Author Topic: intro  (Read 1798 times)

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Offline wmcatty

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Re: intro
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2014, 04:03:00 PM »
Welcome to KTC Francis. After having posted roll for a few days, I assume you have started reading the materials in the Welcome Center. Familiarize yourself with as many aspects of this site and get involved in your quit builds accountability. Now, look up at Inbox(1) and you will find a message from me. It contains my telephone number. Call me 24/7 when the urge to use nicotine gets strong and tempation starts to convince you that you can hande just one more dip...or call me if you have any questions or concerns. Congrats on the best decision of your life. Wayne
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline francis

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« on: January 08, 2014, 03:40:00 PM »
I'm on day 8 of my quit. I posted roll for the first time on day 3. I am a nicotine addict. I've been chewing non stop for 18 years.I thought it got me through a lot. But in all reality it didn't get me through shit. That was the nicotine talking. I'm a fighting son of a bitch but I'm glad I signed on with ktc. I've been through this before without this program  lost the fight...but I got back up and will not lose my life to this addiction. I'm ready to get my freedom back. For me  my family!/(jan. 10th-day 10)...Its day 10 of my quit  I'm fucking pist!!! It seems like everything triggers a crave. My basement is soaked from a water line daughters mom is making threats about our custody situation.( I'm a great dad... am proud of my little girl). I just feel like beating the living shit out of somebody! I've got a lot of fight in me with nothing to take it out on!!!! Jan.15th 15. Well it's been 5 days since I did a brief update. I'm irritable  can not deal with conflict without feeling like I'm going to fucking lose it. I'm just trying to take this one day at a time. I miss my daughter  feel guilty for how ive been acting towards my fiance when I have a crave episode. I'm exhausted tired. Haven't had good sleep since I quit. I am ready for some emotional relief  I'm sick  fucking tired of my mood swings that come out of nowhere.I don't wish this on anybody...anyways..just wanted to vent.- Francis out(Jan.22nd"14"-day 22- I had a rough weekend..a lot of anger that turned to rage. I said horrible things to my fiance. I shattered my phone against the wall. I went to the doctor on Monday. I told him what was going on with tears in my eyes. He gave me some good advice along with a couple prescriptions. I decided im going to try to get through this without the medicine. I don't want to rely on medication to function  be happy in life. I will fight.( 34)- I haven't updated here lately. I guess i feel like I'm in survival mode. One day at a time. I have been to yoga classes twice  am going tonight. I started an inspirational journal this morning. I write down my goals  stresses in life  figure out a positive doable way to handle them. I think my brain is doing some major rewiring. The last time I came to my intro to update was on day 22. One of the medications I was prescribed back than was clonazepam. My mood swings  rage got so bad that I decided to take it only as needed. ( my doctor  fiance talked me into it.) I have only taken it twice since I got prescribed it  it gave me the help I needed. I have been able to exercise, run, yoga, church, journal, have the love  motivation that only a 7 year old little girl can give you (my daughter)  the love of my beautiful Andrea to keep me from taking them daily. I don't want to get addicted to them..or have to rely on them every day...but have only taken them to help me at this stage of my quit. I have been mildly depressed here lately. Some days worse than others. My research tells me this is normal. Its where im supposed to be at  don't fight patient.; it's a process. Well..I suppose I'll sign off for now. I look forward for some more relief in the future. -francis out(June 3rd-day 154)- I am free. I was brain washed into thinking I needed chew/ nicotine. I now understand how it worked...I am not deprived of it. There is nothing to miss. I am me again;)