care about anything, I started justifying my idolatry)
A difficult day at work, combined with a maddening scenario, which was out of my control lead me to a point where I was literally looking for me keys, and planning my LIE to cover for why I had to leave the office at 130pm, which had become so natural, I hardly noticed the rationalizing process. In the moment, I realized thanks to ktc that I was in the middle of a stress trigger. The rewriting process was in my hands, so I just did what I guess I always knew I should have been doing, but lacked the courage, I reached out.

1. I prayed...I can't tell you what I said, I just acknowledged that I was going to need HIS help.
2. I texted my accountability partner, telling him I was struggling.
3. I called an ktc brother

This all happened in the space of 38 seconds, and before I realized it was sharing with my ktc brother about the crave, and my drama. He said, "wow, that's tough. Doesn't sound like a very good reason to kill yourself.".
Exactly what I needed to hear. I realized through my brother that NO MATTER WHAT I am facing, nicotine is not an option. There is no lie my addict brain can spin that will make dipping a real solution. It's just a way to avoid the real issue, or numbing what I am needing to experience.

My quit is stronger today. WE BEAT IT DOWN! 6days quit, thanks to the brotherhood.

"That's really tough man, but it doesn't sound like a very compelling reason to stick cancer in your face." j2b

Copenhagen, you have chosen the wrong home. Your death will be slow and painful.

Quit: 12/26/2012
HOF: 4/4/2013

Offline JW1977

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2012, 08:24:00 PM »
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: JW1977
Quote from: Phil16
Good talking to you earlier - stay quit!

She made three weak attempts at me.  Stay quit we did, JW1977!
Damn straight bro - called and texted your way - checking in on you!
That right there is the damn nuts.
Apparently, today was a rough one - but when the troops fuckin rally, shit gets done. Glad to hear you stayed hard John. I won't let you down - I'm gonna stay quit!
"My Balls got Bigger than my Plans for a Magical Quit."

Quit Date: 12.27.12

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2012, 07:10:00 PM »
Quote from: JW1977
Quote from: Phil16
Good talking to you earlier - stay quit!

She made three weak attempts at me.  Stay quit we did, JW1977!
Damn straight bro - called and texted your way - checking in on you!
That right there is the damn nuts.

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Re: John=quitter
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2012, 03:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Phil16
Good talking to you earlier - stay quit!

She made three weak attempts at me. Stay quit we did, JW1977!
Damn straight bro - called and texted your way - checking in on you!
"My Balls got Bigger than my Plans for a Magical Quit."

Quit Date: 12.27.12